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任务型阅读话题1教育引导Passage 1My sisters 1 O-year-old son Tripper came for a visit one hot,July Sunday.And I had to make him stay inside by joining him in agame.An hour later,I suggested having a rest for a while.“Look,Alice.,he said happily as he ran over to the chair where Iwas having a rest.I found a kite.Could we go outside and fly it?”Looking out of a nearby window,I noticed there was no wind at all.Im sorry,Tripper.I said,sad to see his blue eyes.The wind is notblowing today.The kite wont“I think its windy enough.I can get it he answered,as hehurried out the back door.The plastic kite proudly had a picture ofBatman.He ran as hard as he could,looking back hopefully at thekite.After about ten minutes,he came back.I asked,“How did it go?Fine,“he said,not wanting toadmit(承认)failure.I got it to fly some.As he walked past me toreturn the kite to the closet shelf,I heard him say under his breath,t4Iguess ril have to wait for the wind.At that moment I heard anothervoice speak to my heart,Alice,sometimes we are just like that.我们应该用我们自己的方式做它而不是等风来。And the voicewas right.We should wait for the wind only after we have done allwe can.We must learn how to depend on actions first!1.Why did Alice play the game with Tripper?2.Where did Tripper want to do after playing the game?3.Was the weather hot and was there any wind that Sunday?4.将画线处译为中文。5.将画线处译为英文。【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主 要 讲 述 作 者 由 和1 0岁小侄子玩游戏放风筝的事情,感慨做任何事情一定要学会一开始就赋2予行动,不管结果怎么样,先行动起来试试再说。良好的开端是成功的一半。1.Because she wanted him to stay in the room.【解析】根据文章第一段第二句And I had to make him stay inside by joining him ina gam e.我不得不通过一起玩游戏让他待在室内。”可知答案。2.He wanted to fly a kite outside.【解析】根据第二段第二句“Ifound a kite.Could we go outside and fly it?”可知答案。3.Yes./Yes,it w as.【解析】根据第一段第一句中”.one hot,JulySunday”可知星期天天气是“hot”。根据第二段倒数第二句Thewind is not blowing today.”可知天气同时是no wind”,由此可知答案。4.他尽可能努力地跑,充满希望得向后看风筝。【解析】as.assb can/could 某人尽可能.look back.at 向后看.。5.We should do it in our way instead of waiting for the w ind.解析】而不是做某事instead of doing sth.;等 待 wait for Passage 2I was a school girl in Grade 7 when Danny came to my schooland became one of my classmates.He was handsome with blond hair,so many girls in my class liked him very much.Every day,hisparents picked him up in an old car.We all realized he was from a3poor family.I had a poor family as well,but I just hid it fromeveryone.我害怕如果我的同学知道真相他们会嘲笑我。One day,our teacher,Mr.Sims,announced that we would havea field trip.We decided to go to an amusement park.My classmateswere excited.I sat back and looked at them,knowing that my parentsdid not have the money to send me.To my surprise,Danny stood upand said simply,I wont go with you.My dad hurt his back and losthis job.I am not asking my parents for money.“Danny,I am veryproud of you for understanding the situation that your parents are in.”Mr.Sims replied.”But the trip is at the end of the month,we haveplenty of time to raise money for it”While walking home from school that day,I noticed three boystalking with Danny.I was a little worried that they were giving him ahard time but as I got closer,I found they were only discussing how to raise money for the trip.By standing up and admitting he waspoor Danny changed my life.I no longer felt I had to lie about myfamilys situation.As for Danny,I will remember his courage andhonesty forever.1.Where did the students decide to go for the field trip?2.What was the matter with Danny?s father?43.Did the three boys laugh at Danny after school?4.将画线处译为英文。5.将画线处译为中文。【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者班上来了一位新同学:丹尼。对于窘困的家境,丹尼并没有像作者一样隐瞒,由此得到作者的钦佩,并要学习其勇气和诚实。1.An amusement park【.解析】根据第二段第二句We decided togo to an amusement park.”可知是去游乐园。2.His father hurt his back and lost his job.【解析】根据第二段第五句To my surprise,Danny stood up and said simply,4 wont gowith you.My dad hurt his back and lost his job”可知丹尼的父亲弄伤了背,丢了工作。3.No,they didnt.【解析】根据最后一段中“I was a little worriedthat they were giving him a hard time but as I got closer,I foundthey were only discussing how to raise money for the trip.”