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物流英语物流英语Learning objectivesLearning objectives3.3.Questions forQuestions for Discussion Discussion 1.1.MainMain ContentContent2.2.Phrases andPhrases and Terms Terms4.Case Study4.Case StudyChapter 3 Procurement and Supplier Management Learning ObjectivesLearn the role of procurement and supplier management.Gain an understanding of purchasing management process.Get an overview of supplier selection and evaluation.Understand the types of relationships and mechanism of managing suppliers.3.1The Definition and Role of Procurement The cost of material as a percentage of sales has been estimated at approximately 53 percent for all types of manufacturing in the United States.For wholesalers and retailers,the cost of goods sold is even higher than of manufacturers.This indicates the magnitude of the benefits that are possible through better management of procurement and related supplier network.Undoubtedly,supplier management is of great significance to enhancing the competitiveness of both manufactures and resellers.ri:sel,ri:sel resell 3.1.1 Definition of Procurement Traditionally,the main activities of purchasing were to beat up potential suppliers on price and then buy products from the lowest cost supplier that could be found.That is still an important activity,but there are other activities that are becoming equally important.Because of this the purchasing activity is now seen as part of a broader function called procurement.The term purchasing and procurement are often used interchangeably,although they do differ in scope.Purchasing generally refers to the actual buying3.1The Definition and Role of Procurement of materials and those activities associated with the buying process.As we move into the future,purchasing will evolve into the procurement process of supply chain management described in chapter 2.In procurement the activities are recognized as process-oriented and strategic.Structurally,commodity team,product supply groups,and cross-functional teams are more prevalent than in the past.The process itself is less transaction-oriented,depends on the implementation of good information systems,and focuses on closer supplier relation with fewer supplies,while considering sources from around the world.Purchasing activities are the routine activities related to issuing purchase orders for needed products.There are two types of products that a company buys:(1)direct or strategic materials that are needed to produce the products that the company sells to its customers;(2)and indirect of MRO(maintenance,repair,and operations)products that a company consumes as part of daily operations.The mechanics of purchasing both types of products are largely the same.Purchasing decisions are made,purchase orders are issued,vendors are contacted,and orders are placed.There is a lot of data communicated in this process between the buyer and the supplier-items and quantities ordered,prices,delivery dates,delivery addresses,billing addresses,and payment terms.One of the greatest challenges of the purchasing activity is to see to it that this data communication happens in a timely manner and without error.Much of this activity is very predictable and follows well defined routines.The goals of purchasing are to:(1)Provide an uninterrupted flow of materials,supplier,and services required to operate the organization;(2)Keep inventory investment and loss at a minimum;(3)Maintain and improve quality;(4)Find or develop competent suppliers;(5)Standardize,where possible,the items bought;(6)Purchase required items and services at the lowest total cost;(7)Improve the organizations competitive position.(8)Achieve harmonious,productive working relationships with other functional areas within the organization.Among the primary purchasing activities that influence the ability of the firm to achieve its objectives are supplier selection,evaluation,and ongoing management(sourcing);total quality management;purchasing management;and forward buying.3.1.2 The Strategic Role of Purchasing The strategic role of purchasing is to perform sourcing-related activities in a way that supports the overall objectives of the organization.Purchasing can make many contributions to the strategic success of the organization through its key role as one of the organizations boundary-spanning functions.Through external contacts with the supply market,purchasing can gain important information about new technologies,potential new materials or services,new sources of supply,and changes in market conditions.By communicating competitive intelligence,purchasing can help reshape an organizations strategy to take advantage of market opportunities.Purchasing can help support the organizations strategic success by identifying and developing new and existing suppliers.Getting suppliers involved early in the development of new products and services or modifications to existing offerings can reduce development times.The idea of time compression-getting market quickly with new ideas-can be very important to the success of those ideas and perhaps to the organizations position as a market leader or innovator.The role of purchasing ranges from a support role to a strategic function.To the extent that purchasing provides value to other functional areas,it will be included in important decisions and become involved early in decisions that affect purchasing.Being well informed allows the purchasing function to better anticipate and support the needs of other functional areas.This support in turn leads to greater recognition and participation.Purchasing and logistics need to work closely in coordinating inbound logistics and associated material flows.The following sections apply to purchasing of goods and services;they apply equally to purchasing of logistics services and managing relationships with logistics service providers.3.2 Purchasing Management 3.2.1 Purchasing Research and Planning In the business environment,uncertainty makes the purchasing decision more complex and the effects of theses decisions more long lasting.Important environmental considerations include uncertainty of supply and dependence on foreign sources for key commodities,price increase on key commodities,extended and variable lead times,energy shortages or price increases,an worldwide competition.The changing environment makes it necessary for purchasing management to do a more effective job of researching the supply market and planning.Purchasing needs to provide