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英语第五册期中复习英语第五册期中复习 2020/10/181 Unit 1 How do you study for a test?I study by listening to cassettes.I learn by studying with a group.It improves my speaking skills.Ive learned a lot that way.-Do you learn English by reading aloud?-Yes,I do.2020/10/182Speaking and writing1.Conversations 和你的朋友谈一谈学习中遇到的困难,和你的朋友谈一谈学习中遇到的困难,你们是怎样解决这些问题的?你们是怎样解决这些问题的?你能给朋友提供更好的学习方法吗?你能给朋友提供更好的学习方法吗?然后,把对话写下来。然后,把对话写下来。2020/10/1832.Report你的朋友由于某种原因,学习上遇到了你的朋友由于某种原因,学习上遇到了 一些困难。请你在小组里向同学们谈谈一些困难。请你在小组里向同学们谈谈 你朋友的困难,然后向老师汇报你们你朋友的困难,然后向老师汇报你们 给这位朋友提出了哪些建议。并将讨论给这位朋友提出了哪些建议。并将讨论 的过程写下来。的过程写下来。(要求:用第三人称写出你朋友学习上(要求:用第三人称写出你朋友学习上 遇到的困难,再写出每个同学遇到的困难,再写出每个同学 给他提出的建议。)给他提出的建议。)2020/10/1843.Speech 下周班里准备开一次下周班里准备开一次“英语学习经验英语学习经验 交流会交流会“。请你在班会上谈谈你的学习。请你在班会上谈谈你的学习 方法。并把你的讲话写下来。方法。并把你的讲话写下来。2020/10/185I find learning difficult(easy)because_When I started _Beginning with:2020/10/186Useful expressions:2020/10/187I.Difficulties1.I cant read fluently.2.I cant spell some English words.3.I cant understand spoken English.4.I cant pronounce some of the words.5.I make mistakes in Grammar.6.I cant understand the words in newspapers and magazines.7.I dont get much writing practice.2020/10/188II.Solutions1.Maybe you should find a pen pal.2.You can always write the new words in your notebook and learn them at home.3.Why dont you join an English language club?4.You can write English diary every day.5.Listening can help.2020/10/1896.They learnt by using English.7.The best way to learn English words is by reading English magazines.8.He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.9.Watching English movies isnt a bad way.10.Joining the English club is the best way to improve your English.2020/10/18101.always keep an English notebook.2.often listen to English Cassettes.3.sometimes write vocabulary lists.4.never study grammar.5.often ask the teacher questions.6.watch English-language TV.7.read English story-books.8.read English magazines and papers.9.listen to some English songs.10.seldom ask an English tutor.11.always learn by doing sth.III.How do you study English?2020/10/1811always oftenusuallysometimesneverseldom2020/10/1812IV.How does he(she)study?(Talk about your friend.)1.always keeps an English notebook.2.often listens to English Cassettes.3.writes vocabulary lists.4.studies grammar.5.asks the teacher questions.6.watches English-language TV.2020/10/18137.reads English story-books.8.reads English magazines and papers.9.listens to some English songs.10.asks an English tutor.11.learns by doing sth.2020/10/18142020/10/1815tall strong medium heightthin heavyblondecurlyshy friendly serious funny honest quietoutgoing easygoing2020/10/1816straight hairshort haircurly hairblond hairmedium buildused to do used to have 2020/10/1817be thinbe medium heightbe a little bit quietbe good-lookingused to be2020/10/1818What did you use to look like?What did he use to look like?What did you use to be like?Did you use to play soccer?Did you use to have short hair?He used to study by writing.2020/10/1819Writing1.你们班里来了一位新的英语你们班里来了一位新的英语 老师,请你向老师介绍你的同桌老师,请你向老师介绍你的同桌 同学,说说他(她)进入中学以来同学,说说他(她)进入中学以来 有哪些变化。帮助老师尽快地了解有哪些变化。帮助老师尽快地了解 每一个同学情况。每一个同学情况。并把你的介绍写下来。并把你的介绍写下来。2020/10/18202.写一写写一写.进入中学以来进入中学以来,你个人的学习和生活等,你个人的学习和生活等,发生了哪些变化?发生了哪些变化?(外表、性格、习惯外表、性格、习惯)2020/10/1821What do you look like?Im short.Im thin.What do they look like?Theyre medium height.What does he look like?Hes medium height.What does she look like?She is tall.She is thin.Maybe useful expressions2020/10/1822She has short,straight hair.She is very popular.He has medium build.My friend is thin and medium height.She has short,blond,curly hair.2020/10/1823She is good looking but she s a littlebit quiet.She loves to tell jokes.Shes short and a little bit heavy.She never stops talking.He likes reading and playing chess.2020/10/1824For breakfast she likeseggs,milk,bread,orangesFor lunch he likehamburgers,carrots,and ice cream French fries,saladFor dinner he haschicken,broccoli,dessert,tomatoes 2020/10/1825He likes playing(basketball,football,soccer ball,guitar,trumpet,drum,piano,violin)She likes dancing.