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2023年上饶银行社会招聘(面向赣州地区)报名时间延长笔试参考题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.A.106B.166C.176D.186答案:D 本题解析:每一行的前两个数字之和的2倍等于第三个数字,(84+9)x2=(186)。2. I m tired out. I_all afternoon and I dont seem to have finished anything. A.shoppedB.have shoppedC.had shoppedD.have been shopping答案:D 本题解析:根据all afternoon,可知本题表示持续性动作或者状态,故用进行时,因此选D,表示过去已经开始且持续到现在并有一定影响的动作。3.目前,生物加工食物体系要成为现实,还有几件事要做。先得能在培养基地培养出蔬菜和水果的组织,还得能扩大产量以应市场之需。而要大量经济地生产,还得研制出廉价原料,利用其中的基本营养成分进行批量生产。由此可以推出( )。A.研制出廉价原料是生物加工食物体系的关键B.目前已经能在培养基地培养出蔬菜和水果的组织C.只要有廉价的原料就能扩大产量D.目前的原料太昂贵答案:A 本题解析:成为现实-扩大产量-研制出廉价原料,所以A可以推出。由还有几件事要做,可以推出B错,廉价原料是必要条件而不是充分条件,C错;题干没有关于目前原料的情况,D错。4.请从下面的四个图形中选出与其他三个不同的一个图形。( )A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:C 本题解析:A、B、D 中,小图形的个数与外部线条数相等。5.Questions refer to the following notice and billing statement. Estimated Bills Although we try to read your gas meter every month, there are times when we simply cannot. We may not be able to access it if there is no one at your home to let us in. Weather conditions sometimes make it unsafe for meter readers to do their job And meters do occasionally malfunction, making an accurate reading impossible When your meter is not actually read, you will receive an estimated bill. The estimate is based on weather trends and how much energy you have used in the past. When we are unable to get an actual meter reading, you will see the word “estimated” printed next to the meter reading on your bill. Estimates can be avoided if you send us a reading that you have taken yourself Here are two ways to help prevent an estimated bill. Call us with your meter reading at 18005551991. The best time to call is one day before your scheduled meterreading day. (Your meterreading date appears on page one of your Newtown Gas Company bill.) Go to our Web site at to send us your meter readingSend your reading at least one day before your scheduled meterreading day. If you use either of these two methods to provide us with your reading, you will see the words “customer reading” next to the reading on your bill. If your meter readings have been estimated for four straight months, you must call us with your meter reading NEWTOWN NATURAL GAS COMPANYSaurabh Khan Monthly statementMay80 Mount Street Account number 5252670Vancouver, Canada UsageMeter 1546774Account Summary Actual readingApril 20133 thermsPayment received April 30145.76 Customer readingMay 1949 thermsTotal amount due June 7 57.74 Average daily gas use (in therms) Please mail your payment to Newtown Natural Gas Company, P.O. Box 388, Vancouver, Canada Your next meter reading is scheduled for June 18.What did Mr. Khan do in May? ()A.He made an appointment for an actual readingB.He provided Newtown Gas with his meter readingC.He stayed at home on the scheduled meterreading dayD.He paid a bill based on an actual reading答案:B 本题解析:账单在“Customer reading”的一项中写着May 19,49 therms。