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名校名 推荐课时作业 (六 )必修 2Unit 1 Cultural relics(限时: 35 分钟 ) .单项填空1 He didnt put the things_they belonged, for_he got his punishment.A which ; thatB what ; thisC that ; whoseD where; which2 As far as Im concerned , there is no point _with him. He will never change his mind.A argued B arguingC to argueD for arguing3 It is reported that there was an air crash in Cuba. Nobody on board_it with all thepassengers and the crew killed.A avoidedB escapedC missedD survived4 Although he had taken a lot of medicine, his health_poor.A proved B remainedC maintainedD lasted5 There is_to ask him for advice , because he has never done this kind of work before.A no needB no timeC no pointD no doubt6 Although the Eiffel Tower _ to last for 20 years, it is still standing today.A has designedB had designedC is designedD was designed7 Normally you could stay with us, but our house _ at the moment.A is decoratedB was decoratedC is being decoratedD was being decorated8 The toddler who miraculously _ a fall from her 10th- floor home in Hangzhou, east China,_ recovering quickly.A is survived; isB are survived; areC survived; isD being survived; are9 2012 江苏卷 There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, _?A is thereB isn t thereC is heD isn t he10 Like most simple puzzles, it is easily_,but putting it back together is something else.A taken apartB built upC set offD dealt with11 What do you think of his talk on Information Technology? Oh, excellent. Its worth _ A listening toB being listened toC listening ofD to be listened to12 In April , thousands of holidaymakers remained_ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.A stickingB stuckC to be stuckD to have stuck13 We give dogs time , space and love we can spare, and_ , dogs give us their all.A in allB in factC in shortD in return14 In the 1990s, many well- educated young people went to Hainan Island _ jobs.A in favour ofB in memory of1名校名 推荐C in honour ofD in search of15 So you gave her your phone? _ She said shed return it to me when she could afford her own.A My pleasureB Not exactlyC No wonderD All right .完形填空What do Chinese college graduates have in common with ants? The recent _16_Ant Tribes aboutthe life of some young people _17_ flock to Beijing after leaving university, _18_ the graduates ,like ants , as smart but _19_ as individuals, drawing strength from living together in communities.The book , which is based _20_ two years of interviews with about 600 low - income college graduates in Beijing , _21_ in mid - September , about a month ahead of an announcement by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security that 74% of the 6.11 million new graduates from universities and colleges had been _22_ by Sept.1.The books chief editor, Lian Si, tells that piece of statistic says _23_ about the real situation for many of these graduates. “ I am always _24_ how many of these employed college graduates are leading a happy life ”, Lian said. “ I hope this book could offer a window on these graduates , whose stories are _25_ known. ”(后续内容,请见下页。)16 A.filmB storyC bookD magazine17 A.whoB whatC whichD whose18 A.describesB tellsC shows D gives19 A.necessaryB meaninglessC importantD strong20 A.in B on C at D for21 A.came upB came onC came alongD came out22 A.firedB interviewedC employedD trained23 A.muchB littleC someD more24 A.wonderingB realizingC studyingD confusing25 A.seldom B wellC always D neverThe _26_ of the book is several so- called settlement villages for college students on the outskirts( 市郊 ) of Beijing , where a large _27_ of college graduates live.Most of these graduates work for _28_ ormedium - sized businesses, _29_ less than 2 , 000 yuan a month.They live together