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湖北省宜昌市中考英语模拟试卷 满分10分,考试时间120分钟 上传校勘:柯教师 第一部分:听力测试(25分) I.听对话选择图片:你将听到五段小对话, 请你根据听到的对话内容,选择相应的图片。每段对话之后你将有5秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。共5小题,计5分。 A E F 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4._ 5._I 听对话回答问题:你将听到六段对话,每段对话之后你将看到一种或几种问题。请根据听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话之后你将有至0秒钟的答题时间。听两遍。共10小题,计10分。请听第六至八段对话,回答第至8三个小题。6 here a hestdn meetn?.At the park.B. t te square.CAt te librry.7 ware ey gonghoe?A.By busB.Bybwy. B txi. Whas te weather like tmor?A. Riny . Sun. CCloudy 请听第九段对话, 回答第9至0两个小题。9. Whas wrog ih Jaes?A. Hewnt toa octo. His stomach hrt.C. He aoo muc.10Whois Jlie ? .A teaher.B. Adocor.C. sudnt请听第十段对话, 回答第至2两个小题。1. Where are he peaers talking now?A. On the telphone. .At t rprt. C. n th pane.12 Whatis e man doing? A.he is bkin her fight . She isaling about rtrelig. C. She smkingsurse has booedh flit.请听第十一段对话, 回答第13至15三个小题。1. How mch pcet moy dos the irlgt fo her faherech week? A. 14 yuan.40 uan. 0 yun14 Where oestegs fthept s sert ny? A In is ocetB.In o der hi e.C.In hswallet.1.Wais te girl goingto doit some teoney?A o buysombooks and nacks B. To av a eekend party.C. Topu itune her ed. II 听短文选择答案:你将听到一段短文,然后你将看到5个问题,请根据听到的短文内容选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。听完短文之后你有一分钟时间回答所提问题。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。16. Was lunh reay henthe bo home? Yes, it wa. No,tasn. Yes, not deicius. 17 Why idth bo run outof he hos?A. Becashehad n eam. ecse he uareled th his moher. C Becuehedidnt lie heluh oo.18. Whatd hebysee ohis dk en he gotintthe classroom?A. A pencil bo.B. lunch ox.C. Ait bx19. Who brught the fvorie foodothe clasrm?A. Theboysmothr.B The os cassmates.C Th boyhiel.20Whats he bo talkin au?A. A speialam.BMothend child. Deep moterlve.IV. 听短文填写表格:你将听到一段短文,请你根据短文内容,完毕表格中的有关信息。听完短文之后你有一分钟时间填写表格内空缺的内容。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。 2._ in our soolWhWhatowmanyHw muchPedoNoteoos iv2._ dy23.An_globe O ¥2.00Mss Yang24._ 5._ ¥10.0第二部分:语言知识及运用(30分)V. 单选:从下列各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一种可以填入空白处的最佳选项。共1小题,计5分。26. -y cluao _. Whatcan I do i the at cas? -Dontwry. Lets go t Lost and Found. s boe onB. etworkC. isostD has worn out7.-Exuse me, pleaseok a the sig _.-Srry, I didntseeit m puting thecigrt A. NO SMOKING. NOPKNGC. N TEGD. NO WMMIN28-ould yu _turnigdown the usic little bt?sto oisy. - curs not Ilo it rght y. A. adviseB. ccdC. lke D. ind 9 -Hae uredtays mornig pe? -Not _. Wa te lates news aothehand-foot-out iseae?A. onlyB.yt. vrD just 3. -Mum,I sorry _m Enlihtest in, thoughItried y bet. -Oh, eivein orself andull mkeprorss at laA. pased.failedC. haD. k31 -Our clssh wo hers place of he iendsh basketball match. -_. Iwa mpesd by th prfomanceof your ta.AThats OK NohingmchC. Al rigD. ongraulans 32. - dt ave a rtnr o play table tnns with Wh_ a otclub oracte a t?A. dontoinB ot joiin. no to joi. dont y join33.