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五年级英语五年级英语(y(yn n y y)下全册教学下全册教学(ji(jio xuo xu)设计设计备课备课(b(bi ki k)日期:日期:2 2 月月 10 10 日日教学教学(ji(jio xuo xu)日日期:期:月月日日课课题题A new term教学内容教学内容单元 Part AUnit1单元课时11.掌握单词、词组:subject,Chinese,Maths,Science,Art,PE,ComputerStudies,Social Science,interesting,a week教学目标教学目标2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Welcome back to school.Nice tosee youWhat day is it today?Its 1.8 门学科的说法教学重难点教学重难点2.初步了解掌握句型:What subject do you like?I like What lessons do you have?教学具准备教学具准备录音机、图片、PPT资源整合资源整合上海牛津英语教材教学过程教学过程第一步:重难点突破第一步:重难点突破用时:5 分钟1.T:Nice to meet you,boys and girls.Today we will learn Part A教学设计二度设计精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载of Unit 1 A new term,Fun with English,Grade 5.同学好,今天我们学习牛津小学英语 5B第一单元 A new term 的 A部分。Welcome back to school.欢迎回到学校。This is the firstEnglish lesson of the new term.今天是新学期的第一节英语课。Follow me,please:I want to know,do you like English?我想知道,你们喜欢英语吗?(稍作停顿)其他的学科呢?This is English.(PPT4)Its Chinese.Follow me,please.请跟我读。This is Maths.Follow me,please.请跟我读(PPT4)This is Science.Science.Read after me,please.请跟我读(PPT5)Its Social Science.Social Science.Read after me,please.请跟我读(PPT5)See,whats this?看,这是什么?(稍作停顿)Yes,its a computer.What subject is it?猜猜看,这是什么学科呢?subject.请跟我读(慢,带读,示范口型)(PPT3)(PPT3)See,thereare 8 subjects here.What are they?这里有8门学科。它们分别是什么呢?Its Computer StudiesComputer Studies.Follow me,please.请跟我读.Many boys like PEPE very much,I think.我猜,大多数男生都喜欢体育。Follow me,please.请跟我读(慢,带读,示范口型)(PPT6)And this is Art Art.Follow me,please.请跟我读(慢,带读,示精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载范口型)Among these subjects,subjects,I like English and Maths.What subjectdo you like?Read after me,please.请跟我读:What subject do you like?Ilike Can you ask your deskmate?你能了解下同桌喜欢什么学科吗?Please work in pairs.请练一练吧。PPT7)第二步:课文学习第二步:课文学习用时:12分钟1.T:Have you finished?都完成了吗?Just now,we talked about our favourite subjects.刚刚我们谈论了自己喜爱的学科。Miss Li and her students are talkingabout subjects,too.李老师和她的学生们也在谈论所学的课程。Look at the picture.(PPT8)What are they doing?看,他们正在干什么?Yes,they are having a lesson.And this is the first lesson of the new term.这是新学期的第一节课。Follow me,please.(慢,带读)看,墙上有张日历。(PPT9,出现日历)精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载What day is it today?今天是星期几?请跟我读(慢,带读,示范口型)Is it Saturday?Is it Sunday?No,its Monday Monday.请跟我读(慢,带读,示范口型)(PPT10)So,it is Monday morning.Monday morning.Miss Li and herstudents are having a lesson.This is the first lesson of the newterm.Can you read it now?你会读吗?Please read after me.请跟我读。2.T:Do you know something about Yang Ling and Gao Shansclass?你了解杨凌、高山班级的情况吗(PPT11)What lessons do they have in the morning?他们上午有什么课呢?How many subjectsHow many subjects do they have this term?这个学期他们共有几门课程呢?What are they?分别是什么学科?Lets watch the movie and then youll find the answer.让我们先来看段动画,看完你们就能找到答案了。(PPT12 播放Flash)T:Now,boys and girls,who can answer the questions?有谁能回答这些问题吗?(逐一校对答案)(PPT1314)What lessons do they have in the morning?They have Chinese,English,Maths and Science.