(singing,)2020/10/1826 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.A:I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.B:I disagree.They talk instead of doing homework.2020/10/1827A:Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.B:I agree.They arent serious enough at that age.A:Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night?B:No,I dont.2020/10/1828Writing1.每个学校都有校规校纪,阅读以下条款,每个学校都有校规校纪,阅读以下条款,哪些是你们学校的校规校纪,请选出来。哪些是你们学校的校规校纪,请选出来。A)Students should not be allowed to be late for school.B)Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.C)Students should be allowed to watch TV after dinner.D)Students should not be allowed to smoke.2020/10/1829E)Students should not be allowed to sleep in class.F)Students should not be allowed to listen to music in class.G)Students should be allowed to join all kinds of clubs.H)Students should not be allowed to eat in class.I)Students should be allowed to help do some housework.J)Students should not be allowed to run in the corridor.2020/10/18302.初三初三(1)班全体同学要为本班制定班规班全体同学要为本班制定班规,请你为他们提几条班规请你为他们提几条班规.Examples:1)Students should be allowed to have lunch in the school dinning-room.2)Students should not be allowed to wear slippers at school.3)2020/10/18313.3.不同的家庭有不同的家规不同的家庭有不同的家规,和同学们和同学们 谈谈自己家里的家规。谈谈自己家里的家规。1 1)写出你们的对话。)写出你们的对话。2 2)写出你自己的家规。)写出你自己的家规。2020/10/1832A:What would you do if you won a million dollars?B:If I won a million dollars,I would register my own company.If I were you,Id wear a shirt and tie.If I were you,Id take an umbrella.2020/10/18332020/10/1834John wants to stay up late to watch a movie tonight,but he knows he shouldnt.If he staysup late to watch a movie,he wont go to bed until midnight.If he doesnt go to bed until midnight,hell probably be very tired in the morning.If he is very tired in the morning,hell oversleep.If he oversleeps,hell be late for work.If he is late for work,his boss will get angry and fire him.So,though John wants to stay up late to watch a movie,he isnt going to.2020/10/1835 I want to be a spaceman.If I were aspaceman,I would have a space shuttle.If I had a space shuttle,I would travel around the space.If I traveledaround the space,I would be famous.If I were famous,the people wouldrespect me and they would asked me to attend all kinds of parties.It could be excellent to be a spaceman!My dream2020/10/1836 Mr and Mrs Wilson live in New York City.They are very sad because their 18-year-old son,John,died in the war of Iraq.he would study in auniversity.If he studied _If John was alive,2020/10/18371.If your boss wanted you to fire one of your best workers,what would you do?(You know that your boss wants to give the job to a relative.)2.If your friend asked you if he could get any help from you during the exam,what would you do?Writing2020/10/18383.If you found a wallet in the street with a lot of cash in it.(There is no name or address inside.)4.If your teacher criticized you,but in fact it wasnt your fault.2020/10/1839Complete the sentences from your own experience:If I were you,I would ask him at once.2020/10/18402.A:A friend said something bad about me.B:If I were you,I1.A:I argued with my best friend.B:If I were you,I3.A:Im afraid of speaking in public.B:If I were you,I4.A:I failed in the English test.B:If I were you,I5.A:I argued with my best friend.B:If I were you,I2020/10/18411.Id leave my home city if2.I might not speak to you again if3.Id be very miserable if4.Id be frightened if 5.Id be very extremely happy