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人教版九年级英语第一单元重点 第一单元短语1、work with friends2、make flashcards3、read the textbook4、make vocabulary lists5、listen to tapes6、ask the teacher for help7、watch English-language videos8、How do you study for a test?学习?-1 study by listening to tapes学习9、How do you learn English?语?-1 learn by studying with a group起学习10、Do you learn English by reading aloud?来学习英语吗?和朋友一起工作做抽认卡读教材做词汇表听录音带向老师寻求帮助看英文录像你怎么为了考试我通过听录音带你怎么学习英我通过和小组一你通过大声朗读-Yes,I do11、Do you ever practice conversations with起练习对话吗?friends-Oh,yes.It improves my speaking skills了我说的技巧12、Have you ever studied with a group?学习吗?-Yes,I have.I ve learned a lot that way这种方式学了很多13 the best ways to learn more English最好的方式14、more specific suggestions15、memorizing the words of pop songs also歌词也有一点帮助helped a little16、feels differently17、He thinks studying grammar is a great学习语言的一个很好的way to learn a language18、he finds watching movies frustrating人沮丧的是的我通过你曾经与朋友一哦 是 的 它 提 高你曾经小组一起是的我已经用学习更多的英语更具体的建议熟记流行歌曲的感觉不同他认为学习语法是方式他发现看电影是令19、She added that having conversations话不会有很大帮助with friends was not helpful at all20、get excited about sth21、end up doing in22、I can t pronounce some of the words词的音23 spoken English24、make mistakes in sth25、I don t know how to use commas使用逗号26、First of all27 s I realized that it doesn t matter if you你不明白所有的单词没don t understand every word28 laugh at29、make complete sentences30、helped a lot31 I think that doing lots of listening听力练习是成为一个好practice is one of the secerts of becoming她补充道和朋友对为某事而兴奋停止做某事我不能发一些单英语语法在某事上犯错我不懂得怎么起初我认识到了如果关系嘲笑造完整的句子很大帮助我认为做大量的的语言学习者的秘诀之一a good language learner32、take lots of grammar notes in every class在课堂上33 write my own original sentences using子用我学习的语法the grammar I was learning34、teacher is very impressed深刻的35、she had trouble making complete子方面有麻烦sentences36、look them up in a dictionary们37、This kind of paper feels very soft觉很柔软38、making up conversations39、speak English as a second language语言一样40 deal with41、And unless we deal with our problems,们的问题否则我们会很we can easily become unhappy记大量的语法笔记写我自己新颖的句老师是非常印象她在造完整的句在字典中查找它这种纸摸起来感组成对话说英语像另一种处理除非我们处理我容易变得不高兴42、Worrying about our problems can affect会影响我们在学校的行how we do at school43、influence the way we behave with ourfamilies44、people can stay angry for years about a小事而生气好几年small problem45、Time goes by46、decide not to talk to each other话47、last for long间48、we can solve a problem by learning to忘来解决问题forget49、regarding problems as challenges战50、change these“problems into challenges”做是挑战51、an important part of our development担心我们的问题动人们可以为一点时间流逝决定不和别人说持续很长的时我们可以通过遗把问题视作是挑把这些问题看我们发展的一个重要的部分52、it is our duty to try our best to do sth是我们的责任53、with the help of our teachers54、regards his many physical problems as的问题看做不重要的unimportant55 Let s face the challenges instead挑战来代替56、A soldier must do his dutyJ履行他的责任57、see a psychologist58、break off a friendship59、think of a problem in a positive way去想问题将某事做到最好向老师寻求帮助把他的许多身体让我们用面对一个军人必须看心理医生中断的友谊用积极的方式Unit 4 How do you get to school?Section A【目标呈现】知识目标:词 汇:get to,how far,bicycle,subway,car,train,minute,kilometer,mile,transportation,hundred短语:get to school,get home,how about=what about,take thesubway,ride a bike,take the bus,take the train,take a taxi,go in aparent s car,by bike,bike bus,by subway,by taxi,by car,by train,have a quick breakfast,the early bus,how far,take sb句 型:How do you get to school?I take the bus.How long does it take?It takes 20 minutes.How far is it?It s 10 miles.