可 矢 口 这5三个男孩是在商量如何集资帮助丹尼参加这次旅行,而不是嘲笑丹尼。4.1 was afraid that my classmates would laugh at me if they knew thetruth.【解析】害怕.“beaf?aid+thaM”llaughat;if引导条件状语从句。5.但是旅行是在月底,我们有大量的时间为它筹集资金。【解析】at the end of.在.的结尾;plenty of 大量的;raise money 筹钱。Passage 3One day,a blind man went home by taxi.When he got to hisneighborhood,the taximeter(计 价 器)showed 15.5 yuan.Thehandsome driver carried him to the security(安全)office.He onlysaid,I wont collect your payment,because I can make moneyeasier than you.Just at that time,a gentleman came out of theneighborhood and got into the taxi.They talked happily along theway.The taximeter showed 14.5 yuan.The gentleman took out 30yuan and said,“Here is the money,including the blinds.I am notgreat,but I can make money a little easier than you.I only hope youcan go on doing the good deeds.On a cold and snowy night in the countryside of Texas,ayoung man called Crest was in trouble because his car broke down.6Just when he was worried,a man on a horse passed by.When hesaw this,without thinking,he pulled the car to the town with hishorse.After that,Crest thanked him with great rewards,but the manrefused and said,“I need only a promise.当有人需要帮助时,你可以尽你最大的努力去帮助他。In the following days,Crest offered to help many people inneed.And every time he didnt forget to report(转述)the words,“I need only a promise.When someone needs help,you can tryyour best to helpMany years later,Crest was trapped by flood.A teenagersaved him from danger,so he was very thankful to the teenager.But the teenager said,“I need only a promise.When someone needsyour help,you can helpIf everyone can give a hand to the people in need,our worldwill be more harmonious(和谐的).1.Did the driver collect the blind mans payment?2.How much did the gentleman pay the taxi driver?3.Why was the young man Crest in trouble on a cold and snowynight?74.将画线处译为英文。5.将画线处译为中文。【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一个盲人打的回家,出租车司机没有收这个盲人的钱,有 个 绅 士 给 了 司 机 30元,包括盲人的车费的故事。文章旨在告诉我们:别人需要帮助的时候,我们要尽力帮助他们。1.No,he didnt.【解析】根据第一段第四句He only said,4 wontcollect your payment”可知答案。2.Thirty yuan.【解析】根据第一段倒数第三句The gentleman tookout 30 yuan and said,Here is the money,including the blind,s.可知答案。3.Because his car broke down【.解析】根据第二段第一句On a coldand snowy night in the countryside of Texas,a young man calledCrest was in trouble because his car broke down.“可知答案。84.When someone needs help,you can try your best to help him.【解析】when引导时间状语从句,尽某人最大的努力try onebest。5.一个少年从危险中救过他,所以他对少年很感激。【解析】save sb.from danger 从危险中救某人;be thankful to sb.对某人很感激。Passage 4There was a farmer who lived in a small town by himself.Everyday he sold a pound of butter to his neighbour,who was a baker.One day,the baker wanted to weigh the butter to see if it was a poundBut after he weighed it,he found it wasnt enough.The baker tookthe butter to the farmer.Then the baker decided to take the farmer tothe judge(法官).The judge asked the farmer if he had any way to weigh thebutter.The farmer replied,”我很穷以至于我没有足够的钱去买任何东西去称它。But I do have a kind of scale(天平)The judgeasked,“Then how do you weigh the butter?The farmer replied,Before the baker started buying butter from me,I had bought bread9from him.So now every time when I bring the bread home,I put iton the scale and give him the butter of the same weight.From this story,we can see everyone should be an honest personat first.1.Why did the the baker decide to take the farmer to the judge?2.Did the farmer have a kind of scale?3.How did the farmer weigh the butter?4.将画线处译为英文。5.将画线处译为中文。10【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一个农民和面包师之间买面包和黄油的故事。这个故事旨在告诉我们要诚信做人。1.Because the baker found the butter wasn one pound.【解析】根据 第 一段 第 四 句But after he weighed it,he found it wasntenough.“可知答案。2.No,he wasnt.【解析】通读文章,这位农民把每天从面包师那买回来的面包放在天平上称同样重量的黄油给面包师可知,这位农民没有称。3.He put the bread bought from the baker on the scale and give thebaker the same weight butter.【解 析】根据第二段最后一句“Sonow every time when I bring the bread home,I put it on the scale andgive him the butter of the same weight.“可知答案。4.一天,面包师想称黄油看是否是一磅。【解析】want to do sth.想要做某事;weigh sth.称某物;if引导条件状语从句。