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2024年人教版小学英语教案模板第1篇:人教版小学英语教案 人教版小学英语教案 四年级上册 Unit3Friends 2007-09-22 10:44 2007-06-04 10:46 Unit3Friends 教学内容 本教学内容综合 PEP 教材第二册第六单元、第三册第三单元中描述人物外貌 特征等的词汇和句型,以 PEP Book 3 Unit3 为蓝本而改编的。滚动复习:big, small, long, short, tall, etc.教学单词、词组:friends, short hair, long hair, thin, strong.本课重点句型:He She is.He She has.设计思路 根据 PEP 教材第三册的有关人物描述性语言,综合各册的教学内容来上课。以“Describe your friends”为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成一个个有实 际意义的语言任务。通过说唱,游戏,小故事,小组合作等形式来让学生对朋友 这个话题有一个综合的认识,通过从词汇到句子到篇章由潜入深的学习及实践,从而能流畅地描述自己的朋友及其他朋友等。将教材延伸到实际生活,使英语课 堂上朋友话题的学习有一个积极的有意义的引申,并让学生在真实的场景中自 然、灵活地进行交际运用。本案特点滚动辅助拓展,使其有机结合,体现了小学 生语言教学的反复性,从而提高语言教学的实效性。教学目标 1.知识技能目标 a.能听、说、认读 friends, long/short hair, strong, thin 等单词和 词组。b.能听懂、会说 I have a friend.He/She is.He/She has.并 能在实际情景中运用。c.学会用适当的形容词描述身边的同学、朋友等。2.情感文化目标 a.帮助学生熟练学习自信心,养成良好的学习习惯。b.培养学生的合作能力,积极运用所学语言表达和交流,教育学生要团结 友爱,与人融洽相处。重点难点 1.学习、掌握词汇、词组,并能熟练运用。2.借助图片、体态语等帮助学生理解词句。板书设计 Friends He/She has atwo.long He/She has short He/She is strongthin.此论文为四年级上三单元 Part A 和 B 的综合教学,利用自然的活动链将 词汇和句型教学融合在一堂课内进行,充分利用了任务型活动和趣味活动来记忆 和强化语言点。此教案设计比较适合学生能力较强,教师控制能力较高的地区借鉴,并在此 基础上自主创新发挥任务型语言教学的优势。教学步骤和说明: 课前 Sing a song.T: Do you want to be my friend?(在歌声中进入英语课堂学习,轻松愉快。)Revision/Warm armStep 1.Revision/Warm-up 1.Greetings!T: Hello, everyone!Im your new teacher, Mi Yan.Lets be good friends, OK? Boys and girls, follow me.Friends, friends, good friends!(拍手并 与学生击掌)(通过教师的自我介绍和 Greeting 与学生交朋友,拉近师生间的距离。带 领全部挥挥手,拍拍手,活跃气氛,调动学生学习的积极性。同时教学了 friends,hair.blackboard drawing 明确了主题。)2.(Blackboard drawing)T: Your new friend, Mi Yan likes drawing.Whats this? Gue please.(eyes nose mouth)I have a big mouth.I have two big eyes.What about you? 3.T: Oh, you have a round face.Me too!I have a round face.I have two big eyes.Please chant with me.T: I have a round face.Ss: Round, round, round.T: I have two big eyes.Ss: Big, big, big.T: I have a small nose.Ss: Small, small, small.T: I have a big mouth.Ss: Big, big, big.Lets chant together.(教师一笔一笔地画,学生猜。设置有信息差的 Gueing game,鼓励学生 发散思维,让学生根据已有语言知识自由发挥。在游戏中滚动复习了有关五官的 单词。引出“I have.”句型,让学生简单讲讲自己的五官。再就老师为例 合作完成 chant,换种形式复习已有语言知识,为下面的新授奠定基础,形式多 样有实效。)Step 2.Presentation 1.Presentation of the new words(1)T: Oh, shehe has atwo.板书:HeShe has atwo.(2)(Point to a girls hair.)She has long hair.(Point to a boys hair.)He has short hair.Let the students repeat: long /short hair 板书:He/She has long/short hair.(看教师,看周围的同学,运用最简单、最直观的教学资源引出新授内容。)2.Practice(1)T: Look at your clamates.What about his or her hair? He/She has.(2)My friend T: She has long hair.He has short hair.How about my friend? He has short hair.How about his face.A round face or a long face? Can you gue?(CAI)A round face, a long face, a small mouth, a big mouth, a long nose, a big nose, two big eyes, two small eyes, short hair, long hair.He has.(Ss gueHe has.)最 后拼成: A long face, a small mouth, a long nose, two big eyes and short hair.(引导学生自由发言,练习句型。通过反复说此类句子帮助学生明白 He/She 要用 has。CAI 呈现各种各样有特征的器官图,先请学生来形容这些有特征的器 官。再请学生用“He has.” 句型来描述。根据同学们说的把各个部位拼完 整。通过拼图游戏,使操练不枯燥,培养了学生说的能力。既达到教学效果又刺 激学生的学习兴趣。)