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Unit1 How do you study for a test?Unit1 How do you study for a t11.学习英语最好的方法学习英语最好的方法2.在小组内学习在小组内学习3.通过听录音带通过听录音带4.读教科书读教科书5.制作词汇卡制作词汇卡6.看英语语言录像看英语语言录像 7.朗读朗读8.练习发音练习发音9.以那种方式学到很多以那种方式学到很多10.太难以致不能听懂太难以致不能听懂 发音发音.the best way to learn Englishstudy with a groupby listening to tapesread the textbookmake vocabulary listswatch English-language videosread aloudpractice pronunciationlearn a lot that wayIts too hard to understand thevoices.1.学习英语最好的方法the best way to lea21.更具体的建议更具体的建议2.例如例如3.记忆流行歌曲的单词记忆流行歌曲的单词4.感受不同感受不同5.观看演员说的话观看演员说的话6.发现看电影令人沮丧发现看电影令人沮丧 7.得到大量练习得到大量练习8.与朋友对话根本没帮助与朋友对话根本没帮助9.兴奋关于某事兴奋关于某事10.结束(做)某事结束(做)某事more specific suggestionsfor examplememorize the words of pop songsfeel differentlywatch the actors say the wordsfind watching movies frustratingget lots of practiceHaving conversations with friendswas not helpful at all.get excited about(doing)sth.end up(doing)sth.1.更具体的建议more specific suggesti31.(英语)(英语)口语口语2.说英语的国家说英语的国家3.犯错(在某方面)犯错(在某方面)4.错误地,无意地错误地,无意地5.挑战某人做某事挑战某人做某事6.使发音正确使发音正确 7.忘记去做某事忘记去做某事8.忘记做了某事忘记做了某事9.进行大量写作练习进行大量写作练习10.对某人来说(做某对某人来说(做某事)是困难的事)是困难的spoken EnglishEnglish-speaking countrymake mistakesby mistakechallenge sb.to(do)sth.get the pronunciation rightforget to do sth.forget doing sth.get much writing practicebe difficult for sb.(to do sth.)1.(英语)口语spoken EnglishExercise41.有困难有困难/麻烦做某事麻烦做某事2.问题的解决办法问题的解决办法3.写新单词在笔记本中写新单词在笔记本中4.为什么不做某事为什么不做某事5.不能发一些单词的音不能发一些单词的音6.我不知道如何使用逗我不知道如何使用逗号。号。7.我没有伙伴练习英语我没有伙伴练习英语have trouble with/in doing sth.problems difficulties a hard/difficult timethe solution to the problemwrite new words in your notebookwhy dont you do sth.cant pronounce some of the wordsI dont know how to use commasI dont have a partner to practiceEnglish with.1.有困难/麻烦做某事have trouble wit51.首先首先2.一开始一开始3.以后,随后以后,随后4.没关系没关系.5.害怕做某事害怕做某事6.嘲笑嘲笑 7.造完整的句子造完整的句子8.秘密之一秘密之一9.成为好的语言学习者成为好的语言学习者10.记大量语法笔记记大量语法笔记first of allto begin withlater onit doesnt matter.be afraid to do sth.laugh atmake complete sentencesone of the secretsbecome a good language learnertake lots of grammar notes1.首先first of allExercises61.写我自己新颖的句子写我自己新颖的句子2.印象深刻的印象深刻的3.因因感动感动/印象深刻印象深刻4.处理,应付处理,应付5.担心担心6.时间消逝时间消逝7.决定(不)做某事决定(不)做某事8.持续很长时间持续很长时间9.把问题看做挑战把问题看做挑战10.抱怨抱怨write my own original sentencesbe impressedbe impressed bydeal withworry aboutgo bydecide(not)to do sth.last for longregard problems as challengescomplain about1.写我自己新颖的句子write my own origin71.将将变为变为2.我们发展的重要部分我们发展的重要部分3.在在的帮助下的帮助下4.考虑,想到考虑,想到5.把把和和相比相比6.面对挑战面对挑战7.我们的责任我们的责任8.中止,中断友谊中止,中断友谊9.学会忘记学会忘记10.更糟糕的事情更糟糕的事情changeintoan important part of our developmentwith the help ofthink ofcomparewith/toface the challengesour dutybreak off a friendshiplearn to forgetsomething worse1.将变为changeintoExercises81.Later on,I r_ I was wrong.2.-How old are you?-Its a s_.3.I was i_ by her story.4.You are m_ about the man who helped us yesterday.5.All these things do not m_ now.6.English is w_ used all over the world.7.You will fail in the exam u_ you work hard.8.Its our d_ to study well.9.Im sorry that I took your book by m_.ealizedecretmpressedistakenatteridelynlessutyistake1.Later on,I r_ I was 91.Tom got excited about it and ended up _ (speak)in Chinese.2.She said that _(memorize)the words of pop songs also helped a little.3.Han Meis _(speak)English is much better than mine.4.My father _(work)here for about 20 years.5.Its difficult for us to tell the _(different)between them.speakingmemorizingspokenhas workeddifference1.Tom got excited about it and101.I have trouble_ the new words.A.memorize B.memorizingB.C.to memorize D.memory2.Mary was _ at the _ news.A.exciting,excited B.excited,exciting B.C.exciting,exciting D.excited,excitedBBBB113.He has been waiting for you here for _.A.sometimes B.sometime B.C.some time D.some times4.If you really dont know the words,you can _ it _in the dictionary.A.look up B look for C.find D.find outCACA12如何写提建议的短文如何写提建议的短文 写此类短文时,最重要的是掌握常用的句型,在此基础写此类短文时,最重要的是掌握常用的句型,在此基础上,再根据提供的情境,提示等,明确需要提的建议,最后上,再根据提供的情境,提示等,明确需要提的建议,最后由此展开适当合理的写作。