精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 How many subjects do they have this term?They have 8 subjectsthis term.What are they?你能进行填空吗?(停顿)They areChinese,Maths,English,Social Science,Science,Art,Chinese,Maths,English,Social Science,Science,Art,Computer Studies and PE.Computer Studies and PE.T:Are you right?都回答出来了吗?3.T:We have known our deskmates favorite subjects.我们已经知道各自同桌喜爱的学科.This time,try to find,这次,你们要试着找出:(PPT15)What subject does Su Hai like?What subjectdoes Su Yang like?Why?How many English lessons do they have a week?他们一周有几节英语课?Heres a new word,read after me 请跟我读(week,aweek慢,带读,示范口型)Lets continue to watch the movie.我们继续来看动画。(超链接到 PPT12)Can you find the answer?你们找到答案了吗?Lets have a check.我们来校对一下吧。(超链接到本部分教师利用图片PPT1617)直接引入课文旁白部T:Are you right?都答对了吗?分,在和学生讨论图4.T:Now,boys and girls,please open your books and turn to page片的过程中呈现课文6.Lets listen to the tape and read the text.同学们,请打开书的主要内容。本部分并翻到第六页,我们跟着磁带读下课文。(PPT18-20)精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 T:下面请同学们自己读一读,然后小组内分角色朗读,读的过程中尽量记住课文主要内容。等一下,我们要尝试复述课文。第三步:巩固操练第三步:巩固操练用时:8 分钟1.T:Boys and girls,do you remember?同学们读过课文之后都记住了吗?下面我们一起来看下这些短语,它们能帮助我们复述课文。(PPT21)T:Lets read it together.我们一起来读一下吧。Monday morning,have a lesson,the first lesson of the new term Have 8 subjects They are 新授单词和词组比较多,老师要耐心示范,给学生足够操练的时间 Like Maths,Like English 4 English lessons2.T:All right.Now,lets try to retell the text.I will give you themodel.虽然复述课文有点难,但我相信你们绝对可以做到!老师先示范一下T:Lets try it together.请全班同学一起来试一下吧。(稍作停顿。)T:Today,we learnt Unit1 PartA,A new term.本节课我们讨论了新学期课程的话题,希望你们在课后多听、多读,并继续尝It is Monday morning.Miss Li and herstudents are having alesson.This is the firstlesson of the new term.They have 8 subjectsthis term.They areChinese,Maths,English,SocialScience,Science,Art,Computer Studies and精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载试复述课文,下节课再见。Bye!PE.Su Hai likesMaths.Su Yang likesEnglish.They have 4English lessons aweek.板书设计:板书设计:subject:Chinese,Maths,Science,Art,PE,Computer Studies,Social Science,interesting,a weekWelcome back to school.Nice to see youWhat day is it today?Its What subject do you like?I like What lessons do you have?教学反思:教学反思:本节课课文对话生词、句型比较多,教师从提问学生是否喜欢本节课课文对话生词、句型比较多,教师从提问学生是否喜欢英语这个日常对话切入了学科单词的新授环节,在逐个教授新单词的过程英语这个日常对话切入了学科单词的新授环节,在逐个教授新单词的过程中,教师穿插了课文中的部分日常问话,让学生提前有了听觉的感知,随中,教师穿插了课文中的部分日常问话,让学生提前有了听觉的感知,随后安排学生进行同桌调查,更好地巩固了所学的词汇和句型,为第二步课后安排学生进行同桌调查,更好地巩固了所学的词汇和句型,为第二步课文学习打下了伏笔。文学习打下了伏笔。教学教学(ji(ji o xuo xu)设计设计备课备课(b(bi ki k)日期:日期:2 2 月月 10 10 日日教学教学(ji(jio xuo xu)日日期:期:月月日日精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载Unit1单元课课题题A new term教学内容教学内容单元 Part B,C,D课时21.掌握单词、词组:Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,what教学目标教学目标lessons2.进一步巩固掌握句型:What day is it today?What subject do you like?What lessons do you have in?We have 1.正确运用所学句型并进行回答。教学重难点教学重难点2.能谈论各自感兴趣的学科。教学具准备教学具准备录音机、图片、PPT资源整合资源整合上海牛津英语教材教学过程教学过程第一步:复习(课文)第一步:复习(课文)用时:5 分钟1.T:Nice to see you,boys and girls.Today we will learn Unit 1Part BCD.同学们好,今天我们将学习第一单元的 BCD部分。At the first lesson,we learnt something about subjects.Do you教学设计二度设计remember?上节课,我们学些了一些课程的英文名称,你们还记得吗?T:Lets play a guessing game.Please guess,what subjectit is.