高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 模块知识 Unit 4 Earthquakes课件 新人教版必修1

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高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 模块知识 Unit 4 Earthquakes课件 新人教版必修1_第3页
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Unit 4 Earthquakes 话题自然灾害 为 纪 念 汶 川 大 地 震 三 周 年 , 某 英 文 报 发 起 关于 灾 区 新 貌 的 征 文 活 动 。 请 根 据 以 下 图 片 提示 , 以 “ Great Changes”为 题 , 用 英 语 写 一篇 短 文 应 征 。 内 容 要 点 如 下 : 1 某 中 学 灾 后 三 年 来 的 变 化 , 如 教 学 与 活 动场 所 , 以 及 师 生 精 神 面 貌 等 ; 2 发 生 变 化 的 原 因 ; 3 你 的 感 想 。 【晨背范文】 Great Changes I am deeply impressed by the great changes that have taken place in the school over the past three years. Our school was damaged completely by a severe earthquake on May 12, 2008.However, our school is taking on a new look, full of life now.New classrooms, laboratory buildings and a big library have been put up.In the beautiful campus, teachers and students are living happily and working hard. As far as Im concerned, all the achievements are owed to the Party, our motherland and the whole warmhearted people all over the country.Without their help, there would be no new and beautiful schools today.So union is strength.Love can move everything! 话题词汇 1 drought 干 旱 2 typhoon 台 风 3 sandstorm 沙 尘 暴 4 do damage to 对 造 成 破 坏 5 natural disaster 自 然 灾 害 6 relief supplies 救 灾 物 资 话题佳句 1 More and more people become aware that these disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. 越 来 越 多 的 人 开 始 认 识 到 这 些 灾 害 与 我 们 对地 球 的 所 作 所 为 有 很 大 关 系 。 2 Recently, the topic of air pollution has aroused more and more attention. 最 近 , 空 气 污 染 的 话 题 引 起 了 越 来 越 多 的 关注 。 3 Its high time that we took action to rebuild our green and clean environment. 确 实 到 了 我 们 采 取 行 动 重 建 我 们 绿 色 、 整 洁环 境 的 时 候 了 。 .单词速忆 1_ vt.埋 葬 ; 掩 埋 ; 隐 藏 2 _ vt.&n.损 失 ; 损 害 3 _ vt.&n.援 救 ; 营 救 4 _ vt.毁 灭 ; 使 破 产 n.废 墟 ; 毁灭 burydamagerescueruin 5 _ vt.破 坏 ; 毁 坏 ; 消 灭 _ (过 去 式 ) _ (过 去 分 词 ) 6 _ vi.爆 裂 ; 爆 发 n.突 然 破 裂 ;爆 发 _ (过 去 式 ) _(过 去 分 词 ) 7 _ vt.&vi.(使 )震 惊 ; 震 动 n.休 克 ;打 击 ; 震 惊destroydestroyeddestroyedburstburstburstshock 8 _ n 陷 阱 ; 困 境 vt.使 陷 入困 境 _(过 去 式 ) _ (过 去 分 词 ) 9 _ n 事 件 ; 大 事 10 _ vt.损 害 ; 伤 害 _ adj.受 伤 的 _ n 损 害 ; 伤 害traptrappedtrappedeventinjureinjuredinjury 11 _ vt.& n 裁 判 员 ; 法 官 ; 断 定 ;判 断 ; 判 决 _ n 判 断 力 ; 评 价 ; 判 决 12 _ vt.使 惊 吓 ; 吓 唬 _ adj.受 惊 的 ; 受 恐 吓 的 _ adj.令 人 恐 惧 的 13 _ vt.表 示 ; 表 达 n.快 车 ; 速 递 _ n 表 达 ; 表 示 ; 表 情 judgejudgementfrightenfrightenedfrighteningexpressexpression 14 _ n 电 ; 电 流 ; 电 学 _ adj.用 电 的 ; 带 电 的 _ adj.与 电 有 关 的 ; 电 学 的 15 _ n 祝 贺 ; (复 数 )贺 词 _ v 祝 贺 16 _ adj.无 用 的 ; 无 效 的 _ (反 义 词 )有 用 的 17 _ adj.极 度 的 _ adv.极 其 ; 非 常electricityelectricelectricalcongratulationcongratulateuselessusefulextremeextremely .短语快译 1_ 严 重 受 损 ; 破 败 不 堪 2 _ 掘 出 ; 发 现 3 _ 因 而 自 豪 4 _ 不 重 视 5 _ 立 刻 ; 马 上 6 _ 好 像 7 _ 结 束 ; 终 结 8 _ 许 多 ; 大 量 的in ruins dig outbe proud of /take pride in think little of right awayas ifat an enda (great) number of .