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湖南省衡阳市初中毕业学业水平考试试卷英语(满分1分,考试时间20分钟) I.听力技能(共三个部分,20小题,计25分) A.对话理解。根据你听到的对话,从A.C三个选项中选择最佳选项(共1小题,计1分) 听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,回答一种小题。1. Wdd Jack u ysteda?A. ootbal.B. A asketbal.C Avollball2. Howis hath?A. noy.B. Wind.C. Riny3. Wat subect ar thetalking abou?A. Chinese.B.ni.C. ath.4. Wheere the w speakers?.I a bkoreB I a lbraryC. n cinema.5. Wh wa Tomlae?.Becausehi bi wasbroken. Because he d naccident.C. eause hego up late.听第六段对话,回答6.7小题。6. Whn s osefree?. is atenoB. Ths monn.C Thisvning.7. Wat fstial is i today?A. The pingFestval.B.Te lanten estiva.C. hDrgon BoatFetval.听第七段对话,回答8-10小题。8. Wh didte twsekrsdo just?A. Theywachea fotb mac.B. Te visie uu.C. Thy ache a mvi.9. here are the goingnet?A. a ost ofi.B To a rstaraC. T bnk.10. What willthey have?A.PizB. HaurgesC Cines fod)笔录要点。根据你听到的内容,填写下面表格,每空一词。(共小题,计5分)AFo Studento od i h?11._years ol.hatsth name of pror?hebst 12._of Our Sool.Wn di h tak part the pro? 13._.What di hewar?pai 4._jen.What prize diewin/e 5_ prze.C)短文理解。听短文,根据所听到的内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(共5小题,计1分。)16. hi story hppeedat nght17. h writer was wathig T inroomwhen someone sknoing atthe door18. Tounganwore aairof glasses19. Thengmn a th wiers rid.20. At th nd of th stor, hyoug mann away知识运用(共两个部分,20小题,计20分)A) 单选。从AB.C三个选项中选择对的答案填空。(共10小题,计1分)21. _tibl ews!Thre of usdidn pas he exA.WatB HowC at 22. ete,pleae urn ff the TV _no n s watcing it.A. sottB. thogh.when23. -Shal cimbhils hisSunda?-_.Good idaB.ur elcome.Yur rih24. -Wlyou gto te _th afteron?-Ye.I antt oswimming. gmB ttonC. sperart25. -ustI rt th book oday?-, you_. Yu can do ttoorrA.cantB neentC. mustnt.26. -_you_to Nnhu ark aeekago?-Ye.e dgood tiehre.A.Do,oBDd,gC id,wet27. Yesterda was his_birtday enjoyehimself.A tlhB.twlveC. thewlt28. Lo! This hus is as _as tha oe.A. thmsbeful mor beuiful.beautiful29. Oteace tellus _nth sree bese i odanguA. nt pla ocerB not tplaysoccerC. t not lay socer30. -Iwondr_.-Mae sh had somthing importan todo.wy seleft earlyB why di sheleave earlyC wy ltse earyB) 完型填空。阅读短文,掌握大意,从所给的A.三个选项中选出一种最佳选项。(共10小题。计10分)Mos brtr Samy lie toply teuitarand sn. The 1_made himhpy. He wrte aotfsogsn plydthm forhis faily. Therews 32_tt Sammy ne more to do.utone dy my33._a re. Unluilyhefell ff and hur his ambadl.The dctor a th hostal toldhim h m woud nverwr again. It made him very 34._. His sie Molly eltsdto. e knew howdow hewas.Sewshd hat sh ould35_im. old himtobe ositive(积极的),an she wouhelp ht.Sammy smled a bt, 3._is sisterseemed to e. Se gave hmhe upport ahe as gld ht h as thee Wen Smyeturned homefr the hspita coul not watto37._his guitaad tie plymall cofmc, bmys armdd ntrright, a t all 38_wrong.He beameso upt and trhs guitrawa.Then Mollyr 39._and ok Samms gitrutofthedirylddstbin, ansad,“Can ou tec me to play?” So mmyshowedMoly 4_that he knew aout uitar, ad ere lon sh could pyjut lik asuestar. Sy smedagai.Musis amiace(奇迹) whentngsse togowong.31. A. to ms. sprit32. A.anytingB. everythiC nthig33. passB. cutC. cmbed34. A. aB. bredC. poor35. Atac elp. sav36. A. bu.andC. becaus37. A. ut B ake awaC. pick p38. A. undedB. lt. smet39. . downB. sideCoutide40. A. hat allC. hich.