中考英语 第一部分 基础知识梳理 八上 Unit 2课件1

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第一部分 教材知识梳理八年级 (上) Unit 2 中考目标导航重点单词词汇拓展 短语与句型 重难点讲练考点1 辨析hear, listen与sound考点4 enough的用法考点3 suggest的用法考点2 常见的生病用语表达 考点5 辨析too much, too many与much too考点9 辨析except与besides考点8 advise的用法考点7 辨析happen与take place考点6 辨析question与problem 高频话题作文指南 重难点讲练 辨 析 hear, listen与 sound 讲 解 详 见本 书 P231. When he went by, he heard someone singing songs in the classroom. _【现学现用】当他经过的时候,他听到有人在教室里唱歌。 2. 当你正在做作业的时候不要听音乐。 _ _ Dont listen to music while you are doing yourhomework. 常 见 的 生 病 用 语 表 达 询问病情常用语 Whats the matter? 意为“怎么了?/出什么事情了?”,常用来询问身体有什么不适或有什么不顺心的事,也可以用来询问某物出了什么故障,后面可接with sb./sth.,表示“某人/某物怎么了?”。 拓 展其他类似句型有:某 人 怎 么了 ?whats wrong with sb.?whats up with sb.?whats the problem with sb?whats the trouble with sb.?what happened to sb.?whats the matter with sb. 自述病情常用语 自述病情时,常用“Ive got/had/caught a表示病痛的名词”来表达,常见表示病痛的名词有以下两类: 由ache构成的复合名词 headache头痛toothache牙痛 stomachache胃痛 backache背痛 其他常见名词:fever,cold和cough等。 【现学现用】3. Whats the matter with Jim? He has a _(back)4. I had _ high fever and was too weak to go to school yesterday.backachea suggest的 用 法 suggest sth. (to sb.) (向某人)建议某事。 suggest (ones) doing sth. 建议(某人)做某事。 suggest that从句(that可以省略),表示“建议某人去做某事”。此时要求that从句使用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语由“should 动词原形”构成,且should可以省略。 辨 析 suggestion与 advice(2011年 35题 )两 者 均 可 意 为 “建 议 ”。 suggestion为 可 数 名词 , 可 直 接 与 数 词 连 用 ; 而 advice为 不 可 数名 词 。 如 :He gave me three suggestions on how to learn English. He gave me three pieces of advice on how to learn English.关 于 如何 学 英 语 他 给 了 我 三 条 建 议 。拓 展 【现学现用】5. My teacher gave me some _ (advice) on how to get along well with my classmates.6. After supper, my parents suggested _(go) for a walk in the park.7. I suggest that they should _ (calm) down first before solving the problem. advice goingcalm enough的 用 法 作形容词,可放在名词前,也可放在名词后。如:enough food或food enough,但放在前面比放在后面语气更强。如: I have enough money for the book.我有足够的钱买这本书。 作副词,总是放在被修饰词(形容词或副词)的后面。如: The book is easy enough for the boy to read.这本书对于这个男孩来说足够容易读。 enough to do sth. 常 与 too.to或so.that进 行 句 型 转 换 。 如 :Tom isnt old enough to go to school.Tom is too young to go to school.Tom is so young that he cant go to school.注 意 【现学现用】8. My little brother is old enough _ (take) care of himself.9. Jack is confident enough to face all the challenges during the hiking. _ 10. 莉莉有足够的时间为数学考试做准备。 _ _ to take杰克足够有信心面对徒步旅行中所有的挑战。 Lily has enough time to prepare for her math test. 辨 析 too much, too many与 much too短 语 含 义 及 用 法 例 句too much 意 为 “ 太 多 ” 。 中心 词 是 much, 用 法与 much相 同 , 用 来修 饰 不 可 数 名 词 。 H e cant hear you because there is too much noise here.他听 不 到 你 讲 话 , 因为 这 里 太 吵 了 。 too many 意 为 “ 太 多 ” 。 中 心 词是 many, 用 法 与 many相 同 , 用 来 修 饰 可 数 名词 复 数 。 H es got too many questions to ask you.他有 太 多 问 题 要 问 你 。much too 意 为 “ 太 , 非 常 ” 。 中心 词 是 too, 用 法 与 too相 同 , 用 来 修 饰 形 容 词或 副 词 原 级 。 These shoes are much too big for me.这 些 鞋子 我 穿 太 大 了 。 【现学现用】11. Maybe well be late for work because there are _ (太多的)cars in the street which move very slowly.12. I cant go out to play with you, because I have _ (太多的)homework to do.13. 我喜欢这辆蓝色的自行车,但是它的价格太 高了。 _ _too manytoo muchI like this blue bike, but its price is much too high. 辨 析 question与 problem 讲 解 详 见 本 书 P13【现学现用】14. Try to ask open _(问题) that dont just need “Yes” or “No” as answers in the interview. 15. The problem was too difficult for me to work out in the beginning, but finally I made it. _ _ questions这个问题刚开始对我来说太难解决了,但是最终我成功了。 辨 析 happen与 take place词 汇 含 义 及 用 法 共 同 点 happen 指 偶 然 、 没 有 预 料 的 “ 发 生 ” , 其结 果 往 往 给 人 带 来 麻 烦 或 不 幸 。 happen to do sth.碰 巧 做 某 事 。 sth. happen(s) to sb./sth.某 人 /某 物 出了 什 么 事 。 均 有 “ 发 生 ” 之意 , 都 是 不 及 物 动 词 ,不 能 用 于 被 动 语 态 。 都 是 非 延 续 性 动词 , 都 不 能 与 表 示 时间 段 的 时 间 状 语 连 用 。take place 指 必 然 发 生 或 有 计 划 、 有 组 织 地 在 安排 之 下 “ 举 行 ” 。 【现学现用】16. I happened _(meet) my math teacher on the flight to Sydney last week.17. 运动会开幕式将在周四举行。 _ _ to meetThe opening ceremony of the sports meetingwill take place on Thursday. advise的 用 法 advise作及物动词,意为“劝告;建议”。