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11SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorWelcome to Successful Transition to Supervisor 欢迎参加欢迎参加成功成长为一名主管成功成长为一名主管之培训之培训成功成长为一名主管的培训课程22SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorWarm It Up!热身活动热身活动1.Select one of the listed“arguments”选择一个罗列的选择一个罗列的“观点观点”2.Select someone you dont already know well 选择一位你不太熟悉的学员选择一位你不太熟悉的学员3.Introduce yourself 介绍你自己介绍你自己4.For one minute,“convince”the person of your“argument”在一分钟内,让对方信服你的在一分钟内,让对方信服你的“观点观点”5.Reverse roles 互换角色互换角色PLG 1 成功成长为一名主管的培训课程33SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorWhat is your most important responsibility as a supervisor?做为一名主管,你最重要的职责是什么?做为一名主管,你最重要的职责是什么?To produce results:The only way to do this is through the efforts of the people around you 要产生结果:通过你周围人的共同努力是唯一途径要产生结果:通过你周围人的共同努力是唯一途径Interesting fact:89%of supervisors and managers surveyed indicated that their least favorite management activity was“dealing with the performance of people”有趣的事实:调查表明,有趣的事实:调查表明,89%的主管和经理最不喜的主管和经理最不喜欢的管理活动是欢的管理活动是“处理人的工作表现处理人的工作表现”PLG 2 Introduction 介绍介绍成功成长为一名主管的培训课程44SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorDefinition:Management is the process of accomplishing organizational objectives through Associates,teams and other supervisors/managers定义:管理是在员工、团队和主管定义:管理是在员工、团队和主管/经理经理的共同努力下达成组织目标的过程的共同努力下达成组织目标的过程Management is technique and process driven and can be learned by anyone able to follow a process管理是一项技能和推动的程序,任何能遵管理是一项技能和推动的程序,任何能遵循一定程序的人都能来学习这项技能循一定程序的人都能来学习这项技能PLG 2 Introduction 介绍介绍成功成长为一名主管的培训课程55SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorMinimal 最小限度最小限度 Standard 标准标准 Exemplary 模范典型模范典型Degree of Competence 能力的程度#of Associates员工PLG 3 Main Objective of Management管理的主要目标管理的主要目标成功成长为一名主管的培训课程66SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorMinimal 最小限度最小限度 Standard 标准标准 Exemplary 模范典型模范典型Degree of Competence 能力的程度#of Associates员工PLG 3 Main Objective of Management管理的主要目标管理的主要目标成功成长为一名主管的培训课程77SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Individually,read the following list of benefits and outcomes that can result from a successful transition每个人阅读成功成为主管后会取得的收益及结果每个人阅读成功成为主管后会取得的收益及结果2.Select the three most important to you选择你认为最重要三项收益选择你认为最重要三项收益3.As a table group,decide on three that you all agree on分组讨论你们一致认为的三项收益分组讨论你们一致认为的三项收益4.Please be prepared to share these with the larger group 准备与各组分享讨论结果准备与各组分享讨论结果PLG 6 Which Benefits Do I Want?我想获得哪些收益?我想获得哪些收益?成功成长为一名主管的培训课程88SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Individually,read the list of situations 浏览所列工作场景浏览所列工作场景2.Select the top two situations you currently face 选择二个目前你工作中正面临的问题选择二个目前你工作中正面临的问题3.Please be prepared to share these with the larger group准备与其它小组分享你的选择准备与其它小组分享你的选择PLG 6 When Can I Apply These Skills?我什么时候能够使用这些技能?我什么时候能够使用这些技能?成功成长为一名主管的培训课程99SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Individually,read the list of course objectives 浏览课程目标浏览课程目标2.Select the top three that are most important to you 选择你认为最重要的三个目标选择你认为最重要的三个目标3.As a table group,decide on three that you all agree on 与小组成员讨论小组认为最重要的三个目标与小组成员讨论小组认为最重要的三个目标4.Please be prepared to share these with the larger group 准备与其它小组分享讨论结果准备与其它小组分享讨论结果 PLG 7 What Will I Learn?我将学习什么内容?我将学习什么内容?