“customer reading”是“客户自行抄表”,所以5月份时,是自行通知天然气公司抄表结果。make an appointment指“约定时间”。pay a bill是“付款”。6.即使细节的出人对于全部论证还不发生直接影响,也会使人对于材料的全部可靠性发生怀疑,以至伤害了论证的说服力量。有时看来是_的细节上的马虎,却会造成关键问题上的错误,那当然更是要警惕的。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.无足轻重B.举足轻重C.无关大体D.无伤大雅答案:C 本题解析:关键是区分A项和C项。A项“无足轻重”,形容不太重要;C项“无关大体”,不影响整体。依题干中即使细节的出入也会使人对材料的全部可靠性”可知,应选C项。7.在一般性货币政策的工具中,中央银行掌握完全主动权得是( )。A.公开市场操作政策B.消费者信用控制政策C.贴现政策D.窗口指导政策答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析8.当空气净化器价格发生变动时,会产生收入效应和替代效应,那么空气净化器的收入效应、替代效应与价格的关系是( )。A.替代效应、收入效应与价格成反方向变动B.替代效应与价格成反方向变动、收入效应与价格成正方向变动C.收入效应与价格成反方向变动、替代效应与价格成正方向变动D.替代效应、收入效应与价格成正方向变动答案:A 本题解析:空气净化器属于正常品,收入效应和替代效应均与价格成反方向变动,即随着价格的上升,需求减少;随着价格的降低,需求增加。9. 我国在刑法的时间效力上,采取的原则是( )。 A.从旧兼从轻B.从新兼从重C.从旧兼从重D.从新兼从轻答案:A 本题解析:刑法第12条第1款规定:“中华人民共和国成立以后本法施行以前的行为,如果当时的法律不认为是犯罪的,适用当时的法律;如果当时的法律认为是犯罪的,依照本法总则第四章第八节的规定应当追诉的,按照当时的法律追究刑事责任,但是如果本法不认为是犯罪或者处刑较轻的,适用本法。”将这一规定进行归纳,即从旧兼从轻原则。本题答案为A。10.转基因食品可能带来副作用但一种转基因大豆含有有益于人体健康的微量元素专家建议人们食用用这种大豆加工成的产品。以下哪项最能支持专家的建议?()A.加工后的转基因食品副作用会减少B.从其他食品中不能得到此种微量元素C.没有证据表明转基因食品会带来副作用D.这种微量元素对人体健康的益处大于转基因食品副作用带来的害处答案:D 本题解析:专家建议人们食用这种大豆加工成的产品,D项指出这种大豆含有的微量元素对人体健康的益处大于转基因食品副作用带来的害处那么题干申专家建议食用就是合理的直接支持了结论。如果转基因食品原来的副作用很多,则即使加7-后减少也不能食用,故A项不符合题意:如果转基因食品的副作用很大。则即使只有它才具有某种微量元素。也不能成为食用它的理由。故B项不符合题意。C项犯了“诉诸无知”的错误,“没有证据表明”不等于就不存在。11.我国2018年三季度国内生产总值(以下简称GDP)初步核算主要结果如下:表1?2018年3季度GDP初步核算数据注:本表GDP总量数据中,有的不等于各产业(行业)之和,是由于数值修约误差所致,未作机械调整。2018年1-2季度,以下选项中增速最大的是()A.GDPB.第一产业增加值C.第二产业增加值D.第三产业增加值答案:D 本题解析:第一步,本题考查整体增长率。第二步,2018年1-3季度是整体,1-2季度和3季度是两个部分。整体增长率居于两个部分增长率之间,且偏向基数大的那部分的增长率,故GDP1-2季度增速6.7%,偏向6.7%,即居于6.7%-6.9%之间。同理可得,第一产业增加值1-2季度增速居于3.2%-3.4%,第二产业增加值1-2季度增速居于5.8%-6.3%,第三产业增加值1-2季度增速居于7.5-7.7%。故本题正确答案选D。12.自然资源以其客观存在条件与特征为标准,可分为( )。A.可再生资源与不可再生资源B.恒定资源与可再生资源C.地下资源和地表资源D.以上均不正确答案:C 本题解析:按照不同的目的和要求,可以将自然资源进行多种科学分类。自然资源 以其客观存在条件与特征为标准,可分为地下资源和地表资源两大类。按可否再生,可以把自 然资源分为可再生资源、不可再生资源及恒定资源三大类。故选c项。13.已知银行的法定准备金率=15%,超额准备金率=20%,公众的现金持有率C=10%,如果中央银行增发货币H=100 亿元,则货币供给量将增加( )。A.667 亿元B.222 亿元C.500 亿元D.100 亿元答案:B 本题解析:货币乘数=1/(15%+20%+10%) =2.22;则中央银行增发货币100 亿元,货币供给量将增加100x2.22=222 亿元。14.技能潜亏指一个人刻意回避自己的短板造成他人难以觉察这个人在部分领域的能力缺陷,甚至认为他会像在其他事情上一样胜任而不会主动提供帮助。根据上述定义,下列属于技能潜亏的是()。A.某代工厂决定经营自主品牌却发现自己完全没有做品牌的经验B.某人不擅长社交.却认为自己转行做销售会和做文秘一样成功C.小王因为晕车而骑车上班.某天公司派他押运货物造成晕车误事D.发达国家要求发展中国家减少碳排放却罔顾其缺乏减排的技术条件答案:C 本题解析:技能潜亏的定义要点有:某人回避自己的缺陷;他人因其回避而不察觉其能力缺陷。A、B、D三项均不符合,C项符合定义要点。15.各类数据在企业生产经营中起着至关重要的作用,近乎所有的经营活动都要依赖数据,它犹如企业经营者的眼睛一样,通过数据可反映出经营的问题。当我们获取数据后,为顺利分析数据,需要先对数据进行清洗。数据清洗工作-般不包括( )。A.纠正或删除错误的数据B.估计合理值修改异常数据C.将缺失的数据补充完整D.