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剑桥少儿英语一级上册课件9-16课复习剑桥少儿英语一级上册课件9-16课复习1We are girls.We are girls.2You are a girl.You are a girl.3You are girls.You are girls.4He is a boy.He is a boy.5They are boys.They are boys.6She is a girl.She is a girl.7They are girls.They are girls.8It is a bird.It is a bird.9They are birds.They are birds.10 代词:是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词 具有名词和形容词的功能。人称代词分类:那什么是代词呢?代词:是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代11I和me 都是“我”的意思。I 主格 me 宾格造句:1.我是一名老师。am a teacher.2.Shirley 喜欢我。Shirley likes _.人称代词的人称代词的I I和和memeImeI和me 都是“我”的意思。I 主格 me 宾格人称代词12人称代词人称代词wewe和和ususWe和us 都是“我们”的意思,we用于主格,us用于宾格。举例:我们是中国人。_ are Chinese.父母爱我们。Parents love _.Weus人称代词we和usWe和us 都是“我们”的意思,we用于主13人称代词最容易记的人称代词最容易记的youyouYou在人称代词中应该是最容易记的了:造句:你是一名学生:我喜欢你:你们是学生:我爱你们:youYou are a student.I like you.You are students.I love you.人称代词最容易记的youYou在人称代词中应该是最容易记的了14你能推出你能推出she she 和和 her her的位置吗的位置吗?she 用于主格,her用于宾格练习:她是一名护士:_ is a nurse.妈妈很爱她:Mother loves _ very much.她很漂亮:_ is very beautiful.你能帮助她:You can help _ 总结一下:SheherSheher她主格宾格sheher你能推出she 和 her的位置吗?she 用于主格,h15人称代词的人称代词的hehe和和himhim造句:他是我的朋友。He is my friend.我的狗喜欢他。My dog likes him 为什么用为什么用he?he?为什么不用为什么不用him?him?为什么不用为什么不用hehe呢?呢?人称代词的he和him造句:他是我的朋友。为什么用he?为什16人称代词人称代词 it itIt 的通常用法:通常:it表示人以外的动物和东西,是单数名词的代词。译为“它”。举例:Where is my car?It is over there.美羊羊是用美羊羊是用it代替了上一句沸羊羊说的代替了上一句沸羊羊说的car。It=car人称代词 itIt 的通常用法:Where is my ca17人称代词人称代词 it it It用来指小动物:翻译成“它”What is it?It is a lovely rabbit.人称代词 it It用来指小动物:翻译成“它”W18人称代词人称代词 it itIt的特殊用法:1.指天气 It was raining this morning 今天上午一直在下雨来着2.指气候It is cold in Harbin 哈尔滨的气候很冷3.指时间 What time is it?Its six thirty.人称代词 itIt的特殊用法:What time is it19人称代词人称代词they they 和和themthem主格练习:1.他们是学生:_2._(她们)are listening to the radio.3.There are some cats here,I like _ (它们)宾格theythem他们她们它们They are students.Theythem.人称代词they 和them主格练习:宾格theythem他20重点句子对对碰重点句子对对碰He is my friend.他是我的朋友。他是我的朋友。Teacher is my friend.老师是我的朋友。老师是我的朋友。They are all my friends.他们全是我的朋友。他们全是我的朋友。Dogs are my friends.狗是我的朋友。狗是我的朋友。同学们请记住同学们请记住be动词动词:am is are be动词翻译为中文:是动词翻译为中文:是be动词用法口诀动词用法口诀:我用我用am,你用你用are,is跟着他她它跟着他她它.单数单数is,复数复数are,我们是一家。我们是一家。I amYou areHe isShe isIt isWe areYou areThey are重点句子对对碰He is my friend.他是我的朋友21I am we areyou are you areHe /she /It isThey are I am 22Shes =She isHes =He isIts =It isIm =I amYoure =You areWere =We areTheyre =They are人称代词与人称代词与be动词连用时的缩写形式和全写形式动词连用时的缩写形式和全写形式Shes =She is人称代词与231 1分钟热身小练分钟热身小练1._(我)am a teacher.2.My father is talking with _(我)3._ are Chinese.(我们)4.Her sister is helping _(我们)5._ are a beautiful girl.(你)6._ are students.(你们)7._ is a cat.(它)8._(他们)are listening to the radio.9._(他)often plays basketball after school.10.My dog likes _.(她)。ImeWeusYouYouItTheyHeher1分钟热身小练1._(我)am a tea24课课 程程 回回 顾顾课 程 回 顾25人称代词用法口诀人称代词主宾格,作用不同莫用错。主格动词前做主,动词介词后宾格。You和it主宾同,其他主宾须分清。人称代词并列现,尊重他人礼当先。单数人称二三一,复数人称一二三。若把错误责任担,第一人称我靠前。人称代词用法口诀人称代词主宾格,作用不同莫用错。26物主代词物主代词Possessive Pronouns物主代词27物主代词(Possessive Pronouns)请说出形容词性物主代词:词义类型我的你的他的我们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir她的它的物主代词(Possessive Pronouns)请说出形28在汉语中有些表示所有关系的会省略“的”,大家在翻译成英语时要注意,不要误把它们翻译成人称代词。我爸爸I father my father你妈妈_他妹妹_your motherhis sister在汉语中有些表示所有关系的会省略“的”,大家在翻译成英语时29请根据表格用适当的形容词性物主代词填空。1.Whats _ name?Shes Nancy.2.Whats _ favourite fruit?He likes peaches.3、Whats _ favourite fruit?She likes bananas.4、Whats _ favourite animal?She likes birds.5、Whats _ favourite fruit?He likes rabbits.NameNancyMikeFavourite fruitbananaspeachesFavourite animalbirdsrabbitsherhisherherhis请根据表格用适当的形容词性物主代词填空。1.Whats 30 词义类型我的你的我们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir请说出名词性物主代词:他的她的它的yoursmineourshershistheirsitsyours物主代词(Possessive Pronouns)sssss 词义我的你的我们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词31This is _kite.Its _.