(统考版)高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训14 阅读七选五之说明文(Ⅱ)(含解析)-人教版高三英语试题

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(统考版)高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训14 阅读七选五之说明文(Ⅱ)(含解析)-人教版高三英语试题_第1页
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(统考版)高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训14 阅读七选五之说明文(Ⅱ)(含解析)-人教版高三英语试题_第2页
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(统考版)高考英语二轮复习 专题限时集训14 阅读七选五之说明文(Ⅱ)(含解析)-人教版高三英语试题_第3页
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专题限时集训(十四)阅读七选五之说明文()A (2019河南省实验中学模拟)There might not be anything more important than taking care of your health.And doing so can be simple.It takes consistent habits to keep your body healthy throughout your life.Here are some of the habits of those living a healthy life. 1 Itll help you save time and money in the long run.Spare some time,then sit down and consider your goals and needs.Do you want to lose weight?Cut back on sugar or fat?Add protein(蛋白质) or vitamins?Meal preparation keeps you in control. 2 A bonus:Itll be much easier to skip those sweet foods in the break room at work.Drink plenty of waterIt can do so many good things for you.Staying hydrated(含水的) is at the top of the list,but it may also help you lose weight.Another reason to go for H2O? 3 If you arent a fan of plain water,add flavor with slices of orange,lemon,lime,watermelon,or cucumber.Go offlineChecking your email and social media a lot? Sure,your friends and familys latest updates are just a click away,but do you really need to see pictures of your cousins latest meal?Lets wait until morning.Set a time to log off and put the phone down. 4 Take a walk,read a book,or help your cousin chop vegetables for her next great dinner.Head outdoorsA few minutes in the sunshine raise vitamin D levels,and thats good for your bones,your heart,and your mood. 5 . Choose nature over city streets,if you can.One study found that people who strolled in urban green spaces were calmer than people who walked in builtup areas.ASugary drinks are linked to obesity and relevant diseasesBStrength training helps your body trade fat for muscle massCPlan your mealsDBeing outside means youre more likely to move your bodyERemember your mealsFYou know what youre eating and whenGWhen you cut back on screen time,it frees you to do other things【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一些让人保持健康的生活习惯。1C此处是本段小标题。本段主要讲了如何控制自己的饮食。C项“计划你的膳食”适合做本段小标题。故选C。2F根据上文“Meal preparation keeps you in control.”可知,备餐能让你控制自己。F项“让你知道自己吃什么以及什么时候吃”承接上文,符合语境。故选F。3A根据本段标题“Drink plenty of water”和本段内容可知,本段从正反两方面说明了饮水的好处。A项“含糖饮料与肥胖和相关疾病有关”与标题呼应,符合语境。故选A。4G根据上文“Set a time to log off and put the phone down.”和下文“Take a walk,read a book,or help your cousin chop vegetables for her next great dinner.”可知,退出账户,放下手机。散散步,读本书,帮你的堂姐做做饭。G项“随心所欲地做其他的事”承上启下,符合语境。故选G。5D根据本段标题“Head outdoors”和本段内容可知,我们应走到远离街道的大自然去。D项“户外活动意味着你更有可能活动你的身体”符合语境。故选D。BCan creativity be taught?Thats a question without a simple yes or no answer.Creativity may not be able to be taught directly,but what you can get better at is frequently targeting at the circumstances of life which bring the greatest chances for true creative expression. 6 ,but more like something which manifests(显现) itself inside those who learn to develop it and create the right conditions for it.Limit your selection of tools to only the most vital. 7 Youll be sharper than someone who merely fights with a larger set of tools.Learn how to be resourceful. 8 Creativity is not just about creating something new but making old things work better as well.Think of crazy possibilities as well as practical ones.You might find inspiration for a workable solution in one of your ideas.Dont listen to feedback(反馈) and keep following your own path.The problem of asking for feedback is that the feedback will be given according to the persons past experience.Others will unconsciously push you in a direction that they see as the best. 9 Just dont let criticism destroy your creativity during the creative process. 