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Chapter 2. Nutritional Value of Foods 各 类 食 品 的 营 养 价 值 So many foods Delicious ?Allaying hunger ? Nutritional value ? 食品的营养价值(nutritional value) 是指某种食品所含营养素和热能满足人体需要的程度。取决于营养素的种类、数量、相互比例及消化吸收率。 Nutrition value is degree or percentage of nutrients and energy in food that can meet human requirement. It rests with the kinds, quantity, proportion and absorption rate of nutrients. Assessment of food nutritional value: The kind and quantity of nutrients :analysis, food composition (化学分析、仪器分析、食物成分表) The quality of Nutrients: the rate of absorption and availability (吸收利用率 : BV,NPU,PER)Change during cooking and processing: loss营养质量指数(index of nutrition quality, INQ) 某营养素密度 某营养素含量/该营养素供给量 INQ= 热能密度 所产生热能/热能供给量标准 食物的营养价值(成年男子轻体力劳动)energy(kJ) protein(g) Vit.A(gRE) Vit.B1(mg) Vit.B2(mg)RNI(A,M,L)10878 80.0 800 1.3 1.3100g egg 653 12.8 194 0.13 0.32INQ 2.67 4.04 1.67 3.80100g rice 1456 8.0 - 0.22 0.05INQ 0.77 - 1.30 0.30100g soybean 1502 35.1 37.0 0.41 0.20INQ 3.13 0.33 2.25 1.10 Classification of food Origin and Character: animal food plant food food produces nutritional character: (1) cereal grain (2) legumes and its produces (3) vegetables and fruits (4) meat, poultry and fish (5) milk and its produces (6) egg and its produces CEREAL GRAINS Cereal grains are seeds of the grass family. Wheat , rice, corn, kaoliang are the most important cereals used for human food. 1、结构与营养成分(structure and composition) bran 纤维素和半纤维素 5% 蛋白质、脂肪、B族维生素 aleurone layer 蛋白质、磷、B族维生素 8% endosperm 淀粉,蛋白质 83% germ 蛋白质、脂肪、可 23% 溶性糖和B族维生素 2.营养价值(nutritional value ) They provide us with a majority of our food calories and about half of protein. Protein 7.515% EAA不平衡 BV偏低 Carbohydrates 淀粉 90% 70% 单糖 10% Fat 不饱和脂肪酸 14% lay in germ and bran mainly Mineral (P,Ca), 1.53% lay in bran and aleurone layer Vitamins B vitamins (thiamin,riboflavin,niacin) lay in aleurone layer and germ The nutritional value of cereal products varies with the part of grain that is used and the method of processing, cooking. 0.793.500.685164010.138.936.4麦胚粉0.200.4010.99216118.360.816.7燕麦0.120.251.61913722.766.59.4黑米0.090.524.72714693.171.98.8小米0.110.040.3186000.433.51.4红薯0.030.084.22514480.673.212.0面粉0.020.064.133208924.162.68.0方便面0.100.171.91214183.667.79.0玉米0.110.040.51414600.874.98.2大米Vit.B2(mg)Vit.B1(mg)Fe(mg)Ca(mg)Energy(kj)Fat (g)Carb.(g)Protein(g)Kind Nutrients Content of Cereal (100g) 3.烹调、加工与贮存的影响Effect of cooking, processing and storage85%80%72%96%94%92% fat 9149148136.96.66.2crude p. 14.514.514.515.515.515.5water出粉率出米率Nutrient不同出粉率与出米率的营养组成(%) 出粉率对面粉维生素的影响9510085807250 0.500.300.250.150.10pyridoxine 1.501.100.900.600.40pantothenic acid 6.001.601.200.720.70niacin 0.400.310.260.110.08thiamin出 粉 率(%)vitamin(mg/100g) 烹调方式的影响:B族维生素保存率(%) 52500炸标准粉油条1008679烙标准粉968697烙富强粉大饼784351煮标准粉737169煮富强粉noodle 908670发酵、蒸标准粉916228发酵、蒸富强粉Steamed bread 673018熬小 米congee 3010062碗蒸meal 245033捞蒸rice niacinriboflavinthiamincookerystufffood 3. 贮存对谷物营养价值的影响含水量 氧气 微生物 害虫 谷物 时间 温度 湿度阴凉、通风、干燥、避光 豆类(LEGUMES)大豆的营养价值(nutritive value of soybean) Soybeans are good source of protein of high biological value and have been used for centuries in various forms as a food staple by millions of people in China and Japan. Protein EAA组成合理, rich in lysine3540%Carbohydrate 其中约50%可直接消化2030% 另一半 为难以消化的棉籽糖和水苏糖。