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综合教程综合教程 1 Unit 6 EnvironmentUnit 6 Environment Part CPart BPart ALead inTextExercisePhoneticsGrammarFunctions and NotionsWritingWorkshopLead inTextExerciseUnit 6 EnvironmentTask 2Task 1Task 3Part ALead inTask 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups.Use the words given below if necessary.What do you know the“strawberries”in the first picture are used for?2.What are the people in the second picture doing?3.What is the locker(储物柜储物柜)in the third picture made of?Cues:foldable,reusable bags,recyclingCues:cleaning,mop up,volleyball courtCues:cassette tapes,glue,stickPart ALead inTask 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups.Use the words given below if necessary.1.What do you know the“strawberries”in the first picture are used for?2.What are the people in the second picture doing?3.What is the locker(储物柜储物柜)in the third picture made of?These cute little“strawberries”are actually folded reusable shopping bags.They are cleaning/mopping up the volleyball court.It looks like a lot of cassette tapes stuck/glued together.Part ALead inTask 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks.Dialogue 1 Wow,the _ on your bag is very cute.Yeah,really cute,but its not a toy.A.It isnt?Then _ is it?B.Its a _ shopping bag.I take it with me everyday.A.Oh.So if its not used,it can be _ like this,a“strawberry”?Yes.It looks beautiful and is also _ friendly.Mmm.good.I bet itll _ some day.A.Actually its already been popular for quite some time.Part ALead inwhattoyreusable folded environmentallytake offTask 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks.Dialogue 2 Excuse me.Am I _ you,Claudia?No,not at all.Please come in.A.Thanks.Do you have an _ dictionary?B.Yes,its on my bookshelf.Go find it yourself,OK?My hands are wet.A.OK.Wow.your bookshelf is like a small _.These books must have _ you much money,right?Not too much.Most of them are books.They are _ very cheap.Oh.its really a good way to save money.A.Yeah.You know what?I think its also saving _.Part ALead inEnglish-Englishinterruptinglibrarycostsecond-handtrees Task 3 Discuss the following questions.1.How do you understand“go green”?2.What do you think of recycling?Cues:take care of,environment friendlyCues:save money,make use of,resourcesPart ALead in Task 3 Discuss the following questions.1.How do you understand“go green”?2.What do you think of recycling?“Go green”means taking care of where you live and being environment friendly.Recycling can save us money in the first place.Its also a way to make full use of the limited resources.Part ALead inPart ATextHow Colleges Can Go Green on Campus The concept of going green is becoming more widely spread.Many people throughout the country are increasing their efforts to go green.Many colleges and universities are also doing all that can be done to go green.Colleges can go green by recycling.Recycling goes far beyond paper,newspapers or plastic bottles at a college campus.There are actually many items that can be recycled on a college campus.This is especially true for technological products,such as computers,computer disks and printer cartridges.Light bulbs and batteries are just two of the many items which need to be changed fairly frequently that can also be recycled on a college campus.Part ATextPart AText Anything that can be recycled on a college campus should be recycled.Janitors should be given reminders about recycling and recycling bins should be placed in convenient locations all over campus.This is one of the easiest,and most important,things that can be done on a college campus to go green.Part AText There are many ways for a college to go green in the cafeteria by making a few easy changes.One of the very easy things that any college can do is buy their produce from a local farmers market and serve organic,whenever possible.Recycling cups,plates and any other eating utensils in the cafeteria is also a very easy way to go green on a college campus.Part AText This can