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依靠,依赖,取决于1.depend on =depend upon依靠,信赖2.rely on sb=rely upon sb3.by means of 依靠,用.的方法4.play a predominant role in doing sth 在做.事上起支配地位只要,如果1.if2.if only只要(用法同if )要是.就好了,但愿3.to the extent 如果. 在.程度上4.Given. 如果.5. God forbid that.但愿不。:God forbid that we should have class tomorrow但愿明天不上课。帮助1.help with=help in2.assist:You cant rely on anyone to assist you.3.turn to .for .为.而求助于.=turn to.求助于某人某事4. do the handsome慷慨解囊,资助要求1.ask for 请求,要求,希望获得2.requir: requir sb to do sth 要求某人做某事3.demand sth of sb 向某人要求某物4.plea恳求5.on request 根据要求=as requested 依照,请求例:Further details will be sent on request.根据要求提供更多的信息6. beg for 乞求不行,决不,不可能1.cant couldnt2.unable to do sth3.nothing of the kind 哪里哪里(客气的) 没有的事 不行例:In fact they did nothing of the kind.实际上那是根本行不通的。4.by no means 决不 一点儿也不例:she is by no means poor 她一点儿也不穷.5.no way6.out of the question 不可能,根本不用讨论。例:Considerable quantities have been sold at this level ,any further reduction is out of the question.7.It is all but impossible to .几乎不可能8.perish the thought 断了这个想法,打消这个念头(厌恶的)9.not nearly 绝不,远非,相差甚远。10. on no account 绝不(放句首要倒装):On no account acn he swim;On no account is he my teacher.11.it is impossible that.=it is impossible (for sb)to do 某人不可能做某事。争论,讨论1. quarrel with=quarrel about面对 面临1.face with2.face up例:Its alway wiser and safer to face up to reality.3.be confronted with面临EP:He is confronted with many difficulties.利用 有用 被用于1.be used for2.be applied to :This rule is not applied to every case.3.utilitarian实用的 功利主义的例:sth is more utilitarian than sth 某物比某物更有用。比较1.have the edge on .比。强2. compare to =compare with3. contrast to=contrast with 形成对照认为 觉得 意识到1.think2.deem:(常用于被动:was were deemed+sth sb that被认为,不用于进行时)EP:This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that our children could in the knowledge accoumlated by the happy fewduring past centries.3.consider4.realize意识到5.regard regard .as.把。认为是。6.assume :Anyone who give more than a passing thought to the bottom confines of the oceans ,probably assumed that the sea bed was flat.7.people have for years assumed that.人们多少年来就已认识到。8.esteem verb.尊敬 认为 考虑 估价 n.尊重尊敬9.make an assumption认为10.It appears to me that .据我看来,我觉得。11.It once seemed 人们一度认为12.we hold that. 我们认为.13. take .into account 把。考虑在内结识,认识1.got off with sb 结识某人意外1.accidental adj accident n. by accident意外地,偶然地购买 投资 赋予1.buy2.purchase3.invest 购买投资赋予4.be in the market for sth在市场上觅购某物,想买进某物。机会 时机 良机1.chance2.opportunity良机发生1.happen (未预的,客观事物或情况) what happen 2.occur (正式用语,按计划发生) verb.发生 被想到EP:A number of changes occured in recent years.e about发生EP:How did it come about that.怎么搞的。4.what become of .发生了什么变成了什么。5.what has become .发生了什么变成了什么。