5.I am so poor that I do not have enough money to buy anything toiiweigh it.【解析】如此.以至于.so.that.;有足够的钱做某事 have enough money to do sth.。Passage 5A young man went into a car shop.He was wearing old shoesand a dirty jacket.His hair needed to cut badly.The young manlooked at an expensive car carefully and then talked to theshopkeeper(店 主).“How much is this car?”he asked.“250,000 yuan,“the shopkeeper said.TH have six of them,“the young man said.The shopkeeper smiled.But he found it hard to be polite.“Youre joking,of course,5,he said,Tm afraid we cant helpyou.This car is not for sale.”The shopkeeper showed the youngman the door and the young man left the shop without a word.He12went to another shop on the other side of the street and asked for sixcars.The second shopkeeper was polite and helpful.The young manhappily paid for the cars.He said that the cars were for himself andhis five friends.He also said that he and his friends worked on afishing ship.We all have got a lot of money this season,“the mansaid,“and we want to buy cars.所以无论在我们生活中什么时候,我们都不应该以貌取A It is a persons inner that matters more.1.What did the young man wear when he came into the car shop?2.How did the first shopkeeper thought of the young mans idea ofbuying six cars?3.Did the young man pay for the cars from the second shop?134.将画线处译为中文。5.将画线处译为英文。【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一个衣衫破旧的年轻人先后进入两家车店,两家车店的店主用截然不同的态度接待他的故事。通过这个故事旨在告诉我们不要通过穿着来评价一个人。1.He worn old shoes and a dirty jacket.His hair needed to cut badly.【解析】根据第一段第 二 三 句He was wearing old shoes and adirty jacket.He needed to have his hair cut badly.“可知答案。2.The first shopkeeper thought the young man was joking.解析根据倒数第二段一句YoiTre joking,of course,”可知答案。3.Yes,he d id.【解析】根据倒数第二段第四 五 句The secondshopkeeper was polite and helpful.The young man happily paid for14the cars.”可知答案。4.店主给这位年轻人指了门,这位年轻人没说一句话就离开了。【解析】show sb.sth给某人展示某物;without a word没说一句话。5.So whenever in our life,we shouldnt judge a book by its cover.【解析】在我们生活中in our life;以貌取人judge a book by itscoveroPassage 6Once upon a time,there was a king.Something was wrong withhis eyes.He saw all the doctors in his country and tried everytreatment they suggested,but his eyes continued to hurt.除了派人请一个老智者,他别无选择。The wise man lived on top of thehighest mountain in the country.The wise man asked the king somequestions and checked his eyes with a strange machine.At last he smiled and said,Youd better not see other colors15except green.You must only see green instead of any other color.Iwill come to see you again in a month to see how you are doing it.”The king immediately asked his men to buy all the boxes of greenpaint they could find.Then he directed them to paint green everythinghe could see.When the wise man returned a month later,the kings man ranout and greeted him with boxes of green paint.They paintedthemselves green from head to foot before they was allowed to seethe king.When the wise man learned why he had been painted green,he laughed loudly and said:If you had put on a pair of glasses withgreen lenses(镜 片),you could save all the money that was used topaint everything green.No one can paint all the world green,but you can see a greenworld by changing your glasses.The only way to change the world isto change your attitude(态度).1.What was wrong with the King?162.Could the king see other colors except green according to the wisemans advice?3.What did the kings men do before they greeted the wise man?4.将画线处译为英文。5.将画线处译为中文。【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一个国王眼睛出问题了,一位智者建议他只看绿色。一个月后,智者看他是如何做的,结果发现国王让要见他的人和事全涂成绿色。其实换一副眼镜就可以。故事告诉我们:换个角度看问题,世界将会变得不一样。171.There was something wrong with his eyes.【解析】根据第一段第二句Something was wrong with his eyes.”可知答案。2.No,he couldift.【解析】根据第二段第一句You,d better notsee other colors except green.“可知答案。3.They painted themselves green from head to foot.【解析】根据第三段第二句They painted themselves green from head to footbefore they was allowed to see the king.”可知答案。4.He had no choice but to sent for the old wise man.【解析】thereis/was no choice but to do sth.没有选择只能做某事;send for派人去请。5.没有人可以把整个世界涂成绿色,但是你可以通过改变眼镜的颜色看见一个绿色的世界。