阅读技能(共四个部分,2小题,计40分)(A)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容判断问候句子的正()误(F)。(共5小题, 计0分)hisi a true soy that hapendin my chldhood. Onday,I wa trying to cch a bterfl in ren. I re mnyimetocathit but coldn scced.Jstthn a mancame ad sed e, “Wh are outri to cath his butterfly,boy?” I sai innenty(天真的),“ lke i.”Hearing this he helm wrs(手腕) har.“Youre uing me,” I a tarsin eye. “So youfel ai,” he sai wih mhievous(不怀好意的)smile nd heldmy wst moetightly(更紧的). “Whyaeyou din tis to me? Ihurng,”I sd adstrted cryng.“n yo to fel the in youare tryng to mos(强加于)on th uttrfl.” He idanth relesd y wist. “I ou caughthe butterfl, you wou ur a I didhurt yo.So ntdothi an let t go.”He kissd m oboth cheeks, ptdme on theead n wt aay. oIdidntcatch the btterfly any mor.Sice hen enve Iwantto dosothing bad or Irefe t hp a need eron, hink, “Whatif i hapen to me?” Th I sto l y baao nddohe righthng.41. ewrier w ying ca ttrli agaren en he me aman.42. Th manhel te wiers wris oteach iho cche butterfly43. The writer starte cryigwen tean eld is writ more tight44. Afte the n left, the writer cauh the utrfl.45. The ma ho had a godifluece on the writer.(B)阅读下面的短文, 并根据短文内容回答所提问题。(共5小题,计分)Whn I w new in orhigh shool,I kne no ne.Moststudents tlked onlyto peole theknew,so fel onely Ihad to come hmecry. Mther skedme wht the worst tme was anI a it wsatlnch meShesa, “Yare not th onl lonl person. Thee are others tht re one.Toorrow Iwant y o ook arod the lunchrom see otheopl r ating b themsvs I an ou o go to oeofthe and ask ucan joinhi r her”he nxt day,I did look arun nd skedthe pso who was aledsitialneThe young gir as ver happy. saredmy story ththe gil nd e t ay w met fr ln and ound sme oh people howee l.Ths began vy nterstin ppoach(接近)o life.The lesns that Ilearnedfom that xeriene have saed ith me allmy lif. I have fewprblems aproahing ew peopleI larned tt Im not alne. os pol rejust ike y ad e. Wallwnt toeoced, and to hae someonet b iteestd in istening to us.46. Whenws th writers ort tm in uo ghschol?_47. Ddmoh thnk te itr was the ol onelson?_48. Wha id th witr doafter tking with the young rl?_49. e wrier hs fproblem pprocingnewpeplein her life, does she?_50. ats yor opion about fries?