6.chance(偶然发生,碰巧)7.take place (事先计划,预想到的事)说到 谈及 叙述 讲述 评说 攀谈1.say2.tall3.speak speak of4.allege断言:Healleges that John is the killer.5.recount=relate叙述6.tell of 讲述7.remark 评说8.in conversation with sb =have a talk with sb=have a chat with sb=have a word with sb9.和。攀谈起来get(enter) into conversation with10.和。交谈会谈have(hold) a conversation with11. mention to 提到解释,说明,阐明1.account for 解释,说明听见1. in (within)(the) sound of 在听得见。的地方。2. out of sound of 在听不见。的地方。提问 询问 打听 调查1.ask2.put question to sb向某人提出问题。3.ply .with .不断向。提问EP:ply sb with sth不断向某人提供某物。4.inquiry打听询问调查:make inquiries.5.inquire=enquire verb: 打听 询问+about.6.inquire into 调查7.inquire after问候打听(健康情况)健康1. enjoy very good health有健康身体。回忆记忆记住牢记1.remember to 记着做 remember doing记得做过。2.reminiscence n.回忆,回忆录,缅怀往事的谈话3.reminisce v.回忆,话旧reminisce about sb(sth)缅怀过去4.drum sth into sb =drum sth into sbs head经常重复某事使某人记住。5.bear in mind牢记在心6.call sth up想起某事,回忆某事7.leap into the mind闪过脑海8.has(have) a memory block记忆不清9.remind sb of sth 使人想起。10.remind sb that 提醒11.occur to sb 浮现在某人脑海中:It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box.12.It occurs(occurred) to sb to do sth.某人想到做某事。13.haunt v.出没,萦绕心头 be haunted闹鬼14.suggest itself to sb 产生。念头,浮现在。15. treasure up珍藏,铭记。考虑想思考1.Think of:He had thought of everything except the weather.(过完)2.think for oneself独立思考3.consider4.think about想起5.think ahead预想6.envision预想v.想象(今后)7.think back反思8.in the thought that想到9.at the thought=at the idea of 一想到想到10.broodv.沉思brood about苦思EP:she fell to brood about what happened to her她开始深思自己的遭遇。11.Give it a second thought再三考虑12.be buried in thought 沉思估计1.estimatededuce推断v推测infer推断v.推测guess at 猜测建议1.I suggest that.(should) do .首先(第一)第二(接着)第三(最后)First second thirdFirstly secondly thirdlyIn the first place in the second place finallyAbove allOn the one hand on the other handFor one thing首先First and foremostOnceand on another occasion一次。还有一次。一流的,最好的,杰出的1.in the first flight 一流的,站在最前头。不久后, 一会儿,一阵子1.soon afterwards2.shortly afterwards3.all this while 一阵子4.a long while一阵子5.in time不久,总会有一天,终于,及时不久前,前不久1.a short while ago很久以前1.once upon a time2.long since :I ve long time forgotten who he is 我早就。3.formerly原来,从前4.in the pioneering days在初创时期5.on one occasion=at one time =ever=-at one time or another曾经。努力 尽力 竭力 力争1.do ones best尽全力2.strive v. 努力,奋斗,力争strive to do sth.努力做某事3.as best one can adv尽可能,尽量4.do ones utmost to do sth 竭尽全力做某事5.make (every) effort to do sth 尽(一切)努力做-反:make no effort to do sth.大约 大概1.about2.something like +数字词 时 表示“大约大概”其他情况表示“有点像”例:Something like 20% of the local population can neither read nor write. 当地约有20%的人不会读写3.presumably adv.大概 推测附近1.nearly nearly by2.about3.around4.in the vicinith of 在。附近感谢1.thank2.appreciate v.3.appreciation n.感谢,欣赏,鉴赏 show sb ones appreciation对某人表达感激之情。4.ownto为。感谢,把。归功于。例:I owe it all to you完全归功于你。当然1.of course2.certainly3.by all means 当然可以例:“Can I borrow your pen?”