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职称英语知识要点重点解说大全 2023年4月23日目 录一、职称英语报考指南1二、职称英语考试技巧5三、阅读练习68一、职称英语报考指南报名时间每年11月中下旬(双休日除外),逾期不再补报。考试时间全国专业技术人员职称英语级别考试一般为每年4月的第二个星期日举办考试级别/合用范畴如下是全国职称外语级别考试级别划分及合用范畴,请人们根据自己的职称英语规定选择报考。考试级别 申报职称 职称系列A级B级C级高校教师专家、副专家讲师自然科学研究与社会科学研究研究员、副研究员助理研究员社会科学研究(研究员、副研究员第二外语)卫生技术(医、药、护、技)主任医(药、护、技)师副主任医(药、护、技)师主治(管)医(药、护、技)师 在县及县如下所属单位工作的人员申报正、副主任医(药、护、技)师,在县及县如下所属单位工作的人员申报主治(管)医(药、护、技)师。工程技术高档工程师(含专家级高档工程师)工程师 在县及县如下所属单位工作的人员申报高档工程师(含专家级高档工程师)在县及县如下所属单位工作的人员申报工程师。农业技术农业技术推广研究员高档农艺师农艺师实验技术高档实验师实验师中学教师中学高档教师中档专业学校教师高档讲师讲师技工学校教师高档讲师(高档实习指引教师)讲师经济专业高档国际商务师高档经济师 国际商务师经济师 助理国际商务师会计专业高档会计师会计师记录专业高档记录师记录师审计专业高档审计师审计师体育教练员国家级教练高档教练一级教练工艺美术专业高档工艺美术师工艺美术师翻译专业译审、副译审(第二外语)翻译(第二外语)播音专业播音指引主任播音员一级播音员新闻专业高档记者(高档编辑)主任记者(主任编辑)记者(编辑)艺术(广播电视艺术)艺术一级艺术二级、主任舞台技师艺术三级、舞台技师出版专业编审副编审编辑(一级校对)文博专业、图书资料专业、档案专业研究馆员副研究馆员馆员公证员一级公证员二级公证员三级公证员律师一级律师二级律师三级律师报考类别的选择综合类,理工类,卫生类考试原则上没有严格的界线。综合类文章可以考到理工类去,理工类可以考到卫生类和综合类。三类考试之间没有严格界线辨别。国家在每位考生评估职称的时候,究竟规定是理工类成绩,卫生类成绩,基本上国家还没有明确规定。如果你评估主任医师,卫生类职称,你可以考综合类,也可以考卫生类。严格意义上没有很严格的规定。究竟决定报综合类,理工类,还是卫生类,有两个根据。一方面问一下自己单位的人,要评估职称要报什么类比较合适。如果单位没有明确规定和规定的话,可以根据自己的现状选择,如果工作中接触的文章都是理工类的文章,那就报理工类。如果接触的文章是社会类文章,那就报综合类。免考规定获得外语(从事翻译工作人员及外语教师第二外语)专业专科及以上学历的人员申报中、高档职称评审;获得博士学位申报高档(含正高档)职称评审;获得研究生学位申报中级职称评审;留学回国人员初次参与职称评审;申报副高档职称评审时已获得职称外语合格证书(含1977年终前参与工作人员外语成绩达到45分)的人员申报正高档职称评审;参与全国工商公司出国培训备选人员外语考试,通过中()级者申报中级职称评审,通过高(A)级者申报高档职称评审等五类考 生可罢职称外语级别考试。凡参与国家人事部和北京市人事局组织的各类专业技术资格考试和职(执)业资格考试获得资格证书的人员,聘任单位可根据岗位需要自主决定相应聘人员的外语水 平规定。凡实行考核结合的系列(专业)及体育教练员、工艺美术、广播电视艺术、技校高档实习指引教师系列(专业),外语考试成绩可不作为申报条件,其合格 成绩或当年考试成绩作为职称评审的要素之一。注意事项为了保证报考信息的精确采集和解决,报考人员在报名和考试时要注意如下事项:1、根据各省市人事厅(局)考试中心发布的报名程序和规定,到指定的报名点领取报名表。如果规定实行光电阅读器-计算机自动采集报名信息,还要领取报名信息卡和报考手册。由单位集体组织报名的,应按本人所在单位规定的具体程序报考。2、如实、精确、工整地填写报名表中的各有关项目,并由所在单位加盖公章。使用报名信息卡的,除按规定填写报名表外,还应严格按照报考手册中规定的填涂工具和填涂规定,认真、精确添涂好报名信息卡。报名表和报名信息卡填好后,应认真检查,保证报名的填写和报名信息卡的填涂精确无误。3、携带报名表、报名信息卡、照片、身份证和其他所需证件到报名点办理报名手续,报名点发给每一报考人员一种报名序号,该报名序号应保存好,以备后用。二、职称英语考试技巧给人们说说关怀的“字典”问题:针对职称英语考试中的第一部分词汇题,我建议人们带一本同义词词典(双解词典),此类词典的特点是用几种同义词注解某一英文单词,人们可以非常以便地在注解中找到答案。有了字典,又该如何查呢?我常常听到有学员在答疑室中说:某某单词在字典里查不到,其实不是字典里没有,而是她们不会查,最常用到的状况有两种:第一种:分不清单词词性;如:1. Before leaving the house, she closed the windows. 2. She is close to success.两句话里均有close,但是词性不同,第一句话里的是动词,由于有形式上的变化(-ed);而第二句话里的close跟在is的背面,并且形式上没有变化,因此判断为形容词。当寻找她们的同义词时,应针对不同的词性加以判断。这一点对于人们来说非常重要!第二中:分不清划线单词是原形,目前分词或过去式:如:Her sister urged her to apply for the job. (P602)advisedB.causedC.forcedD.promised如果去字典里查urged,固然是查不到的。Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first.(P461)posted B. SentC.handed D. Given接下来,我们一起练几题,人们可以八仙过海各显神通,看谁做得又快又好!1.Practically all animals communicate through sounds.AClearlyBAlmostCAbsolutelyDBasically2. The story was very touching.AInspiringBBoringCMovingDabsorbingYou should have blended the butter with the sugar thoroughly.ASpreadBMixedCBeatenDcovered4. I wont tolerate that kind of behaviour.A.bearB.acceptC.admitD.take 5. The index is the governments chief gauge of future economic activity.A.methodB.measureC.wayD.manner阅读理解常用提问方式 1.有关主旨题的提问方式:1) The main(重要的)idea(思想,主意)of this passage(文章) is 2)Which of the following(下列的)statements(句子)best expresses(体现) the main idea of the passage?3) The passage mainly discusses(讨论)4)This passage mainly deals with(波及) 5) The authors purpose(意图) in writing this passage is 6)What is the passage mainly about?2.有关细节题的提问方式: 1)Some people do sth. because _?2)According to the passage, we can know that _.3)What ? Which ? Who (Whom) ? When (What time)4)Which of the following statements is true except.? Which of the following statementsis not mentioned? Which of the following is mentioned? Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? 3.有关词语释义题的提问方式:1) The word “”in line(行) refers to(指) 2) In paragraph 4,“ it ” refer to (means) 4.有关推理判断题的提问方式: 1) It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that.2) Which of the following can be inferred?3) It can be concluded (结论) from the passage that . 