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九年级语法复习主从复合句一、学习目标宾语从句考点1表示一般疑问意义或选择疑问意义,用if或whether引导 示特殊疑问意义,用 what, which, who, why, how, when, where 等引导The ligh t in his office is still on. Do you know ?In order to prepare for tomorrow s meeting.A. if he works hardB. why he stays up so lateC. why is he so busyD. when he will stop working宾语从句考点2宾语从句要用陈述句的语序:主句+引导词+主语+谓 语+其他。()l.They are discussingnex t weekend.A. what will they buy B. where they will go C. who did they mee t 宾语从句考点主句谓语动词是过去某种时态,从句一定要用过去的 某种时态。除客观规律、客观真理外。如:Jim asked me what I am wasdoinga t t his time yes terday .He said he would will go to Beijing next week .Our teachers told us that the earth goes go round the sun .(客 观真理) 宾语从句考点4 特殊疑问句的宾语从句与特殊疑问词+to do的转换She didn t decide which one she would choose 二She didn t decide which one宾语从句考点5当主句的谓语动词为think, guess, suppose, believe等且主语为第一人称时, 从句若表示否定,一般将否定词not转移到主句的谓语中,这就叫作“否定转移” 如:I dont think he will come this evening.She believes he doesn t study harder.动词为非一般现在时或主语不是第一人称时,否定不转移。I thought that he wouldn t come back soon.我原以为他不会回来得这么快。 He thinks that he isn t fit for the job.他认为他不适合这件工作。 我想她不会和你一起来。宾语从句考点6Note:只用whether的六种情况:1. 在带to的动词不定式前2.在介词后3.直接与or not连用时4.在动词discuss后面的宾语从句中5.宾语从句提前时只能用whether 6引导位于句首的主语从句或表语从句用whether用辻或whether填空He doesn t know to go to the cinema or to watch TV at home.I m thinking of we should go fishing.I don t know or not they will come to help us.We discussed would have a sports meeting next week.this is true or not, I can t say. he is right or wrong is a question.宾语从句小结:考点(1)引导词(2)时态 (3)语序宾语从句中考题练兵一、单项选择()1. I dori t think he will come here on time, ? (2011重庆)A. won t heB. will heC. does heD. ishe()2. Will you please tell me ? (2012 上海)A. where Pudong Airport isB. how far Pudong Airport wasC. how can we get to Pudong AirportD. when was Pudong Airport built()3. It s not polite to ask people in England. (2011常州)A. how much money you have gotB. what the weather is likeC. what your city looks likeD. how old are you() 4. I wonder if he to nigh t. If he , I ll letyou know. (2012 扬州)A. will come; will comeB. comes; comesC. will come; comesD. comes; will come( )5. What did your PE teacher say about your high jump at the sport meeting?He said that I better.A. can doB. amC. will doD. could do状语从句考点1时间状语从句由 when,while, before, aft er, as soon as, until, since等连词引导。当主句是一般将来时或祈使句,从句就用一般现在时。也是主将从现的原则。在时间状语从句中,主句和从句之间的时态应按下列规律确定。1)主句一般将来时,从句用一般现在时:2) 主句含有情态动词,从句用一般现在时:3)主句为祈使句时,从句用一般现在 时:4)主句为一般过去时,从句也用过去时态:1. Do you know t his aft ernoon? (2013 连云港)I m not sure, but I ll tell you as soon as she .A. how will Betty arrive; startsB .how Betty will arrive; will startC. what time will Betty will arrive; will startD. what time Betty will arrive; starts2)as, when, while表示“当时”的典型考法:when可表示一个时间点,也可表示一个时间段。while则只表示一个时间段。引导从句中常用进行时态。as则强调主句和从句的动作同时进行,主句和从句动词一般用过去时;也可表示“随着”。练一练:he was eating his breakfast, his dog was sleeping on thefloor.(2)She sang she walked along. It was snowing we got to the airpo rt.状语从句考点2条件状语从句:if(如果),unless(除非)=if not条件 状语从句通常由if或unless(=ifnot)引导,从句中常用一般时代替将来时,即 if或unless后的句子谓语用一般现在时或一般过去时。