if.2020/10/1842Exercises:complete the conditional sentences in the conversations1.A:What are you doing this evening?B:Im not sure.If there_(not be)anything good on TV,I think I _(read)a detective story.Or maybe I_(go)to bed early.2.A:What time will Kate be home?B:If I _(know)I _(tell)you.But unfortunately,she didnt say anything about it.A:Well,if she _(get)home before 10:00,please have her call me.2020/10/18433.A:Im so stressed out.B:Its none of my business,but if I_(be)you,I _(take)some time off.4.A:Im afraid your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.B:Oh no!When will it take off?We dont have any idea yet.If it_(stop)snowing this evening,then your flight_(depart)some time tonight.Its too early to tell.I _(let)you know if I_(hear)any news.2020/10/1844Unit 5 It must belong to you.It must be Nings.It has her name on it.It could be Alis.She studies French.It might belong to Alice.She plays the guitar.It cant be Johns.Its much too small for him.2020/10/1845must 很可能很可能,一定一定,肯定肯定,might 也许;或许;可能也许;或许;可能could 能,能,可能可能cant 不能不能,不会不会2020/10/1846情态动词情态动词情态动词:本身有词义,表示说话人的语气或情态,但词义不完全,只能与不带to的动词不定式连用,后面跟动词原形,一起(ought等除外)构成谓语。2020/10/1847must表示推测,多用于肯定句。在肯定句中must+动词原形表示对现在和将来的判断、推测。You must be very tired.Must+have+p.p.表示过去的判断、推测。She wasnt home last night.She must have gone to her mothers.2020/10/1848表示必须要做的事。(主观)表示义务、命令或必要。必须,应当 We must keep our word.我们必须遵守诺言。表示不可避免性或肯定性。必然要,必定会 Man must die.人必有一死。2020/10/1849表示与说话人愿望相反及不耐烦。偏要 Why must it rain on Sunday?为什么偏要在星期天下雨?!Must的否定:neednt 或 dont have toMustnt 千万不能,一定不要,表示禁止行为。You mustnt tell anybody about this-its a secret.这件事你不能告诉任何人 -这是一个秘密。2020/10/1850might mightnt为 may 的过去式,在陈述句中表示一般的可能性。有时用might代替may,使语气婉转,表达可能性时也远不如may把握性大。可以,或许;可能 I said that it might rain.我说过可能会下雨。2020/10/1851表示现在或将来不太确实的可能性。也许,或许;可能 Im afraid it might rain tonight.我看今晚可能要下雨。表示对过去事实的推测might+have+p.p.He might have been Tibet before.他以前可能去过西藏。用于疑问和建议时语气比 may 更加委婉,谦虚。可以2020/10/1852Might I ask a question?我是不是可以提个问题我是不是可以提个问题?表示愿望、祝愿、请求表示愿望、祝愿、请求,嘱咐。请嘱咐。请,愿愿,还是还是.好好 You might at least apologize.你至少应该道个歉吧。你至少应该道个歉吧。用于虚构条件句中。会用于虚构条件句中。会;可能可能 I would go if I might.如我能去我就去。如我能去我就去。2020/10/1853Could couldnt表示可能性。能,表示可能性。能,可能,可能,可以可以 You could do better.You could do better.用于委婉语气。能,用于委婉语气。能,可以可以 Could you do sth.for me?Could you do sth.for me?用于虚拟语气中,用于虚拟语气中,表示相反的假设。能,表示相反的假设。能,本本来可以来可以 I could come tomorrow if you like.I could come tomorrow if you like.在虚拟条件句中构成谓语。在虚拟条件句中构成谓语。I would help you if I could.I would help you if I could.2020/10/1854cantcant=can not 不能,不会 表示否定。No,thats cant be ture.2020/10/1855belong to属于;为的财产 That book belongs to me.那本书属于我。为的一员 What club do you belong to?你是哪个俱乐部的?和有关联2020/10/1856动词的语态动词的语态英语中有主动和被动两种语态。前者以动作的执行者充当主语,后者以动作的承受者(即宾语)充当主语。由于只有及物动词才有宾语,因此只能是及物动词才有被动语态形式。被动语态以助动词be加上动词的过去分词构成,如:We speak English.(主动语态)English is spoken.(被动语态)2020/10/1857有时为了表明动作的执行者,可在被动语态有时为了表明动作的执行者,可在被动语态句型中加上介词句型中加上介词byby引导的短语,如:引导的短语,如:The glass was broken by the cat yesterday.由于动词由于动词be在不同时态中有不同形式,在不同时态中有不同形式,因此被动语态在各种时态中也有不同的结构。因此被动语态在各种时态中也有不同的结构。一般现在时由一般现在时由am/are/is加上过去分词构成,加上过去分词构成,如:如:Football is played all over the world.The rooms are cleaned every day.2020/10/1858一般过去时由一般过去时由was/were加上过去分词构成,加上过去分词构成,如:如:The telephone was invented by Thomas Edison.A lot of people were hurt in the traffic accident.2020/10/1859一般将来时由一般将来时由will be加上过去分词构成,加上过去分词构成,其中其中will也可用情态动词替换,如:也可用情态动词替换,如:The work will be finished tomorrow morning.This problem can be worked out in another way.Something must be done to stop the wind from blowing the earth away.2020/10/1860现在完成时由have/has been加上过去分词构成,如:A lot has been talked about the protection of our environment.Many ways have been tried to help the sick boy.