语法:h o w 引导特殊疑问句能力目标:学会谈论交通工具情感目标:合理安排行程,并合理选用交通工具教师寄语:Please make today a great day in your life.让今天成为你生命中伟大的一天。【基础巩固】自主学习一、重点词汇拓展1.远的,遥远的(比较级)(最高级)2.快 的,迅速的(副词)3.四十(序数词)4.花费(过去式)5.早的,提早的(反义词)二、重点词组识记1.到校 2.乘地铁3.动身去 4.迅速地吃早餐_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5.步行 5 分钟的路程_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.howfar_7.get up at 6 o clockbus_9.ride a bicycle to the station10.from home to school_三、重点句型体验:划线提问下列各句。1.He goes to work on foot everyday.2.It takes me half an hour to do the maths problem.3.The hospital is about 2 kilometres from our school.4.This school begins classes at 7:45.知识要点1.take VS bytake v.1)乘,坐,搭(车船,等交通工具)My brother takes thesubway to work.2)花费(时间)It takes(took)sb.Some time to do sth.It takes him an hour to go to workeveryday.by prep.以 一 方式 by bus;by plan;by air2.leave f o r动 身 去(某地)leave+地点名词”表示 离开某地 When did you leaveBeijing?你什么时候离开北京?“leave for+地点名词”表示 去某地 He is leaving for Londonnext Sunday.下星期他要动身去伦敦。aleave A for B”表示 离开 A 去 B 地”例如:They won t leaveHefei for Shanghai.他们不会离开合肥去上海。典型例题:1.How does he go to work?He the train.A.take B.takes C.by D.on解析:此题缺少谓语动词,因而排除C.D两项,因为介词不能做谓语。主语He是第三人称单数,动词也应用单三形式。因而选B.2.is it from Beijing to Shanghai?A.How many B.How long C.How much D.Howfar解析:四个特殊疑问词侧重点不同.howmany提 问“可数名词的多少;how long提问 时间的长短”;how much提 问“不可数名词的多少,多少钱”;how far提 问“距离的远近”。根据句意,选D.随堂达标一、单项选择1.They a village in the evening and lived there.A.arrived in B.arrived at C.left for D.got2.is it from your home to school?A.How often B.How long C.How far D.Howsoon3.He gets up early and breakfast.A.have a quick B.has quick a C.has a quick D.havequick4.The No.6 Middle S chool is not far his home.A.to B.from C.with D.at5.My school isn t far from here.It s only walk.A.fifteen minutes B.fifteen minutesC.fifteen minute s D.fifteen minutes;s二、用单词的适当形式填空1.When i t(r ai n),I 1 1 take a taxi.2.It took them a y e a r(b u i l d)the bridge.3.He(r i de)his bike to work every day.4.Don t say it i n(Chi na),Say it in English.5.What do you(us ua l)do on Sundays?三、完成句子1.从学校到汽车站不是很远。It isnt the school to the bus stop.2.坐火车去北京需用多长时间?How long it to go to Beijing bytrain?3.你每天怎样去学校?you get to school every day?4.我们学校校车停在汽车站。Our school bus stops at.5.他将在两个小时后动身去北京开会。He will Beijing to have a meeting intwo hours.四、短文填空I have a good friend.His name is John Brown.He is a school boy.His school is far from his home.Every day it(1)a lotof time to get there.The road(2)not flat,so he cant(3)to school by bike.He often(4)thereby bus or on foot.It(5)him twenty minutes to getthere by bus and an hour on foot.He must(6)upvery early every morning.He(7)no time forbreakfast at home.He often(8)something forbreakfast on the way or on the bus.He doesnt want to(9)late for school,so sometimes he(10)to school.【能力提升】语法练习 By bus.A.Why does he go to work?B.How does he go to work?C.When does she go to work?D.Where does he work?2.is it from your school to the zoo?Its about six miles.A.How much B.How many C.How long D.Howfar3.1 like to my bike weekends.A.take;in B.catch;at C.live;on D.ride;on4.it take you to walk from your home to your office?A.How long is B.How long doesC.How many time does D.How many hours are5.Mr Wang is leaving Guangzhou next week.A.to B.with C.in D.for6.It will take the men half a year the work.A.finish B.finishing C.to finish D.finishes中考链接1.How do you go to school?