2018年小学英语总复习精练课件-第3章 句型 第2节 疑问句|人教(PEP) (共9张PPT)

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2018年小学英语总复习精练课件-第3章 句型 第2节 疑问句|人教(PEP) (共9张PPT)_第1页
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2018年小学英语总复习精练课件-第3章 句型 第2节 疑问句|人教(PEP) (共9张PPT)_第2页
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2018年小学英语总复习精练课件-第3章 句型 第2节 疑问句|人教(PEP) (共9张PPT)_第3页
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一 、 单 项 选 择 。( C )1.(2015 上 海 )Do you_the music every morning?A listen B hear C listen to( A )2. _ jumps higher, the boy or the girl? The girl _A Who; does B Which; is C Whos; is( A )3. _are his football clothes? Under the bed.A Where B Who C Whose D What ( B )4.(2016 郑 州 ) What does Sue like doing? _A She likes play the piano. B She likes drawing cartoons.C Shes good at singing. D She can run very fast.( C )5.(2014 东 莞 )Which season do you like_?A better B good C best 二 、 疑 问 词 练 兵 。1 _What_ are you going to do? Im going to take some pictures.2 _How_ does Mary go to school? On foot.3 _When_ were you born(出 生 )? In 2000.4 _Which_ season do you like best? I like fall best.5 _Where_ is my English book? Its on the bed. 三 、 句 型 转 换 。1 I like grapes (对 画 线 部 分 提 问 )_What_ _kind_ _of_ _fruit_ _do_ you like?2 Im going to have a picnic tomorrow.(对 画 线 部 分 提问 )_What_ are you going to _do_ tomorrow?3 Miss Wang went shopping yesterday.(对 画 线 部 分 提 问 )_Who_ _went_ shopping yesterday?4 Are you a doctor? (用 nurse改 为 选 择 疑 问 句 )Are you a doctor _or_ _a_ _nurse_?5 The children like games.(改 为 一 般 疑 问 句 )_Do_ the children _like_ games? 四 、 有 问 必 答 。( E )1.Who is the girl in red? ( C )2.Whose new coat is it? ( D )3.Whats your name, please? ( A )4.How old are you? ( B )5.What about going shopping? A 11 years old.B Its a good idea.C Its Lilys.D My name is David.E She is Jims sister. 五 、 知 错 就 改 。 (每 题 一 处 )1 Is itA aB new book? No, it isC. ( C )_isn t_2 AreA you a studentB andC a teacher? ( C )_or_3 She is readingA a book, isntB herC? ( C )_she_4 How manyA waterB isC there in the bottle? ( A )_How_much_5 WhichA is your sister doingB? She is readingC. ( A )_What_ 六 、 (2014 北 京 海 淀 )选 择 who, which, where, what,whose, how old, how或 how many填 空 。1 A: _What_time is it? B: Its half past six.2 A: _Where_is Mary from? B: America.3 A: _How_old_is your brother? B: Hes ten.4 A: _Who_is that girl? B: Shes my classmate, Linda.5 A: _How_are you? B: Fine, thanks.6 A: _How_many_pencils have you got? B: I have three. 7 A: _Whose_ball is this? B: Its Peters.8 A: _Which_boy is Billy? B: That fat boy.


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