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1。形容词的位置: 形容词一般放被修饰词的前面 It is a quiet but interesting place. 形容词后置的情况 1)。当形容词修饰不定代词 one,no,any,some或 every构成的复合词,如: something,anything,nothing He did everything possible to help us. 2) 只能充当表语的形容词必须后置 She was the only person awake at that night. 3) Enough修饰名词既可放前也可放后,但所修 饰的名词放句首时,只能前置 I have enough time (time enough) 4) 形容词 else放不定代词或疑问代词后作定语 Anything else can I do for you,sir? 2.the+adj.表一类人(复数)和抽象概念(单数 ) We should help the old and the disabled. 多个形容词作定语的排列: 限定词 /序数词 -基数词 描绘性形容词 -大,小, 长,短,高,低 -形状 -年龄,新旧 -颜色 -国 籍,地区,出处 -物质材料 -用途,类别 +名词 The old lady wants to buy a beautiful red Chinese silk dress for her daughter as a present. They bought a charming big round new black French wooden writing desk last year. 3。意义相差很大的同根副词 close 接近地 closely 密切地 free 免费地 freely 自由地 hard 努力地 hardly 几乎不 late 晚 lately 近来 most 非常 mostly 主要地 wide 广阔地 widely 广泛地 high 高 highly 高度地 deep 深 deeply 抽象意义的“深” loud 大声地 loudly 大声地 (含有“喧 闹” ) near 邻近 nearly 几乎 注意: 不带 ly 表具体 多位于动词(宾语)后 介词前 与过去分词构成复合 词 带 ly 表抽象 修饰形容词,副词,过去分词 修饰动词位置不限 4。与形容词相关的几个句型: 1) tooto too+adj./adv.+to do 太。而不能做某事 too+adj.(表个性品质) to do 非常。 做。 toonot to do. 太。不会不做。 not/never tooto do 永不、决不。 only too/but tooto do 十分,非常,极其 The boy is too young to go to school. =The boy is not old enough to go to school. He is eager to leave. She is only too pleased to help you. 2) more than 与其说(后面)倒不如说(前面) =be lessthan =be not so/as muchas =berather than.=be ratherthan. She was more frightened than hurt. =She was less hurt than frightened. =She was frightened rather than hurt. =She was rather frightened than hurt. 3) can nottoo/ can never too 越。越好 One can never be too careful to study. 4) A对 B犹如 C对 D一样 A is to B (just) as C is to D =A is to B what C is to D =(Just) As C is to D,so is A to B =What C is to D,that is A to B Air is to us as water is to fish. =Air is to us what water is to fish. =As water is to fish,so is air to us. =What water is to fish,that is air to us. 4。形容词和副词的比较等级的用法: 比较等级的常见句型: 1) as+原级 as (as+adj.+a/an+单数名词 as) Tom cant pay as high a price as I asked. Its not so/as difficult as I expected. 2)比较级 than+比较对象( less+原级) He is taller than I/me. Mary is less clever than Tom. 3) the比较级 of the two He is the taller of the two. 4) the+比较级。, the+比较级。 The more,the better. 5)比较级 and+比较级 The new city is becoming more than more beautiful. 6) be one of/among +the+最高级 pl. He is one of the best football players in our class. 7)用介词 by表相差的程度 She is taller than me by three inches. 8)一个人的两种性质的比较,用 morethan -Ann acts quite unfriendly. -I think shes more shy than unfriendly. 9)否定比较级表最高级的意义 He has never spent a more worrying day. 10) no/not+比较级 than的特殊含义 A is no more careful than B. A和 B一样都不细心 A is no less careful than B. A和 B一样细心 A is not more careful than B. A不如 B细心 A is not less careful than B. A比 B细心 11) than后加 any other+单数名词, allother,the others,any other,any of the other,anything else 表最高级 She plays the piano better than any other student/all other students/any of the other students/any of the others/anybody else in her class. 注意: 1。比较的对象应该相同 The radios made in our factory are better than those (made) in your factory. The population of China is larger than that of any other country in the world. 2.比较的对象不能相互包容 比较级 than+any other+单数名词 /all(the) other+pl./any one else/any of other+pl. The Mississippi River is longer than any other river in the United States. China is larger than any other country in Asia/any country in Africa. 3。修饰比较级的修饰语有: rather,much,still,even,far,any,a lot,agreat deal,by far,a bit,three times. The students study even harder than before. 4。修饰最高级的修饰语有:序数词, by far,nearly,almost,by no means,not realy,not quite,nothing like. Id like to buy the second most expensive camera. 5.比较状语中动词的使用: Bob looks younger than I do. Bob looks younger than he is. Bob looked younger than I did. I know you better than he does. I know you better than him. 6。 比较中的省略 : 1)从句省略整个谓语,保留主语 Our library has as many books as yours. 2)省去谓语保留主语和 be,have或助动词 Susan has done as much homework as you have. 3)省略主语和谓语,保留状语 She is much better than yesterday. 4)省去整个 than从句 She is much healthier and happier. 无比较级,最高级的形容词和副词 1。表示比较,特殊意义的: comparative(ly),relative(ly),special(ly) 2。表绝对意义的 unexpected(ly),entire(ly),excellent(ly),perfect(ly ),total(ly),thorough(ly),whole(ly),complete(ly) 3。表大小,极限,主观,上下的: extreme(ly), main,major,chief(ly),senior 4。表性质特征的 scientific,wooden,golden,woolen 5。表独一无二的,形状的,强调的 only,single,round,level,very,own,simply,favorite 倍数的表达法: 1。主语谓语倍数 as原级 as+比较对象 The room where I stayed last night is three times as big as my own room. 2。主语谓语倍数 the+度量名词 of+比较对象 主语谓语倍数 what-clause Our classroom is three times the size of theirs. The length of the road is twice what it was three years ago. 3。主语谓语倍数比较级 than+比较对象 主语谓语比较级 than+比较对象 by+倍数 Tom has four times more money than I have. The line is longer than one by twice. A is 倍数 + what从句 The production is now three times what it was three years ago. 副词的类别 1. 按对象分类 1)针对动词 A. 时间副词: now recently B. 频度副词: always often C. 地点副词: nearby in at D. 方式副词: clearly badly gently E. 