其常见用法如下: decide的 用 法 advise sb. about/on sth.关 于 某 事 给 某 人 忠 告 /建 议advise sb.( not) to do sth.建 议 某 人 ( 不 ) 做 某 事advise doing sth.建 议 做 某 事advise that从 句 , 从 句 用 虚 拟语 气 : ( should ) 动 词 原 形 【现学现用】18. Mr. Li advised _(stop) working so that we could have a good rest.19. Could you give me two pieces of _(advice) on how to swim well?20. 医生建议他每天早上至少跑步半小时。 _ _stopping advice The doctor advised him to run for at least half an hour every morning. 词 汇 含 义 及 用 法except “将 排 除 在 外 ” , 不 包 含 在 整 体之 内 , 与 整 体 是 一 种 排 除 关 系 。besides“除 之 外 , 还 有 ”, 包 含 在 整体 之 内 , 与 整 体 是 一 种 累 加 关 系 。辨 析 except与 besides 【现学现用】 21. Can you speak other foreign languages b_ English?22. 汤姆和他的同学们通常骑自行车去学校,除 非在下雨天。 _ _ esidesTom and his classmates usually go to school bybike except on rainy days. 高频话题作文指南保持健康 从衡阳及全国近七年“保持健康”相关话题书面表达的命题来看,通常有以下两种设题角度: 1. 对如何保持健康提出一些建议。如:衡阳2012年要求从健康饮食、体育锻炼和养成良好的生活习惯等方面写一篇短文。 2. 健康包括哪些方面、中学生面临的健康问题、保持健康的重要性等。 【仿写与运用】1. 示例:You mustnt smoke because it is bad for your health. 仿写句:众所周知,垃圾食品对我们的身 体不利。 _ _ As we all know, junk food is bad for ourbodies. 2. 示例:Doing more exercise helps to build a strong body. 仿写句:吉姆每天早上6点起床锻炼身体。 _ Jim gets up to do exercise at 6 oclock everymorning. 【词语速记】1. stay up熬夜2. junk food 垃圾食品3. a waste of time浪费时间4. get rid of摆脱5. fall asleep入睡6. do exercise 做锻炼 7. a balanced diet均衡的饮食8. call for help 寻求帮助9. keep away from远离10. keep safe 保持安全11. develop a good habit of.养成一个 的 好习惯(更 多 相 关 词 汇 见 话 题 写 作 天 天 见 ) 【好句积累】开头句: 1. Its important for us to have good eating habits.2. As middle school students, we should have a healthy lifestyle.3. Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. But how to keep healthy? 中间句:1. A few days later, I felt better. From then on I believe that keeping healthy is the most impor- tant thing in the world.2. To begin with, we should eat healthy food.4. Then everyone should learn how to keep healthy. 3. Everyone needs at least eight hours sleep every day.4. Fruit and vegetables are good for our health.5. We need to do some sports every day.6. Dont drink too much coffee. Dont smoke.7. He told me to have a rest and drink more water. 8. The doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day.9. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health.10. Dont get stressed out. Its not healthy.11. You should go to bed early and get up early.12. Just as the old saying goes “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” 结尾句:1. No matter what a small effort on lifestyle we make, it does make us healthier and happier.2. Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and its important to eat a balanced diet.3. If people follow these ways of keeping fit, they can keep healthy.4. In a word, we should develop a good habit of eating. (2012衡 阳 ) 健康是人生的一笔财富,请以 “A Healthy Lifestyle”为题从健康饮食、体育锻炼和养成良好的生活习惯等方面写一篇80词左右的短文,要求表述全面、正确、流畅。 A Healthy Lifestyle_ 【审题指导】细 读 所 给 的 文 字 提 示 , 提 取 以 下 信 息 :1. 要 求 介 绍 健 康 的 生 活 方 式 , 因 此 文 体 为 说 明 文 ;2. 人 称 用 第 一 人 称 , 时 态 为 一 般 现 在 时 ;3. 词 数 80词 左 右 , 不 得 出 现 真 实 的 姓 名 及 校 名 。 A Healthy lifestyle【写作导图】Exercise DietSleep take more exercise instead of staying at homeeat less meat ,eat more fruit and vegetableshave enough sleep shouldnt eat too much junk fooddrink some milk ,have breakfastshouldnt stay up too late at night 【高分范文】 A Healthy Lifestyle As we all know, it is very important to have a healthy lifestyle. So how can we keep healthy? First, we should take more exercise instead of staying at home all the time. Second, we should eat less meat and try to eat more fruit and vegetables. As for junk food, we shouldnt eat too much of it, because it is bad for our health. Third, drinking some milk is also good for our health. And make sure to have breakfast in the morning because breakfast can give us the energy we need. Finally, we should have enough sleep, and we shouldnt stay up too late at night. In a word, lets take good care of ourselves. The healthy lifestyle can help us get good grades.


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