成功成长为一名主管的培训课程1010SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor(Can be Taylor made)uSession Time 课程时间课程时间:8:30-5:30uBreaks and Rest Rooms 课间休息课间休息uCell Phones and Pagers 手机和拷机手机和拷机uRoom Temperature 房间室温房间室温uClass Agreements 课堂共识课堂共识Ground Rules and Housekeeping上课规则上课规则成功成长为一名主管的培训课程1111SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Please read the directions and complete the exercise 请阅读指南并完成练习请阅读指南并完成练习2.Be prepared to share these with the larger group 准备与其它小组分享准备与其它小组分享PLG 8 What Is Your View?你看到了什么?你看到了什么?成功成长为一名主管的培训课程1212SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor(Taylor made)1.Obtain a Supervisor JD for your function 拿一份相关职务的岗位职责拿一份相关职务的岗位职责2.Review the JD and highlight what you think are the key roles of a supervisor,especially those that are different from an Associate回顾岗位职责,找出你认为主管的主要职回顾岗位职责,找出你认为主管的主要职责,特别是你认为与员工明显不同的职责责,特别是你认为与员工明显不同的职责3.Please be prepared to share these with the larger group准备与其它小组分享你的想法准备与其它小组分享你的想法Main Roles of a Supervisor主管的主要职责主管的主要职责成功成长为一名主管的培训课程1313SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorBelow is just a sample of some of the necessary competencies of a Great Supervisor.Which ones are most important for you?Personal EffectivenessAct with IntegrityCommunicate EffectivelyExhibit Self-ConfidenceMake Sound DecisionsTeam FocusBuild RelationshipsFacilitate Open CommunicationFoster TeamworkPromote Team DiversityCompetitive AdvantageCreate Strategic AlignmentDemonstrate Financial AcumenDrive Business ResultsFoster Customer FocusBuildCreateLeadHigh Performance CultureDemonstrate Functional ExcellenceExecute EffectivelyMotivate&Inspire OthersTake OwnershipPeople DevelopmentAttract,Develop&Retain TalentInspire TrustLead by ExampleChampion Organizational LearningChange and InnovationBuild Support for ChangeDrive Continuous ImprovementLeverage TechnologyShare Best PracticesPLG 10 Starwoods Leadership Success Profile成功成长为一名主管的培训课程1414SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorDevelopment based on Career Turns基于事业基于事业“拐点拐点”的个人发展的个人发展Associate(Independent Contributor)员工(独立工作者)员工(独立工作者)Supervisor(Manage Small Team)主管(管理小团队)主管(管理小团队)Turn 1拐点拐点1Manager(Manage Supervisors)经理(管理主管)经理(管理主管)Turn 2拐点拐点2EXCOM(Manage Functions)行政管理委员会(管理各大部门)行政管理委员会(管理各大部门)Turn 3拐点拐点3GM(Manage Property)总经理总经理(管理酒店)(管理酒店)Turn 4拐点拐点4PLG i 成功成长为一名主管的培训课程1515SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisoruThis self-assessment will help you determine how much this workshop can help you enhance your effectiveness as a supervisor这个自我评估将帮助你了解本课程对你这个自我评估将帮助你了解本课程对你的主管技能之提高能够发挥多少效力的主管技能之提高能够发挥多少效力uThere are no right or wrong answers这里没有正确或错误答案这里没有正确或错误答案uPlease be honest.Only you will see the results请诚实回答,只有你能看到答案请诚实回答,只有你能看到答案PLG 11-12 Self-Assessment自我评估自我评估成功成长为一名主管的培训课程1616SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Travel around the room and collect 4 pieces of great management advice from 4 different people在教室内从其它四位不同的学员那里每在教室内从其它四位不同的学员那里每位得到四个关于卓越管理的建议位得到四个关于卓越管理的建议2.At the end you should have 16 tips from others活动结束后你应收集到共活动结束后你应收集到共16个建议个建议PLG 13 Supervisor Scavenger Hunt主管技能主管技能建议搜寻建议搜寻成功成长为一名主管的培训课程1717SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Individually,read the situation.独自阅读案例独自阅读案例2.As a table group,answer each question.与小组成员一起回答每个问题与小组成员一起回答每个问题3.Please be prepared to share your responses with the larger group.