“By all means”4.self-evident 无需证明的,自明的,不言而喻的例:Its self evident that5.needless to say不用说6.not to mention更不用说7.go without saying v.不用说,理所当然例:I dont want to go without saying good bye8.let alone更不必说例:He can not ride a bicycle let alone a motorbike.不必1.neednt2.dont have to3.havent got to不应该,千万不要1.mustnt应该能,应当可能,似乎能1. ought be able to .应当可以2.should be able to 应当可以3.seemed able to 似乎能。似乎 看起来 仿佛1.as if2.seem(客观迹象为依据)it seems that=it seems to sb that3.look(以视觉接受的印象为依据)it looks as if4.appear(表示某判断被歪曲了的印象而得出)appear to 似乎 好象5. it appears as if =as though看来,似乎6. as though好像7. it seems like看起来像8. it seems as if 似乎9. seem to be 看起来似乎回答 响应1.anwer in answer to作为对。的回答,响应。的请求。2.reply to3.respond to回答,响应4. react to =react against 对。的反应设想 假设 估计1.suppose2.visualize v.设想,使形象化例:He mentally visualizes a complex form from all round itself.Visualize sb(sth) as sth 把。想象成。3.estimate4.make about 估计5.conceive v.想出,想象,怀孕例:I simply could not conceive of .我简直不能想象。6. envision预想 v.想象(今后的事)7. be expected to 预计。估计。理解1.understand2.know know well of (about)非常了解3.comprehend v. 理解,包括(comprehend 不用于进行时)4.appreciation of 对。的理解get an appreciation of 对。有个了解5.It suddenly dawned on me 突然明白了6.intelligent adj.理解的,了解的,智能的,聪明的intelligent about sth7.have idea of 知道-反:have no idea of8.smell out嗅出,觉察9.got10.grasp11.perceive v.领悟,理解,察觉,发觉,辨认12.unintelligible不可理解的,难懂的:EP:What he said was completely unintelligible to me他所说的我完全不懂。13. Did you ever discover.你究竟明白不。14. be a mystery to 某人不能理解。15. 无论如何 不管怎样1.however2.in any case3.at any rate在任何情况下,无论怎样, 不管怎么说4.in any wise无论如何5.no matter无论忙于繁忙1.busy be busy doing=be busy at (with) sth 忙着做某事2.be engaged in忙于,从事于(需要时间和精力的事)3. occupy occupied with 从事于惊奇奇怪1.odd: strike me as odd使我感到奇怪2. wonder at=wonder about I wonder why=-why.should我奇怪。为什么3.strange adj/adv.奇怪的陌生的4.exclaim at对。表示惊奇5.surprise be surprised at (语气上比 astonish 弱,出乎意外)6.be filled with wonder非常惊奇。7.take ones breath away使某人吃惊或惊奇。8.amaze 使惊异,困惑,惊叹,佩服9. astonish使人大吃一惊,无法使人相信 be astonished at 吃惊10. exclaim at惊叫11. shock at 感到震惊,生气。12. I realized with a shock that.我吃惊的发现.13. to ones dismay 使人惊慌的是。14. in dismay 惊恐地。生气1.get hot under the collar生气,想争论2.shock at 震惊,生气3. to explode with anger勃然大怒仔细 认真1.careful2.carefrlly3.get down to 认真做某事例:let us get down to fundamentals让我们认真研究一些事实。4. word at=word on 钻研检查,细查1.go through sth 仔细研究,检查,翻看2.examine(仔细调查或审查)3.inspect (仔细查看是否有不足之处或不标准的地方。)放置1.lay laid laid lay sth on someplace把某物放在某处计划 决定 想 打算 准备1. prepare prepare for2.tend to3.I m going to do sth4.be bent on +n 决心要 be bent on doing sth决心做5.make up ones mind 下决心6.decide7.want to8. I would like to9. be to do sth 计划或安排的:Theres to be a performance to night10.care to do sth 想做某事,原意做某事。11.make (come to )a decision=arrive at(reach)a decision12.intend to (正式)=means to do 用于一般现在时时,表示一般将来时13.plan to do hope to do 用于一般现在时时,表示一般将来时14.fix up 安排(工作job) 修理15.up for .