程度副词 : almost poorly F. 强调副词: simply truly quite G. 方位副词: inside backwards H. 方面副词: morally socially 2) 句子副词 针对句子, 用于修饰整个句子,可以同 enough配合 使用,如 maybe, actually, fortunately, surely, luckily, funnily等。 3)引导句子 A. 疑问副词: when where how why 引导特殊疑问句 B. 连接副词: when where how why 引导状语从句 C. 关系副词: when where how why 引导定于从句 副词在句子中 的作用 1. 做状语,修饰各种形式的动词。 2. 做表语,只限于那些既可做介词,又可做副词的小品词 in out up down back 等。 The light is still on. Are you through (with your work)? 3. 做宾语补足语,只限于上述的小品词。 Keep your coat on if you feel cold. I want it back now. 4. 做定语,只限于上述的小品词。 Write you name in the place below. The building around were badly damaged. 5. 做短语动词的一部分,只限于上述的小品词: give off go on get on 副词的比较等级和使用 1. 副词等级的构成和使用与形容词的情况基本相同。 2. 副词的比较等级的一些特殊用法。 1) had better/ had best do sty: Wed better not disturb him. I had best fax them our plans. 2) to know better than (to) do something: 懂得不宜 作某事: He knew better than to mention this to her. 3) to think better (of) sth: 改变主意 /决定不这样做: He used to be a racial and thought better of it. 形容词和副词及其短语 用法举要 4. to be + adj. + to/for sb to be important to/for sb to be necessary to/for sb to be useful to/for sb to be harmful to/for sb to be harmless to/for to be natural to sb (某人天生的 ) to be unknown to sb to be helpful to sb to be valuable to 5. to be sorry 1) to be sorry, but . 2) to be sorry that . 3) to be sorry to do sth 4) to be/feel sorry for/about sb/sth 6. to be afraid 1) to be afraid to do sth 2) to be afraid of doing sth/sth/sb 7. adj.+and+adj.=adv. good and cold= very cold rare and hungry= very hungry nice and tired= very tired 8. most= very: He is a most(=very) proud man most (very) thankful 9. very, adj. 一样的;同一的: the very question she asked yesterday 10. seldom=hardly ever/ rarely: 11. happily for sb (sb is lucky) 12. some time/ sometime/sometimes 13. one day ( used in past or future)/ some day (used in future) 14. the other day (used in past) /some other day (used in future) 15. every day (adv.) /everyday (adj.) 16. would/had/d rather 1) would/d rather sb did/had done sty: I would rather you went home now。 (present time) I would rather you had stayed with us yesterday. (past time) 2) would/d rather do A than do B (不做 B,做 A) 3) would/d rather not do A than do B (不做 A,做 B) 17. pretty (=very/ fairly/ rather) 18. rather/fairly 1) rather bad/stupid/poor/cold/hot 加强语义,表示“过于”: This is a rather easy question. (过于容易) Its rather warm today. (perhaps too warm) 2) fairly good/ nice/brave/warm/cool 减弱语义,表示“相当”: Its fairly warm today. (=pleasantly warm) 3) rather/too + adj. + for + n.: He is rather tall for his age. He is too thin for his height 19. quite 1) not very: The book is quite long. 2) completely/very: The story is quite wrong. 3) (showing understand/ agree ) - I feel we shouldnt spend more than $20. - Quite. 1.Mary kept weighing herself to see how much _ she was getting. A.heavier B. heavy C. the heavier D. the heaviest 2.The _house smells as if it hasnt been lived in for years. A.little white wooden B. little wooden white C. white wooden little D. wooden white little 3.There are two buildings,_stands nearly a hundred feet high. A.the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which A A D 4.It is reported that the United States uses _energy as the whole of Europe. A.as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much 5.Allen had to call a taxi because the box was _to carry all the way home. A.much too heavy B. too much heavy C. heavy too much D. too heavy much 6.He did it _ it took me. A.one-third a time B. one-third time C. the one-third time D. one-third the time D A D 7.Boris has brains. In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has _IQ A.a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest 8. In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go,_. A.our holiday will be better. B.our holiday will be best C.the better our holiday will be D.the better will our holiday be. B C 9._to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. A.Brave enough students B. Enough brave students C.Students brave enough D. Students enough brave 10.-Jim has his wife do all the house work! Isnt he wise? -Not really.He is _. A.more wise than lazy B. wiser than lazy C. more lazy than wise D. lazier than wise C C 11.After a long walk,she was _ tired that she had to go upstairs and rest. A.much B. enough C. too D. that 12. Why didnt you buy the camera you had longed for? -I had planned to,but I was $50 _. A.fewer B. less C. cheap D. short 13.John is very lazy. He falls _ behind in his studies. A.very B. more C. far D. still D D C 14.It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold,so she stood _to her mother. A.close B. closely C. closed D. closing 15.Engines are to machines _hearts are to animals. A.as B. that C. what D. which 16.I was riding along the street and all of a sudden,a car cut in and knocked me down. -You can never be _careful in the street. A.much B. very C. so D. too 17.Have you been to New Zealand? -No.Id like to,_. A. too B. though C.yet D. either A C D B


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