easily be done by buying corn-based compostable products,especially when serving coffee,as this is a very popular drink on college campuses.Using environmentally friendly detergents and chemicals whenever dishwashing is required is another very easy way for college campuses to go green in the cafeteria.Part AText Without the active support of their students,there is no way that a college will ever be able to truly go green.There are many ways for college students to get involved in an effort to go green.Holding presentations on why going green is so important will remind students to increase their own efforts.Although some colleges assume that students know the importance of recycling,there are many who do not know why it is done.Part AText Explaining the importance is a good way to encourage support from students.Another great way to get students actively involved is by holding campus clean-up days that the students will participate in.Many students enjoy getting involved,especially when they feel that they are helping others or in this case,the environment.Part AText As you can see,there are so many ways that colleges can go green.Even though a college may feel that it is already doing enough to go green,the truth is that there is always something more that can be done.Neglecting the environment is not something that should be done anywhere,especially somewhere as large as a college campus.(469 words)大学如何建设绿色校园大学如何建设绿色校园 “走向绿色走向绿色”这一概念越来越普及。全国上下很多这一概念越来越普及。全国上下很多人都在加强环保力度。许多大学也在为此做着力所能及人都在加强环保力度。许多大学也在为此做着力所能及的事。的事。Part AText Translation 要建设绿色校园,大学可以回收利用废旧物品。大学要建设绿色校园,大学可以回收利用废旧物品。大学校园里能够回收利用的远非只有纸、报纸或塑料瓶其实还校园里能够回收利用的远非只有纸、报纸或塑料瓶其实还有很多,尤其是具有技术含量的产品,如计算机、计算机有很多,尤其是具有技术含量的产品,如计算机、计算机磁盘、打印机墨盒。很多需要频繁更换的西也可以循环利磁盘、打印机墨盒。很多需要频繁更换的西也可以循环利用,电灯泡和电池只是其中的两种。用,电灯泡和电池只是其中的两种。.Part AText Translation校园里任何可回收利用的东西都应回收利用。要提醒洁工校园里任何可回收利用的东西都应回收利用。要提醒洁工注意回收,垃圾筒应放至显眼且便利之地。这是建设绿色注意回收,垃圾筒应放至显眼且便利之地。这是建设绿色校园最简单且最重要的方式之一。校园最简单且最重要的方式之一。Part AText Translation 要建设绿色校园,大学自助餐厅也有事可做,只要在要建设绿色校园,大学自助餐厅也有事可做,只要在某些方面做些简单的改变即可。任何大学都可做到一件易某些方面做些简单的改变即可。任何大学都可做到一件易事就是,只要可能,就从当地农贸市场购买农产品,提供事就是,只要可能,就从当地农贸市场购买农产品,提供有机食物。餐厅还可以回收利用杯子、盘和其它器皿。有机食物。餐厅还可以回收利用杯子、盘和其它器皿。Part AText Translation 这很容易,只需购买、使用玉米降解产品就行了,尤其是这很容易,只需购买、使用玉米降解产品就行了,尤其是供应咖啡的相关用品,因为咖啡在校园里非常受欢迎。另供应咖啡的相关用品,因为咖啡在校园里非常受欢迎。另外,使用环保型清洁剂和其他化学用品洗碗,也不难做到。外,使用环保型清洁剂和其他化学用品洗碗,也不难做到。Part AText Translation 要建设绿色校园,没有学生的积极支持是不可能真正要建设绿色校园,没有学生的积极支持是不可能真正实现的。大学生可以通过很多方式参与到绿色环保中来。实现的。大学生可以通过很多方式参与到绿色环保中来。学校可以开展讲座,讲述环保为何如此重要,这样可以提学校可以开展讲座,讲述环保为何如此重要,这样可以提醒学生要更加积极地参与其中。有些大学学生都明白循环醒学生要更加积极地参与其中。有些大学学生都明白循环利用的重要性,但其实还有很多学生不懂这一点。利用的重要性,但其实还有很多学生不懂这一点。Part AText Translation因此,向学生解释其重要性是鼓励学生持并参与其中的一因此,向学生解释其重要性是鼓励学生持并参与其中的一种好方法。另一种方式就是举办由学生参加的校园清洁日种好方法。另一种方式就是举办由学生参加的校园清洁日活动。很多学生喜欢参与进来尤其是在他们觉得这是在帮活动。很多学生喜欢参与进来尤其是在他们觉得这是在帮助助“他人他人”(这里是指(这里是指“环境环境”)的时候。)的时候。Part AText Translation 由此可见,大学可以通过很多方式来建设绿色校园。由此可见,大学可以通过很多方式来建设绿色校园。有些大学可能会认为他们在这方面已经做得很好了但事实有些大学可能会认为他们在这方面已经做得很好了但事实是,无论做多少都远远不够。任何地方都不应该忽视环境,是,无论做多少都远远不够。任何地方都不应该忽视环境,尤其是像大学校园这样的大地方。尤其是像大学校园这样的大地方。Part AText Translation 1、Plant more trees and flowers 2、Dont spit everwhere 3、Dont litter everwhere 4、Conveniently to turn off the lights(随手关随手关灯灯)when class is over 5、Conveniently to turn off the faucet(随手关随手关水水)6、Creating a good teaching and learing atmosphere(创造一个良好的教学和学习气氛创造一个良好的教学和学习气氛)7、Propaganda green campus culture(宣传绿宣传绿色校园文化色校园文化)and so onconceptn.a thought,idea,or principlee.g.She cant grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.她无法掌握数学的基本概念。He speaks in concepts rather than specifics.他讲话时尽用抽象概念,而不谈具体。Part AText Language Pointsgov.to be in or pass into a particular statee.g.Her hair is going grey.她的头发日渐花白。This milk has gone sour.这牛奶馊了。Part AText Language Pointsitemn.a single thing among a set or on a liste.g.The first item she bought was a computer.她买的第一样东西是一台电脑。Whats the next item on the agenda?