现在进行时由am/are/is being加上过去分词构成,如:A new bridge is being built on the river.All the factories are being moved outof the city.2020/10/1861虚拟语气虚拟语气 句子假设的情况如果是完全不存在的句子假设的情况如果是完全不存在的(与现在或过去的事实相反),或者实现(与现在或过去的事实相反),或者实现的可能性很小(与将来的事实可能相反),的可能性很小(与将来的事实可能相反),这种句子叫做虚拟条件句,它的谓语动词这种句子叫做虚拟条件句,它的谓语动词用虚拟语气。用虚拟语气。虚拟语气在条件句中的用法有三种情况:虚拟语气在条件句中的用法有三种情况:1.表示与现在事实相反的情况时,条件表示与现在事实相反的情况时,条件从句的动词用一般过去式(从句的动词用一般过去式(be的过去式用的过去式用were或或was),主句的动词用),主句的动词用would(should,could或或might)加动词原形。例如:加动词原形。例如:2020/10/1862The little girl said,”If I were a president,I would do a lot of things for the people.”情况不可能发生。情况不可能发生。比较:比较:Bush said,”If I am the president,I will do a lot of things for the people.”他自认为情况很有可能发生。他自认为情况很有可能发生。2020/10/1863If I were invited,Id go to the dinner party.(Fact:Im not invited,so I wont go.)If I had time,I would(should)go with you.(Fact:I am very busy,so I cantgo with you.)2020/10/1864If she knew about it now,she would come.(Fact:She doesnt know about it.)If they did not water the flowers,the flowers would(could)not growso well.(Fact:They water the flowers everyday,so the flowers growwell.)2020/10/18652.表示与过去事实相反时,表示与过去事实相反时,条件条件从句的动词用从句的动词用hadhad加过去分词,主句的动词加过去分词,主句的动词用用would(should,couldwould(should,could或或might)might)加加havehave和和过去分词。例如:过去分词。例如:If he had come here yesterday,I shouldIf he had come here yesterday,I shouldhave told him.have told him.(Fact:He did not come and so I did not(Fact:He did not come and so I did nottell him.)tell him.)以下两种情况不讲以下两种情况不讲2020/10/18663.表示与将来事实很可能相反的情况表示与将来事实很可能相反的情况时时,条件从句的动词条件从句的动词-(1)(1)过去式过去式(即与上述情况即与上述情况1 1 相同相同)(2)(2)或用或用should+should+动词原形动词原形,(3)(3)或用或用were to+were to+动词原形动词原形;主句的动词用主句的动词用would(should,couldwould(should,could或或might)might)加动词原形。从句中这三种情况加动词原形。从句中这三种情况都是表示不大可能实现的假想情况都是表示不大可能实现的假想情况;不可能实现的程度不完全一样不可能实现的程度不完全一样.2020/10/1867第第(1)(1)种结构种结构(过去式过去式)所表示的情况所表示的情况,实现实现的可能性较大的可能性较大;第第(2)(2)种结构种结构(should+should+(should+should+动词动词原形原形)所表示的情况所表示的情况,实现的可能性较小实现的可能性较小;第第(3)(3)种结构种结构(were to+(were to+动词原形动词原形)所表示的所表示的情况情况,实现的可能性最小实现的可能性最小.例如:例如:If heIf he came came tomorrow,he would find me tomorrow,he would find me in my office.in my office.(他来不来没有什么把握他来不来没有什么把握.).)2020/10/1868If it If it should(happen to)rainshould(happen to)rain this afternoon,this afternoon,the football match would be put off.the football match would be put off.(下雨的可能性不大下雨的可能性不大)If you If you were towere to fail to catch the train,you fail to catch the train,youmight take the bus.might take the bus.(事实上事实上,赶不上火车的可能性很小赶不上火车的可能性很小)2020/10/1869Grammar Focus(Unit 1-5)Unit 1 How do you study for a test.How do you study for a test?I study by listening to cassettes.How do you learn English?I learn by studying with a group.Do you learn English by reading aloud?Yes,I do.2020/10/1870Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.I wasnt very outgoing.You used to have long hair.Did you use to have straight hair?Yes,I did.Did you use to play the piano?No,I didnt.2020/10/1871 Unit 3Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.-I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.-I disagree.They talk instead of doing homework.2020/10/1872-Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.-I agree.They arent serious enough at that age.2020/10/1873-Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night.-No,I dont.2020/10/1874Unit 4 What would you do?-What would you do if you won a million dollars?-Id give it to charities.If I were you,Id wear a shirt and tie.If I were you Id take an umbrella.2020/10/1875Unit 5 I must belong to Carla.-Whose notebook is this?-It must be Nings.It has her name on it.-Whose French book is this?-It could be Alis.She studies French.2020/10/1876-Whose guitar is this?-It might belong to Alice.She plays the guitar.-Whose T-shirt is this?-It cant be Johns.Its much too small for him.2020/10/1877谢谢您的聆听与观看THANK YOU FOR YOUR GUIDANCE.感谢阅读!为了方便学习和使用,本文档的内容可以在下载后随意修改,调整和打印。欢迎下载!汇报人:XXX日期:20XX年XX月XX日


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