of 3.Presentation of the new words(1)T: Is he funny? He is my funny friend, Peter.He has long neck, long arms, long body and long legs.He is very thin.Teach: thin 板书:thin(2)Thin, thin, Peter is thin.Thin, thin, He is thin.Thin, thin, she is thin.Thin, thin, who is thin?(3)T: You are too thin.Please eat more and make yourself strong.Teach: strong Act: Im strong.(CAI 逐一出现身体的部位,最后拼凑成一个完整的瘦瘦的男孩形象,教学 新单词。将单词与句型相结合,放到具体的语境中进行练习。通过动作表演学习单词,生动有效。)4.We are strong now.But I am short.I want to make myself tall.Tall, tall, tall.Lets do together.Tall, tall, tall!Make yourself tall.Short, short, short!Make yourself short.Big, big, big!Make your eyes big.Small, small, small!Make your eyes small.Long, long, long!Make your arms long.Short, short, short!Make your arms short.Thin, thin, thin!Make yourself thin.Strong, strong, strong!Make yourself strong.(重组三年级时学的 do,整合新学的单词,用 TPR 的形式边说边做。让学生 在说说、做做中操练巩固新知。TPR 活动备受学生欢迎,强烈地刺激着学生,激 励着学生积极去说、去做。)Step 3.Practice 1.Friends show (1)T: OK, friends.Make ourselves strong and happy everyday.So does Peter.He is a boy.He is thin.He has short hair.He has a long face.He has two big eyes.He has a long nose.He has a small mouth.(教师做示范,用所学语言知识介绍 Peter。再带领学生一起来描述 Peter。由简单的句子过渡到一小段话,词不离句,句不离篇,由易及难,层层递近。)板书:strong (2)T: This is my funny friend.I like him.Do you like him? Do you want a funny friend? OK, please come and make a funny face.Then tell us your funny friend.This is my friend.HeShe is a girlboy.He She has_ hair.He She has a _ face.He She has two _ eyes.He She has a _ nose.He She has a _ mouth.(教师准备一些形态各异的脸、眼、鼻、嘴图片,请学生任意挑选拼成一张 funny face,再用所学的句型向全班进行介绍。拼一拼,说一说,趣味十足,牢 牢吸引了学生的注意力,再次进行操练,更加强了学习的实用性。)Step 4.Consolidation & Extension 1.Animal friend T: Oh, you have some funny friends.And I have another funny friend.Whos he? Lets find out.He is strong and fat.He has two big eyes.He has a big tail.He likes eating.Hes very lazy(懒惰).Garfield.Hes Garfield.(CAI 呈现一段话和几只猫(机器猫、加菲猫、Kitty 猫、Tom 猫),让学 生通过阅读来找一找,培养了学生读的能力。再次巩固新知,同时设置小小的悬 念活跃课堂气氛。)2.Story time T: This is my animal friend, Garfield.But he is crying.Whats wrong? He cant find his friend.Some animals are coming to help him.Lets watch.(揭开谜底,顺势引到讲故事板块。又一次吸引学生,激发他们学习的欲望,使课堂更具趣味性。)(CAI)Story show Mouse: Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He is big and strong.Panda: Im big and strong.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has small eyes.Rabbit: I have small eyes.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has big ears.Monkey: I have big ears.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has a short tail.Pig: I have a short tail.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has a long nose.Mouse, Panda, Rabbit, Monkey, Pig: Whos he? Elephant Watch the storyRead the story(follow the CAI)act with T(分角 色)Group workAct it out(看故事,讲故事,演故事,让学生将新授的语言知识内化后,在拓展巩固 中输出。鼓励学生大胆尝试,参与表演。同时关注学生的小组合作,遵循小组活 动的层次分组原则,帮助每个学生找到适当的位置。)3.Song“ Friends” CAI T:Wow, lovely animals!Do you like them? We should love animals and make friends with them.Lets be good friends forever.Thank you.Bye!(在歌声中感受大家一起学习的快乐,体会朋友间的情谊。) 第2篇:人教版小学英语教案1 人教版小学英语教案 本教学内容描述人物外貌 特征等的词汇和句型big, small, long, short, tall, etc.教学单词、词组:friends, short hair, long hair, thin, strong.本课重点句型:He She is.He She has.设计思路 根据 PEP 教材第三册的有关人物描述性语言,综合各册的教学内容来上课。以“Describe your friends”为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成一个个有实 际意义的语言任务。