句式仿写 1It seemed as if the world was at an end! (It seemed as if )仿写:看起来似乎很多人都没把交通规则当做一回事。(2015江苏) _a great number of people think little of the traffic rules.【答案】It seems as if 2 Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.(everywhere引 导地 点 状 语 从 句 )仿写:无论你走到哪里都应该遵守当地的风俗。 _, you should follow the local customs.【答案】Everywhere you go 3.All hope was not lost.(all not 并 非都 )仿写:在地震中并非所有的建筑物都被破坏了。 _were not destroyed in the earthquake.【答案】All the buildings .单元语法关系代词引导的定语从句 用 适 当 的 关 系 代 词 填 空 1 The Great Wall is the place _ almost all tourists would like to visit. 2 The family_ members are all music lovers has moved to their new house. 3 Only those _ respect others can win their respect. 4 This is the most interesting film _ is directed by Xie Jin. 5 I will never forget the things and the persons _ I once worked with.【答案】1.that/which 2.whose 3.who4.that 5.that .教材活用 根 据 课 文 内 容 , 在 空 白 处 填 入 适 当 的 内 容 (1个 单 词 )或 括 号 内 单 词 的 正 确 形 式 Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei.For three days the water in the village wells kept rising and 1._ (fall) Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in them.A 2._ (smell) gas came out of the cracks. In 3._ farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous 4._ (eat) Mice ran out of the fields 5._ (look) for places to hide.Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds.At about 3: 00 a m. 6._ July 28, 1976, some people 7._ (see) bright lights in the sky. The sound of planes could 8._ (hear) outside the city of Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky.In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.But the one million people of the city,9._ thought little of these events, were asleep as 10._ (usually) that night. 【答案】1.falling2.smelly3.the4.to eat5.looking6on7.saw8.be heard9.who10.usual 1burst vi.(burst, burst)爆裂;爆发 n突然破裂;爆发【考点激活】 The other two boys jumped up with fight, staring at Tom.Suddenly they _ out laughing. 另 外 两 个 男 孩 跳 打 起 来 , 凝 视 着 汤 姆 , 忽 然 ,他 们 放 声 笑 起 来 。 (2013江西) (1)burst out doing sth.burst inton.突然 起来 burst out crying/laughingburst into tears/laughter突然哭起来/笑起来 (2)burst in/into闯进;突然破门而入 (3)burst with anger/grief/joy勃然大怒/悲痛欲绝/乐不可支【知识建构】 When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for whatever his family might need, he burst into tears. 当我把礼品卡递给他,告诉他可以用它给家人购买可能需要的任何东西的时候,他的眼泪夺眶而出。(2015课标I) 【图解助记】 【即时巩固】语法填空I didnt know why he burst into _ (laugh) just now. He burst_ my room without knocking. When hearing the sad news, he burst out _ (cry)【答案】 burst laughter in/into crying 2ruin nU毁灭;毁坏;崩溃;常用复数废墟;遗迹 vt.(使)毁坏;毁灭;成为废墟;使破产【考点激活】 Because of the earthquake, the ancient temple is now completely _. 由 于 地 震 , 这 座 古 庙 现 在 是 一 片 废 墟 。 (1)lie/be in ruins成为废墟 fall into ruin破败不堪;严重受损 bring sth.to ruin使 毁灭;使 没落 in ruins严重受损;破败不堪【知识建构】 (2)ruin oneself毁掉自己;自取灭亡 ruin ones plan/hope/image/future/health/ fame/chance毁掉 的计划/希望/形象/前途/健康/名声/机会 Dont let negativity ruin your motivation. 不 要 让 消 极 毁 掉 你 的 动 力 。 (2015福 建 ) 【词义辨析】ruin表示“毁灭、毁坏”,是指在一定过程中逐渐对物体进行破坏,使其毁灭。也可用于抽象意义damage指一定程度的损坏或损失,部分是可以修复的,可用作动词或名词。作名词表示抽象的“损坏;破坏”时,为不可数名词,构成词组do/cause damage to sb./sth.destroy表示“毁坏”,通常指彻底毁掉或毁灭,其功能无法或难以修复,也可用于损坏抽象的东西,如名誉、计划、契约等 No one was injured in the explosion, but the building was completely destroyed. 没 有 人 在 爆 炸 中 受 伤 , 但 大 楼 遭 到 了 彻 底 毁坏 。【易错点津】 damage作 “ 损 坏 , 破 坏 , 损 失 , 损 害 ” 讲 是不 可 数 名 词 , 而 damages意 为 “ 赔 偿 金 ” 。 【即时巩固】用ruin, damage, destroy的适当形式填空 He was injured badly in a big fire, which _ the building completely.The accident did much _to his health and _ his future.【答案】 in ruins destroyed damage ruined 3injure vt.损害;伤害【考点激活】 By now medical staff had arrived, and were looking after the_ woman. 此 时 医 护 人 员 已 经 到 达 并 且 在 照 顾 那 位 受 伤的 妇 人 。 (1)be/get injured in在 中受伤 (2)injuredadj.受伤的 the injured伤员 (3)injuryn伤;伤口;伤害【知识建构】 【词义辨析】 injure尤指在事故中伤害、使受伤,也可指对名誉、地位的损害wound指使身体受伤,尤指用武器伤害,多指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤hurt多指精神上受到伤害,也可指身体上的疼痛harm用于表示精神或肉体上的伤害均可,有时也可指引起不安或不便。还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情 【图解助记】 【即时巩固】用injure,wound,harm,hurt的适当形式填空 The soldier had to leave the army because of being _ in a battle.After that, he met with an accident, where he was not _ seriously.Unluckily, once what his wife said _ him and he began to drink all the day.It did _ to his health a lot.【答案】 injured wounded injured hurt harm 4 bury vt.掩埋;埋葬;使专心;使沉浸;隐藏【考点激活】 He _ under the ruins for several hours. 他 被 埋 在 废 墟 下 面 好 几 个 小 时 。 (1)bury in把 埋到 里 (2)be buried inbury oneself in埋头于;专心于 be buried in thought沉思【知识建构】 When I came in, my brother was buried in his homework.我进来的时候,我弟弟正在专心做作业。 【举一反三】 表 示 “ 专 心 于 ; 致 力 于 ” 的 短 语 还 有 : (1)be addicted to (2)be absorbed in (3)be devoted to (4)be lost in (5)focus on (6)concentrate on 【即时巩固】一句多译尽管条件很艰难,但是图画中的男孩仍在专心读书。(2015福建) Although the conditions are very hard, the boy in the picture _ _ .(be buried in ) Although the conditions are very hard, the boy in the picture _ . (bury in )【答案】 was buried is buried in reading is burying himself in reading 5judge vt.& n判断;判定;判决;法官;裁判【考点激活】 Wearing proper clothes is important too, for locals will judge you _ what you wear. 穿 合 适 的 衣 服 也 很 重 要 , 因 为 当 地 人 会 根 据你 穿 的 衣 服 来 判 断 你 。 (2014重庆) (1)judge from/by从 来判断 judge between right and wrong判断是非 as far as I can judge据我判断;我认为 (2)judging by /from从 上看;根据 判断 (3)in ones judgement依某人看来【知识建构】 As far as I can judge, your son can judge between right and wrong. 我 认 为 , 你 儿 子 能 够 判 断 是 非 。【易错点津】 judging from/by表 示 “ 从 来 看 ; 根据 来 判 断 ” , 用 在 句 首 作 状 语 时 , 为 一个 独 立 成 分 , 不 受 句 子 主 语 和 时 态 的 影 响 ,只 用 现 在 分 词 而 不 用 过 去 分 词 的 形 式 。 