打算,准备。16. see to 准备,打算,注意意愿 爱好 倾向1.wish2.desire3.idea4.opinion5.thought6.thinking7.tend to8.inclination 意愿,倾向,爱好nhave no inclination to do sth 不想干,不喜欢干9.unwilling to do sth10.grudge doing sth 勉强做某事11.with a bad grace不情愿地。12. prefer to do.更喜欢 希望某事,宁愿某事。喜欢,爱慕1. be hot on sb 意见,想法,观点1.view air ones views(opinions) 公开发表意见2.opinion感到有趣,有兴趣1. amused at失落沮丧1.dreary沉郁的沉闷的2.unhappy3.disdress4.depressing压抑的沉闷的5.have little meaning没有什么意思6.lost失落v.7.Its been weighing on my mind .我这几天心烦意乱8.agonizingly adv苦闷的,使人烦恼的。9. despair of sb使某人失望10.drive (throw)a person to despair 使某人陷入绝望11. be dismayed at .沮丧,灰心。紧张 不安1. on edge紧张不安逃离 回避1.escape2.steer clear of doing sth 回避,避开3.creep out= steal out 偷偷溜出4.bury/hide ones head in the sand逃避现实希望 盼望 渴望 梦想1.hope for2.belooking forward to doing期待3.spoil for 迫切地想做,渴求做4. thirst for sth 渴望.(knowledge)(revengn)5. dream of=dream about 梦想6. expect of =expect from期盼7. be eager for 渴望,渴求,争取=be eager about(after)休息 恢复1.rest have a rest take a rest2.take off:take the day off 休息一天3.recuperate v.(可指人)恢复 复原 n. recuperation4.retire to bed =retire to rest 就寝 睡觉5.retire for the night 就寝,上床,去睡6.hit the sack 就寝睡觉7.nod off 打盹,打瞌睡 处理 支配 清理1.deal with2.disposal n.处理,支配,清理,安排例:The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem安全处置核废料是个大问题。连接 与。有关 涉及1.connectto (with)2.jointo(with)3.linkto(with)4.associatewith5.relateto与。有关 涉及6.have reference to 与某事有关-反:have no reference to例:What you said have no reference to our discussion7. be relative to 和。在成比例,和。有关系,随。而转移.暂时 眼下1.temporary2.for the time being3.at this stage能够 有能力1.can2.be capable of3.able4. (not)within ones power力所(不)能及5.不能够,力所不能及:beyond ones power6.disable sb to do sth 让某人不能做某事。7. let sb do sth 让某人做某事(无强迫之感)8. make sb do sth 让某人做某事(迫使,强迫之意)足够的 充分的1.enough 修饰名词,可放名词前和后(apple enough,enough apple) Enough 修饰 形容词和副词时放后面(fast enough;loud enough)2.sufficiently3.full充实4.suffice v.足够,满足。的需要 suffice sb=suffice for sth=suffice to do sth5.sufficient adj sufficiency n6.tireless adj,精力充沛的7. enough (for sb )to do 对某人来说足够做。满意,满足1.content be content with 沉迷于,满足于。2. pleased with3. satisfy satisfied with但是 仍然 不过 然而1.but2.nevertheless3.however4.none the less然而 尽管如此5.although=though6. in that case 若是那样。既然如此一定 必然1.must2.have to=have got to3.be certain to 肯定:Life is almost certain to start几乎肯定会产生生命。(certain表有根据有理由相信)4.be bound to do sth=be bound to+n 必然(一定)做某事5.inevitable adj.必然的,不可避免的。6.pretty certain相当肯定7.must have done sth (对过去)肯定8.may (might) have done sth =can(could) have done sth 可能(语气较弱)9.sure 表主观上确信无疑be (quite)sure that10.have cause for 有理由。10. in all conscience 凭良心说,真的,的确,一定。11. search ones conscience (heart)扪心自问 反躬自问开始1.begin2.fall to开始,着手做3.institute v.创立开始制定 n.