综合学术英语ranslaion uni ppt课件

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7.Complete the following statements with phrases from the box. You may change the phrases according to the Chinese given.Unit 1 Part V Integrated exercises 1) There are many predictions, but the evidence is now irrefutable: droughts occur more often than in the last year (不可辩驳的事实是:干旱比起往年频繁出现) 2) We are not sure where the controversy lead, but what is certain is that irreflects the change in peoples idea. (唯一能够确定的是这反映了人们思想的改变)3) (许多人都认识到有必要发现地球变暖的主要原因) Many people recognize the need to find the leading cause of global warming in spite of different voices about the its effects. Unit 1 Part V Integrated exercises 4) Although the government has taken various measures in the financial crisis, the overwhelming consensus is that prospects look bleak indeed. ( 绝大多数人 普遍认为前景依然非常惨淡)5)(毫无疑问)There is absolutely no question that if the global eco-system collapses, the worlds economy is also at risk. (世界经济也会面临危机)6) The two companies have not reached an agreement. Their dispute lies in whether or not they should limit the future increase in cost to within 5% (双方的分歧在于是否应将今后的成本增加控制在5%以内) 7) Due to many factors that arise from the global economys interdependence on (由于全球经济在方面相互依存而导致的许多因素) aspects such as environmental protection, energy deficiency, etc., the worlds economy is still at risk. (世界经济依然面临危险) Unit 1 Part V Integrated exercises 8) Since the region has been experiencing smog (该地区一直遭受雾霾天气),the local government should take urgent action to reduce air pollution. (采取紧急措施减少大气污染)。 9) The United Nations pushed for a policy requiring developed countries to take the lead in reducing their emissions (强烈要求发达国家领先减少碳排放),and restated that the ultimate objective is to (最终目标是要) involve every nation on the Earth.10) The cause of burning petrol is to meet our development needs,but we are now beginning to pay a heavy price (满足我们的发展要求,但我 们现在开始支付沉重的代价。) 7.Complete the following statements with phrases from the box. You may change the phrases according to the Chinese given.Unit 2 Part V Integrated exercises 1) According to some reports, many big cities suffer traffic problems which can be attributed largely to urbanization. (受交通堵塞困扰,而这主要是城市化引起的). 2) Poor sanitation does exist. But the attempt to prevent urban expansion is futile, (阻止城市发展是无用的). What we should do is to promote environmental sustainability (促进环境的持续发展). . 3) All of us have witnessed the unprecedented economic growth,which is unimaginable only in the last centuries (史无前例的经济发展,这在上个世纪是难以想象的). Unit 1 Part V Integrated exercises 4) We must make great efforts to eliminate many social problems associated with urbanization (消除和城市化有关于的社会弊病). 5) As a result of rural migration,(由于农村到城市的迁移),growth of urban areas is especially commonplace in developing countries (在发展中国家司空见惯.6) The potential benefits of urbanization far outweigh the disadvantages; (远大于弊) and the challenge is in learning how to exploit its possibilities (利用它的可能性). 7) In 1994, a Program of the International Conference called on governments (呼吁各国政府) to encourage economic growth(鼓励经济增长)., Unit 1 Part V Integrated exercises 8) Urbanization offers real economic opportunities to people (使人们获取真正的经济机会), resulting in more profits and more jobs. (带来了更多的利润和就业机会) 9) Many policymakers continue to try to prevent urban growth (制止城市规模的发展)with measures such as driving the rural migrants out and denying them services (拒绝给予他们各项服务). 10) The institution should play a key role in supporting (在支持上起着关键性的作用) social movements and enhancing its power (提高能力)to reduce poverty. , 7 .Complete the following statements with phrases from the box. You may change the phrases according to the Chinese given.1 ) It is agreed that in contrast to traditional energy, new energy is waiting to be tapped (与传统能源相反,新能源正等待开发). 