筛选清除多余重复的数据答案:B 本题解析:在数据挖掘过程中,数据清洗主要根据探索性分析后得到的一些结论入手,然后主要对四类异常数据进行处理;分别是缺失值(missing value),异常值(离群点),去重处理(Duplicate Data)以及噪音数据的处理。修改异常数据不属于数据清洗的内容。16.四(2)班学生在校办工厂糊纸盒,原计划糊制1200个,实际每小时糊的纸盒是原计划的12倍,结果提前4小时完成任务问原计划每小时糊纸盒几个?()A.30B.40C.50D.60答案:C 本题解析:假设没有提前,而是按原计划时间劳动,则糊成的纸盒是120012=1440个,比原计划多做14401200=240个,因为多糊的240个是在4小时內做成的。因此实际每小时糊纸盒2404=60个原计划每小时糊6012=50个17.邵万宽同志的金瓶梅与明人饮食一文在介绍当时品类繁多的食品时写道如金瓶梅中的点心制作,就其饼类而言,其风味品种已不胜枚举。有武大郎售卖的炊饼,薛 姑子未人佛门前卖的4蒸饼”按照此说,“坎饼”“蒸饼”是二物,其实不然。文中“按照此说”里的“此”指的是( )。A.邵万宽同志的观点B.金瓶梅中的观点C.“明人饮食”中的观点D.以上答案均不对答案:A 本题解析:因为文段引用了邵万宽同志的 金瓶梅与明人饮食中的一段话,所以 A为正确答案。18.在一定的产权制度下,商业银行内部的一组联结并规范所有者、经营者、使用者相互权力与利益关系的制度安排叫( )。A.法律规定B.治理结构C.协议要求D.产权约束答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析19.哈佛商学院罗伯特卡普兰和戴维诺顿于1992 年发明的一种绩效管理和绩效考核的工具是( )。A.目标管理(MBO,Management by Objects)B.关键业绩指标(KPI,Key Performance Indication)C.平衡计分卡(BSC,Balance Score Card)D.甘特图(GC,Gantt Chart)答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析20.已知2007年1-6月,城镇居民用于“娱乐教育文化”的人均消费性支出为927元,则上表中“X”的值约为:A.-2.7B.2.7C.-2.8D.2.8答案:A 本题解析:927(1+x)902,既得x-2.7。21.2, 7, 24, 77,( )。A.107B.207C.238D.258答案:C 本题解析:7 = 23 + 1,24 = 73 + 3,77 = 243 + 5,因此空缺项为 773 + 7 = 238。22.Passage 1Earlier this year, when America first sneezed, the European Central Bank (along with most private-sector economists) argued that the euro area was insulated from Americas slowdown and had little to worry about. This seems to have wrong. In Germany there are fears about recession as business investment and retail sales tumble. Recent figures confirmed that Germanys GDP stagnated in the second quarter. Italys GDP fell in the second quarter, and although growth has held up better in France and Spain, the growth in the euro area as a whole was close to zero in the quarter. Nobody is forecasting an actual recession in the euro area this year, but it is no longer expected to provide an engine for world growth.As for Japan, it is probably already in recession. Japans GDP grew slightly in the first quarter. Persistent deflation continues to be a severe problem. A revised measure of Japans consumer-price index, to be published soon, is likely to show that deflation is worse than had been thought.The best title for the passage is _.A.The world economic situationB.The world economic recessionC.The worse world economic situationD.The reason for world economic recession答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析23._ the ruling came from the Supreme Court, a coalition of public sector unions in California was ready with a response.A.IfB.OnceC.SinceD.Unless答案:B 本题解析:本题考查语义逻辑。一旦最高法院做出裁决,加州的公共部门工会联盟已经准备好做出回应。