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学习资料各种学习资料,仅供学习与交流学情分析(包括班级基本情况、学生年龄特征、学习情况以及上学期成绩等的分析)四(3)班共有学生 48 人,男生 27 人,女生 21 人。其中学困生有10 人,占班级人数的 20.8%,中层生有 23 人,上层生有 15 人。经过上学期的学习,该班的学生学习积极性有了明显的好转,作业书写也有很大的进步,有部分学生已经养成了较好的学习习惯,课堂的纪律已有一定的进步了,根据该班特点,本学期要使用各种方法,关注英语基础不好的学生,减少差异,让所有的学生都有所收获。教材分析(包括教材版本、章节(单元)教学内容、教学目的要求、教学重点及教学中应注意的问题等的分析)一、教学任务:本册书共有 8 单元和两个文化学习模块,8 个单元的教学话题分别是:My School,Our New Home,Bank or Beach,Free Time,Our Clothes,Jobs,Hobbies,Weekend Fun。两个文化学习模块的内容分别是School Life 和 Outdoor Activities。二、教学目的要求:1.Identifying differe places at school and describe the function of the places.2.Talking about a new home.3.Asking about and describing abut where people are going.4.Asking for permission.Responding to requests for permission.5.Asking about and identifying possessions.6.Asking about and responding to questions about what one does or what one wants to be.学习资料各种学习资料,仅供学习与交流7.Asking about and describing what one likes doing.8.Asking about and describing what one wants to do.奋斗目标:1、提升学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的朗读书写习惯。2、发音准确、朗读流利,准确掌握书中的重点内容。3、能够进行简单的日常用语交流。4、能够用简短的句子进行写作。5、掌握所学的歌曲、韵诗等、6、注重能力培养。培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做事情的能力。突出兴趣激发。教学形式多样化。包括对话、歌谣、小诗、歌曲、游戏、绘画等。7、重视双向交流,了解中西方文化主要教学措施1、备好课是上好课的关键。每一节课都要紧密联系学生学习的实际情况,认真备课,写出具有实际意义的教案,教学反思与教学随笔。2、根据每一个单元不同的特点,确定不同的教法与教学手段,为学生提供空间表演,练习说所学的内容,让所学真正所用,达到学以致用的目的。3、充分利用现代化各种教学手段,将多媒体、动画等学生喜欢的东西搬入课堂,丰富课堂,使课堂活起来,让每一个学生都能够参与到各项活动中来,锻炼学生的表演、会话、合作等能力。4、注重情境教学,营造学习氛围。在课堂上通过多媒体,简笔画以及英语小故事等各种手段,给语言学习创设有意义情境,让孩子在有效的情境中感受和学习语言。5、设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写。业书写也有很大的进步有部分学生已经养成了较好的学习习惯课堂的纪律已有一定的进步了根据该班特点本学期要使教学目的要求教学重点及教学中应注意的问题等的分析一教学任务本册书共有单元和两文化学习模块单元的教学话题学习英语的兴趣养成良好的朗读书写习惯发音准确朗读流利准确掌握书中的重点内容能够进行简单的日常用语交流能学习资料各种学习资料,仅供学习与交流章节周次课时教学目标教 学 内 容U 1第一至二周10课时Unit one:My School 1.Vocabulary:Make the pupils read,understand and write the words.2.Target:Can ask and answer the sentence patterns.3.Story:Can read and understand the conversation.1.Vocabulary:a teachers office,a classroom,a hall,a library,a music room,an art room,a gym,a playground 2.Target:(1)This is my school.There is a hall,a gym,a teachers office,a library,an art room and a music room.(2).How many classroomsare there?-There are twenty-five classrooms.3.Story:(1)There are lots of classrooms.(2)There isn t a lunch room.4.Sounds and words:room,moon,cool,classroom,school,noodles U 2 第三至四周10课时Unit two:Our New Home 1.Vocabulary:Make the pupils read,understand and write the words.2.Target:Can ask and answer the sentence patterns.3.Story:Can read and understand the conversation.1.Vocabulary:a living room,a dining room,a bedroom,a kitchen,a bathrrom,a garden.2.Target:(1).Is there a living room in your new home?-Yes,there is.(2).Is there a garden?-No,there isn t.3.Story:(1)What about a garden?(2)There isn t a garden,but there are three bathrooms.4.Sounds and words:arm,art,park,card,garden,party U 3 第六至七周10课时Unit three:My Week 1.Vocabulary:Make the pupils read,understand and write the words.2.Target:Can ask and answer the sentence patterns.3.Story:Can read and understand the conversation.1.Vocabulary:a movie theater,a swimming pool,a hospital,a bank,a shopping mall,a restarant,a park,a supermarket 2.Target:(1).What are you going?-I m going to the bank.(2)Is she going to the bank?-No,she isn t.She s going to the park.(3)Are they going to the beach?-Yes,they are.3.Story:(1)Are you going to the hospital?