(北京海淀 2007)一 I.A.take bus B.take the bus C.by the bus D.on thebus2.Although she is y o u n g,s h e knows several foreign languages.(威海2008)A.but B.so C.and D./3.It Jack 20 minutes the math problem yesterday.(重庆2007)A.took;to work out B.takes;to work outC.has taken;working out D.is taking;working out4.Hi,Peter.Why are you in such a hurry?(江西 2008)the 7:30 train.A.CatchB.To catchC.Catching D.Caught5.If you don t feel well,you may j us t.(黄 冈 2007)A.stopped reading B.stop reading C.stopped to read D.stop to read快乐阅读Read the following passage and write T(true)or F(false)before eachstatement.When people go to England,they must learn something abouttransportation there.In England,cars,buses and bikes must keep to the left side of thestreet.If a person wishes to cross a street,he must stop and either lookat the traffic lights or look both ways down the street.And instead oflooking left first,as we do in China,they look right first.To get about in London,visitors should learn to use buses and theunderground.First of all they must know which direction(方向)theyare going to and which bus and which underground train they musttake.At the bus stop they wait for buses to come.As soon as they geton the bus,they must pay for their tickets.1.In England,people go along the left side of the road as we do inChina.2.When they want to cross a street,people in England look right first.3.To go about in London,visitors should leam to drive.4.First of all,visitors must know where to go.5.After people get on a bus,they don t have to pay for their ticketsat once.【知识拓展】交通方式1.“by+交通工具名词”表示交通方式。此时交通工具的名词只能用原形,不能用复数,也不能被冠词或物主代词等修饰。如:My parents often go to work by b u s.我父母常坐公共汽车去上班。He comes here by tax i.他乘出租车来这儿的。2.“by+交通路线的位置(地理名词)”表示交通方式,表示 由.途径。如:by sea(从海路),by water(从水路),by air(由航空;乘飞机),by land(由陆路)等。如:We are going to England by a ir.我们打算乘飞机去英国。3.“in+交通工具名词”表示交通方式。不过此时交通工具名词前须用冠词、名词的所有格形式或形容词性物主代词等限定词修饰。其用法与by+交通工具名词”相同。如:in the plane(taxi,car)=by plane(taxi,car)I usually go to school in a(my)c a r.我通常乘小汽车去上学。4.用“on+限定词+交通工具名词”。也 表 示“乘;坐”之意,也 相 当 于“by+交通工具名词”。不过,o n 多用于开放式或半封闭式交通工具,而上面同学所说的山则多用于封闭式交通工具。试 比 较:Dont come here on the ship(by ship).不要乘船来这里。She goes to the station in a taxi.她乘出租车去车站。5.take a(the)+交通工具名词”表示交通方式,表 示“乘;坐如:take a bus(乘公共汽车),take a train(乘火车)等等。6.“ride+限定词十交通工具名词”表示交通方式,意为“骑如:ride a bike(骑自行车),ride a horse(骑马)等。而 ride to表 示“骑 车(马)去”,相当于 go to.by.o 如:Lily rides a biketo her home.(=Lily goes home by bike.)莉莉骑车回家。7.fly to”表示 乘飞机;飞往”,相当于 go to.by air/plane;drive to 表 示 驱 车/开 车 去”,相 当 于go to.by bus/car/taxi 等。8.表示“步行去某地”可用“g。to+某地+on foot”,也可用“walkto+某地。如:We go to the cinema on foot.(=We walk to thecinema.)我们步行去看电影。Section B【目标呈现】知识目标:词 汇:stop transportation north part river boat must more than cartown ill worry so much短语:bus stop train station subway station bus station want todo sth.walk to school in North America in other parts ofthe world depend on=depend upon not all need to dosth.a number of students the number of,don tworry(about sth./sb.)around the world=all over the world句 型:That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.A small number of students take the subway to school.语法:询问交通方式能力目标:学会谈论交通工具情感目标:合理安排行程,并合理选用交通工具教师寄语:If someone else can do it,you can do it,too.别人能做的事你也能做。