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Unit 8Theres a Lot More to Life than a Job WARM-UP ACTIVITIESThink: 1. What is “quality of life” and how can it be improved?2. In what ways do you think education should benefit students for their future life? WARM-UP ACTIVITIESPair Work: Make a dialog with your partner based on those two questions. Oral Practice: Make a story on the topic “Work and life” based on the two questions above, and try to share it with your classmates. WARM-UP ACTIVITIESWhen talking about quality of life, people would naturally associate it with being financially well off. But the truth is that quality of life is not totally decided by our financial status. More importantly, we also want to feel that we have an understanding of the world outside our career, for human beings have collected a great deal of knowledge in many different fields. To lead better lives, we should, first of all, develop a meaningful philosophy of life. While we are striving to get financially wealthy, we should improve our moral sense at the same time. WARM-UP ACTIVITIESIt is a fact that the meaning of life does not dawn upon young people easily, so schools must help students gain an insight into the outside world beyond their occupation , get far-sighted and be able to see the relationship between individual things. Educators must prepare students for future, not only for career success but also for something much more important than a job. PRE-READING ACTIVITIESMaterialism and IdealismMaterialism usually puts great interest in possessions, money, etc., rather than spiritual matters, art, etc. Materialist believes that human actions are governed by the wish to gain possessions or money for oneself.Idealism refers to the quality or habit of living according to ones ideals, high principles and perfect standards. Idealist sometimes live in a way that is impractical or shows a lack of understanding of the real world. PRE-READING ACTIVITIESNow decide whether each of the following statements is probably from a materialist or an idealist:1. Financially well-off is very important for me.(Materialist)2. What is the use of music and literature? (Materialist)3. I am greatly interested in history. I spend a lot of money and time on it.(Idealist)4. I am doing my MBA. I think this degree may enable me to find a good job in a big company. (Materialist)5. I want a job I really like. Salary is the second concern.(Idealist) Text Structure AnalysisWhat is the text mainly about?Should schools simply prepare students for a job, or is there more to life? This is the central issue being discussed in the passage. A survey revealing young peoples attitudes to life reminds the author of his regret, and makes him reflect upon the whole educational system. In fact, educators should not only satisfy students desire for career success, but also help them form right outlook on life and see beyond their immediate needs. Text Structure AnalysisHow is the text organized?The passage, which is a typical argumentation, consists of three parts: part one, serving as an introduction, poses the question of whether education can prepare students both for a job and for career success; part two, with facts and reasons, illustrates what is the most important thing in life, thus clarifying the principle of education; part three, by quoting from Oscar Wilde, suggests the right attitude we should hold towards life and jobs. Text Structure AnalysisThe long-standing mistaken idea on lifeThe true meaning of life The educators duty to their students Starting with a saying and a survey, the author introduces the phenomenon concerning todays young people: Their major objective is to be financially well off, thus naturally leading the readers to the question:Is there any more to life than a job?Based on adequate facts and reasons, the author strengthens his argu ent: We should educate people for life as well s for a car er. This is a commonly used writing technique to support an argument.y quoting from Oscar Wilde, ut r points out the way our ducatishould be conducted and then put forw rd thesolution: We should pr pare e students b th for a job and fo career s ccess, for th res lot more to life than a job. Language Point New Words accordingly accordingly adv. 因此,所以,于是;照着,相应地1)She was too sick to stay. Accordingly, we sent her home. 她病得无法呆下去,因此,我们送她回家。2) He is an expert in his field and is paid accordingly. 他是那个领域的专家,得到相应的报酬。 Language Point New Words specializespecialize v. 专门研究,专攻.1) This company used to specialize in producing home computers. 这家公司过去专门生产家用电脑。2) There is an increase in the number of lawyers who specialize in contract law. 专门研究合同法的律师的人数有所增加。扩展:specialization n. 搭配:specialize in 专门研究,专攻 Language Point New Words Confineconfine vt. 限制,使局限;使不外出; n. pl.界限,范围1) Health officials have successfully confined the epidemic to the area and prevented it from sweeping/spreading through the whole country.卫生官员们已经成功地把流行病控制在那一地区,阻止了疾病蔓延到整个国家。