【解析】all the world全世界;by方式介词后加动名词。18话题2 思维品质Passage 7March 12 is the birthday“of the World Wide Web,or the Webfor short.Twenty-nine years ago,British engineer Tim Berners-Leeproposed(提议)to set up“pages“of information that are connectedto each other around the world,which laid the foundation(基础)forthe World Wide Web.Since then,it has changed the way people live.Now,29 years after its birth,how will the Web influence life in thefuture?Online shopping is a symbol of how the World Wide Webchanges the way people live.Its easy,fast and convenient.Peoplecan do their shopping on a computer at home.专家认为既有好处,也有坏处。A growing Web will help different cultures build“better relationships”,said the Pew report.Also in the future,everyday items(物 品)could be connected to the Web.They could19share information to make our daily lives easier.So one day in the future,your front door could send you amessage:Dear sir,everyone has left the house,but Im still open!But scientists also warn us about the loss of privacy(私密).)If weshare personal information online,it could get into the wrong hands.No matter what,dont spend your whole day in front of the screen,said the founder of the Web.We need to see green stuff,to be in theopen,and see the sun.We have to make sure technology doesntdrive that out,“said Bemers-Lee.1.How long has the World Wide Web set up?2.Whats advantages of online shopping?3.Is it possible that the door can send a message to us in the future?204.将画线处译为英文。5.将画线处译为中文。【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了互联网的诞生改变了人类的生活方式、互联网未来的发展方向和要正确使用互联网。1.For 29/twenty-nine years【.解析】根据第一段第二句Twenty-nineyears ago,British engineer Tim Berners-Lee proposed(提议)to set uppages of information that are connected to each other around the worldwhich laid the foundation(基础)for the World Wide Web.“可知答案。2.Ifs easy,fast and convenient【.解析】根据第二段第二句Itseasy,fast and convenient.“可知答案。3.Yes,it is.【解析】根据第三段第一句So one day in the future,21your front door could send you a message:Dear sir,everyone hasleft the house,but Im still open!”可知答案。4.The experts believe that there are both good and bad sides.解析】认为 believe that+从句;和 both.and.。5.如果我们在网上分享个人信息,它们可能落入坏人之手。【解析】get into落入,陷入;wrong hands坏人之手。Passage 8Today,we are told children dont spend enough time in the fresh airny of them prefer to a screen either on a computer or a TV or have toother things that prevent them from going outdoors.They have lostch with nature.But now 400 organizations in the UK are encouraging children tove some“wild They want kids to exchange at least 30 nutesof watching TV or playing computer games for time playing side.Activities such as building nests,climbing trees and playing22tball are just some of the things kids can do.Even if they live in a y,they can go on adventures(冒险)in the garden or the park,whichgood for their physical and mental health.Children often need a helping hand from mum and dad.他们需被指明做什么和去哪里。Andy Simpson from National Health vicesays,“We want parents to see what this magical wonder product esfor their kids development,independence and creativity,by giving dtime ago.So it seems that going back to basics and experiencingtures playground,is both children and parents needed.There5s nolimit(限制)on enjoying yourself!1.What do many children prefer to do today?2.Is it good for children to go on adventure in the garden?3.Who need to go back to basics and experiencing“natures23playground?4.将画线处译为中文。5.将画线处译为英文。主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。如今孩子们大都迷恋于电视或者脑,而在户外的时间越来越少,他们失去了与大自然亲密接触的会。在本文中作者提出鼓励孩子有“wild time”,去进行一些户外动,比如捉迷藏、爬树等等,而且提出这些改变都需要父母的帮01.They prefer to a screen either on a computer or a TV or have to doother things.【解析】根据第一段第二句Many of them prefer toa screen either on a computer or a TV or have to do other things thatprevent them from going outdoors.v 可 矢 U 答案。242.Yes,it i s【.解析】根据第二段最后一句 Even if they live in acity,they can go on adventures(冒险)in the garden or the park,which are good for their physical and mental health.n 可知答案。3.Both children and parents.【解析】根据最后一段倒数第二句“So it seems that going back to basics and experiencing“naturesplayground is both children and parents needed.”