because its_30_ : the rent in these communities is only around 350yuan a month.Many of them travel several hoursa day for short - term jobs or job interviews.Tangjialing , a small _31_ 20 kilometers from Tiananmen Square, has around 3, 000 _32_villagers , but has become a home for more than 50 , 000 migrants , most of whom _33_ from universities or colleges all over the country.Lian describes the students _34_ as five - or six - storey buildings built by local farmers with 12 rooms on each floor and two or three people crowded together in each room of about 10 square meters.Up to 70 or 80 people _35_ the same toilet and kitchen.26 A.environmentB settingC rangeD coverage27 A.dealB plentyC amountD number28 A.smallB bigC famousD unknown29 A.earningB spendingC shoppingD paying2名校名 推荐30 A.expensiveB comfortableC cheapD convenient31 A.cityB townC communityD village32 A.originalB youngC richD poor33 A.sufferB differC graduateD suffer34 A.livesB dormitoriesC buildingsD restaurants35 A.shareB borrowC buildD clean .2013杭州地区七校高三期中联考 阅读理解Chinese International SchoolApplication FormBefore an applicant can be invited to take part in an assessment, an application form should bereturned to the Admissions Office, and the application fee of HK$1, 000 cannot be returned. For overseasapplicants wishing to pay in currencies other than HK dollars, the fee is US$145. Checks are also good forpayment to“ Chinese International School”The application should include : The applicants academic report from the last school year. A recent passport - sized photo (attached to the application form). A copy of the applicants Hong Kong ID card or a passport showing a valid Hong Kong visa. Only for applicants applying under a Corporate Nomination( 提名 ) Right: A company letter confirming the nomination.Please note that the application fee is non - refundable. Applicants who would like to reapply foranother academic year are asked to submit a new application and application fee.AcceptanceApplicants will be informed of their acceptance status in writing by postal mail. Initial(最初的 ) offersfor Reception will be sent out from late March once all assessments have been completed.Some applicants who have been assessed may be held on a reserve list. Acceptances may also be made on a conditional basis among the applicants on the reserve list.Applicants who have been assessed but who have not been admitted are welcome to reapply for the next academic year. Please note that such applicants will be asked to submit a new application and application fee.Confirmation of Acceptance and Enrollment(录取 )Once an applicant has been admitted, the applicant family will be asked to confirm acceptance and hold the students place with immediate payment of the required fees for the Nomination Right (HK$500), plus the sum of HK$7 , 500 as the first tuition ( 学费 ) payment.In addition, enrollment will not be considered complete until the following have been received, normally one month before the start of the new school year :Physical examination resultsTuition (first month)36 According to the passage, if the applicants reapply for an academic year, _.A the application fee can be reduced to a halfB applicants on a reserve list neednt be assessedC a new application and application fee are to be requiredD the initial application form should be returned to the Admissions Office 37 Which of the following is true?A Once applicants are refused, they cant apply for it again.B Applicants held on a reserve list will not be admitted.C Applicants dont have to get a company letter to confirm their application.D The applicants should show either a Hong Kong visa or a Hong Kong ID card.38 How will the applicants possibly be informed of the acceptance status?3名校名 推荐A By fax.B By e- mail.C By regular mail.D By telephone.39 According to the passage, the first tuition payment is _.A HK$500B HK$7 , 500C HK$1 , 000D US$14540 If an applicant has been admitted, the applicant family _.A will be asked to submit a new applicationB will receive physical examination resultsC will be asked to only pay the first month feeD will be asked to confirm acceptance and pay the fees4名校名 推荐 作 (六 ) .1.D第一个空考 belong 的用法, belong 不及物 ,故 用where 引 地点状 从句;第二个空考 定 从句,which 引 定 从句,作介 for 的 。