2)They are trying to confine bird flu within the farm where it has broken out.他们正设法不让禽流感从发病的农场向外蔓延。扩展:同根词 fine, define, refine 搭配:confineto/be confined to把限制/局限在 in/within the confines of 在范围内 Language Point New Words preferablepreferable adj. 更可取的,更好的,更合意的1) Most people think that going into business is preferable to teaching, while in my opinion, teaching is more rewarding. 大多数人认为经商比从教好,可是在我看来,从教比经商更有回报。 2) dark suit is preferable to a light one for evening wear. 晚上穿深色套服比穿浅色更合适。扩展:prefer vt.; preference n. 搭配:be preferable to 比更可取,比更好 Language Point New Words incredibleincredible adj. 不可相信的 ; 难以置信的,不可思议的,惊人的,奇异的1) It is incredible that so many young people are addicted to drug abuse nowadays.如今竟然有这么多的年轻人沉溺于吸食毒品,这真是令人难以置信。2) The efforts to be made on the battle against the corruption of some officials will be incredible. 即将付诸于反对部分官员腐败现象斗争中的努力将会是惊人的。扩展:反义词credible adj. ; 同源形容词 credulous adj. 轻信的; incredulous 不轻信的 Language Point New Words Accumulateaccumulate v. 积累,累积,积聚,堆积1) Angela had to dig her car out, because after the heavy storm, snow accumulated to a depth of five feet. 安吉拉不得不把她的车挖出来,因为暴风雪过后,积雪达五英尺深。2) By hard working, he gradually accumulatedenough information to write his paper.通过努力工作,他逐渐积累了足够的信息来写他的论文。扩展:accumulation n.; cumulative adj. Language Point New Words Distinguishdistinguish vt. 区分,辨别;看清,听出;使杰出,使扬名1) One prime object of education is to teach students to distinguish between right and wrong.教育的一个主要目标是教学生明辨是非。2) The publication of several significant books contributed to his prestige as a distinguished scholar. 几本意义重大书籍的出版促成了他作为一个知名学者的声望。扩展:distinguishable adj. 可区别的,能辩明的(通常作表语) distinguished adj. (外表或举止上)有尊严 的,高贵的 ; 卓 越的,杰出的 搭配:be distinguished for 以出名/著称 be distinguished as 作为而著称 distinguish oneself 使自己出名 Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1.If only I knew her name.我要是知道她的名字就好了。 2.我要是乘出租车去就好了。2.If only I had gone by taxi. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1.According to Mick, its a great movie.据米克说,这是一部了不起的电影。2.根据我们的记录,你已经缺席六次了。Youve been absent six times according to your records. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1.What are you basing this theory on?你这种理论的根据是什么?2.报告的一句是欧洲六个不同城市的数据。 The report is based on figures from six different European cities. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1. Only those who are well off can afford this house.1.这幢房子只有有钱人才买得起。2.政府声称大多数人比五年前富裕。The government claims that most people are better off than they were 5 years ago. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1.Share prices have been at an all-time low.1.股票价格指数已跌到历史最低点。2.经济情况不太好。 The economy has been at a bit of a low. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1. Jack escaped from the prison along with two other prisoners.1.杰克和另外两名囚犯一起越狱逃跑了。2.许多种新鲜蔬菜和一些罐头食品在降价出售。 Many fresh vegetables are on sale along with some canned food. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1.They sell books as well as newspapers.他们既卖报也卖书。2.她不但是个摄影师而且还是个天才的音乐家。She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1. You are meant to take your shoes off before entering a temple in India.在进入印度的庙宇之前应先脱鞋。2.每年我们都得填写税单并缴纳所得税。2. We are meant to fill in a tax form and pay income tax every year. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1. I read of the accident in the local paper .1.我在当地的报纸上看到了这个事故。2.我在这堆书中的哪一本里读到过这个地方。2. I once read of this lace in one of the books pile here. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1. The new regulations will put many small businesses out of business .新法规将使很多小企业关闭。2.今年夏天一些旅游公司很可能歇业。2. Some travel companies will probably go out of business this summer. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1. How can he be a judge if he cant distinguish right from wrong?如果他不能辨别是非,怎么能当法官呢?2.有些人分辨不清各种不同的颜色。2. Some people have difficulty distinguishing between colors. Language Point Useful Expressions and Phrases例 句1. Itll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather because it will last longer.1.从长远看,用真皮更合算,因为真皮耐用。2.从短期看,塑料当然比真皮便宜,但塑料不经用。2. Of course plastic is cheaper than leather in the short run, but it wont last long. Language Point Sentence Structure1. It has often been remarked that the saddest thing about youth is that it is wasted on the young. It has often been said that the saddest thing about youth is that youth, i.e. the opportunities, good health, etc. that are available when people are young, are wasted or not appreciated by young people. Language Point Sentence StructureExamples1. It is said that the original painting has been destroyed.据说原画已经毁掉了。2. It is expected that prices will go down.预计物价将会下降。 3. It is feared that the plane crashed somewhere off the coast. 人们担心飞机在近海某处坠毁了。 Language Point Sentence Structure2. “If only I knew then what I know now.”“要是当初我就懂得了我到现在才领悟到的东西,该有多好!”If only 后用虚拟语气谓语动词用一般过去时表示现在没有实现的愿望,用过去完成时表示过去没有实现的愿望,常译为“要是 就好了”。 