但是,主句则通常用将 来时,情态动词或祈使句。You d better travel around Nanjing with a local tour guide youwant to know more about its culture.A. unlessB. untilC. althoughD. if状语从句考点3 |原因状语从句通常由because/since/as引导。because表示直接原因,语气最强;回答由why提出的问题,只能用 because回答。because of等于后接名词或者代词。区别because of + 词组.since表示大家已知的事实,意为既然”。as语气最弱。because of等于后接名词或者代词。1) What shall we do now? it s raining hard, let s stayat home. 【2011连云港】A. SoB. Since C. Though D. If状语从句考点5和6| 1) 目的状语从句常用so that, in order that 引导,从句谓语常含有情态动词:can ,may, could, would等。2 )结果状语从句的结构常是:so+形容词/副词+that+句子,或 such+(a/an)+形容词+名词单数+that+句子。6结果状语从句通常由sothat/ suchthat引导。so that “如此的以致于” 连系动词v+so+形容词that从句.行为动词v+so +副词 so+形+ a(an) +单数名词+t hat so+many/much+复数名词(不可数名词)+t hat such t hat “如此的以致于” such+a(an) +形+名词单数+t hat such+形+复数名词/不可数名词+t hat1. (2012 苏州)It was lovely weather we decide to spend the dayon the beach.A. such a ; that B. such ;that C. such ;as D. so ;that2. 中扌旨Did you catch what the teacher said?No. She spoke so fast I couldn t hear her very clearly.A. which B. that C. whenD. wha t状语从句考点7 让步状语从句由though/ alt hough, even if/ though, whenever, wherever, however 等弓丨导。注意不能把 though 和but同时使用。Mike didn t win the race, he was still wearing a smile on his face.(2015 上海)A. IfB. SinceC. AlthoughD. Because状语从句中考题练兵:一、单项选择()1. Somebody rang me up just now, but he hungupI could answer thephone.(无锡 2011)A.whenB.untilC. beforeD. since()2.MrSmithusuallyreadsanewspaperhe s waitingfor thebus. (2012 徐州)A. ifB. theC.becauseD. while()3. You must leave here nowyour mothercan getsome more res t. (2011 常州)A. becauseB. thoughC.so thatD. so()4. The meeting isimportant that youmus tn t miss it. (2011 盐城)A. veryB. suchC.soD. too()5.-Im going to the supermarke t.- you are there, would youplease buy me some vegetables? (2012 镇江)A. IfB. BecauseC.WhileD. After定语从句考点1和 定语从句中使用什么关系代词,通常取决于主句中 的先行词和它在从句中充当的成分,关系代词作宾语时,可省略。先行词引导词先行词为人that, who先行词为物that, which1Have you found the information about famous peopleyou can usefor the presentation?A. that B. whose C. whom D. wha t.定语从句考点5引导定语从句的关系代词that和which,在一般情况 下,尽管可以互换使用,但在下列情况下,只能用that,而不用which:1. 先行词是复合不定代词every thing, any thing, no thing等时。2. 先行词被序数词或the last修饰时。3. 先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。4. 先行词被 the only, the very, the same 等修饰时。5. 先行词是或被all, no, some, any, little, much等修饰时6. 先行词既包含人又包含物时。7. 主句是以who, which引导的特殊疑问句时。定语从句中考题练兵:一、单项选择()1. The number ofpeoplelosthomesreachedas many as 250,000.A. whichB. whoC.whomD. /()2. This is the mostbeautiful partIhavevisi ted.A. which; everB. that; neverC.which;yetD. that; ever()3. My necklace isnot the only thingismissing.A. thatB. whichC.wha tD. /()4. Were talking abo ut Tonny, you me t1.语法:宾语从 句,状语从句, 定语从句。yes terday.whichA. with whoB. whomC.D. that()5. Is this the very museumsome Japanesevisitors visited last Wednesday?A.oneB.whereC. thatD. which)6. The bookA.cover is red is Tom s.t hatC. /whichD. whoseB.they talked in()7 Is that the novel about class yesterday?B.A.whicht hatC. whoD. /


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