_(C)阅读短文,从每题所给的.C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题,计10分)e l wnt ur skin(皮肤) tlok goo. If urkn i cla and hay, t makes yuel ettr bout yorsef. ow oyougt geat sin? ereae some suestons.rotct your sin ains the sunv Ifyu ar ing e utsi,eseialy in thesu, ou shouldp n sram(防晒霜) n summev Wear a at to potect your face.A d at istees, as it will poe yourearsand ec a welv Say inthe shadehenever y an.v se ucrem about al an our bfe goingutid.Hw to wash or sn?v Was yourboy aver once ay. Use mil op(肥皂) and aer to wah ur bd.v Wah the soap o, ait may arm yr skin.v Wash our soapoff, i maharmy skn.v as yur face b uing afceclotandap orcleanig cram, ad thenwahith co wate.Twce a dy is oug,as omuc leaing ca harm yor skin.atele sld you do?v Remember to dinloo water-your skin lves .v Reulaecise s god forourskin.v at healthily so ha yourk ca ge hing nds o arry ouall he jobs ihas to do.51. Wich aiswrongto protec ouskin if you are ouide?A Uing yor sunceam.B. Wain a ide hat.C. taing in th u.52. Yuc use _ater t wash yourbody.A. coolB. war ho53. ashing yor fac_a a is enog.AonceB twiceC. thee ties.54. What cnt od to potctyu si i our daily lif?A. Drin plenty of wterB o exrcise gulrl.CHaunk ood.55. Whatshe best tleofthepsage?A. Caring or or kinB.Howo keep helthyC Ho owashoursn(D)阅读短文,从每题所给的.B.三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题,计10分)Some parent age tht srons(智能手机)re bad for udtshealt and tudy ey hpe their chidr cn eep awafro marthos.Tag Lin, , rom Changsha, supportsarnts oinions. Heuses a ubphone(非智能手机)andfinds that itsfntins(功能) re eough for him Tang one sa many stde spen mchtme on amesanQQ wi hermarthones. Helosad, “fsudnts use smarthes, ey my us thm tolstetomusi,surf the Ineret r do om otrhing.n twy, thy m nt wrk hard t thistd As studen, e dontned to ue smartphones.”But Cenu,16, fromZuzhou, denthink so She thiks ttseant livwiho smat phones. he said, “Smrtphoes re useful, Ioft use m hone o su te Internt, t with myrends an get the ates news It opnup meyes.”Sartphones hav advntages and disadvantage They tote poblem i how to sesmrthones.In act,it is tst o students self-contol. Zhang Yan, 3, fro Hngyang, udetands te int wl, Sh aid, “ put m hne out ofmysht when am styiIao set a time imt bout 20 mnuewhen Ise it.I fllw these rles so the smartphone dent afet my lfe badl.”56. at does ngLin think of smarphones?A. uphon dot ha noughfucioB Smartphones tooexpive for tudents. Studns dontnee to usesmrtphoes.57. e uderle “slfol”probly eas “_”nineseA.自信B.自我控制C自立58. What doesnt ChnY oftn us her pone odo?A. ctwth friends.B. To get te lats newsC.o play games.59. Zhng Yanspendout_hense seher smarphone.A.20 minute.30 minutes.40mites60. Whats e main id of the pasage?.Diffences btween smarphons and umbones.B. tdes pino aboutusig mrtphone. hateacers an tudet think smrtphons 写作技能(共四个部分,16小题,计35分)A) 单词拼写。 根据英语首字母或所给汉语提示写出短文中所缺单词的对的形式。(共5小题,计5分)t s ver1.c_to aise moneyin Canadin nd 62._(美国的) schoo. tents, tecers and parts av an spcilwaysoai mone frfield tris. oe choolsthk f reatias, suchs“Kig r Qeen fr a Dy”tcosts ach tudenndollto buy a tickeor he daw. fter all th tckts are 63.s_, one ketis ran Tetudntit hwinning tcket wlbe th kingor ue fr the nexscooda. When thestuent arrives i oning, thehedsterrets him o hernd carieth suentsbooks The tdn sits n th headmster 64.c_for hedyand eve an us h hdmasersmobieph toal home. t non,he hemasranther teachers ordr pcllunchand65._(招待) itto the tudn.B) 句子翻译。