Language Point Sentence Structure3. if it (whatever it may be) wont compute and you cant drink it, smoke it or spend it, then “it” holds little value.If something (no matter what it may be) cannot be counted in terms of money and you cannot drink it, smoke it or spend it, then it is of little value. In short, only material things are of value to young people. 如果某种东西(不管它是何物)没有实际的经济意义, 你不能把它当酒喝、当烟抽、当钱花,那么“它”就简直毫无价值。 Language Point Sentence Structure某些及物动词后加副词(有些可不加副词)可以表示被动意义。This novel sells well.The door opens with difficulty.He doesnt photograph well.比较:The b x doesnt lock.The box was not locked.这个箱子锁不上。(箱子本身的性质) 这个箱子没有上锁。(箱子当时的状态) Language Point Sentence Structure4. todays college beginners are “more consumeristic and less idealistic ” than at any time in the seventeen years of the poll.The poll has been conducted for 17 years, and it reveals that college beginners nowadays think of consuming goods more than ever, and believe in idealism less than ever. 当今的大学新生比这项民意测验开始以来的17 年中任何时候的大学新生都“更主张消费, 更缺少理想”。consumeristic: believing in spending money andidealism: trying to live according to highprinciples and perfect standards Language Point Sentence Structure5. In a time of increasing specialization, a time when 90 percent of all the scientists who have ever lived are currently alive, more than ever, we need to know what is truly important in life.在一个日益专业化的时代,在一个本时代所有科学家中90%都还健在的时代里,我们比过去任何时候更需了解什么是生活中真正重要的东西。 Language Point Sentence Structure6. Most people, in their youth, resent the Social Security deductions from their pay, yet a seemingly few short years later find them-selves standing anxiously by the mailbox.大多数人在年轻的时候怨恨社会保障制度从他们工资中扣钱,然而好像只是短短几年后,他们就发觉自己正焦急地站在信箱旁边 (等待养老金支票)了。 Language Point Sentence Structure7. And we are better for our understanding of these other contributionsbe they scientific or artistic.And we are better for our understanding of these other contributionsno matter which field they are in, science or art.而且正因为我们理解了这些在其他领域的贡献不管它们是科学方面的,还是艺术方面的贡献我们才变得更有本领了。 Old to New so; for the reasonunbelievablegivecompanya job; employmentconfusemeeting accordingly incredible render corporation occupation puzzle conference Chinese to English人生哲学非正式民意调查销售代理人眼前的需求社会保障/保险(制度)明辨是非专业化 教育机构 philosophy of life informal polls a sales representative immediate needs social security distinguish right from wrong specialization educational institutions Summary I have always felt that youth is _ on the young. Well, _ I have felt that way since I passed _ age! If only I could go _ to college now! I _ work _ to learn a foreign language. I would take _ things more seriously. I would _ more energy to develop my _ sense. I would even study harder in the field I _ . Of course I cant go back, _ I hope you can _ from my experience. Your generation enjoys an incredible amount of knowledge in _ fields. Stand _ on the contributionsmade by others! As you study _ wisdom of others, learn _ to think. Then use your strength to build a _ world for the next generation. In the _ run you will find that this way of _ can help you become well off _ happy. Paragraph Writing How to Do Something通过介绍如何做某事的过程,使读者受到启发。(介绍过程的说明文)写作模式 参考范文 Paragraph Writing写作模式(介绍过程的说明文) 1) The process of doing sth. can be broken up into / fall into the steps as follows. (段首句) 2) The first one is . (过程说明I) 3) A critical study of is the basis for doing sth., this is because . (进一步阐明) 4) The second step is (过程说明II) 5) This may lead to and may help you to . (进一步阐明) 6) The third step is . (过程说明III) 7) As the ripe experience proves, as well as will go a long way toward (进一步阐明) 8) If you have failed / turned out to, therefore, you may start over from the very beginning and try the steps as mentioned above. (结尾句) (划线部分可替换) Paragraph WritingHow to Carry Out Your Career Planning通过介绍如何谋划职业生涯的过程, 使读者从中受益。 Paragraph Writing How to Carry Out Your Career Planning 1) The process of your career planning can be broken up into the steps as follows. 2) The first one is to know yourself. 3) A critical study of your strengths and weaknesses, your goals in life, and the trends in your personal development is the basis for all career planning, this is because the self-knowledge you gain from this step enables you to figure out what careers may best fit your interests, abilities, and goals. 4) The second step is to write down a list of career goals youhave ever dreamed of or you are likely to set for yourself. 5) This may lead to new ideas about your possibilities and may help you to see the connections between the impossible and the possible. Paragraph Writing 6) The third step is to talk over your plans with your parents or friends periodically in order to adjust your plans to the best of your advantage. 7) As the ripe experience proves, taking stock of your situation as well as exchanging ideas with the aged will go a long way toward your effective responsethe changes that are going on in the job market. 8) If you have turned out to be “a square peg in a round hole”, therefore, you may start over from the very beginning and try the steps as mentioned above.


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