准备与各小组一起分享你的答案准备与各小组一起分享你的答案PLG 14 Case Study:Jane Moves Up!案例分析:简的事业发展案例分析:简的事业发展成功成长为一名主管的培训课程1818SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Pair up with another participant与一位学员组成小组与一位学员组成小组2.Arrange your chairs so that you are sitting directly behind each other,back-to-back 调整你的座位与你的组员背靠背的坐调整你的座位与你的组员背靠背的坐3.Review the card given to you by the facilitator 仔细观察训导师给你的卡片仔细观察训导师给你的卡片4.Do not show or describe the image to your partner 不要给他人看卡片或向你的同伴描绘你看到的不要给他人看卡片或向你的同伴描绘你看到的5.Wait for further instruction 等待训导师的下一步指示等待训导师的下一步指示Clay Charades 猜谜猜谜成功成长为一名主管的培训课程1919SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorSender 说话人说话人Receiver 听话人听话人Visual 视觉The sender has a purpose,an understanding of timeliness,and an understanding of timing说话人的目的是取得听话人适说话人的目的是取得听话人适时的理解时的理解The response and effect on the receiver is exactly as intended by the sender.It is predictable.听话人的反应和回应正是说话人听话人的反应和回应正是说话人想要达到的目的,这种反应是可想要达到的目的,这种反应是可以预见的以预见的Vocal 声音Verbal 措辞The sender selects the right media based on the simplicity and content of the message.说话人基于简单的原则和信说话人基于简单的原则和信息的内容选择适当的媒介息的内容选择适当的媒介A Perfect Communication Situation 一个完善的交流场景55%7%38%PLG 15-16 LM 2-The 3Vs of Communication三三V沟通方式沟通方式成功成长为一名主管的培训课程2020SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorSender 说话人说话人Receiver 听话人听话人Visual 视觉The sender has a purpose,an understanding of timeliness,and an understanding of timing说话人的目的是让听话人能够说话人的目的是让听话人能够适时的听懂适时的听懂 他的话他的话The effect on the receiver is uncertain.The response is unpredictable.听话人的听话效果不明确,因而听话人的听话效果不明确,因而做出地反应是不可预见的做出地反应是不可预见的Vocal 声音Verbal 措辞Here,noise interferes with the intended message.The message is diluted and imperfect.在这里噪音干扰着信息的传递,在这里噪音干扰着信息的传递,使得信息被减弱且不完善使得信息被减弱且不完善An Imperfect Communication An Imperfect Communication 一个不完善的交流场景Noise Noise 干扰因素干扰因素干扰因素干扰因素PLG 15-16 LM 2-The 3Vs of Communication三三V沟通方式沟通方式成功成长为一名主管的培训课程2121SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisoruPreconceived ideas,bias,prejudices or mental models 成见,偏好,偏见或主观模式成见,偏好,偏见或主观模式uPhysical environment 物质环境物质环境uLow self-esteem,acceptance,or confidence of either the sender or receiver说话人或听话人的自尊心、自信心、接受力较低说话人或听话人的自尊心、自信心、接受力较低uDifferent communication or learning styles between the sender and receiver 说话人或听话人交流方式的不同或学习方式不同说话人或听话人交流方式的不同或学习方式不同uNatural aptitude to understand or process information 对信息的理解或消化过程中的自然倾向对信息的理解或消化过程中的自然倾向uThe skill level of the message sender 信息送传递人的技巧水平信息送传递人的技巧水平uThe skill level of the receiver 听话人的信息接受技巧听话人的信息接受技巧 uLow interest in the message 对信息的兴趣程度不高对信息的兴趣程度不高PLG 17 Causes of“Noise”引起引起“干扰干扰”的因素的因素成功成长为一名主管的培训课程2222SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorDefinition-Active listening is using all of your attention,focusing on what the sender is saying,and showing the sender that you heard and understood his or her intended message定义定义 积极的倾听就是把你所有的注意力集中在倾听说积极的倾听就是把你所有的注意力集中在倾听说话人说了什么,然后向说话人表明你听到了并明白他话人说了什么,然后向说话人表明你听到了并明白他/她她所传递的信息所传递的信息Active listening uses verbal,vocal,and visual behaviors to demonstrate dynamic understanding with very little effort from the receiver积极的倾听是以措辞、音调和视觉上的行为来表达对说积极的倾听是以措辞、音调和视觉上的行为来表达对说话人话语的动态理解,而不需要听话人花费什么精力话人话语的动态理解,而不需要听话人花费什么精力PLG 18 Active Listening 积极的倾听积极的倾听成功成长为一名主管的培训课程2323SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.In your table group,read each statement and record your discussion 与小组成员一起阅读与小组成员一起阅读每段话并记录讨论结果每段话并记录讨论结果2.Please be prepared to share your thoughts with the larger group准备与其它小组一起分享你们讨准备与其它小组一起分享你们讨论结果论结果PLG 18 What Do You Think?