下一项议程是什么?Part AText Language PointsLight bulbs and batteries are.be recycled on a college campus Light bulbs and batteries are two examples of those things that need to be changed quite often and can be recycled on a collegeNote:Light bulbs and batteries are just two of the many items which need to be changed fairly frequently that can also be recycled on a college campus.Part AText Language Pointsbulbn.the glass part that fits into an electric lamp to give light when it is switched e.g.Do you know who is the inventor of the electric bulb?你知道谁是电灯的发明者吗?The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out.厨房里的电灯泡烧坏了。Part AText Language Pointsbinn.a large container,usually with a lid,for storing things in;a container that you put waste ine.g.There are some apples in the bin.箱子里有一些苹果。He threw the empty bottles in the bin.他把空瓶子扔进垃圾箱。Part AText Language Pointslocationn.a particular place or positione.g.The corner would make a good location for a gas station.这个拐角是设立一个加油站的好地点。What is the exact location of the ship?那条船的确切位置在哪里?Part AText Language Pointsserve to offer(food,drinks,a meal,etc.)for eating or drinkinge.g.What time is breakfast served in this hotel?这家旅馆何时供应早餐?Were not allowed to serve alcohol in this club.本俱乐部恕不售酒。Part AText Language Pointsutensiln.an object with a particular practical use,especially a tool or a containere.g.In the drawer is a selection of kitchen utensils.抽屉里有一些厨房用具。My father bought all the utensils for gardening.我父亲购买了全套园艺用具。Part AText Language Pointscompostablea.capable of being used as compost when it decays postable waste 可堆肥的垃圾 Some compostable bags are made of plant-based materials that break down in the composting process.有些可堆肥袋子是由植物原材料制作而成,这些原材料在堆 肥的过程中可以降解。Compostable bags are an environmentally-friendly alternative to standard polythene bags.可堆肥袋子是传统聚乙烯塑料袋的环境友好型替代品。Note:environmentally friendly Part AText Language Pointsdetergentn.a liquid or powder that helps remove dirt from clothes or dishes,etc.e.g.This detergent will whiten your coat.这种洗涤剂会使你的衣服变白的。I put too much detergent in the washer.我在洗衣机里放了太多的洗衣粉。Part AText Language Pointsassume to believe something to be true without actually having proof that it is e.g.If hes not here in five minutes,well assume that he isnt coming.要是他再过五分钟还不来,我们就认为他不来了。Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.咱们暂时假设计划成功。Part AText Language Pointsparticipatev.to take part or have a share in an activity or evente.g.Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions.希望全班同学参加这些讨论。The college students should participate in some social activities.大学生应该参加一些社会活动。Note:Holding presentations on why going green is so important will remind students to increase their own efforts.Part AText Language PointsNeglecting the environment is.as large as a college campusThe environment shouldnt be neglected anywhere,especially at places as big as a college campus.Note:Neglecting the environment is not something that should be done anywhere,especially somewhere as large as a college campus.Part AText Language Pointsneglect to give too little attention or care to;to fail to do something,especially because of carelessness or forgetfulnesse.g.He has neglected his study.他忽视了自己的学习。Dance has been neglected by television.舞蹈没有引起电视节目的足够注意。Dont neglect to lock the door/locking the door when you leave.你走时别忘了锁门。Part AText Language PointsTask 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Task 6Task 7Task 1Part AExercises Task 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions.1.What items are mentioned that can be recycled in the second paragraph?What should be done with recycling bins?Paper,newspapers,plastic bottles;technological products such as computers,computer disks,printer cartridges;light bulbs,batteries.Recycling bins should be put in convenient places all over campus.Part AExercises 3.What changes are mentioned that can be made in the cafeteria in the third paragraph?4.What can colleges do to get students involved in going green?5.Why do many students enjoy their efforts to go green?Buying produce from local farmers market and serve organic;buying corn-based compostable eating utensils;using environmentally friendly detergents and chemicals to wash dishes.Because