故本题选B.24.Questions 46-48 refer to the following letter.Theater Digest125 Lake AveChicago, IL, 606i6Dear Subscriber,Your subscription to Theater Digest will end in two months. Please dont let that happen. Take time to renew your subscription today. By doing so, you will continue to receive every month theway latest in theater reviews, information on actors and directors, and up-to-date reports on newdramas and musical for the next year.Ive attached an invoice for your renewal order. You will receive 12 issues for special lowprice of $35. Please send your payment in the reply envelop provided. Make any corrections to yourname or address right on the back of the invoice. Then visit our website at to read about contests for readers. You could win tickets to great show.Sincerely.Matthew ChambersCustomer Service RepresentativeWhat is the purpose of this letter?A.To advertise a new publicationB.To encourage subscription renewalC.To correct a billing errorD.To request a donation答案:B 本题解析:细节题。根据第一段第三局“今天抓紧时间更新一下您的订购”可知,这封信是Theater Digest 刊物的工作人员写给订阅者,目的是让订阅者更新他们的订阅信息,预订本刊物。25.-1、0、2.7.53、()A.2812B.2814C.2816D.2819答案:B 本题解析:幂次修正数列,22+3=7, 72+4=53, 532+5=2814.26.吴歌,是明清时代的流行歌曲,又称为江南小调、俚曲、挂枝儿,它全盛时代在明清,可它的历史与诗经楚辞一样古老。所谓“吴蔡讴”这被后人考证的渔娘曲,大约就是吴歌的原生状态。虽然它发源于吴地的水上人家,可从陆机的吴趋行和谢灵运的会吟行来看,早在魏晋南北朝时期,就已被士大夫们改编传唱,称为“清商乐”,为雅文化所吸收。它不仅以清丽委婉的吴音引人人胜,还在人际交往中应酬唱和,成为文人雅士的社交礼仪。根据这段文字,以下说法正确的是( )。A.吴歌的兴衰与雅文化在社会中所处的地位紧密相关B.发源于吴地水上人家的渔娘曲“吴蔡讴”是吴歌的原生状态C.“吴蔡讴”在魏晋南北朝时被士大夫们改编为“清商乐”传唱D.“吴蔡讴”由于清丽委婉的特点而成为文人雅士的一种社交礼仪答案:C 本题解析:A项无中生有,排除。由“所谓吴蔡讴这被后人考证的渔娘曲大约就是吴歌的原生状态”可知B项混淆或然与必然,错误。由文段尾句“它不仅以清丽委婉的吴音引人人胜,还在人际交往中应酬唱和,成为文人雅士的社交礼仪”可知,“清丽委婉的特点”并不是其“成为文人雅士的一种社交礼仪”的原因,D项属于强加因果。由“虽然它发源于吴地的水上人家可从陆机的吴趋行和谢灵运的会吟行来看,早在魏晋南北朝时期。就已被士大夫们改编传唱,称为清商乐”可知C项正确。故本题答案为C。27.初唐四杰是指( )。A.孟郊、贾岛、刘禹锡、柳宗元B.韦庄、杜牧、温庭筠、李商隐C.王勃、杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王D.李白、杜甫、白居易、孟浩然答案:C 本题解析:“初唐四杰”是中国唐代初期四位文学家王勃、杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王的合称,简称“王杨声骆”。故本题答案选C。28.二恶英是一种持久性有机污染物,目前对二恶英的治理存在各方面的难题。首先,对二恶 英的监测技术要求很高,采样要求很严格,需要特殊的高灵敏检测仪器。其次,二恶英类 化合物分布广泛、污染源多。垃圾焚烧是二恶英的一个重要来源,美、日、德都有比较先进 的技术来处理,如活性炭吸附、催化剂处理等,但中国目前还很少采用这些办法。作为一 个发展中国家来说,污染物处理的技术和成本都是需要考虑的问题。根据这段话,理解正确的是( )。A.技术和成本是制约我国治理二恶英污染的主要因素B.我国目前还不具备从环境中检测出二恶英的技术水平C.增加经费投入能够解决目前的问题D.由于分布广泛,根除二恶英污染是不可能的答案:A 本题解析:文段共五句话,第一句讲二恶英的概念和目前治理存在难题;第二、三句 是对治理难题的解释;第四句讲美、日、德有较先进的技术来处理垃圾焚烧产生的二恶英,但我 国目前很少采用;为什么不采用呢?第五句做了解释,主要制约因素是技术和成本。29.In the 1960s, many young Americans were dissatisfied with American society. They wanted to end the Vietnam War and to make all of the people in the U.S. equal. Some of them decided to drop out of American society and form their own societies . They formed utopian communities , which they called communes, where they could follow their philosophy of do your own thing. A group of artists founded a commune in southern Colorado called Drop City. Following the ideas of philosopher and architect Buckminster Fuller