5.有关作者观点意图题的提问方式:1) The authors main(重要的)purpose(目的) in this passage is.2) The authors purpose of writing this passage is.3) In this passage the authors attitude(见解)could best.4) The authors main thought(思想) is that众所周知,阅读理解题的成败关乎到考试能否及格,因此一定要掌握好的解题措施,在人们词汇量都不是诸多的状况下,措施就显得极其重要!阅读理解例题:例一:Light Night,Dark Stars1. Thousands of people around the globe step outside to gaze at their night skyOn a clear night, with no clouds, moonlight,or artificial lights to block the view,people can see more than 14,000 stars in the sky,says Dennis Ward,an astronomer with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research(UCAR)in Boulder,ColoBut when people are surrounded by city lightshe says,theyre lucky to see 150 stars2. If youve ever driven toward a big city at night and seen its glow from a great distance, youve witnessed light pollutionIt occurs when light from streetlights,office buildings,signs,and other sources streams into space and illuminates the night skyThis haze of light makes many stars invisible to people on EarthEven at night,big cities like New York glow from light pollution, making stargazing difficult。 3. Dust and particles of pollution from factories and industries worsen the effects ot light pollution“If one city has a lot more light pollution than another,”Ward says,“that city will suffer the effects of light pollution on a much greater scale”4. Hazy skies also make it far more difficult for astronomers to do their jobs.5. Cities are getting largerSuburbs are growing in once dark,rural areasLight from all this new development is increasingly obscuring tile faint light given off by distant starsAnd if scientists cant locate these objects,they cant learn more about them6. Light pollution doesnt only affect star visibilityIt can harm wildlife tooIts clear that artificial light call attract animals,making them go off course”Theres increasing evidenceFor example, that migrating birds use sunsets and sunrises to help find their way, says Sydney Gauthreaus Jr., a scientist at Clemson University in South Carolina“When light occurs at night,” he says, “it has a very disruptive influence”Sometimes birds fly into lighted towers,high rises,and cables from radio and televisioll towersExperts estimate that millions of birds die this way every year.1. When can people see 14000 stars?A When they have a fairly good telescopeB When they are in a large cityC When the night sky is clear of clouds,moonlight and artificial lightsD When the night sky is without haze and fog2Which of the following statements is NOT related to light pollution?A A haze of light formed from artificial lights such as streetlights and building lightsB Lights from different sources in the city stream into space and illuminate the night skyC The night sky is illuminated by the lights from big glowing cities in the nightD Stargazing becomes difficult because there is a layer of haze in the air3.Does the writer think growing cities affect astronomerswork?Why does he think so?A YesBecause the once dark rural areas are polluted by lightsB NoBecause they can still see stars in rural areasC.YesBecause rural areas are not a good place for astronomers to study stars。D. No. Because faint light given off by stars call still be seen on a clear night4. How does light pollutiotl affect wildlife? Which of the following is NOT correct?A . Animals may go off course due to the attraction of artificial lightsB . Animals might be attracted by artificial lights to go into citiesC. Artificial lights at night may make migrating birds lose their wayD Attracted by artificial lights,birds fly into lighted buildings5Which of the following is closest in meaning to the title”Light Night,Dark Stars”?A. The night sky is light colored and stars are blackB. Lights appear at night and stars are seen in the darkC. Cities lights illunfinate the night sky and make stars invisibleD City lights at night illuminate stars in the sky先理解标题,推测文章内容:Light Night,Dark Stars。