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目录修辞目的题介绍1实战演练2 什么是修辞目的题? 修 辞 目 的 题 是 托 福 阅 读 考 试 中 的 一 种 常 见 题 型 , 修 辞 是 指 是 一 种 有 效 写 作 或 演讲 的 艺 术 , 作 者 使 用 修 辞 是 为 了 使 文 章 能 更 有 效 地 说 服 读 者 , 从 而 达 到 某 种 目的 。 常 见 的 修 辞 手 法 有 举 例 子 、 下 定 义 、 阐 述 、 解 释 、 对 比 、 论 证 、 反 驳 、 强调 等 。 举 例 : illustrate/exemplify/demonstrate/show 下 定 义 、 阐 述 、 解 释 : define/explain/describe 比 较 、 对 比 : compare/contrast 论 证 支 持 : argue for/persuade/support 驳 斥 警 告 : argue against/refute/challenge/criticize/cast doubt on/warn/caution 强 调 : emphasize/stress 修辞目的题考察什么? 考 察 单 词 , 短 语 或 是 句 子 在 句 子 之 内 或 句 子 之 间 起 到 的 作 用 , 句 子 与 整体 段 落 的 联 系 , 或 段 与 段 之 间 的 联 系 考 查 是 否 理 解 作 者 为 什 么 在 文 章 中 某 个 特 别 位 置 或 者 以 某 种 特 殊 方 式 陈述 一 个 特 别 信 息 常见的提问方式有哪些? The author discusses X in paragraph 2 in order to . Why does the author mention X? The author uses X as an example of In paragraph X, the author explains the concept of X by What is the function of discussion of the terms X in paragraph X ? What is the purpose of paragraph X? In what ways are paragraphs 2 and 3 related to each other ? My life of summer vacation is full of variety. During the summer vacation, I watched 5 movies. I went to the beach with my good friends. I also visited places of historic interest. The topic sentenceExamples to illustrate the topic sentence如何解答修辞目的题? 在 涉 猎 原 文 细 节 信 息 的 基 础 之 上 , 有 意 识 地 注 意 句 子 之 间 的 逻 辑 关 系 以 及段 落 的 结 构 ( 解 题 过 程 中 最 核 心 、 最 关 键 的 部 分 ) 平 时 可 加 强 练 习 , 学 会 分 析 句 子 之 间 的 逻 辑 关 系 , 概 括 文 章 的 构 架 The astrolabe had long been the primary instrument for navigation, having been introduced in the eleventh century. It operated by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars: by calculating the angles created by these points, it determined the degree of latitude at which one stood (The problem of determining longitude, though, was not solved until the eighteenth century). By the early thirteenth century, Western Europeans had also developed and put into use the magnetic compass, which helped when clouds obliterated both the Sun and the stars. Also beginning in the thirteenth century, there were new maps refined by precise calculations and the reports of sailors that made it possible to trace ones path with reasonable accuracy. Certain institutional and practical norms had become established as well. A maritime code known as the Consulate of the Sea, which originated in the western Mediterranean region in the fourteenth century, won acceptance by a majority of sea goers as the normative code for maritime conduct; it defined such matters as the authority of a ships officers, protocols of command, pay structures, the rights of sailors, and the rules of engagement when ships met one another on the sea-lanes. Thus by about 1400 the key elements were in place to enable Europe to begin its seaward adventure. Q: Why does the author include the information that Western Europeans had developed and put into use the magnetic compass? A. To provide an example of an instrument that was developed after caravels had begun traveling across oceansB. To provide an example of an improvement that resulted directly from the invention of the astrolabeC. To identify one of the technological advances that made sea trade with the East possibleD. To explain how the problem of determining longitude was solved 四步法解题审题分析段落框架定位题干与各选项信息分析信息,确定答案 Q: Why does the author include the information that Western Europeans had developed and put into use the magnetic compass? 关 键 词 : why, author, include分析:why表示目的,与author一起出现,表明该题在问作者的写作目的,而include则表明作者把题干所给信息包含到段落中的原因必定与写作目的有关联。