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M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:1 of 1 MMOOB BI IL LF FL LE EX X.N NE ET T -F Fl le ex xi ib bl le e mmo ob bi il le e S SA AP P-C Co ommmmu un ni ik ka at ti io on n Project:BPO and Scanner 1M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:2 of 2 Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Global Settings _3 1.1 Setting of the Scanner Initial-Menu_3 1.2 Setting of parameter values_4 1.2.1 Pflege der Scannerbezeichnung fr Scannerbenutzer_ 错误!未定义书签。错误!未定义书签。2 Screens _6 2.1 Initial Menu _6 2.1.1 Wareneingangstransaktion(TA quittieren)_ 错误!未定义书签。错误!未定义书签。2.1.2 Warenausgangstransaktion(TA quittieren)_ 错误!未定义书签。错误!未定义书签。2.1.3 Prozess Umlagerung Platz an Platz_ 错误!未定义书签。错误!未定义书签。2.1.4 Prozess Inventur WM _ 10 2.2 Transaktionsdialog Monitor auf Basis des BPO_11 2.2.1 Selektionsbild _ 11 2.2.2 Bakelite Infosystem _ 12 2.2.3 Funktionen _ 13 2M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:3 of 3 1 Global Settings 1.1 Setting of the Scanner Initial-Menu The settings of the initial-menu can be done by the transaction SM30.To create a suitable initial-menu by calling the transaction ZSCF_MENU,you have to make entries into the tables ZSCF_MENK for header data and ZSCF_MENP for position data.ZSCF_MENK ZSCF_MENP In the table ZSCF_MENK,has to be set an entry for each user(SAP user name)and a corresponding menu_id,which is the primary key in the position table ZSCF_MENP.The table ZSCF_MENP contains also a consecutive number,which corresponds the numeration of the buttons on the screen.The number 0 is always the title of the initial-menu!Besides this,the called transaction code and the button-text has to be set.(for each required language you have to set an entry!)If you call the menu from the normal SAP-GUI,it can happen that the text on the button is shifted.3M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:4 of 4 1.2 Setting of parameter values In the report source of the Flexus transactions are some global variables set(depending on the developed transaction).These variables have fixed values(e.g.for a certain plant).To avoid changes in the source code,when a value must be changed,a parameter table has been implemented,which enables a change for the required values.Its the table ZBF_PARAMS Depending on the transaction code,progam,screen,user and language,10 values can be set,which will be read by the program when it was started.Parameter values in this project:Warehouse number for scanner transactions:PROG:SAPMZSCF_BAKELITE_01 UNAME:SPRAS:DE PARID:VAR PARID_VAL01:gc_lgnum%Selection screens in BPO:TCODE:ZSCF_BPO_MON PROG:ZSCF_BAKELITE_MONITOR_01 SPRAS:DE PARID:SEL PARID_VAL01:0101%PARID_VAL02:0201%4M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:5 of 5 1.2.1 Setting of scanner name for SAP user SYSTEM/USER PROFILE/OWN DATA Erreichen Sie folgenden Bildschirm:Parameter ZSCF_BAKEL_SCANNER In BPO you can assign orders to scanners,which are set in the table ZSCF_BAK_SCANNER.5M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:6 of 6 2 Screens 2.1 Initial Menu Generated menu with transaction ZSCF_MENU.Behind any button is a call of a transaction/submenu,which guides the user to the real cause screen.You can either call the functions with a click on the button or with input of the corresponding button-number in the field“Selection”and pressing“Enter”.With the function-key F8(or button logoff“)you can close the current SAP-session,what causes a logoff from the system while using a scanner.6M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:7 of 7 2.1.1 Goods receipt(confirm transfer order)With input of number 1 in the field Selection“,the transaction ZSCF_BPO_LT01 will be started.Existing fields on screen:Technical name Description DYN1000-TAUFT concatenated number:TANUM,TAPOS,(length 14)DYN1000-MATNR Material number DYN1000-QMATNR Material number confirmation DYN1000-MAKTX Description DYN1000-CHARG Batch DYN1000-QCHARG Batch confirmation DYN1000-NSOLM Quantity DYN1000-QNSOLM Confirmation quantity DYN1000-MEINS Material unit DYN1000-VLPLA From storage bin DYN1000-NLPLA To storage bin DYN1000-QNLPLA To storage bin confirmation DYN1000-ERMSG Field for messages The function key F3-Back leads back to the initial menu.With F2 Refresh all fields can be refreshed.After scanning the transfer order/position(TANUM,TAPOS)the other fields get filled with information.F6 confirms the transfer order.F7 takes the next assigned transfer order out of the table ZSCF_BAKEL_MON.Messages appear in the last line.7M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:8 of 8 2.1.2 Goods issue(confirm transfer order)With input of number 2 in the field Selection“,the transaction ZSCF_BPO_LT02 will be started.Following screen for return transfer quantitiy.Existing fields on screen:Technical name Description DYN1000-TAUFT concatenated number:TANUM,TAPOS,(length 14)DYN1000-MATNR Material number DYN1000-QMATNR Material number confirmation DYN1000-MAKTX Description DYN1000-CHARG Batch DYN1000-QCHARG Batch confirmation DYN1000-NSOLM Quantity DYN1000-QNSOLM Confirmation quantity DYN1000-MEINS Material unit DYN1000-VLPLA From storage bin DYN2000-QVLPLA From storage bin confirmation DYN2000-NLPLA To storage bin DYN2000-KZDIF Differential sign DYN2000-ERMSG Field for messages The function key F3-Back leads back to the initial menu.With F2 Refresh all fields can be refreshed.After scanning the transfer order/position(TANUM,TAPOS)the other fields get filled with information.If a retrurn transfer quantity is in the transfer order position,it must be set in the following screen.F6 confirms the transfer order.F7 takes the next assigned transfer order out of the table ZSCF_BAKEL_MON.Messages appear in the last line.8M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:9 of 9 2.1.3 Stock transfer bin to bin With input of number 3 in the field Selection“,the transaction ZSCF_BPO_LT03 will be started.Existing fields on the screen:Technical name Description DYN3000-VLPLA From storage bin DYN3000-NLPLA To storage