没有生词,明亮的夜晚,灰暗的星空。只是看题目,还不易推测出文章的重要内容,因此,要迅速浏览全文,看能否找到浮现频率较高的词或短语,它们有也许就是文章的核心!人们看到了我用黑线标出了浮现频率最多的短语:light pollution.因此可以推测文章的内容和光污染有关。接下来判断所给5题的题型,我们发现1至4都是细节题,因此只需要找到核心词逐个回答即可。而第5题是主旨题,并且是最后一题,因此要等文章读完后最后做。1. When can people see 14000 stars?A When they have a fairly good telescope当她们有一种非常不错的望远镜B When they are in a large city当她们在大都市时C When the night sky is clear of clouds,moonlight and artificial lights当夜空中没有云、月光和人造灯光时D When the night sky is without haze and fog当夜空没有阴霾和大雾时分析:核心词很容易找14000 stars,在第一段浮现了该词:Thousands of people(数以千计的人) around the globe (世界上)step outside(走出去) to gaze at(凝视) their night skyOn a clear(晴朗的) night, with no clouds, moonlight,or artificial (人造的)lights to block(遮挡、挡住) the view,people can see more than 14,000 stars in the sky(答案C),says Dennis Ward,an astronomer(天文学家) with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research(UCAR)in Boulder,ColoBut when people are surrounded (被。包围)by city lightshe says,theyre lucky to see 150 stars补充:请注意短语:be clear of sth: 无阻碍、障碍、危险如:Wait until the road is clear of traffic before crossing.(等到路上没车时再过马路。)2Which of the following statements(论述) is NOT related to(同。有关) light pollution?A A haze of light is formed from artificial lights such as streetlights and building lights(阴霾的光是由人造光而形成的,如路灯和建筑物的光)B Lights from different sources in the city stream into space and illuminate the night sky来自于不同来源的光进入太空并照亮了夜空C The night sky is illuminated by the lights from big glowing cities in the night夜空由晚上大都市发出的光照亮D Stargazing(star + gazing观望星星) becomes difficult because there is a layer of haze in the air由于空气中有一层霾,因此观望星星变得困难分析:本题的核心词是light pollution,并且按照题目的题号应当在文章的前面,因此从第二段找找看:If youve ever driven toward a big city at night and seen its glow from a great distance(答案C), youve witnessed(见证、目睹) light pollutionIt occurs when light from streetlights,office buildings,signs,and other sources streams into space and illuminates the night sky(答案A,B表述)This haze of light makes many stars invisible to people on EarthEven at night,big cities like New York glow from light pollution, making stargazingdifficult(请注意这句话并不是答案D,她们不同,该句是说:甚至在晚上,许多像纽约这样的大都市所产生的灯光使观望星星变得困难。)因此,D的表述同光污染没有关联。3.Does the writer think growing cities affect astronomers work?Why does he think so?A YesBecause the once dark rural areas are polluted by lights由于曾经黑暗的乡村地区被光污染了B NoBecause they Call still see stars in rural areasC.YesBecause rural areas are not a good place for astronomers to study stars由于乡村地区不是一种好的研究星星的地方。D. No. Because faint light given off by stars call still be seen on a clear night分析:题目是说:不断扩大的都市会影响天文学家的工作吗?为什么她会这样觉得?在A答案中我们可以看到线索词:polluted 和lights.因此,根据阅读的规律,只要和线索词有关的答案,多半就是最后答案。如果人们想检查答案与否对的的话,也可以带着核心词astronomers 去找答案:Hazy skies also make it far more difficult for astronomers to do their jobs.通过对句子的分析,排除答案B,D.留下A,C.在接下来的段落中可以对答案加以判断:Cities are getting largerSuburbs(郊区) are growing in once dark,rural areasLight from all this new development is increasingly obscuring(使。变得模糊) the faint (单薄的)light given off by distant starsAnd if scientists cant locate(拟定。的位置) these objects,they cant learn more about them总结:做阅读理解时人们需要牢牢抓住文章的中心或核心词,只要被选项中有核心内容的浮现就可以推测为对的答案! 4. How does light pollution affect wildlife? Which of the following is NOT correct?A . Animals may go off course due to the attraction of artificial lights由于受到人造光的吸引,动物们也许偏离航向B . Animals might be attracted by artificial lights to go into cities动物们也许会受到人造光的吸引而进入都市C. Artificial lights at night may make migrating birds lose their way夜间的人造光也许会使迁徙的鸟类们迷路D Attracted by artificial lights,birds fly into lighted buildings由于受到人造光的吸引,鸟类飞进有光的建筑物里。分析:题目是说:光污染是如何影响野生动物?下列哪个说法不对的?