由此展开适当合理的写作。Im afraid that I cant agree with you.Why not do?Lets doWe should/must doIts+adj.+for sb.to do sth.You/we need此类书面表达的中心内容是提意见或建议,语气应委婉,有礼貌;此类书面表达的中心内容是提意见或建议,语气应委婉,有礼貌;语言有条理性。首先应对提建议的对象所表述的观点表示赞同或委语言有条理性。首先应对提建议的对象所表述的观点表示赞同或委婉反对,其次在表达自己的想法,若没把握将全部内容逻辑性强的婉反对,其次在表达自己的想法,若没把握将全部内容逻辑性强的表述,可采取逐条列出自己的意见或建议,最后,应用总结性语言表述,可采取逐条列出自己的意见或建议,最后,应用总结性语言再一次陈述自己的观点。再一次陈述自己的观点。如何写提建议的短文 写此类短文时,最重要的是掌握常用13 为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举办以在举办以“How to be a good learner?”为题的征文比赛,为题的征文比赛,请你踊跃投稿。请你踊跃投稿。How to be a good learner?habit,wayget ready,listengo over,homeworkstudy in groups,help each otherwork hard,do sports其他其他1-2条条要求:要求:1.必须用上所有的内容提示,语句通顺,书写规范;必须用上所有的内容提示,语句通顺,书写规范;2.词数词数100左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。As a good learner,we shouldI hope all these will be helpful to us.为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举14How to be a good learner As a good learner,we should have habits and ways in learning.We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class.After class,we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time.Its good to study in groups and help each other.As a student,working hard is important,but dont forget to do sports and keep healthy.We should do more reading in our free time.If we have any problems,wed better ask others for help.I hope all these will be helpful to us.How to be a good learner 15I study by _(make)vocabulary lists.2.It is fine today.What about _(go)to swim.3.Can you tell me how to _(pronunciation)this word?4.Please keep quiet.If you make a lot of _,you may disturb others.A.voice B.noise C.sound D.singing5.They _(enjoy)themselves yesterday.6.The teacher asked him to read the text _(loud).makinggoingpronounceBenjoyedaloudI study by _(make)voc167.I was too _ to sleep last night.A.excited B.exciting C.exciting8.Im very thirsty.Can I ask you _ some water?A.of B.on C.for9.Alice studies for tests by listening to tapes._ _ Alice _ for tests?10.The best way to learn English is using English._ _ the best way to learn English?11.Ann often writes vocabulary lists.(一般疑问句一般疑问句)_ Ann often _ vocabulary lists?ACHow does studyWhat isDoes write 7.I was too _ to sleep 17Unit 2Unit 2I used to be afraid I used to be afraid of the darkof the darkUnit 2181.过去常常做某事过去常常做某事2.被用来做某事被用来做某事3.习惯于做某事习惯于做某事4.怕黑怕黑5.首次首次/第一次第一次6.我是高的。你也是。我是高的。你也是。7.有好的记忆力有好的记忆力8.不再不再9.你过去是卷发,不是你过去是卷发,不是 吗?吗?used to do sth.be used to do sth.be/get used to doing sth.be afraid of the darkfor the first timeI am tall.So are you.have a great memorynot any moreYou used to have curly hair,didnt you?1.过去常常做某事used to do sth.Exerci191.弹钢琴弹钢琴2.稍等稍等/等一下等一下3.对对更感兴趣的更感兴趣的4.有兴趣在有兴趣在5.在游泳队在游泳队6.确信确信 7.一定,必定一定,必定8.人们确实会改变。人们确实会改变。9.难道你不记得我了么?难道你不记得我了么?不,我记得。不,我记得。是的,我不记得了。是的,我不记得了。play the pianowait a minute/moment/whilebe more interested intake/show/have an interest inon the swim teambe sure of/thatbe sure to doPeople sure change.Dont you remember me?Yes,I do.No,I dont.1.弹钢琴play the pianoExercises201.害怕害怕2.非常恐惧非常恐惧3.因因而恐惧而恐惧4.独处独处5.