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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Section A(2a-2d)T:Did you have a good summer vacation?Ss:Yes,I did.T:Where did you go on vacation?Ss:I went to the mountains./I went to.T:Who did you go with?Ss:I went there with my parents./friends./.T:Did you buy anything special?Ss:Yes,I did.I bought./No,I didnt.2aListen.Where did Nancy,Kevin,and Julie go on vacation?Match the person with the place.New York Citythe beachhome2b Listen again.For each question check()“Yes,I did.”or“No,I didnt.”as you hear them talk.2cRole-play conversations between Grace,Kevin and Julie.()1.-Did you go to Central Park?-_ A.Yes,I didnt B.Yes,I did C.No,I did D.Yes,I do()2.I dont want to go to the mountains with _ next month.A.someone B.anyone C.anything D.anywhere()3.-Can you tell me about it?-Sorry,I dont have _ to tell you,I am new here,too.A.something B.anything C.everything()4.I often study for tests _ my sister.A.with B.at C.in D.forABBBRole-play conversations 2d2dRead and Answer.1).When was Helen on vacation?2).Wheren did Helen go?3).Is Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou?4).Did Rick do anything special last minth?What did he do?Role-play conversations()1.I _ on vacation last month.A.did B.was C.were D.do()2.I am very busy these days,so I cant go _ with you.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.everywhere3.好好长时间不不见了。了。_4.我我们在那里照了很多照片。在那里照了很多照片。_5.上个月你做了一些特殊的事情上个月你做了一些特殊的事情吗?_Long time no see.We took quite a few photos there.Did you do anything special last month?BB1.anyone 的用法的用法1)有有谁去去过山区山区吗?Did anyone go to the mountains?2)我不想告我不想告诉任何人任何人这件事。件事。I dont want to tell anyone about the thing.3)任何人可以做任何人可以做这件事。件事。Anyone can do the thing.4)你你见过有趣的人有趣的人吗?Did you meet anyone interesting?anyone 表示表示“某人某人”时,常用于否定句和疑,常用于否定句和疑问句中,意句中,意为“什什么人,么人,谁”;表示;表示“任何人任何人”,可用于肯定句。被形容,可用于肯定句。被形容词修修饰时,形容形容词应该置于其后。置于其后。2.anywhere 的用法的用法1)我在什么地方都不能找到它。我在什么地方都不能找到它。I cant find it anywhere.2)昨晚你去什么地方了昨晚你去什么地方了吗?Did you go anywhere last night?3)你去你去过又去的地方又去的地方吗?Did you go to anywhere interesting?4)随便坐。随便坐。Sit anywhere.anywhere 表示表示“某地某地”时,常用于否定句和疑,常用于否定句和疑问句中,意句中,意为“在(往)什么地方,在(往)任何地方在(往)什么地方,在(往)任何地方”;被形容;被形容词修修饰时,形容形容词应该置于其后。置于其后。表示表示“在任何地方在任何地方”,可用于肯定句。,可用于肯定句。3.few 的用法的用法1)他在他在这里几乎没朋友。里几乎没朋友。He has few friends here.2)篮子里有几个子里有几个鸡蛋。蛋。There are a few eggs in the basket.few 用来修用来修饰可数名可数名词的复数,表示否(肯或否)定意思,的复数,表示否(肯或否)定意思,“没有,几乎没有没有,几乎没有”;常用常用词组为 a few,表示肯定意思,表示肯定意思,意意为“有几个有几个”。与与 few 和和 a few 相相对应的是的是 little 和和 a little,用来修用来修饰不可数名不可数名词,little 表示否定意思,意表示否定意思,意为“没有,几乎没有没有,几乎没有”。a little 表示肯定意思,意表示肯定意思,意为“有一点有一点”。


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