Fat 其中UFA占85%,亚油酸占50%以上,1520% 磷脂1.64% soy lecithin Mineral Ca 190mg/100g Fe 8.2mg/100g Vitamin 丰富的thiamin、 riboflavin和Vit.E 大豆油脂的脂肪酸组成脂肪酸的种类比例范围平均值饱和脂肪酸(saturated fatty acids)月桂酸(C12)0.1豆蔻酸(C14) 0.5 0.2棕榈酸(C16) 712 10.7硬脂酸(C18) 25.5 3.9花生酸(C20) 1.0 0.2山芋酸(C22) 0.5总计1019 15.1不饱和脂肪酸 (unsaturated fatty acids) 棕榈酸油(C16) 80%, 鱼类间质蛋白少,水分多,组织柔软细 嫩, BV更大 Fat 依肥瘦程度及部位差异较大, 畜肉:以饱合脂肪酸为主,熔点较高, 禽肉 :Fat 2.5%, EFA含量高,亚油酸占20% 鱼:Fat 13%,主要分布在皮下和内脏周围, 其中UFA占80%。 EPA The Intake of fishes is apparently related to a decreased risk of coronary heart disease. 脏器中胆固醇含量很高 鱼籽含量约1000mg/100g1.nutritional value Carbohydrates 肝脏与肌肉中的糖元 Mineral 0.61.2%(Fe、S 、 P) 血红素铁,BV高, 海产鱼类含碘丰富 Vitamins B族含量丰富, 禽肉中Vit.E丰富 鱼肉中含B1、B2、和B12 Liver and kidney are good dietary source of riboflavin and are richer in niacin than most other tissues. 鱼肝富含Vit.A和Vit.D 畜肉类的营养成分(100g可食部)Kind Protein(g) Fat (g) Ca(mg) Fe(mg) Vit.A(gRE) Vit.B1(mg) Vit.B2(mg) Cho.(mg)瘦肉20.3 6.2 6 3.0 44 0.54 0.10 79猪心16.6 5.3 12 4.3 13 0.19 0.48 151猪肝19.3 3.8 6 22.6 4972 0.21 2.08 288猪肾15.4 3.2 12 6.1 41 0.31 1.14 354猪脑10.8 9.8 30 1.9 - 0.11 0.19 2571牛肉18.6 8.3 7 3.5 21 0.05 0.15 62羊肉21.2 12.8 10 2.0 44 0.05 0.06 98 狗肉 18.6 3.7 43 3.5 157 - 0.12 52 禽肉类的营养成分(100g可食部)Kind Protein(g) Fat (g) Ca(mg) Fe(mg) Vit.A(gRE) Vit.B1(mg) Vit.B2(mg) Cho.(mg)鸡19.3 9.4 9 1.4 48 0.05 0.09 106鸡肝16.6 4.8 7 12.0 10410 0.33 1.10 356鸡肫19.2 2.8 7 4.4 36 0.04 0.09 174鸭15.5 19.7 6 2.2 52 0.08 0.22 94鸭肝14.5 7.5 18 23.1 1040 0.26 1.05 341鸭肫17.9 1.3 12 4.3 6 0.04 0.15 135鹅17.9 19.9 4 3.8 42 0.07 0.23 74肯德鸡20.3 17.3 - 2.2 23 0.03 0.17 198 2. effects of processing and cookingProtein 变化不大,且更利于消化吸收Vitamins 炖、煮时损失不大, 高温时B vitamins损失较多。 MILK AND MILK PRODUCES 1. Protein: 3%,为优质蛋白(酪蛋白79.6%,为钙、磷结合蛋白,乳清蛋白11.5%,乳球蛋白3.3%。人乳中酪蛋白与乳清蛋白的比为23), BV802. Lipids: 含fat 3%(脂肪球),其中含油酸33% 、亚油酸5.3%、亚麻酸2.1%及水溶性挥发性短链脂肪酸 和少量的卵磷脂、胆固醇。人乳中含有脂解酶,有助于婴儿消化脂肪3. Carbohydrates: lactose(调节胃酸、促进胃肠蠕动和消化液的分泌,促进钙的吸收与乳酸杆菌的增殖)4. Mineral: 0.700.75%(Ca、P、K),牛奶贫铁 5. Vit.: 种类齐全,但含量与饲养方式有关 各种奶的营养成分(100g) 987313P(mg) -1.05.0Vit.C(mg)8210430Ca(mg) ) 842411Vit.A(gRE) 羊乳牛乳人乳羊乳牛乳人乳 Fluid milk Milk(Whole milk) fat 3%Low-fat milk fat 0.5-2.0%Skim milk fat 0.5% Milk powder全脂奶粉:鲜奶经加热、喷雾干燥而制成的奶制品。Whole 按重量1:8或体积1:4加水脱脂奶粉:脱脂 skim调制奶粉:以牛奶为基础,加以调整和改善Formula 炼乳1 Evaporated milk:鲜奶消毒低温真空下蒸发浓 缩至原量的1/32. Sweetened condensed milk:加15%的蔗糖, 浓缩至原体积的40%酸奶(yogurt):鲜奶+乳酸杆菌,乳糖 乳酸婴儿配方奶:婴儿代乳粉:牛奶+大豆和饴糖 EGGS AND EGG PRODUCTS Whole egg contains about 75% water 12% protein 10% fat 1% carbohydrate 1% minerals The white and yolk are very different from each other in composition 1. protein good quality protein 15% highest PER2. Fat 1115%3. minerals Ca、 P、 Fe、 K、 Mg4. vitamins A、 D、 B1、 B2Nutritional value Composition of egg without shellweight water Energy Protein Fat Iron Vit.A thiaminRiboflavin(g) (%) (kcal) (g) (g) ( mg) (RE) (mg) (mg)whole 50 75 72 6 5 0.7 95 0.03 0.25White 33 88 15 4 0 Trace 0 Trace 0.15yolk 17 49 60 3 5 0.6 95 0.03 0.10 Egg products1. 冰蛋和蛋粉2. 咸蛋和皮蛋


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