-Brue, owdidou like th moe you aw last night? -It w _ I et te cnem halfatroh t orignalB eil C. boring D. retiv 4. -Sall I takyou o th soping all te work? -No,thnks. M fathr saiheo _ n his wayhomeA. lookfo me B ic e upC. le dwD. tae ftr m 3. -They aredisusig what o dofo th diabled- _is necessry to prvide hm wth morepositiosA.atThisC. ID. There 36. -Id likt choose ligt blu a my edro co. -_. The olr bin me aeaing n peacefl felng A. I areeB. I sups s Icant deD. Imfraid ot 37-Listen! Katy is playg the pianin e nx room. -It _ not e Kat Shs gn Hangzouto isit the Cs-se Bridg A. cnB. ust edD.shall . -Ho lng hs e tionwid a(严禁) o plsibag een pu into ractice? -_ the bginning of Je A.Behid B Since. Ang D.At39. -I wonder _y know bou th 29thOlympc toc(火炬) -t is ceimr high, eigh 980 gams.AohevyB.how hghC how mch. howl 40. -What do you thik of t o AHw ree wrtten by a oa writ? -It reminds e f e ds _ I pent in the ontryside.A wheB.ht who whee V. 完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给A、C、D四个选项中选择一种最佳选项。共1小题,计1分。I ant blieth oewormy seven-ar-ol sn brins oe! I have siwih mevry afternoo inrer t see al te hmewk (4).There s s mc wok and he is vey (42)aftrol I av t ve him a little timu, hec sm ()jt gt relaxed n front the V. The we ninuedand (44) a few hors a last finish allt homework. I dont remmber havingso much work hen Ias t hi(45) I dnt eembr itben s hard!I seems to e asif I m paying teschoo and they are sendinmyhild () so u workfor meto (47) hi d!hy do teydo ll ths wok at schol? Ithi tese (4)re doingthestudnt great a(伤害)! They hodt b(4) o gve the isso c wr to do on thei (5).Then te sportis phe aain nd again!I he awaybee a (51) o spos,ut can se hat my sn s no asnereste s I (2) to. Ican ee ht hwould atherreordo smthing (53) liedraa art.Iwol love him to bea ortn, bu if h isnt (5) hans,tenI wud rthe he was appyKids ould (55) tirown intestnd nobemae t do wa other peolwantth to do! 41A. compadB followedC. crected done42.A. trdB inflned. surprisedD.eae 3 AbtB.orC. anD.ten4.A.lesB. afrdsC. taesD. ites4.A rationB. teC. mmet. age46. koedgeB.xeiment. oD. exle47. A. iect . chck .nure.hep4. A.schosB.bransC choicesD. dfferene. A. readeB.suggestC.allowed. mangd50. A. srceB ownC. enery. sme51. A. tanger. discvrCmerD.lover5. ApendB sd ageedD.ihd 3 A. triB.nevous. elseD. sul54. A.whatB. whC whoDwhs. A. ecivBiss . delopD. ahie第三部分:阅读与写作(分)VII阅读理解:读、B两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案;读篇短文,将其选项中的五个句子还原到短文当中。共15小题,计30分。 ABargaiing srule erin Beijn. At east, t isoin most mrktsnd bck-sret othessh. Bargaiin is an artand f o re fmiliar(不熟悉)wh i,wdliketoffu some adice he tips(窍门) here ae ofen sedin eijng btmayepyouat y plai the worl whre bargaining s prcticed.D NOT say howmuhyo wat topy or an te(物品) unl is nea the en ofthebargaiing. Alay ty ad dop th ellesoerig pic asuch a psibe efore pennyour muth wi aprie.DO thoout rally lwprices ik 1 RMB with big l.DOkee smling from tebeginnig tothe end Theeleusually contues argaiing with app smiingface.Getig angrhardl gesyo the priceyo wnt.KEEinmnd thepiceoffee bythe sller t beginnin is ually atleast 40% ver th enerlly rale prce. It n e up to 00% ve.DO hve an id of what he imcss. oan ask your rens, peoplithehotel or ots youow, or oo t thelist below. Thi isver gneral andis based(根据) on maret lk Xi Shui u o be be t gt te loest prices at Xiu