2 B考 固定句型。there is no point (in) doing sth意 “做某事没有意 ”。3 D考 辨析。 境表达“机上没有人幸免于 ”,故 survive “存活”。avoid避开; escape 逃脱; miss 。4 B 境表达“他的健康状况仍然很差”,故 remain。 prove 明是; maintain 持;last 持 。5 A考 固定句型。there is no need to do sth 意 “没有必要做某事”。6 D考 的 和 。design 的 作 是被 ,所以排除主 的A 和 B 。design 的 作 生在 去,所以排除C 。7 C考 的 。句中前半句中的could 并非是 去 ,因此由后半句中的at themoment 一 状 可确定 用 在 行 。8 C考 的 。第一空表示“( 去某个 )幸存下来”,故用一般 去 ;第二空表示“目前正在迅速恢复中”,所以用 在 行 。9 A考 特殊句式。根据前面there be 句里含有否定意 的 little ,所以反意疑 句用肯定形式,其主 与 述部分的主 保持一致,故 A 。10 A考 短 辨析。句意:就像大部分 的拼 游 一 ,把它拆开很容易,但是要拼回去就又是一回事了。take apart 拆卸,拆开;build up 逐 得,逐 建立;set off 出 , 身; deal with 理, 付。11 A考 worth 的用法。 be worth doing “ 得做”, 固定用法,doing 主 表示被 ,且介 to 要 上。12 B考 系表 构。remain 是系 ,后面要接形容 构成系表 构。stuck 是 stick 的 去分 所 的形容 ,故B 正确。 remain stuck 滞留。13 D 考 介 短 辨析。 in all 共 ; in fact 上; in short 而言之 ; in return 以作 回 。根据句意 D 。14 D考 介 短 辨析。in search of 找; in favour of支持;in memory of 了 念;in honour of 了 念。句意:在二十世 九十年代, 多受 高等教育的年 人去海南 找工作。15 B考 情景交 。A 意 “ 客气;没什么”;B 意 “不完全是”;C 意 “ 怪”; D 意 “可以;好的”。句意: 那么你是把你的 了她? 不完全是。她 当她自己能 就 我。 .全国各地 多大学生 之后涌向北京找工作,那么他 的境况如何呢? 族一 向 者展 了他 人知的生活状况。16 C由第二段的第一句“The book , which is ”可知, 族是一本描 了北漂大学 生生活的 。17 Awho 引 定 从句修 some young people , who 作从句的主 。18 A 族把大学生描述 像 那 明。describe“描述”,符合 境。19 B 些北漂大学 生就像 , 明,但是作 个体,他 微不足道。meaningless 意 “无意 的,不重要的”,符合 境。20 B 本 是根据 北京 600 位低收入大学 生 两年的采 写成的。be based on意 “以 基 (或根据 )”。21 D 本 是 9 月中旬出版的。 come out 意 “出版”,符合 境。22 C由第三段中的 “ how many of these employed college graduates are leading a happy life 可”知,截至 9 月 1 日, 611 万大学 生中 74% 的 生找到了工作。23 B由下一句“ 些找到了工作的大学 生当中,有多少生活 得幸福”可推知,上述 料基本没有反映出 些 生的真 境。24 ALian 一直想知道, 些找到了工作的大学 生当中,有多少生活 得幸福。wonder意 “想知道”,符合 境。5名校名 推荐25 ALian 希望 本 能 成 一扇展 他 生活的窗 ,他 的故事很少有人知道。26 B 本 以北京市郊的几个大学 生聚居村 背景。setting 表示“ ( 、小 等的 )背景”,符合 境。27 D那里有 多大学 生。a large number of 表示“ 多”,修 可数名 的复数,故D 正确。 deal 的用法 a great/good deal of ,表示“ 多”,修 不可数名 ;plenty 不与冠 用, plenty of表示“ 多”; a large amount of 表示“ 多”,修 不可数名 。28 A由下文可推知, 些大学 生多数在中小企 工作。故答案 A 。29 A每月 不到 2000 。30 C由冒号后面的内容可知,他 住在一起是因 花 少。31 D由下文“ has around 3, 000 _ villagers ”可知,唐家岭是一个小村庄。32 A由下文“ but has become a home for more than 50, 000 migrants ”可知,外来人口已超过 5 万人,故大 3000 人 是本地的村民。 original 意 “原来的,起初的”,与 境相符。33 C由上下文可知, 5 万多外来人口多数是全国各地高校的 生。graduate from 意 “ 于”。34 B 些学生住的都是当地 民修建的五六 高的楼房,每个房 在10 平方米左右,两三个人 一 。 里 的是学生住的地方,即宿舍。35 A多达七八十人共用一 生 和厨房。share“共用,合用”,符合 境,故 A 。 . 是一篇 用文,主要向我 介 了如何申 香港的中文国 学校,以及相关的一些信息。36 C 理解 。根据 Application Form 下的 Please note that the application fee is non-refundable. Applicants who would like to reapply for another academic year are asked to submit a newapplication and application fee. 知,重新申 是要再次收 的,所以 C 。37 D 理解 。从Application Form下的 A copy of the applicants Hong Kong ID card or apassport showing a valid Hong Kong visa.可知答案 D 。38 C推理判断 。从Acceptance 下的 Applicants will be informed of their acceptance status inwriting by postal mail.知,申 者将会得到常 件来确 取,答案 C 。39 B 理解 。从Confirmation of Acceptance and Enrollment下的 plus the sum ofHK$ 7 , 500 as the first tuition payment. 知,第一年学 是7500 港 ,答案 B 。40 D 理解 。从Confirmation of Acceptance and Enrollment下的 Once an applicanthas been admitted, the applicant family will be asked to confirm acceptance and hold the students place知,一旦被 取,申 者的家人要 行确 并交 相关 用,所以答案 D 。6名校名 推荐7


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