由此判断出该题的类型属于修辞目的题,题干所给信息很可能是对写作目的进行论证。通常,作者会在主题句中阐明自己的观点和写作意图,只要我们能找到段落主题句,就能获得答案。所以接下来,我们应对段落的框架有所了解。第一步:审题 第二步:分析段落框架 分 析 线 索 : 时 间 顺 序 in the eleventh century (the astrolabe) by the early thirteenth century (the magnetic compass) beginning in the thirteenth century (new maps and the reports of sailors) in the fourteenth century (certain institutional and practical norms) by about 1400 (the key elements were in place) 确 定 主 题 句 的 关 键 词 thus (表示结论), the key elements (对以上所有信息的概括) 段落框架图Example 1The introduction of astrolabe Example 2The development of magnetic compass Example 3New maps and reports of sailors Example 4Certain institutional and practical normsSummaryTechnological advances enable Europe to begin its seaward adventure. 题干选项A选项B选项C选项D定位词 the magnetic compass caravels astrolabe technological advances, sea trade longitude文中对应点By the early thirteenth century, Western Europeans had also developed and put into use the magnetic compass, which helped when clouds obliterated both the Sun and the stars. 无The astrolabe had long been the primary instrument for navigation, having been introduced in the eleventh century. It operated by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars: by calculating the angles created by these points, it determined the degree of latitude at which one stood. Thus by about 1400 the key elements were in place to enable Europe to begin its seaward adventure. The problem of determining longitude, though, was not solved until the eighteenth century.第三步:定位题干与各选项信息 第四步:分析信息,确定答案 原 文 中 每 个 与 选 项 信 息 相对 应 的 句 子 在 段 落 整 体 框架 中 的 地 位 是 怎 样 的 ? 是example? 是 细 节 ? 还 是段 落 主 题 ? A. To provide an example of an instrument that was developed after caravels had begun traveling across oceans.分析:该段落中没有出现与A选项有关的信息,因此可以排除A选项。 B. To provide an example of an improvement that resulted directly from the invention of the astrolabe原文:The astrolabe had long been the primary instrument for navigation, having been introduced in the eleventh century. It operated by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars: by calculating the angles created by these points, it determined the degree of latitude at which one stood.分析:由原文可判断出B选项提供的信息在段落中只是一个例证,并非作者的观点,与题干所给的信息没有关联,因此可以排除B选项。 C. To identify one of the technological advances that made sea trade with the East possible原文:Thus by about 1400 the key elements were in place to enable Europe to begin its seaward adventure.原 文 关 键 词 : thus, the key elements分析:原文中的thus表明该句是段落的结论,而key elements则是对以上所列信息(the astrolabe, the magnetic compass, new maps and reports of sailors, certain institutional and practical norms)的概括,所以该句是段落的主题句。通过C选项中的定位词technological advances和sea trade以及对句子意义的理解,可以发现C选项的意义与主题句的意义一致,因此我们可以确定C选项就是该题的答案。 D. To explain how the problem of determining longitude was solved原文一:The problem of determining longitude, though, was not solved until the eighteenth century.原文二:By the early thirteenth century, Western Europeans had also developed and put into use the magnetic compass, which helped when clouds obliterated both the Sun and the stars. 分析:D选项的信息在原文中属于细节,通过原文对比我们发现题干所给信息the development of magnetic compass与D选项提供的信息the solution to the problem of determining longitude在时间上存在矛盾,且原文并没有提供任何线索来证明二者存在关联,所以D选项是错误的。 先 审 题 , 后 看 文 章 摸 清 文 章 的 脉 络 , 注 意 句 子 或 段 落 之 间 的 逻 辑 关 系 , 在 该 过 程 中 定 位 好 包含 答 案 的 句 子 ( 建 议 使 用 的 方 法 : skimming ) 在 原 文 中 找 到 各 选 项 信 息 的 对 应 点 判 断 各 选 项 提 供 的 信 息 是 否 与 包 含 答 案 的 句 子 所 提 供 的 内 容 一 致 , 从 而 确定 出 答 案


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