请大家猜猜下面分别是什么课程。(PPT3)(停顿时间稍长)Computer Studies,Science,PE,Art,Social Science,English精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载Are you right?你们都猜对了吗?2.T:Also,we knew something about Miss Li and her studentsnew term.上节课,我们还了解了李老师和她学生在新学期的一些情况,你们还记得吗?(PPT4-6 屏幕中出现以下几个问题)Please answer the questions(本步骤设计说明:本课重点学习 B部分词汇和 CD 句型,由于第一节课词汇较多,因此通过猜谜游戏复习课程单词、通过课文复习让学生对所学的句型有了进一步的熟悉,为后面的教学做铺垫。)第二步:词汇学习第二步:词汇学习用时:10分钟1T:Su Hai likes Maths.Su Yang likes English.How about you?你呢?What subject do you like?你喜欢什么学科呢?(稍微停顿)(PPT6)How about Ben?Ben 呢?他喜欢什么学科呢?Let me askWhat lessons do they have in the morning?How many subjects do they have this term?What arethey?What subject do Su Hai and Su Yang like?him.让我来问问他。(点击出现声音)如果你想了解别人喜欢什么学科,你可以问:What subject精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载do you like?Follow me,please.(慢,带读)How aboutyou?(PPT7)Can you work in pairs like this?你们能利用这些句型进行对话吗?Please open your books and turn to page 10.PracticePart D in pairs.大家把书翻到第十页,同桌两个练习一下 D部分吧。(PPT8)T:Have you finished?都完成了吗?Let s have a check.让我们来校对一下。(PPT9,10)Are you right?都答对了吗?2.T:I know you like PE.我知道你们都喜欢体育。So,how manyPE lessons do you have a week?你们一周有几节体育课呢?In my school,the students have 4 PE lessons a week,too.在我的学校,学生们一个星期有四节英语课。Look,they havePE lessons on Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday.看课表,在星期一、二、四和星期五各有一节英语课。(ppt11)MorningMondayPETuesdayWednesdayPE精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载AfternoonPEThere are five school days in a week.一周有 5 天要上学。But how many days are there in a week?一周里有几天呢?Yes,there are 7days.(PPT12)Look at the calendar.看一下日历(PPT13)The first day is Sunday.一周的第一天是周日。The second day is Monday.周一是一星期的第二天。请跟我读After Monday,its Tuesday.Follow me,please.请跟我读星期三,星期四怎么说呢?its Wednesday and Thursday.Read after me,please。周五叫作 Friday.Follow me,please.请跟我读(慢,带读,口型)And what day is it?大家一起说说这天是星期几?Right,itsSaturday.Now,Id like to introduce the tale of days in a week to you.现在,我想象大家介绍一下一星期中七天命名的典故。(图片)(PPT14)3.T:OK,boys and girls,open your books and turn to page8.Letsreview the words together.请同学们把书翻到第八页,我们一起把所学的新词复习一下。Follow me,please.请跟精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载我读(PPT 15、16)把新词汇领读一遍)4.T:Now,lets play a game.下面我们来做个游戏。Look at thescreen.请大家看屏幕。(PPT17)Theres an arrow and aturntable.这里有一个箭头和一个转盘,等下,箭头停留在哪一天,就请同学们根据转盘所示内容,利用屏幕中所给句型进行对话。Follow me,please.请跟我读(慢,带读,口型)请同学们看两组示范。(请同学们看两组示范。(PPT18PPT18)你们能像他们一样玩这个游戏吗?加油哦你们能像他们一样玩这个游戏吗?加油哦第三步:句型操练第三步:句型操练用时:5 分钟1.T:OK.Boys and girls,look at the screen.Ben and his grandpaare talking about the timetable,too.同学们,看屏幕,Ben和他的爷爷正在谈论周一上午的课程,听一听,他们怎么说呢?Please listen carefully.(播放一段录音)(PPT19)T:Oh,当我们想了解别人上午有什么课时,可以这样一来问:What lessons do you have in the morning?当我们想了解别人下午有什么课时,可以问:What lessons doyou have in the afternoon?(PPT20)Follow me,please.请跟我读。精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载Now,can you talk about the timetable like them?现在你们能像他们一样也谈论下面几张课程表吗?You man asklike this:可以利用这些句型:(老师自己读下句型)(PPT20)都理解了吗?Please open your books and turn to page 9.Look at part C and work in pairs.