information about supply conditions,such as availability,lead times,and technology,to different groups within the firm,including top management,engineering and design,and manufacturing.This information is important when formulating long-term strategy and making short-term decisions.Key materials for which availability,pricing,and quality problems may occur should be identified so that management can develop an action plan before problems become critical and costly.Strategic planning for purchasing involves materials screening,risk assessment,strategy development,and implementation.It is important to determine whether materials bottlenecks will jeopardize current and future production;new products should be introduced;materials quality may be expected to change;prices are likely to increase or decrease,forward buying is appropriate.Management should develop specific plans to ensure that the material supply chain will operate uninterrupted.Typical criteria to use in identifying critical purchases are percentage of product cost,percentage of total purchase expenditure,and use on high-margin end items.Criteria used for determine the risk in the supply market include number of suppliers,availability of raw materials to suppliers,supplier cost and profitability needs,supply capacity,and technological trends.The more critical the purchase and the riskier the supply market,the greater attention the purchase requires.Risk assessment requires that the purchaser determine the probability of the best or worst conditions occurring.Supply strategies should be developed for the predicted events.Asking these questions for any given strategy or situation can help purchasing managers ensure that they have considered the important issues.Implementation of a particular strategy requires the involvement of the top management and integration with the firms overall business plan.3.2.2 Measurement and Evaluation of Purchasing Performance Management must identify the information that is required to perform purchasing activities and to measure and evaluate purchasing performance.The following data should be included in the management information system in order to measure and evaluate purchasing performance:purchase item number and description;quantity required;date on which purchase requisition is received or authorized;purchase requisition or authorization number;suppliers quoted;date on which quotes are required from suppliers;supplier is placed;purchase price per unit;quantity or percentage of annual requirements purchased;planned purchase price per unit;suppliers promised ship date;supplier lead time days or weeks for purchase item;date on which purchase item is received;quantity received;purchase item accepted or rejected unit/lot;storage location;buyer;work unit;requested price change;effective date of requested price change;date on which price change is approved;ship-to location.The information needs of each of these groups are quite different.Top management,for example,may want to know how the firms purchasing department compares with that of other example,may want to know how the firms purchasing department compares with that of other firms,and how effective it is.Corporate adj.法人的;共同的,全体的;社团的 functional managers,such as corporate vice presidents of purchasing,may want complete functional reviews;policy and procedure auditsdt审 计;and a review of key quantitative indicators,such as inventory,minority purchases,and administrative budget measures.The purchasing department manager of the operating unit may want to have a series of regularly reported indicators in order to monitor performance and take corrective action when necessary.Purchasing organizations use a number of key performance measures for purchasing control,including price effectiveness;cost savings;workloads,administration and control;efficiency;vendor quality and delivery;material flow control;regulatory,societal and environmental measures;procurement planning and research;competition;inventory;and transportation.3.3 Supplier Selection and Evaluation 3.3.1 Importance of Supplier Selection and Evaluation The buying process is complex because of the variety of actors that must be considered when making such a decision.The process includes both decision makers and decision influences,which combine to form the decision-making unit(DMU).The process includes the following 12 steps:identify needs,establish specification,search for alternatives,establish contact,set purchase and usage criteria,evaluate alternatives,negotiate with suppliers,buy,use,and conduct post purchase evaluation.In the 1980s and 1990s,the increased concern for productivity improvement caused management attention to focus on the purchasing function and on the development of supplier ties with a reduced number of suppliers.In order to determine the impact supplier performance on productivity,performance must be measured and evaluated.Next,the date can be used to identify those suppliers with whom the firm wishes to develop long-term relationships,to identify problems so that corrective action can be taken,and to realize productivity improvements.A variety of evaluation procedures are possible;there is no best method or approach.The important thing is to make certain that some evaluation procedure is used.The manager must identify all potential suppliers for the items being purchased.The nest step is to develop a list3.3.2Procedures of Supplier Evaluation of attributes by which to evaluate each supplier.Once the attribute have been determined,the performance of individual suppliers should be evaluated on each attribute(e.g.,product reliability,price,ordering convenience).A five-point scale(1=worst rating;5=highest rating)is used in the illustration,but other scale may be used.After evaluating suppliers on each attribute,management must determine the importance of each of the attributes to the firm.If,for example,product reliability was of paramount importance to the firm,that attribute w o u l d b e g i v e n t h e highest important rating.If the price was not as important as product reliability,management would assign price a lower importance rating.Any attribute that was not important to the firm would be assigned a zero.The next step is to develop a weighted composite measure for each attribute.This is done by multiplying the suppliers rating for an attributes importance.The addition of the composite scores for each supplier provides an overall rating that can be compared to other suppliers.The higher the