通过说唱,游戏,小故事,小组合作等形式来让学生对朋友 这个话题有一个综合的认识,通过从词汇到句子到篇章由潜入深的学习及实践,从而能流畅地描述自己的朋友及其他朋友等。将教材延伸到实际生活,使英语课 堂上朋友话题的学习有一个积极的有意义的引申,并让学生在真实的场景中自 然、灵活地进行交际运用。本案特点滚动辅助拓展,使其有机结合,体现了小学 生语言教学的反复性,从而提高语言教学的实效性。教学目标 1.知识技能目标 a.能听、说、认读 friends, long/short hair, strong, thin 等单词和 词组。b.能听懂、会说 I have a friend.He/She is.He/She has.并 能在实际情景中运用。c.学会用适当的形容词描述身边的同学、朋友等。2.情感文化目标 a.帮助学生熟练学习自信心,养成良好的学习习惯。b.培养学生的合作能力,积极运用所学语言表达和交流,教育学生要团结 友爱,与人融洽相处。重点难点 1.学习、掌握词汇、词组,并能熟练运用。2.借助图片、体态语等帮助学生理解词句。板书设计 Friends He/She has atwo.long He/She has short He/She is strongthin.此论文为四年级上三单元 Part A 和 B 的综合教学,利用自然的活动链将 词汇和句型教学融合在一堂课内进行,充分利用了任务型活动和趣味活动来记忆 和强化语言点。此教案设计比较适合学生能力较强,教师控制能力较高的地区借鉴,并在此 基础上自主创新发挥任务型语言教学的优势。教学步骤和说明: 课前 Sing a song.T: Do you want to be my friend?(在歌声中进入英语课堂学习,轻松愉快。)Revision/Warm armStep 1.Revision/Warm-up 1.Greetings!T: Hello, everyone!Im your new teacher, Mi Yan.Lets be good friends, OK? Boys and girls, follow me.Friends, friends, good friends!(拍手并 与学生击掌)(通过教师的自我介绍和 Greeting 与学生交朋友,拉近师生间的距离。带 领全部挥挥手,拍拍手,活跃气氛,调动学生学习的积极性。同时教学了 friends,hair.blackboard drawing 明确了主题。)2.(Blackboard drawing)T: Your new friend, Mi Yan likes drawing.Whats this? Gue please.(eyes nose mouth)I have a big mouth.I have two big eyes.What about you? 3.T: Oh, you have a round face.Me too!I have a round face.I have two big eyes.Please chant with me.T: I have a round face.Ss: Round, round, round.T: I have two big eyes.Ss: Big, big, big.T: I have a small nose.Ss: Small, small, small.T: I have a big mouth.Ss: Big, big, big.Lets chant together.(教师一笔一笔地画,学生猜。设置有信息差的 Gueing game,鼓励学生 发散思维,让学生根据已有语言知识自由发挥。在游戏中滚动复习了有关五官的 单词。引出“I have.”句型,让学生简单讲讲自己的五官。再就老师为例 合作完成 chant,换种形式复习已有语言知识,为下面的新授奠定基础,形式多 样有实效。)Step 2.Presentation 1.Presentation of the new words(1)T: Oh, shehe has atwo.板书:HeShe has atwo.(2)(Point to a girls hair.)She has long hair.(Point to a boys hair.)He has short hair.Let the students repeat: long /short hair 板书:He/She has long/short hair.(看教师,看周围的同学,运用最简单、最直观的教学资源引出新授内容。)2.Practice(1)T: Look at your clamates.What about his or her hair? He/She has.(2)My friend T: She has long hair.He has short hair.How about my friend? He has short hair.How about his face.A round face or a long face? Can you gue?(CAI)A round face, a long face, a small mouth, a big mouth, a long nose, a big nose, two big eyes, two small eyes, short hair, long hair.He has.(Ss gueHe has.)最后拼成: A long face, a small mouth, a long nose, two big eyes and short hair.(引导学生自由发言,练习句型。通过反复说此类句子帮助学生明白 He/She 要用 has。CAI 呈现各种各样有特征的器官图,先请学生来形容这些有特征的器 官。再请学生用“He has.” 句型来描述。根据同学们说的把各个部位拼完 整。通过拼图游戏,使操练不枯燥,培养了学生说的能力。既达到教学效果又刺 激学生的学习兴趣。)of 3.Presentation of the new words(1)T: Is he funny? He is my funny friend, Peter.He has long neck, long arms, long body and long legs.He is very thin.Teach: thin 板书:thin(2)Thin, thin, Peter is thin.Thin, thin, He is thin.Thin, thin, she is thin.Thin, thin, who is thin?(3)T: You are too thin.Please eat more and make yourself strong.Teach: strong Act: Im strong.(CAI 逐一出现身体的部位,最后拼凑成一个完整的瘦瘦的男孩形象,教学 新单词。将单词与句型相结合,放到具体的语境中进行练习。通过动作表演学习单词,生动有效。)