你的想法是怎样的?你的想法是怎样的?成功成长为一名主管的培训课程2424SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Most of us have been told repeatedly that we ought to listen more 不断有人告诉我们要多听不断有人告诉我们要多听2.However,until you see value in such an activity,you will probably continue to act the way you always have 除非你确实从该活动中看到了它的价值所在,除非你确实从该活动中看到了它的价值所在,否则你可能仍将按你习惯的方式行事否则你可能仍将按你习惯的方式行事3.Some of the outcomes of good listening are listed at the top of page 19.Which ones are most important to you?有效的倾听技巧所得到的一些成果列在第有效的倾听技巧所得到的一些成果列在第19页的前部。对你来说哪些成果最为重要?页的前部。对你来说哪些成果最为重要?PLG 19 Why Should I Do It?我为什么要这么做?我为什么要这么做?成功成长为一名主管的培训课程2525SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Because we can process information much faster than the sender can send it,good listeners influence communication challenges to improve communication 由于我们接受信息的速度要比说话人传递信息由于我们接受信息的速度要比说话人传递信息的速度快,一个优秀的听话人通过影响交流的的速度快,一个优秀的听话人通过影响交流的挑战来改进交流挑战来改进交流2.Read through the 9 habits at the bottom of the page and select the ones you need to work on阅读九个习惯的材料,选择你需要改进的方面阅读九个习惯的材料,选择你需要改进的方面PLG 19 Nine Habits of Active Listening积极倾听的九个习惯积极倾听的九个习惯成功成长为一名主管的培训课程2626SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisora.Prepare yourself for listening 准备好倾听准备好倾听b.Create a positive listening situation 建立一个积极倾听的场所建立一个积极倾听的场所c.Use active questioning techniques 使用积极提问的技巧使用积极提问的技巧d.Use active paraphrasing techniques 使用积极意译重述信息的技巧使用积极意译重述信息的技巧e.Use positive,non-evaluative verbal reinforcers 使用积极且非评价的语言强调关键词使用积极且非评价的语言强调关键词f.Take notes 做记录做记录g.Use positive visual reinforcers 运用积极的视觉语言运用积极的视觉语言h.Use parroting 运用重复技巧运用重复技巧i.Use reflective phrases 运用深思熟虑的语言运用深思熟虑的语言j.Show the other person that you understand 向他人表示你理解他的话向他人表示你理解他的话PLG 20-25 Listen to Clearly Understand the Sender仔细倾听以完全理解发送人的信息仔细倾听以完全理解发送人的信息成功成长为一名主管的培训课程2727SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Read the directions for each exercise and complete 阅读每一个练习的导言并完成练习阅读每一个练习的导言并完成练习2.Please be prepared to share your thoughts with the larger group准备与其它小组一起分享你的想法准备与其它小组一起分享你的想法PLG 26Do This,Try That运用和尝试!运用和尝试!成功成长为一名主管的培训课程2828SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisoruPeople are the most variable input人是最易变动的因素人是最易变动的因素uBetween 40%and 85%of total costs is salary整个成本中工资占到到了整个成本中工资占到到了40%到到85%uFor the typical performer,discretionary output is around 55%一个典型的工作表现者,机动的产出达到一个典型的工作表现者,机动的产出达到55%uThe average time to become“competent”is 6 months for most positions大多数的职位要达到胜任的程度所需时间平均为大多数的职位要达到胜任的程度所需时间平均为6个月个月uOrganizations spend 2%-5%of revenues on developing employees公司将收入的公司将收入的2%到到5%运用到培养员工运用到培养员工uAnd,remember89%of supervisors/managers report disliking managing people issues 记住记住89%的主管或经理表明不喜欢管理与人有关的事务的主管或经理表明不喜欢管理与人有关的事务PLG 29Why Does This Matter?为什么重要?为什么重要?成功成长为一名主管的培训课程2929SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorThe percentage of companies indicating a problem in obtaining high performance from their work force:下列数据显示的是在获取其员工较高工作表现方下列数据显示的是在获取其员工较高工作表现方面遇到问题的公司的比例面遇到问题的公司的比例u Serious problem 严重问题严重问题-u Problem 问题问题-u No Problem 没有问题没有问题-Source:Closing the Human Performance Gap,The Conference Board,1994.43%55%2%PLG 29Is Low Performance a Problem?工作表现低下是一个问题吗工作表现低下是一个问题吗?