请把书翻到第九页,看C 部分,同桌开始练习对话吧。(PPT21)T:Lets check the answers.我们来校对下答案吧。(逐题校对 PPT2225)可以问:What lessons do you have in the afternoon?也可以问:What lessons do you have in the afternoon?Are you right?你们都问答正确吗?第四步:综合练习1.T:Today we have a new friendLinda.She is in Grade 5,too.She is talking about her timetable with her father.同学们,今天我们有一位新朋友,Linda.她也是 5年级的学生。她正在和她的爸爸谈论课程表。Can you listen to the tape andcatch the answers?你们能边听录音边完成下面这张课程表吗?加油!(PPT26)D:Linda,how many subjects do you have this term?L:I have six,Dad.I like Maths very much.D:Do you have Maths lessons on Monday?精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载L:No.On Monday morning,I have English,Science and PE.D:What lessons do you have on Tuesday morning?L:I have Maths,Social Science and Art.D:What lessons do you have on Thursday morning?L:I have Maths,PE and ScienceT:Have you finished?都填出来了吗?Let s have a check.让我们来校对一下。(结束语)T:Boys and girls,we have learn Unit1 Part BCD。同学们,我们学习了第一单元的 BCD 部分,相信大家对一周内 7 天的英文名称有了进一步的了解。这里要提醒大家分清单词:subject 和 lesson.Subject 表示一个学期内的所学的科目,lesson 表示每天所上的具体的课。希望同学们课后能多读、多说,掌握所学的知识。下节课再见。Bye!板书设计:板书设计:精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载教学反思:教学反思:教学教学(ji(ji o xuo xu)设计设计备课备课(b(bi ki k)日期:日期:2 2 月月 10 10 日日教学教学(ji(jio xuo xu)日日期:期:月月日日课课题题A new term教学内容教学内容单元 Part EFGHUnit1单元课时31进一步掌握本单元的单词、句型达到能熟练运用的程度。2通过有针对性的操练,训练重点句型和难点,学生能用所学句型教学目标教学目标进行情景对话和交流。3了解元音字母 O在开音节词中的读音4能演唱本课英语歌曲 We wish you happy every day精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载1进一步掌握本单元的单词、句型达到能熟练运用的程度。教学重难点教学重难点2.学生能用所学句型进行情景对话和交流。教学具准备教学具准备录音机、图片、PPT资源整合资源整合上海牛津英语教材教学过程教学过程第一步:复习(单元重点内容)第一步:复习(单元重点内容)用时:5 分钟1.T:Nice to see you again,boys and girls.Today we will learnUnit 1 Part EFGH.同学们,很高兴又和你们见面了。今天我们将学习第一单元的 EFGH部分。教学设计二度设计We all know there are seven days in a week.What are they?我们都知道一星期有七天。它们分别是什么呢?Can you tellme?你们能告诉我吗?Right.They re Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday.(PPT3)(PPT4)What day is it today?今天是星期几?What lessons do you have in the morning?你们上午有什么课?What lessons do you have in the afternoon?下午有什么课?Now,can you ask your deskmates?现在你能和同桌谈论精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载今天的课程吗?2.T:Great!同学们的表现真不错!*T:Among these subjects,what subject do you like?在这些学科中,你喜欢什么?(PPT5)S1:I like Now,please work in groups of 4 by using the drills.现在请按四人小组利用所给句型进行对话练习,并完成下面的表格。请看同学们的示范。Name(名字)Favorite subject(最喜爱的学科)likes _.你们也能这样练一练吗?(本步骤设计说明:通过本步骤学生在教师的引导下对本单元的主要句型和词汇有了进一步的了解和掌握,并在真实的情景中进行调查交流,体现了语言的交际性。)第二步:完成各板块教学第二步:完成各板块教学用时:20分钟(一)E部分(8分钟)1.T:Good.相信每个同学都已经顺利完成了任务。精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载Then Ill show you an interesting cartoon.下面,我将给大家播放一段有趣的卡通片。The dog and the cat can solve theMaths questions!这里的狗和猫会做数学题目哦!In the cartoon,there are some new words.卡通片里有几个新单词。Lets have a look.我们先来看一下吧。(PPT6)Read after me:Once at once;trick(慢,带读,口型)Do you remember this word?Minus minus,Whats321minus 123?Now,lets watch the cartoon.And then I will ask you somequestions.(PPT7)What subject does the dog like?Why?Whats the trick?(PPT8 播放 flash)T:Is it interesting?有趣吗?2.T:Who can find the answer?有谁找到答案了?