4.We are strong now.But I am short.I want to make myself tall.Tall, tall, tall.Lets do together.Tall, tall, tall!Make yourself tall.Short, short, short!Make yourself short.Big, big, big!Make your eyes big.Small, small, small!Make your eyes small.Long, long, long!Make your arms long.Short, short, short!Make your arms short.Thin, thin, thin!Make yourself thin.Strong, strong, strong!Make yourself strong.(重组三年级时学的 do,整合新学的单词,用 TPR 的形式边说边做。让学生 在说说、做做中操练巩固新知。TPR 活动备受学生欢迎,强烈地刺激着学生,激 励着学生积极去说、去做。)Step 3.Practice 1.Friends show(1)T: OK, friends.Make ourselves strong and happy everyday.So does Peter.He is a boy.He is thin.He has short hair.He has a long face.He has two big eyes.He has a long nose.He has a small mouth.(教师做示范,用所学语言知识介绍 Peter。再带领学生一起来描述 Peter。由简单的句子过渡到一小段话,词不离句,句不离篇,由易及难,层层递近。)板书:strong(2)T: This is my funny friend.I like him.Do you like him? Do you want a funny friend? OK, please come and make a funny face.Then tell us your funny friend.This is my friend.HeShe is a girlboy.He She has_ hair.He She has a _ face.He She has two _ eyes.He She has a _ nose.He She has a _ mouth.(教师准备一些形态各异的脸、眼、鼻、嘴图片,请学生任意挑选拼成一张 funny face,再用所学的句型向全班进行介绍。拼一拼,说一说,趣味十足,牢 牢吸引了学生的注意力,再次进行操练,更加强了学习的实用性。)Step 4.Consolidation & Extension 1.Animal friend T: Oh, you have some funny friends.And I have another funny friend.Whos he? Lets find out.He is strong and fat.He has two big eyes.He has a big tail.He likes eating.Hes very lazy(懒惰).Garfield.Hes Garfield.(CAI 呈现一段话和几只猫(机器猫、加菲猫、Kitty 猫、Tom 猫),让学 生通过阅读来找一找,培养了学生读的能力。再次巩固新知,同时设置小小的悬 念活跃课堂气氛。)2.Story time T: This is my animal friend, Garfield.But he is crying.Whats wrong? He cant find his friend.Some animals are coming to help him.Lets watch.(揭开谜底,顺势引到讲故事板块。又一次吸引学生,激发他们学习的欲望,使课堂更具趣味性。)(CAI)Story show Mouse: Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He is big and strong.Panda: Im big and strong.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has small eyes.Rabbit: I have small eyes.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has big ears.Monkey: I have big ears.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has a short tail.Pig: I have a short tail.Am I your friend? Garfield: Oh, sorry.He has a long nose.Mouse, Panda, Rabbit, Monkey, Pig: Whos he? Elephant Watch the storyRead the story(follow the CAI)act with T(分角 色)Group workAct it out(看故事,讲故事,演故事,让学生将新授的语言知识内化后,在拓展巩固 中输出。鼓励学生大胆尝试,参与表演。同时关注学生的小组合作,遵循小组活 动的层次分组原则,帮助每个学生找到适当的位置。)3.Song“ Friends” CAI T:Wow, lovely animals!Do you like them? We should love animals and make friends with them.Lets be good friends forever.Thank you.Bye!(在歌声中感受大家一起学习的快乐,体会朋友间的情谊。) 第3篇:人教版 英语教案 He slipped into the room without being seen.Nobody could be allowed in without permiion.8.help sb do(to do)with the help of help oneself to cant help doing be of help =helpful 9.another time/day 10.get sb/sth to do done doing adj.11.upset 1)He was very upset today.2)His strange behavior upset his father.Be upset about sth Upset sbs stomach 练习: -What made her so _?-Losing her new bicycle.A.worrying B.troublesome C.upset D.hurried What _Harry most was to see his room in a me.A.used B.caused C.annoying D.upset He was _ to know that his plan was turned down.A.upset B.disapponting C.to his surprise D.anxious 12.ignore ignorant An ignorant person He ignored my notice and went on smoking.The drive ignored the traffic lights.13.calm down When your friend is angry ,you should calm him down.Have a deep breath it will help to calm you down.