可矢口答案。4.他们想让孩子们交换至少3 0分钟看电视或者玩电脑游戏的时间去外面玩。【解析】exchange sth.for sth.用某物交换某物;watchTV 看电视;play computer games 玩电脑游戏;play outside 在外面玩。5.They need to be shown what to do and where to g o.【解析】需要做某 事 need to do s th.,此处使用的动词不定式的被动语态;做什么what to do和去哪里where to go是“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”作 shown的宾语,相当于宾语从句。25Passage 9Should children do the chores?Different people have differentopinions about the question.Some people think that children shouldnot do the chores,they are just for adults.Children need to spendtime studying,relaxing and playing.But many experts dont think so.They believe that doing the chores is good for children.They canlearn problem-solving and independence from the chores.当孩子长大时将对他们是有帮助的。However,most experts agree that the chores should fit the child.For example,young children shouldnt wash the dishes or take outthe rubbish.However,they think it is easy for young children to dothe chores like picking up toys or putting books in the bookcase,tokeep the house tidy.Actually,young children would usually like todo the chores because they like doing what Mom or Dad does.Andthat helps them feel more grown-up.As the children grow older,many experts advise giving them26some more difficult chores like washing the dishes or walking thedog.However,children usually do not want to do the chores onweekdays.The middle school students may spend more than twohours a night on doing their homework on weekdays.Perhaps morechores on weekends,not on weekdays can be helpful.1.Why some people think that children should not do the chores?2.Is it hard for the young children to do the chores in expertsopinion?3.When may be the good time for children to do more chores?4.将画线处译为英文。5.将画线处译为中文。27【主旨大意】本文是一篇议论文。文章针对孩子们该不该做家务进行了讨论。1.Because they think children need to spend time studying,relaxingand playing.【解析】根据第一段第四句Children need to spendtime studying,relaxing and playing.“可知答案。2.No,it isnt.【解析】根据第二段第三句However,they think itis easy for young children to do the chores like picking up toys orputting books in the bookcase,to keep the house tidy.“可知答案。3.On weekends.【解析】根据最后一段 uPerhaps more chores onweekends,not on weekdays can be helpful.n 可知答案。4.It will be very useful for children when they grow u p.【解析】对.有帮助的be helpful for/to;when引导时间状语从句;grow up 长大。5.中学生在周内一晚上花费超过两小时做他们的家庭作业。【解28析】spend some time on sth.花费时间在某事上;more than超过;do one*homework做家庭作业;on weekdays在周内。Passage 10Sometimes you feel busy and worried.You may have manythings to do,but time is not enough.You may wonder,“Where doestime go?”Here are some suggestions to help you make use of it andfind more free time to enjoy your life.Plan ahead of time.在一天或者一周的开始制定计划对你来说是有必要的。Think of what you really need and dont need todo.Spare some time to have a short rest and look back on whatyouve done.You may have a sense of success.Say no to yourself.If you are not excited about attending asocial activity,then dont go.Stay at home for a rest.If you plan togo to a supermarket but it is raining heavily,why not stay inside?Ifsfine to change your mind and do your shopping another day.29Change your pace(节 奏).If you usually go shopping onSaturday,choose a weekday night to go instead.The stores are lesscrowded on Wednesday evening than Saturday afternoon.You canfeel better if you regard your way home as taking a relaxing walkafter supper.Focus on simple pleasures.When your days work is done,itstime to get yourself relaxed.A pleasant bath,a cup of coffee or agentle song can be enough.Although expensive relaxation is nice,when you focus on simple pleasures,youll get more.1.What may make you have a sense of success?2.Are the stores crowded on Wednesday eveningthan Saturday afternoon?3.When is the time for you to relax yourself?4.将画线处译为英文。5.将画线处译为中文。【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要就如何规划我们的时间提出了四条建议。1.Spare some time to have a short rest and look back on whatyouve done【.解析】根据第二段最后两句Spare some time tohave a short rest and look back on what youve done.You may havea sense of success.“可知答案。2


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