hu, especially on wekendwhen tee arelots of trits ron.56. Whi his psge writfr?A. Oner o backstret shops.B. usiessme n eigC hoswhoaregood t arainingD.Thos wo tavel inBeijin.5. Wh is te topic the writer is ail aking aoutinhs passge? A Bijing maket.B. Barganng is. . Loest pre. Sellers ffe. 8.What th mst ora tingt doibarainin withth selle? A Keep siin. Be patien. C. ont et agryD. Dot sy ayhing 59. WhatisNT cluded in the tps ften sed o brgain inijing?A. F u thetruepce and goo themrkets ith friends.B.on offe u price uil te en o the argainingwit asmil. ro he llers ffering pice four r ivetis(倍)uil hgres.D. Dot o to rkets at ttime when thre a too mny torist. 60. Whchofthe flling can help you geta iteyou want at the lowestri?A. Whenever you oshopig, ak a ricelis with yu. BYou cn agn or anythin a the pe of10 RM.C The ic range(范畴) foryou to bagain is usually btwen 40% d500 D Xi Shui Maret is thebgest oigcenterwe price a lways reasonaeBight is js oneot tousands o fatures yu genes(基因)decid. In fct, ecuse you av t aents, our gees prvide ou a ight haual lnds smewee beten te heigh o each parent. If bohyourprnts ar tal, thn otprobably you wl be tall, too,but ou haveustionsabot how tal ore going toe, as yu doco if heor she cahelpyu find it ou.But genes dont deid eeyhing.rxample, etigan uhealthyt ca kyou fromgrowg yo ful pnil(潜力). Geting plenty of seepan enough eercise wil hep yougrow o th excted heitNo dobt(怀疑)youreonerigow ft you soud ro It deen.Tres no pfect o ri nsw. Generallyspeakin, kis gro out inch (cetimeter) ayea bewe age 3ad tti when they sar pubet (henour bdtarscnging and becoming erowup)Your doctor wil k wyu goh haben ong ve the years. Twcenimetrs hre and 2inches tre are not nery as imprtant the hight ourat n, hoyouebeen gwinp t ths poin, d whaoe changeyour boy may beog hughDonbesare if useemtoae rown lotn a vey short tme eryoe s agroth spurt(高峰)uring ut. The age fr starting brt isbut 10orgirlsand about 1 fr boys. Bu i ca e eare rlat -beteen ad 1 frgirsand 9 and fr boys.Youl uy begin to ice tat yre growinfaste aou ayea oro after yurbody startt sw the firsthang fpberty. . he Chins for the word“puety” is _. A 童年时期B.婴幼儿时期 C习惯养成期 . 生长发育期62.If oant kow o at and ow talou shold ow, _ . ousoul hae enoheciseB.yu cn kdoctor fo he C. ou shoulsa te enviroen. You can recd your grothduing pubrt 3 Ths passage is manlyaot _. A. howth gne woki yourbodB hen s h me ouow fst .wy yo ok ikeourarentsD oyourow o cetainheiht 64. Afer eaigthi psa,we ca exlain _. A. howgodit i to be doctorB. how uch sleep ime w ee C.wy enes nt ede eerythigD. wat eahydtis6. Wch isNOT mentioned in tepasag? A. You higt mos probablydpends on how hgyparntsare. B.Girls age forstartn pubr i uuay rierth that foros. C. Th im shoing te firschng f puberty isnevr ntice . ou may be scd sometimes h grow to fas.CA runinaysaythig B. they ofn find thm in riky sitaiosit ay be naural D. teseids aemoreesito get affee(感染)E. n one resabout thm .you proabl imagineWn yu thnk about runig way, (6) _ht trwil beomor ruls,no prent to tel ouwhatto do, nomore fights. Sonds get d ectig, riht?Ifact, (6)_ bu u. Kis wo run ay ae probes lkothinganyony, foo to e,a sf placeto