they built domeshaped houses from pieces of old cars. Other groups, such as author Ken Keseys Merry Pranksters, the followers fo San Francisco poet Steve Gakin, and a group that called itself the Hog Farm, lived in old school huses and traveled around the United States. The Hog Farm become famous when they helped organize the Woodstock Rock Festival in 1969. Steve Gaskins followers tried to settle down on a farm in Tennessee, but they had to leave when some members of the gruop were arrested for growing marijuanANot all communes believed in the philosophy of do you own thing, however . Twin Oaks , a commune founded in Virgiania in the late 1960s, was based on the ideas of psychologist BFSkinner. The people who lived at Twin Oaks were carefully controlled by Skinners conditioning techniques to do things that were good for the community. In 1972, Italian architect Paolo Soleri began to build Arcosanti, a utopian city Arizsona where 2500 people will live closely together in one large building called an archology Soleri believes that people must live closely together so that they will all become one.Why did some young Americans decide to drop out of scoiety during the 1960s?A.They were not satisfied with American societyB.They wanted to grow marijuanAC.They wanted to go to the Vietnam WarD.They did not want all people to be equal答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析30.Questions 57-60 refer to the following memo.TO: ALL GGBA membersFROM: Stephen McFarlane, GGBA PresidentAttention all owners and managers, your attendance is requested at the monthly GGBA meeting on February 12. Please find the agenda below. Let me know if you have any questions about the meeting.-StephenGreater Glasgow Business Association ( GGBA)February 12, 10:00 AM.Palmer Place Restaurant, 98 Duke St, GlasgowAgendaI. Welcome address from Stephen McFarlaneII. New members and special guestsIII. GGBA BusinessA Direction and Plans for Next YearB Committee Updates1)Special Events Committee2)Marketing & Publicity Committee3)GGBA Web Site Development Committee4)Community Outreach CommitteeC. GGBA Business /Social Event February 24IV. OtherWhat will probably NOT be discussed at the GGBA meeting?A.The associations advertising plansB.The results of recent committeeC.Plans for future GGBA eventsD.The design of the GGBA Web site答案:A 本题解析:BCD 在文中都有提及,即Committee Updates, GGBA Business/Social Event, GGBA Web Site Development Committee。文中未提及广告方面的事宜,故选A。31.根据上表所列数据,下列说法错误的是( )。A.中央电视台只播自办节目B.地方电视台播自办节目的时间占总播出时间的70%以上C.地方电视台2004年全年平均每套节目播出自办教育节目0.213小时D.地方无线广播电台2004年平均每天每套节目播出自办教育节目0.446小时答案:C 本题解析:中央电视台播出时间和自办节目时间是相等的,可以推出播的全是自办节目,A项正确;32. I practiced the speech well, so I didnt feel_when I was speaking. A.relaxedB.disappointedC.nervousD.tired答案:C 本题解析:句意为“我的演讲练习得很好,因此我不担心在演讲时会感到紧张。”