【基础巩固】自主学习一、词语检测1.How much we are paid d on how hard we work.2.Beijing is in the n of China.3.There is no bridge over the river,so we must get there byb.4.Don t w.If you can t do it,I can help you.5.You can take many different kinds of t to New York,such as bike,car,bus,train and subway.二、短语互译1、到达 2、四十分钟_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3、校车_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4、决定于_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5、别担心_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6 a small number of_7、take the subwavJ-8、the bus stop_9、six miles_10、take a subwav三、根据提示完成句子1.他一定是李雷。He2.万物生长靠太阳。All living things_for their growth.3.这是一幅中国地图。This is4.你必须保管好自己的东西。You_your things.5.别担心。知识要点1.A small number of students take the subways.少数学生乘地铁。a number o f意 为“许多的;大量的,a small number o f意为“少量的。A(small/large)number o f后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,当其后接不可数名词做主语时,谓语动词用单数;当其后接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数。the number o f 意为“的数量”,其后接可数名词复数作主语,谓语动词用单数。如:The number of the students in Class One is 50.一 班 的学生数量为50人。随堂达标一、单项选择1.does it take you to go to the park by taxi?”About30 minute.”A.How B.How far C.How long D.HowmanyJ2.They re waiting the bus stop.A.on B.in C.at D.for3.do vou think China s education?-J-A.How;like B.What;of C.Where;of D.Who;about4.Beijing is in.A.north China B.the north ChinaC.north of China D.the north of China5.One of the twins is a d o c t o r,i s a policeman.A.other B.others C.the other D.another二、用单词的适当形式填空1.How far J i m(l i v e)from here?2.Th e r e(b e)s i x t y(mi n u t e)in an hour.3.It takes(1)2 h o u r s(d o)my homework.4.Let me(l o ok)at your map.5.That must be a lot more fun t h a n(t a k e)a bus.三、完成句子1.那些老人经常骑车出游。那肯定比老待在家里有乐趣。Those old men often go bike riding.Thatfun than at home.2.他花了 1 小时完成作业。It an hourhis homework.3.“我该乘哪路车?”“这取决于你在哪里。”;_ bus should I?Ityou live.4.请告诉我眼下最流行的度假方式是什么。Please tell me what are thevacation at the moment.5.中国东西部相当不一样。West China_East China.四、短文填空meet had better healthy nothing seriousworry aboutfeel have to healthy and thin exercise littlelook afterHealth is very important,it means everything,so we should(1)ourselves well.But one day Mrs Brown(2)a problem,she(3)both weak and tired.When she worked in the garden,she(4)sit down and rest every five minutes.She was(5)her health,so she went to see a doctor.After lookingher over,the doctor said there was nothing(6)with her,she was only too fat.If she wanted to be(7),she dbetter take enough(8),eat(9)and havemore vegetables,more fruits,(10)meat.【能力提升】语法练习1.does it take you to get there?A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How2.Do you speak Japanese?-Yes,but onl y.A.few B.little C.a few D.a little3.He came and told us important news.A.some B.many C.an D.a few4.do they get to school,by bike or by bus?A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How5.Many children enjoy TV.A.watch B.watching C.to watch D.watched中考链接1.l What are J ohnson s family like?(安徽 2007)A.His family is just like mine.B.They all like sports and games.C.Oh,It s really a big one.D.They are all warm-hearted and helpful.2.Can you speak a little louder?I can hear you.(辽宁 2008)A.hard B.really C.hardly D.clearly.3.The English novel is quite easy for you.There are newwords in it.(江苏 2007)A.a little B.little4.Excuse me,look at the sign-Sorry,I it.A.don t seeC.haven t seenC.a few D.few“N O PHOTOS”.