核心词就是wildlife,在最后一段里,可以找到内容: Light pollution doesnt only affect star visibilityIt can harm wildlife tooIts clear that artificial light call attract animals,making them go off course”(答案A)Theres increasing evidenceFor example, that migrating birds use sunsets and sunrises to help find their way, says Sydney Gauthreaus Jr., a scientist at Clemson University in South Carolina“When light occurs at night,” he says, “it has a very disruptive(破坏性的) influence(答案C)”Sometimes birds fly into lighted towers(答案D),high rises,and cables from radio and televisioll towersExperts estimate that millions of birds die this way every year.因此,答案B并未提到。5Which of the following is closest(最接近的) in meaning(意思) to the titleLight Night,Dark Stars?A. The night sky is light colored and stars are black夜空是浅色的而星星是黑色的B. Lights appear at night and stars are seen in the dark光显目前夜晚而在黑暗中人们看见星星C. Cities lights illunfinate the night sky and make stars invisible都市的灯光照亮了夜空而使得星星已经无法看见D City lights at night illuminate stars in the sky夜晚的都市的灯光照亮了天空中的星星。分析:本题是唯一的一道主旨题,因此需要纵观全文。通过我们对前4题的解答,完全可以判断出文章的主题就是说:由于不断扩大的都市,越来越多的都市灯光,已经成为一种污染,使得天空中的星星黯然失色,因此答案就是C。例二:Declining Interest in Developing Foreign Language Skills1. Australias foreign language skills are declining, voice of America has reported. New figures show that only 13 percent of high school graduates can speak a foreign language. But four decades ago, 40 percent had foreign language skills.2. Professor Elise Tipton, from the University of Sydney, says increasingly students do not feel the need to learn another language to boost their career. She believes that Australias economic boom, which is driven by red-hot demand for its minerals, is helping mask serious deficiencies in its language skills.3. Australia does business very successfully in English with most of its trading partners. But as the worlds economic power shifts to emerging regions such as Asia, its language gap could soon be exposed. According to the new figures, less than 6.5 percent of high school graduates are proficient in an Asian language. Academics worry that this means Australia will increasingly be isolated from its economically important Asian neighbors. Dilip Dutta, from the economics and business faculty at Sydney University, says language skills can enhance trading opportunities. If Australians want to trade with Asian countries, it is very important for them to learn the language that will help them to get closer to the culture.4. But students have different opinions about Asian language learning Pippa McCowage, a 22-year-old Australian student, says many young Australians have a half-hearted approach to foreign languages, and the language curriculum is often weak. “While were encouraged in high school to learn another language, its not really apparent to me as a realistic expectation that you will have to speak it,” said McCowage. “For example, I learned Japanese in high school, when I went on an exchange in Year 10, I found that the Japanese students of my age had a much greater proficiency in English than I did in Japanese. So in that sense, it almost discourages you.5. At present, about 70 percent of Australias major exports go to Asia and the Australian government has been keen on developing closer economic and diplomatic ties with Asia. Academics say that, as Asia becomes one of the worlds economic powerhouses, Australia needs to improve its language skills if it is to take full advantage of the business opportunities on its doorstep.1. How much percent of high school graduates were proficient in foreign languages forty years ago?A. 70. B) 13. C) 40. D) 6.5.2. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?A) Australia has rich deposits of minerals.B) Australia is essentially a self-sufficient country.C) Australia has no intention to trade with Asian countries.D) Australian students are not required to learn a foreign language.3.What does Dilip Dutta think language skills can do?A. Improve your relation with your partner.B. Help settle international conflicts.C. Remove barriers in negotiations.D. Increase trading opportunities.4. Why has the Australian government been keenly interested in strengthening ties with Asia?A) Because Asia is where Australia is located.B) Because Asia is where Australias major exports go.C) Because Asia is where Australians go and spend their holidays.C) Because Asia is where Australia can play a big role in international affairs.5. The word faculty in paragraph 3 can be replaced by _.A) college. B) institute. C) university. D) department.解题目:Declining衰退的Interest爱好 in Developing发展、开发 Foreign Language外语 Skills技能,因此串在一起可以将之理解成:逐渐丧失提高外语技能的爱好。通过理解题目,我们可以推测一下,在文章中foreign languages和declining interest应是核心词。接下来,来看5道题的题目,对出题方式加以判断:1,3,4都是细节题,而2题是推断题;5题是词语释义题。针对不同出题方式的题目要以不同的措施加以应对。1. How much percent百分数of high school graduates(高中毕业生) were proficient(精通的)in foreign languages forty years ago(40年前)?A) 70. B)13. C) 40. D) 6.5.分析:这是细节题,核心词:high school graduates,forty years ago。位于第一题的位置,因此答案应当来源于第一段:Australias foreign language skills are declining, Voice of America has reported. New figures(数字)show that only 13 percent of high school graduates can speak a foreign language. But four decades(一种decade是) ago(40年前), 40 percent had foreign language skills(答案的出处).2. What can be inferred(推测出) from paragraph 2?A) Australia has rich deposits of minerals.(澳大利亚有丰富的矿藏)B) Australia is essentially a self-sufficient country.C) Australia has no intention to trade with Asian countries.D) Australian students are not required to learn a foreign language.分析:题目中有infer,因此该题是推断题。因此,需要读第二段,寻找核心内容,重要是要找到核心句:Professor Elise Tipton, from the University of Sydney, says increasingly students do not feel the need to learn another language to boost their career. She believes that Australias economic boom(经济的繁华), which is driven(受到驱动) by red-hot(非常有活力的) demand(规定)for its minerals矿物(核心词), is helping mask掩盖 serious deficiencies局限性 in its language skills.注意:一般发现A、B、C、D四个选项中,哪个选项浮现中心词,一般该选项就是对的答案。3.What does Dilip Dutta think language skills can do?A. Improve your relation with your partner.B. Help settle international conflicts.C. Remove barriers in negotiations.D. Increase trading opportunities.分析:这是一道原则的细节题,中心词就是:Dilip Dutta。带着它,我们可以在第三段里搜索到有关的语句:Dilip Dutta, from the economice and business faculty at Sydney University, says language skills can enhance trading opportunities(答案D出处!). IF Australians want to trade with Asian countries, it is very important for them to learn the language that will help them to get closer to the culture.4. Why has the Australian government (澳大利亚政府)been keenly(强烈地) interested in strengthening(加强) ties(联系)with Asia(亚洲)?A) Because Asia is where Australia is located.B) Because Asia is where Australias major exports go.C) Because Asia is where Australians go and spend their holidays.C) Because Asia is where Australia can play a big role in international affairs.分析:从题目的类型来说,一定是细节题,找到核心词:Australian government,keenly interested in,ties with Asia。我们会发现核心词没有出目前第四段中,而在最后一段中浮现了:At present, about 70 percent of Australias major exports(重要的出口货品) go to Asia and (该词相称于so,因果关系连词)the Australian government has been keen on developing closer(密切的) economic(经济的) and diplomatic (外交的)ties with Asia(答案出处). Academics say that, as Asia becomes one of the worlds economic powerhouses(支柱), Australia needs to improve its language skills if it is to take full advantage of the business opportunities on its doorstep.5. The word faculty in paragraph 3 can be replaced by _.A) college学院. B) institute学会、研究所 C) university大学. D) department系.分析:这是一道词语释义题。人们可以查字典,也可以根据单词浮现的前后文来判断:Dilip Dutta, from the economics(经济学) and business(贸易) faculty at Sy


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