独居独居6.感到孤独感到孤独7.坐飞机坐飞机8.高处高处9.在众人面前讲话在众人面前讲话10.我开着卧室的灯睡觉。我开着卧室的灯睡觉。be afraid ofbe terrified ofbe terrified atbe alonelive alonefeel lonelyfly in an airplanehigh placesspeak in front of a groupI go to sleep with my bedroomlight on.1.害怕be afraid ofExercises211.上体操课上体操课2.上绘画课上绘画课3.讨厌昆虫讨厌昆虫4.吃太多糖果吃太多糖果5.常嚼口香糖常嚼口香糖6.熟思,细想熟思,细想7.一直一直8.仍然,同样仍然,同样9.日常生活日常生活10.担心测验担心测验11.六岁的弟弟六岁的弟弟have gym classhave painting classhate insectseat too much candychew gum a lotchewoverall the timeall the samedaily/everyday lifeworry about testssix-year-old brother1.上体操课have gym classExercises221.问题孩子问题孩子2.引起麻烦引起麻烦3.支付不起她孩子的学费支付不起她孩子的学费4.处于困境处于困境5.与警察发生纠纷与警察发生纠纷6.对对有耐心有耐心7.最后最后8.在这个月末在这个月末9.到上学期末为止到上学期末为止10.做一个艰难的决定做一个艰难的决定problem childcause a lot of troublecant afford to pay for her childs get into troubleget into trouble with the policebe patient with in the endat the end of the monthby the end of last termmake a difficult decision1.问题孩子problem childExercises231.浪费时间浪费时间2.令他惊讶的是令他惊讶的是3.改变他的生活改变他的生活4.即使即使5.不再不再6.因因而骄傲而骄傲7.对对多留心多留心8.尽可能好的照顾他尽可能好的照顾他9.它正是我所需要的它正是我所需要的.10.就是在那时我决定改变就是在那时我决定改变.waste the timeto his surprisechange his lifeeven though/ifno longertake pride inpay more attention tolook after him as well as she couldIt was exactly what I needed.Thats when I decided to change.1.浪费时间waste the timeExercises24()1.-She used to live in a small house,_?-No,she_.She lived in a building.A.Did she,did B.didnt she,did B.C.did she,didnt D.didnt she,didnt()2.I _ this free time although I _hate it.A.used to,used to B.used to,be used to B.C.am used to,be used to D.am used to,used toDD()1.-_ he to live in a Beijing?-Yes,he used.A.Used B.Did C.Use D.Used toA()1.-She used to live in25()1.Judy used to be _.Now shes very shy.A.quiet B.outgoing C.smart()2.My brother is interested in _ basketball.A.play B.playing C.to play()3.He is good at swimming.He is _ the swim team.A.on B.at C.for()4.I like sleeping _ the windows _ in summer.A.with,open B.keep,open C.with,opening()5.Many girls are afraid of _ alone at night.A.walking B.to walk C.walkBBAAA()1.Judy used to be _26根据句意、所给单词的首字母或汉语注释,根据句意、所给单词的首字母或汉语注释,1.After that,he became more _(interest)in history.2.I used to be _(terrify)of snakes.3.I spent much time _(chat)on the Internet.4.He was very sorry for his fathers _(die).5.Tom is not a child any more.He can take care of _(he).6.The boy has made his _(decide)to study hard.7.If you want to be a good teacher,you must be more_ (有耐心的).8.His actions has _(引起)lots of trouble.9.Its _(必要)to give him a call and say“thanks”to him.10.It _(似乎)that he has never been to Beijing.11.The shop sells all kinds of _.(糖果)candiesinterestedterrified chattingdeathhimselfdecisionpatientcausednecessary seems根据句意、所给单词的首字母或汉语注释,candiesinte27用took,spent,paid,cost 填空I _ 10 yuan for that book.She _ 100yuan on her dress.It _ her ten dollars.It _ her ten hours to finish it.It takes sb some time to do sthSb spends some time/money doing sth Sb spends some time/money on sthSb paid money for sth.Sth cost+money/Sth cost sb+money.paidspentcost took用took,spent,paid,cost 填空281.He used to be a teacher.(提问)_ _ he _ to _?2.The girl used to like math.(疑问)_ the girl _ to like math?3.It seems that he is very tired.(同义)He seems _ _tired.4.The old man used to have black hair.(反义疑问)The old man used to have black hair,_ _?5.He spent a lot of time studying English.(同义).It _ him a lot of time _ study English.took toWhat did use beDid useto bedidnt he1.He used to be a teacher.(提问29初三英语九年级1-2单元复习ppt课件30


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