(重庆 2 007)B.didn t seeD.won t see5.Lucy and Lily are twins.Lucy likes playing b a s k e tb a ll,L ilydoesn t.(云南 2 008)A.and B.as C.but D.or小试身手根据下面图画内容及所给的提示词,写一篇5 0词左右的短文来介绍这四幅图画。Liu Mei,get up go,park,by play,friends,happily leave,park,until,four oclock外研新标准初中英语重点词组 成功之路一 1 0 中考重点词组 1235678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334table tennis 乒乓球in front of 在前面dining hall饭厅,饭堂next to 在.旁边have gpt 拥有ice cream 冰淇淋let u s 让我们what about 怎么样?get up 起床go home 回家a pair of 一双;一对一lots of 大量;许多a lot of 大量;许多on television通过电视,在电视上think of 想出polar bear北极熊switch on 接通;开take photos 拍照wait for 等待,等候the Great Wall 长城a good time 美好时光a l o t 非常put on穿上at home 在家hot dog 热狗at the moment 现在,此时look at 看See you later 再 见good night 晚安Spring Festival 春节get ready for 为准备好dragon dance 舞龙Lantern Festival 元宵节353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667sweep away 扫去at work 在工作paper cut 剪纸New Year 新年New Years Eve 新年前夜a few 一 些all the year round 一年至U 头revise fo r温习;复习have a picnic 吃野餐walk up 沿走;登上look forward to 期待do some sightseeing 游览get(from)to (从,)到达go sightseeing 去观光go cycling去骑自行车go shopping去买东西;去购物go out外出in the future在将来,在未来cable TV 有线电视cell phone移动电话no one没有人,无人get warm 变暖heavy rain大雨,暴雨be good at 擅长take around 领某人四处参观think about 思考,考虑bus s to p 公共汽车站ferry terminal 客运码头be bom 出生于primary school 小学living room 起居室go back 回去once upon a time 从前68697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798go for a r id e 去 乘(骑)pick up 捡起look around 向四周看change into 变 成go away 走开,离开at the age o f 在几岁时go through 穿过air force 空军on holiday在度假,在休假do some shopping 买东西,购物play w ith 和-起玩pen friend 笔友each other 互相enjoy yourself 过得快乐all the time 总是,一直take off 起飞come true成为现实more than超过;多于sell out卖光roast duck 烤鸭space station太空站;宇宙空间站space shuttle航天飞机solar system 太阳系head teacher 校长get on(well)with与 相 处(融洽)hear about 听说take part 参加drop out of school 退 学look after 照顾hear of听说on earth 究竟99 i100in addition to 除.以外I of course 当然101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133recording studio 录音室gooff(灯)熄灭;停(电)water skiing 滑水运动a b i t稍微;有点儿shake hands 握手swimming pool 游泳池find out 发现nature reserve自然保护区live on以为食less and less 越来越少for example 例如take place 发生best of a ll最好的from time to time 有 时compared to 和相比较hang on(耐心)等待do some cleaning 打扫卫生wash up 洗tidy up收拾take up 占用all the time 一 直,总是be interested in 对、感兴趣as well as 并且,还such as 比如come o u t出版;出来;开花as a result 结果hold the line(电话用语)等一下right now 现在whether -or not 是 否in fact事实上a co up le几个;两个feel like 觉得by the way顺便说134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166far away 遥远的be afraid to do 害怕做、make friends with 和、交朋友worry about 担心at that moment 在那时day by day 一天天地at first开始look out(for)小心Dont mention it.不 客气。look down向下看ask for 要、close down 关闭;停止播音video camera 录像机turn on 打开come on 赶快save ones life挽救某人的生命turn off 关上be able to 能,会all together 一 起at the end of 在、结束时take off 卸掉/拿走/拔at least 至少pocket money 零用 钱after all 不管怎样;毕竟help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事hurry up 赶快face to face 面 对面的in ones opinion以某人的观点,某人看来plenty of 许多wake up 叫醒as soon as 一、就、all over 遍布count down 倒数167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199get together 聚会a list of 一 列,一栏help o u t帮、克服困难so that目的是on ones own 独自,自己come u p出现,发生give ones life to 献身于in spite of 尽管、in the end 最后take care of 照顾sothat如此、以致、go to college 上大学not,at all 一 点也不、see off 送别、belong to 属于to some extent 从某种程度上讲listen u