10 Routines are positive if they strengthen a healthy creative consciousness and negative if they destroy that.The key is to discover a creative routine that puts you in a more creative mindset.ACreativity is not like a lightning strikeBHaving a routine is actually not a bad ideaCYou can literally do anything you like with themDResourcefulness is about making the most of what you have to work withEThe more limited your set of tools is,the more creative the output will be FThis is done with good intentions,but it actually hurts your natural creativityGWhile breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了培养创造力的一些方法。6A根据空后的“but more like something which.conditions for it”可知,空处和后面的句子构成一个“not.but.”句型,故选A项。7E由空前一句“Limit your selection of tools to only the most vital.”可知,E项符合语境,承接上文。故选E项。8D空前一句“Learn how to be resourceful.”中的resourceful和D项中的Resourcefulness相呼应。故选D项。9F根据该段的主题句“Dont listen to feedback(反馈) and keep following your own path.”并结合空前一句“Others will unconsciously push you in a direction that they see as the best.”可知,其他人的反馈意图是好的,但会伤害你的创造力,故选F项。10B根据文章的结构和空处所在的位置可知,空处为该段的主题句。本段主要讲的是有一个固定的程序实际上不是一个坏主意。故选B项。C (2020石家庄二中模拟)Having a learning disability doesnt mean you cant learn.Learning disabilities happen because of the way a persons brain takes in and processes information. 11 The trick will be figuring out how you learn best.Learning disabilities arent contagious(传染的),but they can be genetic.That means they can be passed down in families through the genes,like many other traits we get from our parents and grandparents. Someone with a learning disability probably has other family members who have some learning troubles,too.Kids with learning problems are sometimes surprised to find out that one of their parents had similar troubles when he or she was in school. 12 Learning experts now know a lot more about the brain and how learning works.Its very hard for a kid to know if he or she has a learning disability.But kids dont have to figure all this out on their own. 13 Start with your teacher and your mom or dad.Finding out you have a learning disability can be upsetting. 14 But the truth is that learning disabilities are pretty common.And if your learning specialist or psychologist has figured out which one youre facing,youre on the right track.Now,you can start getting the help you need to do better in school.To make this special help really work,youll need to practise the new skills youre learning.It may take a lot of efforts every day. 15 Soon,youll enjoy the results of all your hard work:More fun and success at school!AAs a result,some people learn differently.BWhat a kid needs to do is to tell someone.CThat can be a challenge,but you can do it.DYou might feel different from everyone else.EThere are people who know how to do just that.FBut kids today have an advantage over their parents.GBut youll need some help and youll need to work extra hard.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章分析了学习障碍出现的原因,并提出了可以克服它的一些方法。11A空格前讲有学习障碍并不代表你不能学习。之所以出现这种障碍是因为每个人理解和处理信息的方法不一样。A项“结果就是,一些人用不同的方法学习”与上文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选A。12F空格前讲有学习障碍的孩子的父母也许在上学时也有类似的问题。F项“但当今的孩子比起他们的父母而言更有优势”与上文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选F。13B空格前讲对于一个孩子来说,要明白自己有学习障碍是很困难的,但孩子们不必独自弄清楚这个问题,空格后讲可以和老师、父亲或母亲一起去考虑这个问题。B项“这个孩子需要做的就是告诉其他人”与上下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选B。14D空格前讲发现自己有学习障碍可能会让你很失望;空格后讲其实这个情况很普遍。D项“你也许会感到自己与其他人不同”与上下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选D。15C空格前讲为了使别人的帮助起作用,你需要练习你正在学习的新技巧,每天付出很多努力。C项“这也许是个挑战,但你一定可以做到”与上文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选C。D (2020太原五中阶段性检测)When you write a message or an email,you might put a smiling face or other pictures at the end to make the message more fun.These pictures are emojis(表情符号) 16 Later,they were used on Apples iPhone and Android phones.Now they are everywhere!Emoticon or emoji?Before emojis,there were emoticons,which can be made from the signs you can find on your keyboard,for example:) for a smiley. Emoji is a Japanese word which means photograph.e(“picture”)moji(“character”) 17 There are all kinds of emojis,from faces and weather pictures to things in the kitchen and animals.What are emojis for?In English,we have a saying:A picture paints a thousand words.For many people, an emoji is like a punctuation mark,or smiling at someone across the room. 18 It is like the tone(语气) of voice when we speak on the phone,or gestures used in conversation. 