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the fact of not achieving the desired ends;one that failsa fellow member of a profession,a co-workera co-workertieaction of judging;opinion formed about something.unit of study at a university or collegeKey Words Made Easyfailurecolleagueattachjudgmentcreditn.(c/u)失败;失败者n.同事v.栓,系在.上,附加,贴n.判断n.学分capable,properly qualifiedbreak a part considered in relation to the wholea college or university teacher who ranks below an assistant professor.dissatisfactionKey Words Made Easycompetent interrupting proportion instructordiscontentadj.有能力的;称职的adj.打扰的n.比例n.教师,讲课人(instruction n.)n.不满意(content)反义Key Words Made EasyJohn didnt pass the exam,but he doesnt take it as a failure.As a writer,he was a failure.(loser)V.fail Fail to doFailure to doProfessor Wang and I are colleagues;we work at the same university.Col-/co-=together;jointly 一起,联合一起,联合Collect/cooperateIn my judgment,the students answer to the question is correct.1.An opinion My judgment is that/In my judgment the plan is inappropriate.2.decision of the court3.the ability to make wise decisions Make judgments on;Make a judgment on;Judge v./n.法官,裁判员法官,裁判员The student took the barometer to the top of the building and attached a long rope to it.e.g.Climbers wear ropes and attach devices to the rocks as they climb many hundreds of meters up.attach file Ill get four credits for the College English course this semester.赊欠赊欠 We bought most of our furniture on credit.Belief,trust,confidence 信任,相信信任,相信Credit card I have no credit in this governments abilities.Adj.credible:reliablen.credibilityProfessor Smith is a competent teacher;I learned a lot from him.as/at/in sth to do sth He is competent as a teacher/in his work.He is incompetent to look after young petenceSynonym:able/capable/qualifiedAntonym:incompetentI excused myself for interrupting Professor Wang,and asked him to please go on.This picture lacks proportion;the mans head is too big for the body.Payment will be in proportion to the work done,not to the time spent.(be proportional to)Her head is out of proportion to the size of her body.The proportion of boys to girls is two to three in your class.Adj.Proportional Miserable!Our language instructor makes us do a lot of grammar exercises.n.InstructionAdj.instructiveinstructress Mary is not happy with her test result,but she doesnt want to show her discontent.Dissatisfaction n.不满意不满意Adj.discontentedAntonym:content(adj./n.)Key Expressions in Usestand forset up againsthave another trybe fed up withwith something in mind对有权利;象征,代表;意思是制定对不利(的条例、制度等)再试一次对受够了/烦透了考虑到某事;想到have the right for;meanorganize/arrange againsttry againhave too much;be disgusted withthinking of somethingKey Expressions in UseMr.Green is a competent instructor;he really stands for the prize.The owl stands for wisdom.Facts are collected and set up against my judgment.We should set up a tent before dark.The government has set up a committee to inquire into the problem.Youd better have another try;it wont be another failure.Im really fed up withIm really fed up with all these math formulae!With a good sense of proportion in mind,my colleague was able to solve the problem.Preview questionsWhat kind of ability do you think you should form in college?Do you want to be a creative student?And what should you do in order to be creative?How many methods of measuring the height of a building did the student propose?What are they?Grammar used in the passagePassive voice Subjunctive moodellipsis TEXT ANALYSISPart I(1)A colleague want him to grade a students answer to a physics question.Part II(2-4)The author examined the question and the answer,and offered his judgment and suggestions.Part III(5-7)How did the student answer the questions the second time and the judgment of the author this time.Part IV(8-11)Another three unusual answers given by the student.Part V(12-13)The reason why the student answered the question in an unexpected way.Difficult SentencesHe believed he would if the grading system were not set up against the student.He believed he would get a full score if the grading system were not arranged in such a way that it went against the student.I was not surprised that my colleague agreed,but I was surprised that the student did.The referee professor was not surprised that his colleague agreed to let the student have another try.But he was surprised that the student also agreed to have another try.A very direct method.This is a very direct method.(a typical sentence fragment for emphasis)Professor Zhang always reads his lecture notes in class.During the whole class hour,he never looks up once from his notes and when the bell rings for the end of the class,he would invariably say,“Okay.After the class,you have to make out the exact meaning of my lecture.”A hundred percent pedantic way!He admitted that he did.He admitted that he knew the usual answer to the question.Passive voice(Line 3)But the students argued that he was competent in the subject and should be given a full score.(Line 4)he believed he would if the grading system were not set up against the student.(Line 5)I was then elected to make a judgment and decision.Subjunctive mood(line 4)he believed he would if the grading system was not set up against the student.ellipsis(line 4)he believed he would(line 25)I was not surprised that my colleague agreed,but I was surprised that the student did.(Line 55)A very direct method.