(PPT9 校对答案)What subject does the dog like?Why?Whats the trick?有什么窍门呢?321-123=198;432-234=198;543-345=198;654-456=198;987-789=198 现在,你们发现窍门了吗?你会再出些类似的题目让同伴做吗?精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载3.T:Mathis is really interesting!数学真的是很有趣!But it stime to read English.但读英语的时间到了。Please open your books and turn to page 11.Listen to the tapeand read the text.请把书翻至 11页,跟着磁带读下 E部分。(PPT10、11)T:Now,please read it by yourselves.先自己读一读,然后同桌分角色朗读。(二)F部分教学(5 分钟)1.T:相信同学们一定读得很流利了。So,do you like Maths?你们喜欢神奇的数学吗?Do youhope u have more Maths lessons a week?你们希望有更多的数学课吗?Now,you can design a timetable you like.现在你们就可以根据自己的意愿设计一张课程表。Look,this is my timetable.看,这是我设计的课程表。下面,让我来了解下同学设计的表格吧。(同学示(同学示范)范)What lessons do you have on Wednesday?I have Maths,Science,English,Art,Computer Studies,and PE.你们也能像这样先设计自己喜爱的课程表,再了解别人设计的课程表吗?精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载Please open your books and turn to page 12.把书翻至 12页。请先设计自己的课程表,然后再互相讨论下。Just do it.现在就开始设计吧。(PPT13)(三)H部分教学(3 分钟)1.T:Good.你们表现真不错!Lets enjoy the song”Wish youhappy every day”.让我们欣赏一首歌吧。(PPT14 播放flash 1分钟)T:Lets read the lyric first.在学唱歌曲之前,我们先来把歌词读一遍。(PPT15、16)T:Good.Sing the song now.让我们一起来唱吧。(PPT17播放 flash)(稍作停顿)(四)G部分教学(4分钟)1.T:OK.So much for this.你们喜欢这首歌吗?课后要多加练习哦。T:Look,there are four words.Can you read them?你会读这四个单词吗?(PPT18 屏幕显示 G部分四个单词)2.T:Now please read after me.请跟我读。(教师带读 clock,coffee,doctor,hot)想一想,字母 0 在单词里发什么音呢?T:Right.字母 a的发音是0。(PPT18 点击鼠标,屏幕显示精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载音标,教师示范带读)3.T:再想一想,我们还学过哪些单词中,字母 0发音也是0(稍作停顿)T:Yes,we have learnt many words like this.(PPT 18 点击鼠标,屏幕出现以下单词:box,lot,not,pot,sock,)你们都想出来了吗?Follow me,please.注意字母 o 的发音!4.T:Theres a sentence.Can you read it?你会读这句话吗?(PPT18 点击鼠标,显示 G部分句子 带读)这句话的意思是:靠近钟的热咖啡是给那位医生的。T:Now,read after me:The hot coffee near the clock is for thedoctor.T:下面,你们自己练一练,同桌互相比赛,看谁读得又快又准确。(本步骤设计说明:在本步骤中教师通过设置贴近生活的情景带领学生复习旧知、学习新知,给予学生一定的空间进行表演,让学生乐于参与、积极思考。)(结束语)T:Today,we learnt Part EFGH.今天我们学习了第一单元的EFGH部分,学会了很好听的歌曲,请大家课后多加练习。Bye!精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载板书设计:板书设计:教学反思:教学反思:教学教学(ji(ji o xuo xu)设计设计精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载备课备课(b(bi ki k)日期:日期:2 2 月月 10 10 日日教学教学(ji(jio xuo xu)日日期:期:月月日日课课题题教学内容教学内容Unit2A telephone call单元Part A课时11.能正确理解、掌握课文内容,并能朗读、初步表演课文。2能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:lunch,speak,headache,bad,cough,get,feel教学目标教学目标3.能正确地听、说、读、写日常句型:How do you feel now?I feelWhats wrong with you?Ive got4 能正确地听、说、读日常交际用语或句型:May I speak to?This is speaking.Im sorry to hear that.See you soon.能够使用表示疾病类介词和句型来询问他人的情况或表述自己的症教学重难点教学重难点状,并能正确理解、掌握和初步朗读对话内容。教学具准备教学具准备录音机、图片、PPT资源整合资源整合上海牛津英语教材教学过程教学过程教学设计二度设计第一步:重难点突破第一步:重难点突破 用时:用时:1515 分钟分钟1.Greeting.T:Hello,boys and girls.Today we are going to learn Unit 2,PartA.精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载2 T:First,please answer my question,how many days are therein a week?What are they?(停顿看屏幕)T:Yes,you are right.Lets look at the screen.PPT3 There areseven days in a week.They are Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday and Sunday.From Monday toFriday,we must go to school.Saturday and Sunday are calledweekend.We can have a rest at home.It is not the weekendtoday,but Helen is not at school,why?