19 When someone speaks and looks serious,we try to look serious,too,and when someone smiles,we smile as well.This is how we show empathy(共鸣) and make friends.But when we are online,we cant see the persons face and there is no emotion. 20 Scientists in Australia have discovered that when we look at a smiley face online,the same parts of the brain start working as when we look at a real smiley face.Our mood changes,and we try to change our face to match the emoji.AHow do they affect us?BEmojis are real pictures.CWhy are emojis important?DThe invention of emojis changed that!EThis means that emojis have created a new brain pattern in us.FThe first emojis appeared on Japanese mobile phones in the 1990s.GA written message is black and white,but an emoji adds emotions to our messages.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。如今好多人会在邮件末尾加一个笑脸或其他图片使邮件变得更有趣,这些笑脸或图片就是我们现在随处可见的表情符号。文章介绍了表情符号的发展和它在日常生活中的作用。16F空格前讲当你写信息或邮件时,会在信息或邮件末尾加一个笑脸或其他图片使其变得更有趣。这些图片就是表情符号;空格后讲这些符号随后出现在苹果手机和安卓手机里,现在随处可见。F项“20世纪90年代,第一代表情符号出现在日本手机里”符合语境。故选F。17B该段主要讲述Emoticon和emoji,空格前讲emoji是一个日语单词,意思是照片;空格后讲从脸部和天气图片到厨房里的东西和动物的所有表情符号都是照片。B项“表情符号是真正的图片”符合语境。故选B。18G根据上文“For many people,an emoji is like a punctuation mark,or smiling at someone across the room.”可知,对于许多人来说,表情符号就像一个标点符号,或者就像对着房间另一头的人微笑。根据下文“It is like the tone(语气) of voice when we speak on the phone, or gestures used in conversation.”可知,表情符号就像打电话时人的语气或会话中人的手势一样。G项“一封手写通知是黑白的,但表情符号会给我们的信息增加感情”承上启下,符合语境。故选G。19A空格处是本段的小标题。根据本段内容可知,当别人看起来严肃时,我们也要尽量严肃;当别人微笑时,我们也微笑。A项“它们是怎样影响我们的”符合语境。故选A。20D空格前讲当我们在线时,看不到对方的脸,没有情感;空格后讲澳大利亚的科学家发现,当我们在网上看到一张笑脸时,大脑中与我们看到真实笑脸时相同的部分开始工作。我们的情绪会改变,并且我们会试着改变我们的脸来匹配表情符号。D项“表情符号的发明改变了这个”承上启下,符合语境。故选D。E (2020重庆市质量调研抽测)Ways to Get Your Kids into NatureBeing in nature for kids has tremendous health benefits.There are many ways you can incorporate nature into your childrens lives,even if you live in the city.Inspire curiosity by being curious yourself.A parents excitement can be spread to the children,and when you show respect for nature,your children follow suit. 21 “I dont know!Lets find out together.”is a wonderful way to get the ball rolling.Be open to a mutual adventure and allow your curious inner child to come out while you explore nature with your children. 22 If you have to carpool(拼车) in the morning,turn off the devices instead and encourage your children to look out of the window.The early morning fall skies are beautiful with color and migrating birds.After all,even views of nature from the car window are calming and beneficial.Stop thinking about nature time as leisure time.Time in nature is an essential investment in your childrens health and wellbeing.If you view nature time as essential to good health,you will be more likely to engage in it. 23 ,nurturing creativity and wonder is part of your responsibility as parents.Look at the stars.Visit your local observatory,and then drive out of the city some morning or evening for your own stargazing(天体观察) with a blanket and telescope.Observing the stars offers a deeper and wider understanding of the universe. 24 Plant a small garden. 25 Bean and pea plants grow quickly and can be eaten when mature,so teach your children about food and the wonder of growth.ALimit electronic devices while drivingBEncourage questions you dont know the answers toCIf you want to raise your healthy,wellbalanced childrenDIf you have the space,help your children plant a few vegetablesEIt will teach teamwork,pride in the community,and family togethernessFIf your child is interested,encourage him to get involved in the communityGAllow yourself to think about it,and talk to your children about that wonder【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了让孩子融入自然的一些方法。21B根据其后的句子,并与上文中的inspire curiosity呼应可推知,此处表示鼓励孩子一起探索你自己也不知道答案的问题,从而引起好奇心,故选B项。22A根据空后一句可推知,开车时关掉电子设备,多看看窗外也是一种与自然接触的方式,故选A项。23C承接上文“Time in nature is an essential investment in your childrens health and wellbeing”和空后的“nurturing creativity.as parents”可推知,如果想要培养出健康、明智的孩子,培养他们的创造性和好奇心也是作为父母的责任,故选C项。24G根据上文“Observing the stars.of the universe”可推知,和孩子一起观察星空能够加深对自然界的理解,与G项呼应,故选G项。25D承接上文“Plant a small garden.”,并与下文“Bean and pea plants.the wonder of growth.”呼应可推知,此处作者建议父母开辟一个小菜园,帮孩子种点蔬菜,一起见证它们生长的奇迹,故选D项。


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