【即时巩固】语法填空_ (judge) from his accent, he should come from Shenzhen.Dont judge a person _his appearance.Otherwise, you may make mistakes.【答案】 by/from Judging by/from 1at an end结束;终结【考点激活】 The AntiJapanese War was finally at _ end in 1945. 抗 日 战 争 终 于 在 1945年 结 束 了 。 (1)at the end of在 末(端);在 尽头 by the end of到 末为止(常与完成时态连用) in the end最后;终于【知识建构】 (2)come to an end完结 put an end to sth.结束;终结 put/bring sth.to an end结束 make (both) ends meet使收支相抵;量入为出 (3)end up with以 结束 She scarcely earns enough money to make ends meet. 她 几 乎 挣 不 到 足 够 的 钱 以 维 持 开 支 。 We brought the meeting to an end before 9 oclock. 我 们 在 9点 前 结 束 了 会 议 。 【即时巩固】语法填空Smell the flowers before you go to sleep,and you may just end up _sweet dreams.We _ (rescue) lots of people trapped under the ruins by the end of last Sunday._the end, I persuaded him to bury himself in the research.【答案】 an with had rescued In 2a great number of许多;大量的【考点激活】 Its reported that a great number of refugees _(crowd) into Europe since 2014. 据 报 道 , 自 从 2014年 以 来 很 多 难 民 涌 入 欧 洲 。 a large/great/good/number of可数名词的复数复数谓语动词形式 a great/good many可数名词的复数复数谓语动词形式 large quantities of可数名词的复数复数谓语动词形式 a great/good deal不可数名词单数谓语动词形式【知识建构】 a great/large amount of不可数名词单数谓语动词形式 a great/large quantity of可数或不可数名词谓语动词(视情况而定) plenty of可数或不可数名词谓语动词(视情况而定) 【易错点津】“a number of可数名词的复数形式”作主语时,谓语动词用复数,意为“许多的,大量的”;“the number of可数名词的复数形式”作主语时,谓语动词用单数,意为“ 的数目”。 【即时巩固】用所给动词的正确形式填空A number of people _ (be)studying abroad nowadays.Yes.The number of people who are studying abroad _ (be) increasing. Large quantities of nuts _ (be) found inside trees hidden by squirrels. A great amount of money _ (have) been spent on the project.【答案】 have crowded are; is are has 1 It seemed as if the world was at an end! 仿 佛 到 了 世 界 末 日 !句型提炼: It seems as if (1)It seemed as if仿佛 ;好像 It seems (to sb.) that/as if(对某人来说)似乎 (2)Sb./Sth. seems to be doing sth./to have done sth.某人/某物好像正在做/已经做了某事。 (3)There seems to be好像有 (4)as if (as though)“仿佛,好像”,引导状语从句【句型剖析】 It seems as if he has known the secret. He seems to have known the secret. 他 似 乎 已 经 知 道 了 这 个 秘 密 。 There doesnt seem to be much hope of changing his mind. 改 变 他 的 主 意 好 像 希 望 不 大 。 【即时巩固】完成句子好像很多人被困在了废墟下面。 _ a great number of people were trapped under the ruins.刚才,他好像在教室里看报纸。 He seemed _ in the classroom just now.【答案】 It seemed as if to be reading the newspaper 2 All hope was not lost. 不 是 所 有 的 希 望 都 破 灭 了 。句型提炼:部分否定 该句是表示部分否定的句型。all notnot all意为“并非所有的 都 ”。 (1)英语中的all,both,each,every,everybody,everything,completely,always,whole,entirely等具有总括意义的代词、形容词或副词与否定词not连用时,无论not位置如何,均构成部分否定,表示“并非都”的意思。【句型剖析】 (2)英语中的no,none,never,nobody,nothing,neither,no one等表否定意义的词(组)与肯定式谓语一起使用构成“全部否定”。 【即时巩固】句型转换 Both of them have not been to the Mount Huang._ of them has been to the Mount Huang.【答案】Neither


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