they feel that they are helping the environment.Part AExercisesHolding presentations to explain the importance of recycling;holding campus clean-up days.Task 1 Read the text again and answer the following questions.Task 2 Identify the key words or main ideas of the following paragraphs.Paragraph 1:_,Many colleges and universities are doing what they can to go green.Paragraph 2:_,Colleges can go green by recycling used things.Paragraph 3:_,There are many ways for colleges to go green in the cafeteria.Paragraph 4:_,There are many ways for colleges to get students involved in going green.going greenrecycling cafeteriasupportPart AExercisesTask 3 Fill in the puzzle spaces with the words from Text A according to the explanations given below.Across2.to offer(food,drinks,a meal,etc.)for eating or drinking6.a particular place or position8.a liquid or powder that helps remove dirt from clothes or dishes,etc.9.a single thing among a set or on a list10.the glass part that fits into an electric lamp to give light when it is switched onDown1.to take part or have a share in an activity or event3.to believe something to be true without actually having proof that it is4.a thought,idea,or principle 5.to give too little attention or care to;to fail to do something,especially because of carelessness or forgetfulness7.an object with a particular practical use,especially a tool or container1.participate 2.serve3.assume 4.concept5.neglect 6.location7.utensil 8.detergent9.item 10.bulbPart AExercisesTask 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3.Change the word forms if necessary.1.I _ you can speak English fluently.2.Could you fit me up with a new _ for the headlight of my car?3.I cannot understand such an abstract _.4.Is your home in a convenient _?5.The _ is used for mixing foods.assumebulbconceptlocationutensilPart AExercisesTask 4 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 3.Change the word forms if necessary.6.Terry cant _ in the match because he has hurt his foot.7.Dont _ to water the plants.8.They will _ some sweets to the children.Let us proceed to the next _ on the agenda.9.Youll never get the grease off the plates if you dont use _.participateneglectserveitemdetergentPart AExercisesTask 5 Complete the sentences using derivatives(派生词派生词)of the words in the box.Change the word forms if necessary.The gate isnt _ enough to get the car through.The _ in this place is slow;sometimes you have to wait for ten minutes.They want greater _ in the decision-making process.The _ of accidents on that road has forced the committee to lower the speed limit.1.The offices are conveniently _ in the centre of the city.wideserviceparticipationfrequencylocatedPart AExercisesWithout your help,it will be impossible for us to finish the task within ten days.Task 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.You cannot take the books away unless you get the special permission from the dean.If you dont work hard,you cant get a high score.3.If you dont help us,it will be impossible for us to finish the task within ten days.Without special permission from the dean,you cannot take the books away.Without hard work,you cant get a high score.Part AExercisesTask 6 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.This is one of the most important things that we can do on acollege campus to go green.Someone must take care of the children when we go out.1.They wont hold the meeting until next Friday.This is one of the most important things that can be done on a college campus to go green.The children must be taken care of when we go out.The meeting wont be held until next Friday.Part AExercisesTask 7 Translate the following sentences into English,paying attention to the highlighted parts.这个问题远超过我的能力。这个问题远超过我的能力。(far beyondfar beyond)2.2.我们每个星期都参加英语角活动。我们每个星期都参加英语角活动。(participate inparticipate in)3.3.我不想卷入这件事中去。我不想卷入这件事中去。(get involved inget involved in)4.4.我想当然地认为你们彼此认识,我想当然地认为你们彼此认识,因为你们上过同一所学校。因为你们上过同一所学校。(assumeassume)5.5.请提醒我明天给我母亲打请提醒我明天给我母亲打 。