-No,we aren t.4.Sounds and words.ship,shirt,she,shorts,shoes,shopping业书写也有很大的进步有部分学生已经养成了较好的学习习惯课堂的纪律已有一定的进步了根据该班特点本学期要使教学目的要求教学重点及教学中应注意的问题等的分析一教学任务本册书共有单元和两文化学习模块单元的教学话题学习英语的兴趣养成良好的朗读书写习惯发音准确朗读流利准确掌握书中的重点内容能够进行简单的日常用语交流能学习资料各种学习资料,仅供学习与交流章节周次课时教学目标教 学 内 容U 4第八至九周10课时Unit four:Free Time 1.Vocabulary:Make the pupils read,understand and write the words.2.Target:Can ask and answer the sentence patterns.3.Story:Can read and understand the conversation.1.Vocabulary:go to the zoo,buy an ice cream,call my friend,borrow a book,watch TV,listen to a song 2.Target:(1).May I have a peach?-Yes,please.(2).May I have a balloon?-No,you may not.Sorry.3.Story:(1)May I have an ice cream,please-Yes.Here you are.(2)Thank you!-You re welcome.4.Sounds and words:tea,read,peach,clean,speak,ice cream U 5 第十至十一周10课时Unit five:Our clothes 1.Vocabulary:Make the pupils read,understand and write the words.2.Target:Can ask and answer the sentence patterns.3.Story:Can read and understand the conversation.1.Vocabulary:coat,dress,shirt,T-shirt,sweater,cap,shorts,shoes 2.Target:(1).Is this your T-shirt?-No,it isn t.(2)Are these Mom s shoes?-No,they aren t.(3)Whose dress is this?-It s Lisa s dress.3.Story:(1)Whose blue socks are these?-They re Tony s.(2)Whose red and blue T-shirt is this?-I don t know.4.Sounds and words:bird,girl,shirt,skirt,first,birthdayU 6 第十二至十三周10课时Unit six:Jobs 1.Vocabulary:Make the pupils read,understand and write the words.2.Target:Can ask and answer the sentence patterns.3.Story:Can read and understand the conversation.1.Vocabulary:a taxi driver,a firefighter,a police officer,a writer,an office worker,a doctor,a nurse,a teacher 2.Target:(1).What do you do?-I m a nurse.(2).What do you want to be?-I want to be a teacher.3.Story:(1)I want to be a firefighter.(2)What do you want to be?-I want to be a magician!4.Sounds and words:father,mother,sisters,worker,teacher,driver 业书写也有很大的进步有部分学生已经养成了较好的学习习惯课堂的纪律已有一定的进步了根据该班特点本学期要使教学目的要求教学重点及教学中应注意的问题等的分析一教学任务本册书共有单元和两文化学习模块单元的教学话题学习英语的兴趣养成良好的朗读书写习惯发音准确朗读流利准确掌握书中的重点内容能够进行简单的日常用语交流能学习资料各种学习资料,仅供学习与交流章节周次课时教学目标教 学 内 容U 7第十四至十五周10课时Unit seven:Hobbies 1.Vocabulary:Make the pupils read,understand and write the words.2.Target:Can ask and answer the sentence patterns.3.Story:Can read and undstand the conversation 1.Vocabulary:ice-skating,listening to music watching TV,riding a bike,playing cards,making models 2.Target:(1).What s your hobby?-My hobby is riding a bike.(2).Do you like reading books?-Yes,I do.3.Story:(1)I m painting.I like painting.My hobby is painting.(2).Do you like swimming,dancing or reading.4.Sounds and words:bike,time,ride,knife,five,kite U 8 第十六至十七周10课时Unit eight:Weekend Fun 1.Vocabulary:Make the pupils read,understand and write the words.2.Target:Can ask and answer the sentence patterns.3.Story:Can read and undstand the conversation1.Vocabulary:go to the park,see a movie,play outside,read a story,make a snowman,surf the Internet 2.Target:(1).What do you want to be?-I want to see a movie.(2).Do you want to make a snowman?-Sure.(3)Do you want to see a movie?-Not really.I want to go to the park.3.Story:(1)Let s make a snowman.(2)I want to make his body.Do you want to make his head.4.Sounds and words:star,stop,stand,story,study,student.总复习十八周至二十周10课时Make the pupils read,understand and write the words and sentence patterns they have learned.本册所学内容业书写也有很大的进步有部分学生已经养成了较好的学习习惯课堂的纪律已有一定的进步了根据该班特点本学期要使教学目的要求教学重点及教学中应注意的问题等的分析一教学任务本册书共有单元和两文化学习模块单元的教学话题学习英语的兴趣养成良好的朗读书写习惯发音准确朗读流利准确掌握书中的重点内容能够进行简单的日常用语交流能


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