学院协会学会4.get this show on the road开始工作,着手进行5.initially最初,首先,开头。6. pull ones finger out 开始努力工作。重要 特别 尤其1.important2.the fact of first-rate importance is最重要的事是。3.be essential to=be essential for对。非常重要4.special especially5.particular particularly6.not least 尤其,特别(正式用语)not least because重要的原因是。例:not least to sb 特别对某人例:Not least among our difficulties is lack of funding.我们最主要的困难是缺乏资金。7.most of all 格外本应该 本打算 本没必要1.ought to have done sth 本应该做。(却没有做)2.ought not to have done sth 不应该做。(已做了)3.should have done sth 本应该做。(没做)4.shluld not have done sth 不应该做。(已做)5.neednt have done sth 本没必要做某事(已做)6.would like to have done sth 本打算做某事(却没做)得到 抓到 获得1.got2.lay ones hands on 得到。抓到。3. snatch away 迅速攫取=snatch from 抢,夺取(迅速的拿取夺)4. snatch up 迅速抓起,抱起,掏出。5. seize (突然用力的抓住,握住)6. grasp 紧紧的抓住,掌握,领会。7. clutch 突然抓住,会有急切或害怕的心情8. grab 抢夺,攫取需要1.need2.entail使必须 需要 entail doing sth虽然1.though2.although3.granted.but 虽然。但是。 诚然。适合 合适1.suit2.be fit for 适合于3.be propitious to适合于 more propitious most propitious4.lend itself to doing sth 适合干某事例:The music doesnt lend itself to dancing.5. apply to =apply for 适用于。相反 对立1.opposite adj/n/prep/adv at opposite poles截然相反2.just the other way 恰恰相反3.be poles apart 相差很远,截然相反,南辕北辙。拒绝1.decline正式有礼貌的谢绝2.refuse sb refuse to do refuse sth 坚决果断或坦率的拒绝3.reject 否定,敌对的态度拒绝也1.alse2.too3.as well as和。一样,也,不但。而且4.as well 也,同样地,还不如5. no less than 一样,不亚于:It was different from modern cars races,but no less excited.。但一样令人兴奋。例:A dolphin is no less a clever animal then a dog is .海豚的聪明不比狗差。6. no less than.不少于,多达。:He has no less then 200 dollars他足足有200美元。实际上事实上1.in face2.in reality3.in effect正在实行,实际上4. at heart 本质上实行,施行,实施1.put(bring)into operation实施,施行2.in operation 在活动着,施行着。e into operation开始生效知道得知1.know2.find out打听 found out得知,获知,查查3. be ignorant of不知道,无知例:I was ignorant of the reason that you left home4. have little idea of(that)不知道自制控制1.contain oneself2.in possession of sth 占有,持有,控制某物例:The keys are in his possession.e into the possession of sb =come into sbs possession 被某人占有,落入某人手中。4. confine to 限制5. at the wheel掌舵,控制,指挥。剧烈的 严厉的 苛刻的 激烈的 猛的1.severe severer severest漂亮 美丽1.beautiful2.pretty3.as handsome as paint帅气 as pretty as paint 非常漂亮要么。要么。 不是。就是。 两者选一1.eightorEP:I want to visit either Paris or London.2.whetheror 是。还是。 或者。或者。 不管。还是。由。组成 由。构成1.consist of2.form from3.form into 组成。编成。旅行1.trip2.travel3.tour4.journey5.kick about someplace在。旅行6.to see the sight浏览名胜。忘记1.forget to 忘记做 forget doing 忘记做过。2.lose sight of没有考虑到,忘记,看不见3. bury ones differences 忘却(原有)争端不如。那样。1.not so+adj+as.:People are not so honest as they once were人们不再像从前那样诚实了。2.not as much as=less than吸引1.absorb2.arrest sbs eye惹人注目,引起某人的注意3. fix ones attention on全神贯注4. be wrapped up in 全神贯注于。不再1.not any more2.no more3.no longer感觉知觉察觉1.much to+情感名词(amusement surprise.)非常令人感到。的事2.by struck by被打动3.feel feeling4.perception n.