(remindremind)This problem is far beyond me.2.We participate in the English Corner every week.3.I dont want to get involved in this business.4.I assume that you know each other,because you went to the same school.5.Please remind me to call my mother tomorrow.Part AExercisesTask 1Task 2Part BLead inTask 1 Listen to the recording,and complete the following passage.Colleges in Washington are trying to help(1)_ the environment on campus.Campus restaurants are serving locally grown foods,and(2)_ fruits and vegetables.Pacific Lutheran Universitys new math,business,computer science and computer engineering building(3)_ a gold rating from the council earlier this year.Its construction(4)_ include bamboo flooring,recycled carpet and so on.protectorganicreceivedmaterialsPart BLead inTask 1 Listen to the recording,and complete the following passage.Universities are paying more for (5)_ energy generated by dams and wind farms.Western Washington University and The Evergreen State College were among the first in the state to go 100 percent green.renewable Part BLead inTask 1 Listen to the recording,and complete the following passage.Many universities(6)_ paper,glass and plastic.Theyre also encouraging students to(7)_ unwanted items instead of throwing them in the trash bin.The UW (8)_ more than 20,000 pounds of clothes,books,cell phones and other(9)_ materials from students when they moved out of the dorms at the end of the(10)_ year.The items were given to community organizations.donate Part BLead inrecycle collectedreusableacademicTask 2 Discuss the following questions with your partner about greening the campus.What are the efforts of your university to green the campus?2.What are your own ways of greening the campus?Cues:reduce waste in the students canteen,use recyclable paper,water saving and electricity savingCues:plastic bags,grow potted plants,reuse waterPart BLead inTask 2 Discuss the following questions with your partner about greening the campus.What are the efforts of your university to green the campus?2.What are your own ways of greening the campus?The university has made efforts to reduce waste in the students canteen.Students are encouraged to use recyclable paper.People also start to save water and electricity.I never use plastic bags.I grow some potted plants in my dorm.After I wash my face,I use the water to flush the toilet.Part BLead inPart BTextGoing Green on Campus:An InspiredStudent Working to Inspire Others After visiting the Bay Area to learn about efforts on campuses there to increase sustainability,Dave Hammill wrote a proposal to create the Student Sustainability Coordinator position for his own college in New York.Teachers at Wagner College approved the position,and Dave filled it.“I just thought that was the coolest thing ever,”he said.Part BText He got other students involved in greening the campus,and their first effort was to educate Wagner students on why they should recycle.They invited an official from the Mayors Office to come to the campus and give recycling demonstrations.Part BText They did a study of how much food was getting thrown out in the dining halls and began efforts to reduce waste in dining hall.They also tried to promote a more sustainable lifestyle.They had parties and invited students to come to see their way of green living.Part BText Dave helped to organize a school-funded trip to an organic restaurant in Manhattan,where they talked with one of the managers about the aspects of sustainability at the restaurant.Part BText In order to learn how to grow plants,Dave took lessons in composting.He tried to get students in more contact with the soil and with the earth.They could take back potted plants and learn to grow their own houseplants.Part BText Dave helped put up an Earth Club table at the school club fair.He knew he had made a difference when one of the football players commented on a banana peel that he threw into the trash:“Dave,what are you doing,you can compost th


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