练习: Wait till you are more _.Its better to be sure that than sorry.A.inspired B.certain C.calm D.satisfed The excited girl quickly _.A.slow down B.set down C.calm down D.turn down Facing danger ,the teacher told the children to keep _.A.calm B.slient C.quiet D.still 14.have got to(havent got to)=(dont have to) 练习:He has got to be back at 7:00.(变为一般疑问句) _.You have to work on weekend.(变为一般疑问句) _.15.be concerned about _ be concerned in/with _ as far as sb/sth be concerned As far as I am concerned,he is good at dancing.feel /show concerned about/for _ concerned +n.忧虑的n./pron+concerned 有关的练习: The meeting was concerned _reforms and everyone present was concerned _their own interests.A.with,for B.with,with C.for,about D.about,with 16.on holiday=on vacation on leave on busine on show 17.while walking the dog =while you are walking the dog While reading the book,he nodded from time to time.=While he was reading the book, he nodded from time to time.When heated,the ice can be changed into water.= When it is heated , the ice can be changed into water.If permitted,I will go abroad.= If I am permitted,I will go abroad.When it is seen from the mountain,I found the villiage was beautiful.=When seeing from the mountain,I found the villiage was beautiful.=When I see from the mountain ,I found the villiage was beautiful.walk v. walk the floor walk a patient walk a horse walk a bicycle 18.get loose get burnt/hunt/injured/married/charged get changed 练习:He got _while _ the fire.A.burn,putting down B.burnt ,putting out C.burnt,putting down D.burnt,put out 19.final exam =end-of-term exam 20.cheat _ He cheated the children out of their money.Dont cheat it an examination.Nobody believes him.He is a cheat.Cheat sb into doing_ Cheat sb out of sth Cheat sb into the belief that_ 练习:Now in some universties,the students will be dismied if _once in an exam.A.fail B.cheat C.failing D.cheating He lived by _last year.A.cheat B.cheating C.cheated D.to cheat 21.should have done =ought to have done _ shouldnt have done =oughtnt to have done _ You will tell him that he should have studied.1)We _last night,but we went to the concert instead, so we failed in the examination.A.should study B.must study C.should have study D.must have study 2)He looks upset.I _him the bad news so early.A.should have told B.should tell C.shouldnt have told D.shouldnt tell 3)Li Ming is coming tomorrow.You _the book to him yesterday.A.neednt havemailed B.neednt mail C.shouldnt have mailed D.cant have mailed 4)My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared.Who_have taken it? A.should B.must C.could D.would Pre-reading: 1.reason the reason whyis that the reason for doing sth is that The reason isthat The reason that/which he gave me is explained to me is.