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The Attributive Clause定语从句定语从句(1)执教者执教者 孙孙 艳华艳华永州市工商职业中专T:Boysandgirls!Doyoulikemusic?Ss:Yes,wedo.T:Whatkindofmusicdoyoulike?Ss:Popmusic.Lead-inT:Sowecansaywelikepopmusicandwecanalsosaywelikemusicthatispopular.NowNow,today we,today wellll learn a new grammar the Atrributive Clause.Lead-inI like music.The music is fun.I like musicthat is fun.修饰先行词修饰先行词 music I like music.The music is exciting.I like musicthat is exciting修饰先行词修饰先行词 music I like apples.The apples are red.I like applesthat are red.修饰先行词修饰先行词 apples I like apples.The apples are delicious.I like applesthat/which are delicious.修饰先行词修饰先行词 apples I like the food I like the food that that is delicious.is delicious.I like that.I like that.I like the TV shows I like the TV shows that/whichthat/which are are funnyfunnyI like.that/which.I have a friend.My friend likes sports.I have a friendwho likes sports.修饰先行词修饰先行词 a friendI have a friend.The friend likes dogs.I have a friendwho likes dogs.修饰先行词修饰先行词 a friendI have some friends.Some friends do sportsI have some friendswho do sports.修饰先行词修饰先行词 some friends I have some friends.Some friends can sing.I have some friendswho/that can sing.修饰先行词修饰先行词 some friends vT:Can you describe the singer?T:we can use the new grammar to describe her:She is a singer who can play the guitar very well.I like the players I like the players whowho can play can play basketball very well.basketball very well.Guessing gameWho is she/he?Who are they?She is a girl who wears a red scarf in our class.作主语作主语He is a player who can play basketball very well.作主语作主语He is a player He is a player whowho/that that can run very fast.can run very fast.GUESSING作作主主语语 They are singers They are singers who(mwho(m)/that that I like I like very much.very much.GUESSING作宾语作宾语先行词先行词物物(n.)+that/which +从句从句先先行词行词人人(n.)+who/that+从句从句关系代词关系代词who/that/which的作用:的作用:a.用作代用作代词,代替先词,代替先行词行词;b.用作连词,把主句和从句连接起来用作连词,把主句和从句连接起来;c.在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语.RULESCompetitionFill in the blanks with“which,that,and who”.1.The girl _ you saw just now is my sister.2.This is the watch _ my mother gave me for my birthday.whothat thatwhich1.Tom is the first boy _ left the room.2.Uncle Li is a person _ is always ready to help others.whothat whothatFill in the blanks with“which,that,and who”.1.Mary lost the book 1.Mary lost the book(thatthat she she bought last week).bought last week).Mary Mary 丢了丢了丢了丢了(她上周买的她上周买的她上周买的她上周买的)那本书那本书那本书那本书.Translation Translation 1.The girl speaks English very well.1.The girl speaks English very well.2.The girl comes from New York.2.The girl comes from New York.将简单句变为定语从句将简单句变为定语从句将简单句变为定语从句将简单句变为定语从句 The girl who speaks English very well comes from New YorkThe girl speaks English very well who comes from New YorkSummaryThe Attributive Clause 1.I like music that/which is fun.2.I like friends who/that like sports.vHomework Using the Attributive Clause to describe your friends.


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