(停顿看屏幕)PPT43T:Now look at the screen,we have a new word here.Listen tome carefully.示范 call PPT5T:Now,please read after me.(领读三遍,中间稍停)T:Great,here is another new word,Please follow me.出示 lunch(领读三遍,中间稍停)T:Good.Now here is a phrase.Can you read?(停顿几秒)T:Good.:call her after lunch4 T:Just now we knew that Helen is ill at home and Su Yangcalls her.What are they talking?Lets listen.Helen(停顿看屏幕)PPT64.T:OK.Have you got it?T:When you want to call somebody,what should you say?Listen!PPT7T:当我们在听见电话铃响时,拿起电话说“hello”,意思就是精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载“喂?”这个时候拨电话的人可以说 May I speak toMay I speak to?这句话的意思是“我可以跟某某人通话吗?”如果你就是对方要找的人,你可以说“This is speaking.This is speaking.”如果你不是对方要找的人,你可以对他说“Please hold on.”然后去帮他找到他要找的人,如果对方要找的人恰好不在,你可以说“I can take a message foryou.”意思是我可以为你留一条口讯给他。如果对方打错了,你可以说“Sorry,wrong number.Sorry,wrong number.”意思是,很抱歉,你打错了。(停顿看屏幕)T:OK.Now please make a phone call to you friend.(要现场学生)先来看看他们是怎么打的吧。5T:Good.Just now,we listened to the text and we knew thatHelen was ill.But Whats wrong with her?Lets listen again.(停顿看屏幕)PPT8T:Heres a new word.Please read after me.PPT9领读 why absent -why are you absent today?T:Now,please read this new word after me.PPT10(领读三遍,中间稍停)stay stay in bedT:当苏阳得知 Helen病了的时候,她问 Whats wrong withyou?意思是“你怎么了?哪里不舒服?现在请同学们跟我读。(领读)PPT11T:大家读得都很好,当有人询问我们哪里不舒服的时候我们精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载可以用 Ive got来表达自己怎么了。比如,出示 headache,cough.请同学们跟我读。PPT12你能用 Ive got 的句型来完整地说一说吗?T:Good,T:Ive got a bad headache.Ive got a bad cough.6T:我们要说Im sorry to hear that.意思是听到这个消息我很抱歉。这个句子可以用在很多不同的场合,只要是对方发生了什么不愉快或不幸的状况,你都可以用。现在就请大家跟我读一读吧。PPT13T:当然我们听说别人病了之后,还要预祝他早日康复,这又该怎么说呢?We can say I hope you get better soon.在这里get表示变得.Now read after me please.PPT14Get这个词我们已经学过了,这个词还有很多其他意思。比如课文里还有另一个意思,大家请看这一句话 I can get some fruitfor you.在这个句子里 get 的意思就是带来。大家一起来读一读。T:pair work PPT157T:Look at the screen,boys and girls.Here is a new word.Please read after me.领读 feelHow do you feel now?I still feel.PPT168 T:当我们病了,我们要 go to the hospital to see a doctor.我精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载们还需要 take some medicine(服药)。第二步:课文学习第二步:课文学习用时:用时:5 5 分钟分钟1.PPT13 T:Now,look at the pictures and listen to the textcarefully.T:I have four questions for you,can you answer me?同学们,PPT141.What day is it today?2.Whats wrong with Helen.3.Is Helen taking any medicine?4.What will Su Yang get for Helen?2.T:Now,lets check our answer.3.T:Good.Now,please open your books and lets read the textsentence by sentence.。第三步:巩固操练第三步:巩固操练用时:用时:3 3 分钟分钟 T:Now,look at the picture of the text.Can you try to act thedialogue?(总结:Today,we learned Unit 2,Part A.We learned how tomake a telephone call and how to answer the phone.And we alsolearned how to ask someone else whats wrong with him or her.After class please listen to the tape and read the text by yourselves.Then please make a short dialogue with your friend.