练习:1)The reason_which he wanted to reason with them still unknown.A.with B.in C.for D.to 2)This is the reason _he explained to me just now.A.why B.which C.because D.about which 3)The reason_he is late is_there was a break down on the radio.A.why,why B.because,that C.that,because D.why,that 4)Give your reason _ changing the plan.A.by B.of C.on D.for 5)He didnt turn up at the party_some reason.A.for B.because C.because of D.on 6)There is no _for this while you are on duty.A.reason B.cause C.excuse D.explanation 2 make a list of put sth/sb on the list a name list a price list 3 share sth with sb share insth 4.What do you think a good fiend should be like? What is your teacher like? What is the weather like? What is the football match like?Wonderful!Reading: 1.feeling_a feeling of cold/hunger 2.feelings词的记忆 upset/angry/pleasure/delight/love/hate/fear/ 3.go through_ go短语: go against go up go down go wrong go without go in for as time goes by 猜测词意 He has gone through a lot.I cant go throug these exercises in two hours. Tom said.He went through his salary in three days.She dare not go through the woods alone.The police went through the pockets of the thief.4.Anne Frank made her diary her best friend.We made him our monitor.He tries his best to make his claes lively and interesting.What he said at the meeting made him happy.He raised his voice to make himself heard.Aunt Wang tired tried toid make me stayfor supper.People who wont work should be made to work.练习: Paul doesnt have to be made _.He always works hard.A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning 5.World War II=The second world war 6.hide away hide-hid-hidden-hiding hide sth from sb hide ones feelings The sun is hidden by the clouds.The thief is hiding behind the curtain.What have you hidden behind you? You are hiding sth important,arent you? I had to hide from him.7.a series of questions a series of pictures a series of stamps This publishing film is planning _school textbooks.A.a series new of B.new a series of C.of aseries new D.a new series of There _a series of car accidents at the croing.A.were B.are C.have D.has been Those series ofstamps_incomplete,while this series _complete.A.are are B.is,is C.are,is D.is, are 8.recite(背诵)I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, butj I want this diary itself to be my friend,and I shall call my fiend Kitty.1)as most people do 2)wantedto be 3)call +o+OO(call sb sth)a man calling himself John.a man called Tom 9.recite I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long That Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.1)nature:_ _ 练习: My two dogs have quite different_.One is rather fierce while the other is pretty gentle.A.kinds B.advatages C.natures D.ages 2)outdoors_ 3)crazy be crazy about/on_-be crazy for_ drive sb crazy/mad_ go crazy_ like crazy_ 10.wonder:un:_a look of wonder cn:_ no wonder 11.too much/much too 12.dare.dare not do dont/doesnt dare to do 1)I wonder how you_-that to your parents.A.dared to say B.dared (3)as a result of He was late_ the heavy rain.He was late _it rained heavily.He realized she was crying_what he said A.because B.because of C.as D.since 7.eitheror./neither nor I want to visit either Paris or London.The cat was neither in the room nor on the roof.8.at the end of by the end of in the end(finally/at last)(1)_we reached an agreement.(2)_last term we had finished ourexperiments.(3)_this year,hell leave for Beijing.(4)_this yea


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