成功成长为一名主管的培训课程3030SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorPoor or Insufficient Performance FeedbackHigh Individual Stress LevelsNo Performance StandardsLack of Clear Individual GoalsReward Not Performance BasedPoor Performance RewardedNo Career PlanningFear of Failure or PunishmentInability to Envision Successful OutcomesLack of Poor Company-Sponsored TrainingInability to Concentrate on Task at HandLow Worker Self-EsteemLow CompensationSource:Closing the Human Performance Gap,The Conference Board,1994.60%40%39%31%31%37%22%23%28%17%14%9%8%PLG 30Primary Causes of Low Performance成功成长为一名主管的培训课程3131SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor工作表现反馈不佳或不够工作表现反馈不佳或不够个人工作压力太大个人工作压力太大 没有工作表现的标准没有工作表现的标准缺乏明确的个人目标缺乏明确的个人目标奖励与工作表现无关奖励与工作表现无关工作表现奖励很差工作表现奖励很差没有事业发展计划没有事业发展计划害怕失败或受惩罚害怕失败或受惩罚不能展望成功的结果不能展望成功的结果公司举办的培训少或差公司举办的培训少或差不能关注正在进行的任务不能关注正在进行的任务员工自尊心差员工自尊心差酬劳低酬劳低Source:Closing the Human Performance Gap,The Conference Board,1994.60%40%39%31%31%37%22%23%28%17%14%9%8%PLG 30导致工作表现不佳的主要因素导致工作表现不佳的主要因素成功成长为一名主管的培训课程3232SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Clearly understand performance expectations清楚地了解工作表现的期望清楚地了解工作表现的期望2.Do not short-cut needed steps 不会缩短所需步骤不会缩短所需步骤3.Do away with wasted steps 避免浪费的步骤避免浪费的步骤4.Use available information and documentation 使用能够获得的信息和文件使用能够获得的信息和文件5.Possess a job aid that others dont 拥有别人没有的工作上的支持拥有别人没有的工作上的支持6.Possess information/data that others dont 拥有别人没有的信息拥有别人没有的信息/数据数据7.Possess better tools than others 拥有比他人更好的工具拥有比他人更好的工具8.Have a different motive for performing 有不同的驱动力支持优秀的工作表现有不同的驱动力支持优秀的工作表现9.Have an environmental factor that is different 具备不同的环境因素具备不同的环境因素 10.Receive different guidance and feedback 得到不同指导和反馈得到不同指导和反馈11.Receive different incentives 得到不同的激励方式得到不同的激励方式12.They are generally optimistic and have high expectations他们大体上很乐观并有较高的期望他们大体上很乐观并有较高的期望13.They adopt to change 他们运用变化他们运用变化14.They show determination 他们坚定果断他们坚定果断Source:10 year US Army Study PLG 31 What Makes Exemplary Performers?一位优秀一位优秀 工作表现者的标准工作表现者的标准Source:10 year US Army Study 成功成长为一名主管的培训课程3333SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Knowledge 知识知识2.Skills 技能技能3.Core Beliefs 核心信念核心信念4.Style Preference 形式偏好形式偏好5.Natural Capacity 自然能力自然能力6.Desire 愿望愿望PLG 32Six Individual Performance Factors个人工作表现的个人工作表现的6个影响因素个影响因素成功成长为一名主管的培训课程3434SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisor1.Clear Expectations 明确的期望明确的期望2.Opportunity/Practice 机会机会/锻炼锻炼3.Communication 沟通沟通4.Consequences 结果结果5.Work Systems 工作系统工作系统6.Culture 文化文化PLG 33-34Six Organization Performance Factors公司对工作表现的公司对工作表现的6个影响因素个影响因素成功成长为一名主管的培训课程3535SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to SupervisorFeedback 反馈反馈:Effective,ongoing feedback is critical to maintaining the desired“system”of performance有效的持续反馈对保持所期望的工作有效的持续反馈对保持所期望的工作表现表现“系统系统”非常重要非常重要 PLG 34What About Feedback?什么是反馈什么是反馈?成功成长为一名主管的培训课程3636SCLU STTS Presentation People Elements Pte Ltd,2004.All Rights Reserved.Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels&Resorts,HR Division Successful Transition to Supervisora.Explain your intentions for giving the feedback 解释你提出反馈意见的意图解释你提出反馈意见的意图b.Accurately describe what you observed 准确描述你观察到的内容准确描述你观察到的内容c.Describe your reaction or the consequence of the behavior 描述你的反


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