(,)That is _dog.Its _.(,)This is _purse.Its _.(,)That is _ball.Its _.(,)These are _apples.Theyre_.(,)minemyyoursyourherhershishistheirstheirThis is _kite.Its _32This jacket is his.This is his jacket.These toys are hers.These are her toys.Those photos are ours.Those are our photos.That umbrella is mine.That is my umbrella.These pencils are theirs.These are their pencils.形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词同义句转换:This is your mirror.This mirror is yours.This jacket is his.This is his33第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称 第三人称第三人称单数单数复数复数单数单数复数复数 单数单数复数复数形容词性形容词性物主物主代词代词myouryouryourhisheritstheir名词性名词性物主物主代词代词mineoursyoursyourshishersitstheirsa.一一 变(变(my mine),二留二留(his his,its its),剩余加剩余加“s”。b.形容词性物主代词能力差,不能自己来当家,形容词性物主代词能力差,不能自己来当家,后面要把名词加。后面要把名词加。名词性物主代词能力强,独来又独往,名词性物主代词能力强,独来又独往,后面什么也不加。后面什么也不加。记住:记住:第一人称第二人称 第三人称单数复数单数34物主代词 总口诀物主代词两类型,形容词性、名词性。物主代词两类型,形容词性、名词性。“形形”变变“名名”加加s,mymine特殊记。特殊记。his,its两类同,二者用法要分辨。两类同,二者用法要分辨。“形形”后加后加“名名”不能少,不能少,“名名”后加后加“名名”很难见。很难见。学好物主代词很重要,回答学好物主代词很重要,回答whose少不了。少不了。物主代词 总口诀物主代词两类型,形容词性、名词性。35Whats this?Whats this?36 Jerry is the plate.介词大考验介词大考验on Jerry is 37Look!Jerry is the bottle.介词大考验介词大考验inLook!Jerry is the38 Jerry is the cheese.介词大考验介词大考验under Jerry is the chee39Jerry is Tom.介词大考验介词大考验behindJerry is Tom.介词40介词大考验介词大考验Jerry Tom.next to介词大考验Jerry To41Jerry is Tom.介词大考验介词大考验in front ofJerry is Tom.介42on在在上面上面in在在里面里面under在在下面下面behind在在后面后面between在在中间中间Infrontof在在前面前面nextto在在.旁边旁边介介词词小小集集合合oninunderbehindbetweenIn front43Lets count the numbers.zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteensixteen seventeen eighteen nineteentwenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred Lets count the numbers.zero 441 +2 =3onetwoplus isthree1 +2 =3onetwo458 -5 =3eightfiveminusisthree8 -5 =464748Whats your hobby?bike-riding.I like 骑自行车骑自行车Whats your hobby?bike-riding.49Whats your hobby?going shopping.I like 购物购物Whats your hobby?going shoppi50Whats your hobby?wearing a red dress.穿红裙子穿红裙子I like Whats your hobby?wearing a re51Whats your hobby?swimming.游泳游泳I like Whats your hobby?swimming.游泳I52Whats your hobby?talking with friends.和朋友聊天和朋友聊天I like Whats your hobby?talking with53Whats your hobby?drawing.画画画画I like Whats your hobby?drawing.画画I 54Whats your hobby?listening to music.听音乐听音乐I like Whats your hobby?listening to55Whats your hobby?flying a kite.放风筝放风筝I like Whats your hobby?flying a kit56roller-skating.Whats your hobby?溜冰溜冰I like roller-skating.Whats your hob57Whats your hobby?climbing trees.爬树爬树I like Whats your hobby?climbing tre58Whats your hobby?helping mum.帮妈妈帮妈妈I like Whats your hobby?helping mum.59Whats your hobby?watching TV.看电视看电视I like Whats your hobby?watching TV.60making wordsguessing game guessing riddlesmaking a good shotblowing balloons fishing singingMatchMatchmaking wordsMatch61 Where is he/she going on New Years Day and how will he/she go there?by trainby planeby carby shipby helicopterAnnBobBillSueBenShanghaiBeijingYunnanSichuanHainan Where is he/she going on Ne62Ann is going to Shanghai by plane.Bob is going to Beijing by car.Bill is going to Yunnan by ship.Sue is going to Hainan by helicopter.Ben is going to Sichuan by train.一般将来时:一般将来时:be(am/is/are)going to+动词原形动词原形Ann is going to Shanghai 63 yearhappy dancinglistening to musicasking questionseating bananassingingChristmastreehappy yearhappy dancinglistening as64Two cats climb up a big apple tree.They want to catch a mouse.But there are too many leaves.They want to get down but suddenly fall.They break their legs and stay indoors.Two cats climb up a big 65谢谢观赏!2020/11/566谢谢观赏!2020/11/566


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