(Line 65)He admitted that he did.Phrases in the textReceive a call from sbBe a referee on sthBe about to do sthBe competent in sthFull scoreGrading systemSet up againstAttach sth to sthlower接到某人的电话做的裁判要去做某事在某方面有能力,能胜任某职满分评分标准制定对不利的条例将某物系到另一物降低Point outStand forA somewhat competent studentHave another try atExcuse oneself for doing sthTimeWith the aid of 指出值得,对某物有权利,代表有点能耐的学生再试一次为做而抱歉记时在的帮助下Mark offAs followsBe fed up withGo deep intoWith sth in mindIn disguise of标记出,做标记如下受够了,烦透了深入进去想到,考虑到装扮成Main Idea of the TextThe goal of college education is to bring up creative imagination in students and as an instrument for that goal,college exams and grading system must be reformed to facilitate that goal.Exercises Study and PracticeVocabulary A.1.In my _,the students solution to the problem is workable.2.We cant make a judgment over this issue,so we have to invite a _ to make a decision.3.You can e-mail this article as a(n)_ to your instructor.judgmentrefereeattachment4.Scientist is trying to _ when the spaceship would reach the Mars.5.The students answer to the question is _ but not correct.6.Getting good _ in computer game does not mean you can pass the exam with good credit.7.Take this _,measure the pressure of the air and judge if the weather will change today.8.To be able to use English,we have to develop fluent communicative_ instead of accurate grammatical pletescorecompetencebarometercalculate9.The superintendent of this building has his office in the _.10.To pass the coming physics examination,you have to learn by heart all these _.11.Our language _ is a nice lady who has been working in this college for 20 years.12.The reading _ in this unit are mostly taken from New York Times.basementformulaeinstructorselectionscolleagueproportiondiscontentadmitdeterminepedanticsuperintendentcredit disguisestairI went down to the basement and there I saw Mr.Richardson,the _ of the building.He is tall but his head is too big,just out of _ to his narrow shoulders.Mr.Richardson told me he was rather _ with the students who kept on coming to him for the height of the building.He _ though that he had collected a number of barometers from students as gift.superintendentproportiondiscontentadmittedVocabulary B.colleagueproportiondiscontentadmitdeterminepedanticsuperintendentcredit disguisestairThe students told Mr.Richardson that they were _ not to follow their _ instructors who knew nothing but the“only one correct answer”to examination questions.They said they gave Mr.Richardson gifts for the height of building not for _ but for fun.At this moment,we heard someone coming down from the _.It was a man,coming silently towards us.When the man came nearer,I found he was no one but my _ in _ of a senior student.I wish he came not for the height of the building!determinedpedanticcreditstairscolleaguedisguiseVocabulary C.1.Professor Smith suggested that the student try again to answer the question.Professor Smith suggested that the student have another try,answering the question.2.Most people believe that laws must be passed to stop the spread of the disease.Most people believe that laws must be set up against the spread of the disease.3.The professor instructs the student to do the experiment with the help of the barometer.The professor instructs the student to do the experiment with the aid of the barometer.4.I cant listen to her complaints any longer.She seems to be discontent with everything.I am fed up with her complaints.She seems to be discontent with everything.5.My colleague said he was sorry for not being able to help me with the grading.My colleague excused himself for not being able to help me with the grading.6.Despite his mistakes here and there,the president is still worth the trust of his people.Despite his mistakes here and there,the president still stands for the trust of his people.7.Thinking of the up-coming exam,the student quickly got up and hurried into the library.With the up-coming exam in mind,the student quickly got up and hurried into the library.8.Who do you think he is?He is but a devil(魔鬼)who pretends to be an angel(天使).Who do you think he is?He is but a devil in the disguise of an angel.Structureno later thanthe graduate studentsJuly 5take the final examinationHis colleagueshard physics problemsjoin in the discussionProfessor WangThe graduate students asked if they could take the final exa-mination no later than July 5.Professor Wang asked his colleagues if they could join in the discussion about some hard physics problems.A.(to ask if;to ask sb.if)The studentthe height of the houselet him knowthe superintendentknowledge of physicswarnthe studentthe referee of the testThe student asked the superinten-dent if he could let him know the height of the house.The referee of the test warned that some knowledge of physics should be shown in the students answer.B (S+v.+that clause)creative ways of thinkingmy colleaguesbelievecollege studentslearnthe height of the hillbarometerdecidedeterminethe physicistMy colleagues believe that college students should learn creative ways of thinking.The physicist decides that the barometer should be used to determine the height of the hill.Professor Wang argues that the present evaluation and grading system at college is set up against the growth of students creative thinking ability.He believes that instructors must encourage their students to fully voice their own views in class and use their imagination extensively in tests.Students should be taught to answer questions with the aid of their professional knowledge instead of going for the only correct answer.p经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量pStudyConstantly,AndYouWillKnowEverything.TheMoreYouKnow,TheMorePowerfulYouWillBe写在最后谢谢你的到来学习并没有结束,希望大家继续努力Learning Is Not Over.I Hope You Will Continue To Work Hard演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日


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