A项,放松的;B项,失望的;C项,紧张的;D项,疲劳的。故应选C。33.某企业用现金支付甲材料的运杂费l000元,应作分录为()。A.借:在途物资1000贷:库存现金1000B.借:应付账款1000贷:库存现金1000C.借:库存现金1000贷:在途物资1000D.借:库存现金1000贷:应付账款1000答案:A 本题解析:某企业用现金支付甲材料运杂费,涉及资产类会计科目库存现金、原材料(在途物资)。资产类的科目增加记借方,减少记贷方,本题目中库存现金减少,原材料(在途物资)增加。34.What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others These may show strengths that you can use in your work A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details This is an ability that can be useful in many jobsYour school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work You may be good at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skillsIf you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from itIf nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures It is bitter to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at workThe whole passage centers onA.choosing a career according to what one is skilled inB.acquiring knowledge by working hard at schoolC.finding ones strong and weak pointsD.developing ones abilities useful in school work答案:A 本题解析:本文大意是你可以根据自己擅长的科目来选择你适合的职业重要的是通过自己的表现来认识自己,而不是一味地将目光放在成绩是好还是坏上面。所以应选A。35.“镜子,是光亮的,世界上最亮的镜子,莫过于群众的眼睛。”这告诉我们()A.客观要与主观相符合B.坚持群众观点和群众路线非常重要C.实践是检验认识真理的唯一标准D.个人与社会是统一的答案:B 本题解析:本题属于意图推断题。从这句富有哲理的句子可知,群众是最能看淸事物发展方向的人。言外之意,坚持群众观点和群众路线非常重要。所以选B。36.本票自出票日起,付款期限最长不得超过()。A.3个月B.一年C.半年D.2个月答案:D 本题解析:本票自出票日起,付款期限最长不得超过2个月。37.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:每一行为一组,将每行的三个图形重叠在一起,不难发现,第一行、第二行重叠起来,恰巧每一组图中有8个小黑块和8个小白块,而第三组只有选项B符合要求,将三张图重叠在 一起才能得到8个小黑块和8个小白块。故选B项。38.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:D 本题解析:看交点的个数。交点的个数依次为:8、7、6、5,依次递减。因此选d。39.填入下面横线处的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是( )。没有天敌的动物往往最先灭绝,有天敌的动物则会逐步繁衍壮大。_。汤武因为有残暴的桀纣为敌而获得了拥护者,_,最后得到了天下。换个角度讲,真正使罗马帝国灭亡的正是因为没有了强大的对手,在东方的古老秦帝国,_,可以说也是同样的原因。人类社会也同样存在大自然中的这一悖论大自然中的这一悖论在人类社会也同样存在刘邦因为谨小慎微而打败项羽刘邦因为项羽而谨小慎微建立不久就迅速覆灭能够强盛统一天下A.B.C.D.答案:B 本题解析:第一空由自然界转入人类社会,由已知到未知,应该选;后面内容都是对前面观点句的解说,紧扣前面句式,进一步强调“天敌”的作用,选;第三空换了一个角度, 从没有天敌导致失败进一步阐述观点,选。40.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:D 本题解析:仔细观察后发现,每一组图形的前两幅图呈轴对称,每一组和第二组的第一个图形与第三个图形又都呈中心对称,故选D项。41.2012年,长春市汽车工业完成产值48885亿元,比上年增长l65;完成工业增加值11047亿元。2012年111月,汽车工业实现主营业务收入49542亿元,比上年同期增长ll6;实现利润总额4421亿元,比上年同期增长l68,高于全市利润增幅l7个百分点;实现税金总额325亿元。比上年同期增长l75。2012年长春市汽车工业各月产值完成情况表单位:亿元月份本月止累计上年同月止累计累计增长1月313.8185.569.22月649.8569.214.23月1104.5914.320.84月1523.31270.119.95月1958.71611.22166月2455.21973.424.47月2753.52331.918.18月3188.72698.61829月3624.03059.518.510月4056.13450.817.511月4502.03840.717.212月4888.54196.916.52011年,长春市汽车工业增加值率(即工业增加值与工业总产值之比)为()。A.21.6B.22.6C.23.6D.无法计算答案:D


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