感觉,知觉,洞察力,理解力 precept v.察觉,感到5.aware察觉,意识到aware of6.realize7.sence v.感觉到I could sense her.8.sensation n.感觉,知觉,轰动 pleasurable sensation愉快的感觉9.suffer from遭受。痛苦的事10.conscious有意识的be conscious of11.perceive v.察觉,发觉,领悟,理解 appreciate v发现,揭露,批露1.discover (被探索或提示之物早就客观存在)2.reveal (通过拉开帷幕把某物展现出来)3.disclose (把未宣布的事透露出来)4. emerge from 从。出现5. detect sb in doing sth 发觉某人在做(坏事)可能或许能很可能也许1.it is likely that=it is probably that=it is highly probable很可能2.most likely3.may well be might well be十分可能例The railway of the future may well be the “hovertain”未来的火车或许能成为气垫火车4.as like as not很可能:The car will be written off as like as not这车很可能报废5.like enough6.in all likelihood极可能的,几乎肯定的,十有八九7.more than likely (同上)8.be likely to do sth9.there are heavy odds in favour of 最有可能10.maybe11.perhaps12.by any chance也许,可能,万一13.likelihood likelihood of death死亡的可能性 likelihood that.例:There is (not) much likelihood that.。可能性(不)大14.odds可能性15.by chance =by accident碰巧,偶然ep:happen to do sth16.it is possibe that 17.主语+may have done18.might have been或许可能会19.seemed certain that.似乎肯定要。20. in case of 万一,以防。谨防,小心1. beware of 谨防,小心2. warn against=warn of 警告。有危险3. defend from=defend against 防御许多1.much/many so many things2.a lot of3.multitude multitude of reasons许多理由4.a good(great) few(many)相当多(修饰可数)5.a great (good)deal of (修饰不可数)6.astronomical adj.数量庞大的,天文学的例:astronomical sums of money7.be abundant in 大量的,丰富的8.the vast majority of people 绝大多数人一点儿 细微1. ghost of a .一点,微量,细微:ghost of a smile 一丝微笑2.bits of =a bit (of)少量的,一点,小的,有点,稍微。EP:a bit of a disappointment有点令人失望; a bit of news; bits of borken glasses.为了1.with a view of 为了,目的在于2.for3.in order to4.in the cause of 为。而。由于因为鉴于1. because because of2.as3.owing to owing to the rain由于下雨4.due to5.as a result of由于作。的结果6.on account of由于因为7.in view of由于,鉴于8.in virtue of由于,因为,凭借9.thanks to由于,幸亏10.for reason由于。的原因 for obvious reasons由于明显的原因11.in (the) light of鉴于由于12.put sth down to . 把。归因于。13.give cause for 引起,成为。的原因关于就。而言1.about2.as for as for my past关于我的过去3.in terms of4.in so far as就。而言(语气比as far as和so far as强)5.as far as 关于,远至某处:as far as the eye can reach 就视力所及/as far as I know据我所知so far as(否定)6.in respect of关于就。而言7. in the case of 就。而言忍受1.bear-stand-endure-put up with sb (渐变强)2.cant help doing 禁不住例:I could not help noticing that.我不禁注意到。3.put ones pride in ones pocket姑且忍辱负重4.be patient of sb(sth)能够忍受5.be patient with sb对某人有耐心花费1.spend2.make demands on 花费(时间等)make great demands on 花费许多时间3.it takes +时间 花。时间4. bury oneself in (某地=隐居)sth (work)(book)投入做某事 埋头于。专心致至于某事。据说据报道依据按照1.it is said that2.it is recounted that3.it is reported that4.as the saying goes,.俗话说。5.to be honest ,老实说。6.frankly .坦白说。7.in accoudance with根据,依据 according to ones light8.be on the


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