板书设计:板书设计:精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载教学反思:教学反思:教学教学(ji(ji o xuo xu)设计设计备课备课(b(bi ki k)日期:日期:2 2 月月 10 10 日日教学教学(ji(jio xuo xu)日日期:期:月月日日课课题题 A telephone call教学内容教学内容单元 Part B,C,DUnit2单元课时21能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写 had,a cough,a headache,a fever,教学目标教学目标bad,feel,a cold.2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 How do you feel now?I still精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载feelWhats wrong with you?Ive got3能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Im sorry to hear that.教学重难点教学重难点能够使用表示疾病类介词和句型来询问他人的情况或表述自己的症状.教学具准备教学具准备录音机、图片、PPT资源整合资源整合上海牛津英语教材教学过程教学过程第一步:复习第一步:复习用时:用时:4 4 分钟分钟Greeting:T:Hello,boys and girls.Nice to see you again.Firstof all,lets sing a song Wish you happy everyday.同学们大家好。首先我们来唱一首歌,Wish you happy everyday PPT 3教学设计二度设计第二步:词汇学习第二步:词汇学习用时:用时:5 5 分钟分钟1.Play a game:下面请同学们和老师一起来玩个游戏。Listenand do。听一听做一做。我们先来看一看这些同学是怎么做的吧。2T:Last lesson we learned Part A.Do you still rememberwhats wrong with Helen?在上节课学的课文 A部分中,我们精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载了解到 Helen怎么了?T:Good,shes got a headache and a bad cough.Now,lets lookat the screen,whats wrong with this old lady?Yes,she s got aheadache.Now here you can see four words can you try to readthem?Great,tooth,ear,back and stomach.Now,the new words.Pay attention to ache,it means 痛.Please try to read them.OK.This time please read after the tape.跟读 PPT4T:You did a good job.Now look at the screen we have other twonew words.PPt5 Please read after me.领读 a fever,a coldCan you make a sentence with the new word?Yes,youre right.Ive got aT:Now,boys and girls,please look at the screen and answer myquestions.请大家看图回答我的问题。PPT6Look at picture one.Whats wrong with him?(停顿)T:Yes,hes got a toothache.Please look at picture 2.Whatswrong with her?(停顿)Great,shes got an earache.(师生操练八幅图)T:Ok,stop.Now,lets play a game.Can you look at the screenand guess the word?Lets try.No.1 What is the word?(停顿)Yes,its toothache.No.2 PPT7精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载第三步:句型操练第三步:句型操练用时:用时:1010 分钟分钟 1T:Now,boys and girls,lets act.同学们,下面我们来演一演。Please make a short dialogue with your partner。You can usethe drills on the screen.You can find the pictures in page 18,PartD.现在就请大家开始对话吧。PPT8T:Now lets check our answer.PPT9-11.同学们,你们都做对了吗?让我们来看一看。2T:Good,you did a good job.Now I feel a little tired,lets takea rest and enjoy a rhyme.我感觉有点累了,我们一起休息以下,欣赏一首儿歌吧。PPT123T:Boys and girls,how do you feel now?I feel better.Letscontinue.Now,look,I have some pictures for you,can you try tomake a dialogue?You can find the pictures in page 17.partC.PPT13.请大家根据这几幅图片跟你的同桌对话,你也可以在书上的 C部分找到这几幅图片。精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载T:Now,lets check our answer.PPT14-15Lets see,whether you are right or wrong.同学们,我们来核对一下答案吧,你做对了吗?第四步:综合练第四步:综合练用时:用时:4 4 分钟分钟1T:Very good.大家做得都很好。下面我们来看这幅图。你可以选择其中任意一个人物跟你的同学演一演。你可以用下面的这些句型,当然你也可以加入自己的语言。下面就请大家试一试吧。(总结:Today we learned the new words of Part B.We alsolearned the drills of part C and D.After class,please use thepictures of part c an


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