composite score,the more closely the supplier meets the needs and specifications of the procuring company.One of the major benefits of this approach is that it forces management to formalize the important elements of the purchasing decision and to question existing methods,assumptions,and procedures.The rewards associated with the proper selection and evaluation of suppliers can be significant.Purchasing activities can have positive effects on the firms profits.Not only a reduction in the cost of materials will increase the profits margin on every unit that is manufactured and sold,buy the lower cost associated with the materials purchased will also reduce the investment in inventories.Better logistics service by suppliers will also result in lower inventory in units required and thus dollars invested.In addition,customer service improvements are possible because the manufacturing process can operate smoothly,without slowdowns and shutdowns.The service improvement can result in higher unit sales and in some cases higher prices.And since effective purchasing management results in the acquisition of high-quality materials,there is also less likelihood of customer return of finished goods due to product failure.3.4 Supplier Relationship Management 3.4.1Definition:Supplier relationship management is the supply chain management process that provides the structure for how relationships with suppliers are developed and maintained.As the name suggests,it is similar to customer relationship management.Just as close relationships need to be developed with key customers,management should forge close cross-functional relationships with a small number of key suppliers,and maintain more traditional buyer and salesperson relationships with the others.Management identifies those suppliers and supplier groups to be targeted as part of the firms business mission.Supplier relationship management teams work with key suppliers to tailor product and service agreements(PSA)to meet the organizations needs,as well as those of the selected suppliers.3.4.2 Types of Relationships Relationships between organizations can range from arms-length relationships to vertical integration of the two organizations.Three types of partnerships exist:Type:The organizations involved recognize each other as partners and,on a limited basis,coordinate activities and planning.The partnership usually has a short-term focus and involves only one division or functional area within each organization.Type:The organizations involved progress beyond coordinate activities to integration of activities.Although not expected to last forever,the partnership has a long-term horizon.Multiple division and functions within the firm are involved in the partnership.Type III:the organizations share a significant level of integration.Each party views the other as an extension of its own firm.Typically,no end date for the partnership exists.Normally,a firm sill have a wide range of relationships spanning the entire spectrum,the majority of which will not be partnerships but arms-length associations.Of the relationships,the largest percentage will be Type one,and only a limited number will be Type three partnerships.Type three partnerships should be reserved for those suppliers or customers who are critical to an organizations long-term success.The previously described relationship between Coke and McDonalds has been evaluated as a Type Three partnership.3.4.3 The partnership Model The partnership model shown in Figure 3.2 is comprised of four steps:examination of the drivers of partnership,examination of the facilitators of partnership,calibration of the components of partnership,and the measurement of outcomes.It has three major elements that lead to outcomes:drivers,facilitators,and components.Drivers are the compelling reasons to partner,and must be examined first when approaching a potential partner.Facilitators are characteristics of the two firms that will help or hinder the partnership development process.It is the combination of facilitators and drivers that prescribes the appropriate type of partnership.Components are the managerially controllable elements that can be implemented at various levels depending on the amount of partnership present.How they are actually implemented will determine the ultimate type of partnership that exists.Outcomes are the extent to which each firm has achieved its expected performance.(1)drivers.Both parties must believe that they will receive significant benefits in one or more areas and these benefits would not be possiblewithout a partnership.The primary potential benefits that drive the desire to partnerinclude:asset/cost and profit stability/growth.While the presence of strong drivers must besustainable over the long term.(2)Facilitators.Facilitators are elements of a corporate serve as a foundation for a good relationship.In the short run,facilitators can not be developed;partnership succeeds or fails.Facilitators include:corporate compatibility,similar managerial philosophy andtechniques,mutuality and symmetry.Facilitators apply to the combined environment of the two potential partners.Therefore,unlike drivers,which are assessed by managers in each firm independently,facilitators should be assed jointly.The discussion of corporate values,philosophies,and objectives often leads to an improved relationship even if no further steps toward building a partnership are taken.The more positive the facilitators are,the better chance partnership will be successful.Phrases and Termsimplementation of good information system 良好的信良好的信息系息系统的安装使用统的安装使用process-oriented and business-oriented过程导向与交易导向过程导向与交易导向materials screening 物料筛选物料筛选risk assessment 风险评估风险评估purchase requisition 采购申请书、请购单采购申请书、请购单the decision-making unit(DMU)决策单元决策单元profits margin 边际利润、利润率边际利润、利润率 vertical integration 纵向联合纵向联合Questions for Discussion and Review(1)How does procurement affect logistics efficiency?(2)What are the core ideas implied in supplier management?(3)Briefly describe types of supplier partnership.(4)Analyze the reasons why procurements role is strategic in an organization.(5)What are the basic steps compromising the partnership model?2.What is Toyotas philosophy on working with suppliers?1 What are the drawbacks of developing deep supplier relationships of a company with its suppliers?3.What advice would you offer to company senior procurement executives looking to build long-term supplier relationships?Discuss:


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