外研版《新标准英语》三年级起始第三册m2u1 (2)

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外研版《新标准英语》三年级起始第三册m2u1 (2)_第1页
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“自主、真实、有效”课堂教学设计课题M2U1 Go straight on .(四年级上)计划课时1教学内容分析通过送小狗回家的情景对话,呈现本课的话题和目标句型,学习如何问路和指路。教学目标知识目标:学习单词:live , road, excuse me,turn left, turn right, go straight on.学习目标句型:Excuse me. Where is the supermarket ? Turn left,Turn right, go straight on.能力目标:能熟练运用本课的目标句型进行问路和指路。情感目标: 在活动中激发学生的学习兴趣。教学重点难点教学重点:学习单词:live , road, excuse me,turn left, turn right, go straight on.学习目标句型:Excuse me. Where is the supermarket ? Turn left,Turn right, go straight on.能熟练运用本课的目标句型进行问路和指路。教学难点:能熟练运用本课的目标句型进行问路和指路。教学准备录音机,课件,单词卡教学设计思路本课的设计思路是:用一首简单易学又与课文内容紧密联系的歌曲引入新课,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时在边唱边做中自然习得三个重要短语。接着边举卡片边说我住在吴灵路,你住在哪。引导学生回答。最后通过课件展示吴忠东区的地图,与学生练习本课的目标句型。最后出示书中的活动三,学生小组运用目标句型练习问路及指路。整个过程以创设情景为主,选择贴近学生生活实际的句子,激发学生的学习积极性。第 课时教学环节教师教学过程指导学生活动过程课始Warming up1 Greetings.2 Sing a song. “follow me”Follow me ,follow me , turn right, turn right.Follow me , follow me, turn left , turn left.Follow me, follow me, up and down.Follow me, follow me, Go straight on.3 Teach the new words by word cards.turn right, turn left, Go straight on.4 practice these words.Greetings .Sing and do the actions.Read after teacher.Listen and do the actions.课中New lessonT: I live in Wuling Road. ( show the word card ) Where do you live ?( show a map)At this time, practice the new words.T: Excuse me. Where is _Road?Where is the Renrenle Supermarket ?Point to the map and ask.Practice it .T: (CAI) show some pictures. Practice these sentences.Excuse me. Where is the zoo ?Excuse me. Where is the park ?Excuse me. Where is the supermarket ?Look over.Have some students ask and answer.Play the tape.Play it again.Play it again.Ss: Try to say : I live in the_Road.Ss: Try to say: turn right, turn left, Go straight on.Ss: Try to answer.Work in groups . ask and answer.Ask and answer.Listen and point and draw new words.Listen and repeat.Listen and repeat.第 课时教学环节教师教学过程指导学生活动过程课中Do Ex book.Move around the class and offering help.Check the answers.Do Ex book.Ex 3Ex 4Ex 5Ex6Correct the mistakes.课尾SummaryRead the sentences.Excuse me. Where is the zoo ?Turn right.Excuse me. Where is the park ?Turn left.Excuse me. Where is the supermarket ? Go straight on.板书设计M2 U1 Go straight on .Excuse me. Where is the zoo ?Turn right.Excuse me. Where is the park ?Turn left.Excuse me. Where is the supermarket ? Go straight on.


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