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Language Pointsndenyndeclinenprominencenexcelnstrainnindifferencenunanimouslynnon/pent-/dec-nplaynsports 1n Some teenagers harbor(心怀)a generalized resentment(愤慨)against society,which _ them the rights and privileges of adults,although physically they are mature.A)deprives B)restricts C)rejects D)denies Key:D).虽然有些青少年身体发育已经成熟,但由于社会否认否认他们享有 成人的权利和特殊利益,他们普遍对社会感到愤慨。deprives sb.of sth.剥夺;restricts sb.of sth.限制;deny 1.vt.否认,不承认 say that sth.Is not true deny a statement deny ones signature deny flatly 否认声明 不承认自己的签名 断然否认 他否认否认签过字。He denied signing it.2.vt.拒绝给予,拒绝的要求 refuse to give He denies his wife nothing.He was denied opportunity in other ways.他对他的妻子有求必应。他在其他方面的机会被剥夺剥夺了。你决不应该拒绝拒绝帮助那些需要帮助的人。You should never deny assistance to those who need it2 3.Phrases deny sb.sth.拒绝给予某人某物 deny doing sth.否认做过 There is no denying that 不容否认 4.Exercise The police accused him of setting fire to the building but he denied _ in the area on the night of fire.A)to have been B)to be C)to being D)having been Key:D).Some day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could _.A)depress B)descend C)deteriorate D)decline.Key:D).下降,减少。A 按下;B(位置)下降;C 恶化ndecline de=down 向下;cline=lean,bend 倾斜,弯曲 1.vi.(物价,股票)下降,减少 decrease in quantity or in importance The price of 14 inches TV set declined from 400 to 320 yuan each.14英寸的电视机每台从400元降到320元。你认为近年教育水平下降了吗?Do you think the standards of education have declined in recent years?3 2.vi.衰退,衰落 to deteriorate gradually;become worse an empire that has declined 业已衰落衰落的帝国 虽有西方影响,中国的古老艺术并未因此而衰落衰落。The arts of China have not declined in spite of Western influence.3.v.谢绝,拒绝 to express polite refusal/to refuse politely decline an offer/to answer a question decline an invitation/a proposal 拒绝请求/回答问题 谢绝邀请/建议 4.n.下降,减少,衰退 the decline of the Roman Empire economic/moral decline 罗马帝国的衰亡 经济/道德衰退 a decline in population/prices/popularity 人口/价格/声望的降低降低 Despite his loss of the Olympic gold medals and a sad decline in fortune during his later years,Thorpe was almost unanimously chosen the greatest athlete of modern times.尽管索普失去了奥林匹克金牌,晚年境遇凄楚,人们依然几乎一致地推选 他为现代最伟大的运动员 4 5.phrases decline to do sth.拒绝做某事 fall into a decline 开始衰落 on the decline adj&adv.走下坡路,在衰退中 nprominent 1.a.突出的,杰出的 Immediately noticeable/widely known;outstanding 突出的医生 杰出人物 起突出作用 a prominent doctor prominent persons play a prominent role 2.a.突起的,凸出的 Projecting outward or upward from a line or surface prominent teeth/chin a prominent nose prominent eyes 突出的牙齿/下巴 大鼻子 凸眼 3.同根词 prominence n.(u)突出,显著,(c)显著物 4.Cf:prominent/distinguished/outstanding prominent 突出的,显眼显眼的,指某物突出于周围环境或背景,用以形容 突出明显的位置位置。distinguished 卓越的,著名的,指出类拔萃的人人或显著的成绩成绩。outstanding 杰出的,指在同类人或事物中的出类拔萃者出类拔萃者,他们明显高 于一般水平,并给人以深刻的印象深刻的印象。5 5.Exercise Our house is the most _ one in the street;its painted red.A)prominent B)distinguished C)outstanding D)well-known Key:A).我们的住宅在这条街上十分显眼显眼,它是红色的。6.translation Soon Carlisle was racing along its own bright path to athletic prominence.不久,卡莱尔学校沿着自己的光明之路冲上了体育运动的高峰高峰。nexcel excelled excelled 1.vi.(at,in)突出,擅长 To show superiority;surpass others She excels as a orator.Fransis excels as a long-distance runner.她擅长演说。弗朗西斯是个出色的长跑选手。2.vt.胜过,优于 To do or be better than;surpass.excel sb.in knowledge excel others in strength 学识过人 力大无比 3.phrases excel at (在某一活动方面)表现杰出;擅长于(某项活动)excel in (在某学科上)成绩杰出;专长(某一学科)6 4.同根词 excellent adj 卓越的,极好的 =wonderful 5.Cf:excel/exceed/surpass/overtake 超过 excels 处于或表现出比另一个或其他人高的水平高的水平 excel at figure skating 擅长擅长花样滑冰 excelled her father as a lawyer 作为律 师强过强过她的父亲。exceed =go out of 单纯指数字、程度等方面超出一定期待、限度期待、限度。A salary exceeding 50 thousand dollars a year 超过超过五万美元的 年薪 exceed ones authority 越越权 surpass=pass over 比较或竞赛比较或竞赛时的超过超过用surpass happiness that surpassed description 难以形容的幸福;His car surpasses mine in speed.他的车比比我的车跑得快。overtake 赶上,超过;指追赶追赶上或超过超过某人、车辆等。The car overtook the truck.小汽车超过超过了大卡车。6.Exercise The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home,because I was _ the speed limit.A)exceeding B)surpassing C)excelling D)overtaking Key:A).7 He badly _ his back while digging in the garden last Sunday.A)stretched B)pulled C)exerted D)strained Key:D).A 伸展,拉长;B 拉,拖;C 尽力,发挥,施加,与on连用 nstrain 1.vt.