阅读短文,翻译划线部分的句子。(共5小题,计10分)“Th Cinese Drem” isaot opic of th year. Many Chs ong peopearnpird y he Chnse ram. Everyon ha thirw ream They givu orge andcnfidcetokeep s ing throdfficules. Hee arsom avieoho to realize u ream. 6.决不放弃i the ke to our dreams cme t. 67. Wemy al from time oime, but w can ean fom failure,corrc oriak and ry aginuntilw acheve u ols.Ou fe is likea ong jurne hich is n all roes. It oetimes haswind ain. 6.W believe nbowilappear ae stormsCooertion(合伙) is aso necesay. eone likes a rson wois o atcoperain with oths esides,n our soiety 69.大多数问题不也许解决bye prson aln. Cortio is om one fth mot imprtan ways opepleliving itedeveloin socet the sae ie, e shul le to examine ou alitis ease it eps usknow ouravantagsnddisdvantagsas well a et a full cntro f oursees he wey beconfiden enou t facecallnes0.olowte suggtionsaov, and oudreamsresure oe ruC) 根据下面的对话情景, 在每个空白处填上一种合适的句子,使对话的意义连贯,完整。(共5小题,计10分)M: Hi, Amy!Thi is Jhn. 71_?W: Immakng someduling for suport.M:Would yo lik to g to a ccertwith me tis enig?:72_.By th way, do ou know who il igath concr?M: Jian, mfavorite sige.W:i ia? Th man whsn Legend(传奇)?7_?M: Hsins popsongs Ie his snging. It amazin.W: 74_?M: Te cnce ill star a 8:00p.Letmetat 7:00.Then we can hae dnneat rstaurant.: 7_? We cn aeduplings a mhom, a h go to the concertM: Great! e youheD) 书面体现。(计0分)你喜欢阅读吗?阅读能使人明智, 使人充实。 请你以“eadngs Very Irtat”为题,写一篇有关阅读的短文。要点:1.阅读的益处: 2.你的阅读习惯(喜欢的书籍,阅读的时间,地点,购书方式等) .你的阅读体会。 4.号召人们多阅读。提示:1.短文中不得浮现真实的人名和地名。 2.短文中应涉及至少3个要点。 3.书写工整,语句通顺,连贯, 词数不少于80.注意:文章开头已给出,比计入总词数。RadngiVry ImportanReading cant nly ope up u yes tasoimprv ur knowle._参照答案15:BBB6-10:ACCA1Fieen151.Voic13.March4.lu15st6-20:TFTF-2:CAAB2-30:BACB31-35:BCCA3640:CACB41-45:TFTT46. Iws at uncme At unchtie4. No,shdidnt4.Sh shad herstorywththyong gl.4. o,she dsnt.50 Ifyou wanttoe riend, mste a friend.5-5:CBBCA5660:CBCAB cmmn6Amric6. sold64.char5. ever66. Nver giv up/ N to giv up.67. 我们也许一次又一次失败,但是我们能从失败中吸取教训。8. 我们相信不经风雨怎见彩虹。/我们相信风雨之后现彩虹。69.ms prole cntbe sled.0遵循以上的建议,那么我们的梦想就一定会实现。71. Wha re yo doig now?2. es,Idlik/loveto.7 Watind f sngdes h ing?7.Wen will tcocert sart?75Wy n oetoy hom rs?/ Wd yo ike to come my om firs?/ What abot comngtmy he fst?书面体现Reading cn tonly opn ou eysbutalsoimproveour kwledge. liereaing a l Imy sare tim, ofen read ewsaperand magaines,fro which I can get lts ofun andlarnbou whtgoingn rod the wrld. I als rea y favore books ucastry boks, ovesandso n, which make merla andappy. Onwekens, usual pend whole fteoon eading in t libray.And I often rad for abotha a hour efor gig o bed. Now I ully buy myfavorite bok on lin.Summer vcaio s oming. pl to red moeElish ooks to impre y English abilitis.Iof share fvorte bookswih myresn clamate. Is tiefos o frma gooreding habt becaueits ey prtt andnecsryfr us. Le do more redin togeer.


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