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外研版高中二年级外研版高中二年级(第五册第五册)Module 2The Human Traffic Signal短语复习短语复习:1.处于不好的状况处于不好的状况 _2.尤其,特别尤其,特别_3.平均平均_4.理论上理论上 _5.实际上实际上_6.幸亏幸亏_7.经过经过 _in bad conditionin particularon averagein theoryin practicethanks topass by短语复习短语复习:8.认为认为理所当然理所当然_9.对对有影响有影响 _10.申请申请_11.把把应用于应用于 _12.作为作为的回应的回应_13.脱落脱落/掉落掉落_14.注意到注意到 _take it for grantedhave an effect onapply forapply toin response tocome offtake notice of短语复习短语复习:15.遭受痛苦遭受痛苦_16.保持健康保持健康 _17.把把结合起来结合起来_18.占据占据/从事从事/拿起拿起/站好自己的位置站好自己的位置 _19.对对满意满意_20.满足满足的需要的需要_21.需要需要(介词短语介词短语)_suffer fromkeep fitcombine withtake upbe satisfied/pleased withmeet sbs requirementsin damand/need短语复习短语复习:22.在海拔高的地区在海拔高的地区_23.一周有一周一周有一周 _24.从黎明到黄昏从黎明到黄昏_25.和和有联系有联系 _ _26.作为作为工作工作_27.感谢某人某事感谢某人某事_at high altitudeweek in,week outfrom dawn to duskbe related to/be connectedwith/have sth to do withwork asbe grateful to sb for sthHe is satisfied_ the progress that he has madeso far.他对自己取得的进步感到满意。他对自己取得的进步感到满意。他总是主动提供帮助给任何需要的人。他总是主动提供帮助给任何需要的人。这个计划理论上似乎很好,实际上并不起作用。这个计划理论上似乎很好,实际上并不起作用。不要认为父母理所当然为你做所有的事。不要认为父母理所当然为你做所有的事。He always offers help to _ is in need.This plan appears good _ theory,but it doesnt work_ practice.Dont _ it for granted that parents should do everything for you.withwhoeverinintake1.Our son knows what to _ at the university;he has made up his mind about his future.A.take in B.take up C.take over D.take after 2.He promised me to make a phone call to me _.A.every five day B.every-five-dayC.every fifth day D.every fifth days BC3.He _ the scholarship(奖学金)from the university,so that he would be able to finish his study in the USA.A.asked for B.looked for C.applied for D.stood for4.The government tried its best to _ the peoples needs,but the people were still not _.In fact,what the government did was not _.A.satisfy;satisfied;satisfying B.satisfy;satisfying;satisfiedC.satisfied;satisfied;satisfying D.satisfying;satisfied;satisfied5.The police thought he was_ the murder in the shop.A connected to B.related to C.joined in D.linked6.Dont take_ for granted _ everyone should like you.A.that;what B.that;which C.it;what D.it;that 7.To our delight,the new rule did_ an effect on product sales.A.have B.had C.make D.makes 8.I think your theory should be tested _ practice to see whether it is true.A.on B.through C.in D.into9.He has decided to settle _ in France because he is fond of the romantic country.A.temporary B.temporarily C.permanent D.permanently 10.Although old,my car is kept _good condition and runs well.A.of B.in C.out D.on 11.According _ a survey,girls like to eat sweet food in _.A.to;special B.to;particular C.in;special D.of;particular 12.We wrote a letter _response _ his invitation to the party.A.in;of B.to;of C.to;about D.in;to 13.Our newly-built school is very attractive in every aspect.There are about 300 hundred visitors every day average.A.on B.in C.at D.for 14.The teacher demanded that he _ his homework at once.A.hand in B.would hand in C.handed in D.should be handed 15.A button _ as I was climbing over the wall in a hurry.A.came away B.came out C.came down D.came off16.He was _ with the results of the exam,which can be seen from his _ smile.A.satisfied,satisfying B.satisfied,satisfiedC.satisfying,satisfied D.satisfying,satisfying17._ heart trouble for years,Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.A.Having suffered B.Suffering from C.Having suffered from D.Being suffered 18.We appreciate the notice that you_ the mistakes we made in newspapers.A.paid B.paid to C.took D.took of


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