slep, r anyoneto takce f th.Poe wih n ome and nomonybeome rady todo yhig just to meet therryay esBeas of this, ()_tat wou b terrible vn fr adlts unaway kis join i danerus cries(犯罪) uch moreoften ha ki who lve ahme.Kds who li on h strets oten hve to sal(偷)fr a lvig. Mantk dru to ethrogh theay becaue he become so sad an eel ht (69)_. Soeareord(被迫) to d this the wouldnt normaly do to akeney. The umber oksith I rIDS nd oherdiseases is hghe n teets, too, bause(70) _. This roem is atactigmore admore ttntonVI. 写作:本大题共三部分,计35分。A.根据所给汉语完毕下列句子。(共5小题,计10分)71 有些孩子喜欢开着灯睡觉。Som chldreprefer t slee _ 72. 请问她目前身体康复了吗?an you tell m_?3. 她激动得说不出话来。She wa soexcid _.74. 她看上去很悲哀,我们让她振奋起来吧!Hookss. _! 5. 有时一种广告会使你买某些你主线不需要的东西。 Attmes an adeisetcaledyou t buy omeing_.B.模仿写作: (计1分)汶川地震,全国诸多地方均有震感。请你根据下面方框中所给词语,模仿anra对当时经历的描述,把Benny的描述补充完整。字数080。Sna:I was mos asleep hI fl th bedrocking. Sddnly I ntedoublind(百页窗) moving. S Iuicly lkd round t e whta happeing.I foundm cen anwas moigatough I tured it off a momentgo. I quily okeu ychildren nd we ef te buldig asquickly as ossil. fl yaoi andse the cmpuer akinhear nois coig from the shaking indweeati goingn shkeasif i ging tofall wake u mousemte Beny:I ws i m offic _C. 创新写作:(计15分)下面是汶川地震中的一张照片。它记录了一种叫郎铮的三岁男孩在地震十小时后被解放军从废墟(debis)中救出(rescue)。躺在担架(sretcher)上的她慢慢地举起右手向救她的人敬礼(satto)。请你以“感动”为题,用英语简朴描述这个故事并写出你的感想。规定:故事描述要涉及提供的所有信息。字数:80-100。短文开头已给出,不计入总字数。odA1:28on May12, earthquae brokoutn Wnchua. oon peple all oerhina t t th resce. _参照答案及评分原则听力答案I. 5ABCF II 10 CC 1115 ACCBA 120 CBA(10每题1分。与所给答案不符的不得分。) . 1. (chay) sle 2. ¥.002. niml (ow) 24. Ds 5. everl(225每题分;与所给答案不符的不得分。)笔试答案. 单选 63 AB3135 DCB640 BABB(2640每题1分。与所给答案不符的不得分。)VI 完形填空 4145 ABCD460 CDCB515 DCA(15每题1分。与所给答案不符的不得分。)VI.阅读理解5660BAAC16BC670 E(560每题2分。与所给答案不符的不得分。)III.写作A.完毕句子71. wit he (bedoom) ligh(s)on if/ter es wellin od hal now. hat s couldnt spea/say a wor/ say ig4.et heer him up 75 (hat/which) yu o ned t 15每题分。单词拼写错误两处扣1分(按本大题合计计分),构造错误一处扣1分。模仿写作 Oneobleeron:eny: ws in my offic when Ife my cair movig andsaw hecoputer sain.Suddenly Ihad nose cmg fo my shaking wdos o quikl looed arountosewhat as ging on. Thceiln fa ws hang as f itwas gngt fall. I quly woke up y ousemats adwel e uiding sqil a possile.本题答案有五处和范文不同.每对的使用一处得2分。 动词时态错误每处扣.5分,构造错误每处扣1分。C. 创新写作 One possible versio: Movd 4:8on ay12,n athquae bke ou in Weh Soo ele l oer hina went to eescue. Athree-yer-lboy nmedLhng was esedfth debrs b th PLA mnenour ter teehak. While he was ying th sttch, helwly rised hs rght had an salte to t solies His saute notonlepresed hi than to the peop ho avd hi,bt alo mved he pople aoud him I was so eepy moe byhis slteAs a hreeyr-odboy,he knew tht hefistthi todo asto exress his thans fterhewas sad.t is the good natureof theChiesepole. 评分细则:1. 本大题共5分, 按4个档次给分。评分时先根据短文内容和语言体现的精确限度进档, 然后根据细节拟定分数。. 描述故事分,缺少一种要点(姓名、年龄、获救时间、施救人、获救后做的事情)扣1.分。谈感想部分7分。书写工整1分。词数不够扣1-5分。 评分档次:第一档:(1215分) 能涵盖所有要点, 行文连贯,语言流畅, 无语法和习常用法错误。故事描述完整,谈感想部分有真情实感。第二档:(91分) 能涵盖所有要点, 行文基本连贯,语言比较流畅, 但有少量语法和习常用法错误。故事描述缺少要点,谈感想部分比较平淡。第三档:(58分) 能涵盖大部分要点,但行文不够连贯, 并有少量语法和习惯体现错误。第四档:(04分) 只体现了一、两个要点,语言错误比较多, 但有个别句子可读。


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