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孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件病病因因病因孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件 Vascular MalformationsSimilarly,cavernomas are rarely described as a cause of SAH.However,superficial and leptomeningeal cavernomas may be the source of cSAH.Vascular Malformations RCVS RCVS RCVS RCVS孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件 Vasculitides Vasculiti Vasculitides VasculitiInfectious OriginCortical SAH may be seen after rupture of infectious aneurysms(caused by infective endocarditis,meningitis,or rarely crypto-genically)(Fig 5).Headache is diffuse and vague,rather than thetypical excruciating 极痛苦极痛苦headache of noninfectious aneurysmal SAH.Usually,there are also general symptoms(eg,anorexia,weight loss,malaise,or fever)Infectious OriginCortical SAH nIn infective endocarditis,MR imagingnmight show associated lesions(ischemic,microbleeds,brain abscesses).DSA might be used for the diagnosis of distal arterial lesions and for therapeutic purposes.Infectious OriginIn infective endocarditis,MR Infectious OriginInfectious OriginInfectious OriginInfectious OriginMoyamoyaAccordingtoarecentclassification,patientswithwellrecognizedassociatedconditions(eg,sicklecelldisease,neurofibromatosistype1,cranialtherapeuticirradiation,andDownsyndrome)areconsideredashavingaMoyamoyasyndrome,whilepatientswithnoknownassociatedriskfactorsaresaidtohaveMoyamoyadiseaseMoyamoyaMoyamoyaMoyamoyaHigh-Grade StenosisHigh-Grade StenosisFig 6.Pial vasodilation.A,Axial GRE T2 image shows a left frontal sulcal SAH(black arrowhead),possibly located in the“watershed”territory between the anterior and the middle cerebralarteries.B,Axial maximum-intensity-projection reconstruction of CTA shows an asymmetry of the distal arteries,in favor of left pial vasodilation.C,Frontal projection of 3D angiographyof the left carotid artery reveals a severe stenosis at the origin of the M2 branch(white arrowhead).Fig 6.Pial vasodilation.A,AFig.1 A CT demonstrates a left inferior temporal SAH.B This is confirmed on MRI.C Several areas of restricted diffusion are seen in the left MCA region.D Angiography demonstrates tight bilateral internal carotid stenosesFig.1 A CT demonstrates a le孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件posterior reversible encephalopathy syndromeposterior reversible encephalo孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件cerebral amyloid angiopathycerebral amyloid angiopathy孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件cerebral amyloid angiopathycerebral amyloid angiopathyA,Axial brain CT scan shows a subtle left rolandic hyperattenuation favoring minimal SAH(white arrowhead).B and C,Axial GRE T2 images show left temporal lobarhemorrhage,multiple microbleeds,and cortical hemosiderosis.D,Axial FLAIR image obtained after 7 months shows a new asymptomatic SAH in a left parietal sulcus(white arrowhead),which was previously normal(see B)A,Axial brain CT scan shows a孤立性大脑凸面蛛网膜下腔出血的病因课件谢谢!


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