p注意听get out of 从-内出来/离开on the edge of 处于-的边缘at the bottom of 在-的底部as far a s至于;就-来说not-any more 不再millions of 数百万的run away 逃跑for a tim e暂时;一度grow up 长大talk about 谈论stand f o r代表;象征set u p建立,创 立(公司)first of all 首先see t o负责,注意look through 浏览at a time 一 次200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232by hand 用 手 工(制造)at the beginning of 在的开始rather than 而不是one day 某天pay attention to 集中注意力于as well 也work o u t设法弄懂,计算出try out试用,检验above a l l首先,最重要的是drop in 顺便来访as-as 同一 一样throw away 仍掉,抛弃instead of 代替,而不是do harm to 对-造成伤害make a difference to对-产生重大影响/很重要put up张贴,挂起be made up of 有-组成,构成a number of 许多have a look at 看-一眼similar to 同-相似on the right/left 在左边/右边pick up 接,拣起even though 即使over there在那边have a word with 和某人说几句话win the heart of 赢得-的心ever since从一开始(以来)give up 放弃bump into 碰 见junk food 垃圾食品along with 与-一起thanks to 由于,多亏add to 向-增加233 make progress取得进步234 place of interest 名胜古迹235 fiUin 填写236 check in 登记入住;办理等机手续237 getoff下(火车、公共汽车等)238 eiteror 要么、要么、239 fall off 从、跌落240 lead a,-life 过生活241 show o f f 显示;炫耀242 keep to 沿着、走243 lead the way 领路;带路244 fall asleep 入睡245 reach o u t伸手去摸246 in order to 为了247 in the open air 在露天248 no matter 无论249 in place of 代替250 stay in touch 保持联系251 pay back 偿还252 play the role of 扮演角色第三讲 Module 3 Plans理想与成功的距离理想与成功之间的距离是什么?答案很简单:就是努力、意志和坚持。理想与成功是每个理想追求者都必须考虑和面对的问题。只要我们稍为总结和归纳一下,我们就不难发现:大凡成功人士,从小都有一个远大的理想或目标。在实现目标的过程中,肯定会碰到种种困难、困惑或困境,然后必须付出正常人很难想象的不断努力。这个过程往往是非常痛苦的,甚至是一般人难以想象和忍受的。他们之所以能够成功,就是因为有一种非常的意志叫坚强,有一种非常的理念叫坚持,有一种非常的方法叫努力。在现实生活中,理想是美好的,理想是可以在一瞬间产生的。但理想和现实之间,理想和成功之间的距离往往需要努力和坚持去拉近并最终到达目的地。理想的实现者和未能实现理想的失败者之间的差别,往往不是输在起点上,而是输在过程中。他们之间的差距不是智商,而是情商。眼界决定境界,态度决定高度,过程决定结果,努力决定胜利,坚持决定成功。同样的目标,同样的起点,但对不同的人来说却有不同的态度。如果只有百分之一的机会,你会采取什么态度?积极乐观的人,会以百分之一百的努力去争取;而悲观消极的人,则半途而废就放弃了。这就是差别,这就是距离。有时候,也许离成功只有一步之遥,但懦弱者就主动提前结束奋斗的历程了,这是多么令人叹息呀!为了实现心中的理想,你就必须努力、坚持、坚定、坚强和坚信。坚持就是胜利,放弃就是白费努力!学习目标:1.掌握本单元的重点词汇和句型第一组:1 .at the weekend 在周末2.get up early早起床3.turn on the computer 打开电脑查邮件5.listen to the music 听音乐lesson上钢琴课7.revise for my test 复习考试4.check the email6.have a piano第二组:1.look forward to doing 期待 2.do some sightseeing/gosightseeing旅游,去观光3.walk up 沿.走,登上 4.enjoy the sun and the sea享受阳光和大海5.lie on the beach 躺在沙滩上 6.travel around the world周游世界重点句型:a)I m going to have a piano lesson.b)Would you like to come?c)What about you?d)We re looking forward to Dragon Boat Festival2.能够掌握计划、打算、意图的表达与询问。3.能够掌握be going t o的意义和用法4.培养学生养成良好的有计划的生活和学习的习惯温故知新一 .根据句意和首字母填空。1 .Darning is r for the test.2.We are going to w up the Great Wall.3.1 am going to visit Disneyland b I like Mickey mouse.4.She is looking f to seeing her daughter.5.We are going to have a p in the park.ready,walk,because,forward,picnic;二.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1 .would you lik e(c o m e)?2.We a r e(l o o k)forward to Dragon Boat Festival3.H e(b e)g o in g to go to the cinema now.4.What are you going to do o n(w e e k e n d).5.W h a t(b e)he going to go shopping.to come,looking,is,weekends,is三.根据汉语提示完成句子。1.周六晚上你打算做什么?are you going to on Saturday morning.2.他们打算住旅馆里。They are going to in a.3.我妈妈不打算全世界旅游。My mother going to travel the world.4.你不喜欢足球。You like football.5.你朋友周日打算做什么?What your friend to do on Sunday.What,do;live hotel,isn,t,around;don t;is,going语法专项:介词(一)表示时间的介词的用法:1.表 示“在何时”常用介词at,on,ino1.Do you often get up early the morning,Lingling?A.at B.on C.in D.


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