扭伤,拉伤 injure a muscle or part of your body strain ones wrist/waist 我抬箱子的时候扭扭了背。扭伤扭伤手腕/腰 I strained my back when I lifted the box.2.vt.尽力使用,使紧张 make violent efforts to strain ones eye strain every nerve strain ones wit 全神贯注地看 全力以赴 绞尽脑汁 She strained her ears,but no sound reached them.她使劲用耳朵听,但一点声音也没听到。3.vt.拉紧,绷紧 pull hard at sth.or push hard against sth.strain a rope 他们拉紧拉紧绳子以便使船靠岸。拉紧绳子 They strained the rope to pull the boat in.4.vi.尽力,努力 strain after strain under a heavy burden 拼命争取 在重压之下苦撑苦度8 他拼命地转动轮子,但没成功。He strained to turn the wheel,but he couldnt.5.n.拉紧;极度紧张;张力;拉伤;旋律,曲调;品种;气质 under a mental strain stand the emotional strain 处于精神紧张状态紧张状态 忍受情感上的压力压力 relieve the strain impose a strain on sb.talk in a lofty strain 缓解紧张状态紧张状态 使某人处于紧张状态紧张状态 高谈阔论 He has a strain of melancholy in him.他有点忧郁。6.phrases strain to do sth.(understand)竭尽全力做某事 strain oneself 劳累过度;鼓足干劲 strain for sth.为某事而努力 7.Translation 我在打猎归家途中,看到史密斯先生和他的孩子们正使劲把汽车推 出烂泥地,就赶紧走过去帮助他们。On my way home from hunting,I found Mr.Smith and his children straining to get their car out of the mud and went immediately to help them.9 The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all Indians but seems to be _ the welfare of his animals.A)critical about B)indignant at C)indifferent to D)subject tonindifferent 1.a.(to)冷漠的,不关心的 Having no particular interest in or concern for be indifferent to hardships and dangers remain indifferent in a dispute 把困难和危险置之度外 在争论中保持中立 I am indifferent to their arguments.我对他们的争论毫不关心。对你的去留他毫不关心。It is quite indifferent to him whether you go or stay.2.a.一般的,表现平平的 Being neither good nor bad an indifferent performance 他的日文平常。水平不高的演出 His Japanese is indifferent.3.同根词 indifference n.不关心,冷漠 total indifference 完全不在乎 4.phrases display marked indifference towards 对表现出明显的冷漠 with complete indifference 漠不关心地 10 She was elected chairman of the committee by a _ vote.A)ambiguous B)synonymous C)simultaneous D)unanimous Key:D).一致选举。A 模棱两可的;B 同义的;C 同时的 nunanimous un=one(一);anim=生命,呼吸;一个鼻孔出气 1.a.全体一致的 sharing the same opinions or views unanimous acceptance We were unanimous in our dislike of that film.一致接受 我们全体一致讨厌那部电影。2.a.一致同意的 based on or characterized by complete agreement.The country is unanimous in its support of the governments policy.全国一致支持政府的政策。全校一致通过了校长的计划。The whole school was unanimous in its approval of the head-masters plan.3.同根词 unanimously ad.全体一致地,全体无异议地 4.Translation 这几个省的强队在会上一致宣布他们将参加下一届全国足球赛。The strong teams from these provinces declared unanimously at the meeting that they would take part in the next national football matches.11nnon-=not;the lack of;the opposite of 不,非不,非 nonmember nonresident nonconductor nonaggression 非会员 不住在任所 绝缘体 不侵略 nonnuclear nonsense nondestructive nonperiodically 非核的 废话 非破坏性的 非周期的 nonsmoker nonexistent nonproductive nonprofessional 不抽烟的人 不存在的 非生产性的 非职业的 nonviolent nonstop nonbreakable nonfiction 非暴力的 不断的 不破的 非小说的散文文学npenta-=five 五五 pentagon pentathlon pentahedron pentathlete 五角形 五项全能运动 五面体 五项全能运动员 pentachord pentameter pentagram pentoxide 五弦琴 五韵诗 五角星形 五氧化物ndeca-=ten decathlon decade decagram decameter 十项运动 十年 十克 十米 decagon 十角形 decasyllable 十音节词12play at vt.玩,做(游戏),假扮,玩play back v.放,放送(唱片,磁带等)play down vt.贬低play off against vi.使相斗play on vt.利用(感情)play up vt.强调,突出bring into play vt.使活动,使运转,启动come into play vi.开始活动,开始运转,投入使用fair play 公平的竞赛,公平的对待,光明磊落play a joke on sb.同某人开玩笑nHe _ our fears to get what he wanted.nThe little girls like to _ keeping a shopnplayed on/play at 13track field track and field run distance races run sprints run 径赛 田赛 田径运动 长跑 短跑100-meter run 400-meter run 1500-meter run run high hurdles 100米跑 400米跑 1500米跑 高栏跑 broad jump high jump pole vault trophy跳远 跳高 撑竿跳 奖品throw the javelin throw the shot throw the discus wrestling 投标枪 推铅球 掷铁饼 摔交 football soccer baseball basketball volleyball lacrosse橄榄球 足球 棒球 篮球 排球 长曲棍球coach athlete amateur professional champion runner-up 教练 运动员 业余选手 职业选手 冠军 亚军 opponent league baseball season halfback对手 棒球联赛 赛季 中卫pentathlon 200米跑 1500米跑 跳远 铁饼 标枪decathlon 100米跑 400米跑 高栏 跳远 1500米跑十项全能 跳高 撑竿跳 铁饼 标枪 铅球 14


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