bin DYN3000-MATNR Material number DYN3000-MAKTX Description DYN3000-OCHARG Batch DYN3000-CHARG Batch confirmation DYN3000-MEINS Material unit DYN3000-ERMSG Field for messages The function key F3-Back leads back to the initial menu.With F2 Refresh all fields can be refreshed.The destination storage bin will be checked for capacity.F6 creates and confirms a transfer order.The movement type is 999“.Messages appear in the last line.9 M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:10 of 10 2.1.4 Inventury WM With input of number 4 in the field Selection“,the transaction ZSCF_BPO_LT04 will be started.Possible message after F7:The material is on another storage bin:Existing fields on the screen:Technical name Description DYN4000-IVNUM Inventury document number DYN4000-LGPLA Storage bin DYN4000-QLGPLA Storage bin confirmation DYN4000-MATNR Material number DYN4000-QMATNR Material number confirmation DYN4000-MAKTX Description DYN4000-CHARG Batch DYN4000-QCHARG Batch confirmation DYN4000-MENGE Count quantity DYN4000-MEINS Material unit DYN4000-ERMSG Field for messages The function key F3-Back leads back to the initial menu.With F2 Refresh all fields can be refreshed.After Input/Scanning the Inventury document number,the storage bins will be shown.F6 counts the position.F7 completes the storage bin and the next will be shown.Messages appear in the last line.10M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:11 of 11 2.2 BPO The BPO is for controlling of transfer orders(BPO=BatchPlanningOptimizer,Transaktion code ZSCF_BPO_MON)2.2.1 Selection screen In the user parameters you can set the plant(WRK)an storage bin(LAG).F8 starts the selection.11M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:12 of 12 2.2.2 BPO Infosystem All not confirmed transfer orders will be selected,corresponding to the settings in the selection screen.The functionality is equal to ALV-TREE and ALV-GRID Controls.You can group the transfer orders and assign them to the scanners.Restart of the program Shows the grouped TO by selection.Slide in/out the detailed areas New selection Main area Detailed areas Grouping”and“Assignment“Detailed area Assignment“:12M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:13 of 13 2.2.3 Functionality Menu Functions“:Group automatically All in the main area shown entries will be grouped by From storage type“and To storage type“.Delete all groupings Delete a certain group Context menu in main area“:New group All marked lines will get a new group.Add to group All marked lines will added to a certain group.13M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:14 of 14 Context menu in detail area Grouping“Assign group/s At least one line of a group must be marked.More than one group can be assigned at one time.F4:Assignment/s cancel For the hole group/s,the assignment will be deleted.Context menu in detail area Assignment“:Assignment/s cancel For the hole group/s,the assignment will be deleted.14M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:15 of 15 Inventory MM(ICO)2.3 create Inventory document Within the SAP System the inventory documents are created as shown below.In the Inventory Controlling Optimiser you can either go from the left tree to the SAP transaction,or we could create the inventory documents automatically(Batch-Input recorder).15M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:16 of 16 1.1.1 ICO context menu,left tree 16M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:17 of 17 17M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:18 of 18 2.4 Count inventory position Without scanner,the employee walks through the storage and counts the materials on a peace of paper.Afterwards another employee takes the paper and puts the information into the SAP-System.2.4.1 1.2.3.ICO create working queue with ICO and count with scanner Development Class ZSCF_FLEXUS_INVENTUR_01 Group the inventory positions 18 M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:19 of 19 Assign a group to a scanner 19M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:20 of 20 Get a position out of your working queue,scan the barcodes and count without any paper.Or just scan the material and an open inventury will be checked and shown.2.5 Post differences After counting,differences have to be posted.You can do that with the count input or afterwards.In the scanner transactions decides a parameter,whether it will be done immediately or later.20M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:21 of 21 3 Inventory WM This procedure works in the same way.Just other SAP and ICO transactions.21 M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:22 of 22 22M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:23 of 23 4 Material movements In the Development Class ZSCF_BAKELITE_01 are example programs for transfer order confirmation.A possible workflow could be:-goods receipt from a purchase order(MIGO)-creation of transfer order automatically and print labels -scan the information or get it from BPO and confirm the TOs while material movements Goods receipt with MIGO(can also be solved by scanner transactions)Confirmation of TOs in the SAP System:Without scanner,the work must be done again with a peace of paper and type it in afterwards,or move to a fixed PC for each confirmation.23M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:24 of 24 With BPO and scanner:In this case,the step with MIGO will not be done by scanner(e.g.the vendors do not support labels).But the confirmation of the transfer orders can be put into working queues for goods issue and goods receipt.The stock transfer transaction creates and confirms transfer orders by itself.Group and assign transfer orders Get them from working queue and confirm them with scanner.Or scan the TO number from a label.24M Made by:Flexus AG File:RF_BPO_DOCU Date of creation:12.03.04 Date:27.10.2004 BPO Version:1.0 Page:25 of 25 Confirmation of TOs for goods issue in SAP system Create and confirm transfer orders for stock transfer 25


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