2 ) We must make efforts to facilitate the development of E-business, (加速电子 商务的发展),for the current situation is no up to the challenge of economic globalization (不能适应经济全球化的挑战).3 ) One customer service staff ended up being fired by an E-business because she failed to respond adequately to customers inquiry (最终被电子商务公司解聘了,因为她不能充分回答顾客的询问).Integrated exercises unit 3 4 ) E-business companies need to enable colorful catalogues to be incorporated into web sites to better satisfy customers needs and expectation (成为网站的一部 分,从而更好地满足客户的需求和期望). 5 ) When it comes to the selection of products, far-away nations around the globe are now within reach (当提到产品的选择性时,世界上再遥远的国家 也近在咫尺) with the advent of E-business. 6 ) More and more domestic E-business websites appeal to international customers, but the biggest barrier to international e-business is language (对国外顾客有吸引力,但是国际电子商务的最大障碍是语言)Integrated exercises 7 ) A classic example of systematic risk in the e-business market is (电子商务市 场系统风险的一个经典案例是) the leakage of customers privacy, so E-business companies are obligated to protect consumer information by law (有义务通过法律 保护客户信息) 8 ) E-business companies are working closely together to build a trading network with their suppliers who sometimes help distribute goods (与供应商紧密合作构建一个贸易平台,供应商有时也会帮助产品的配送) 9 ) With E-commerce engaging the growing number of people (吸引越来越多 的人), it is necessary to simplify and speed up comparison shopping (简化并 加速比较购物).1 0 ) Books are best suited for online consumer shopping (最适合顾客网 上购物) and by dealing directly with Amazon, customers eliminate costs associated with wholesalers (通过直接和亚马逊交易,顾客省去了与批发 商相关的成本). Integrated exercises 7.Complete the following statements with phrases from the box. You may change the phrases according to the Chinese given.Unit 4 Part V Integrated exercises 1) It is important that children are encouraged to think for themselves (被鼓励独立思考) and comp up with individual solutions 要想出自己的解决方法) when meeting problems.2) Many experts said that taking all the factors into account, (考虑到所有这些因素),a man was hard to be able to recognize and adapt to different work styles (能够发现并适应不同的工作作风)as soon as possible when he was in a foreign country.3) It is said that putting enormous psychological pressure on students is considered a primary factor in the high suicide rate. (给学生巨大的心理压力, 被认为是高自杀率一个主要因素) Unit 4 Part V Integrated exercises 4) Each is in the constant pursuit of benefits, although individual needs are considered primary, (个人需求被认为是首要需求, he or she sometimes has to sacrifice his or her needs to those of the group.(有时为了团体可牺牲他或她的利益) . 5) Culture is a complex concept, it is important to understand the need for cultural awareness and sensitivity, (理解对于文化意识和文化敏感的这种需求),because misunderstandings, offence and a breakdown in communication can occur. (在交流中会发生误解、冒犯、交流失败等情况) without them.6) Independent thinking is highly valued, (独立思考是很重要), which can help people learn to form their own ideas and opinions. (学会形成自己的想 法和观点) Unit 4 Part V Integrated exercises 7) With the development of economy,the need for greater cross-cultural awareness is heightened in our global economies(在全球经济中,跨文化交际意识需求在增加), so our staff should also understand the impact of cross-cultural differences on business (理解跨文化差异对贸易的影响)to achieve a greater goal. 8) The education system is demanding, (尽管这个教育体系要求过高), but it prepares children for a society that values discipline and self-control (重视纪律和自控能力). Unit 4 Part V Integrated exercises 9) Some people use the race, which is derived from distinguishable physical characteristics, (来源于不同的身体特征), to indicate that different races are made up of (consist of, comprise) many different nationalities (由不同的国家组成).10) (没有必要让人们觉得很有压力), “Theres no need for people to feel so pressured , so a company should not always ask its staff to follow its schedule, otherwise the company must follow their schedules to be productive (必须遵循他们的时间计划以便更高效)” . Jack said.“It is a daydream”. Mike answered.


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