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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Chinese Zodiac Animals,rat,鼠,ox,牛,tiger,虎,rabbit,兔,dragon,龙,snake,蛇,horse,马,sheep,羊,monkey,猴,rooster,鸡,dog,狗,boar,猪,H,appy Chinese New Year,新春快乐,wish you every success,一帆风顺,Peace and safety all year around,四季平安,the five blessings have descended upon the house,五福临门,everything goes smoothly,六六大顺,fortune comes from all directions,八方来财,all flowers bloom together,百花齐放,may a river of gold flow into your pockets,财源广进,hope everything goes your way,万事如意,wish you a long life,长命百岁,H,appy Chinese New Year,W,ish you every success,W,ish you,peace and safety all year around,T,he five blessings have descended upon the house,E,verything goes smoothly,F,ortune comes from all directions,A,ll flowers bloom together,M,ay a river of gold flow into your pockets,H,ope everything goes your way,wish you a long life,May you start safe and sound all year round,岁岁平安,always come first in examinations,名列前茅,have a bright future,鹏程万里、前程似锦,timely wind and rain bring good harvest,风调雨顺,wish our country flourish and people live in peace,国泰民安,be as energetic as a dragon and a horse,龙马精神,May there be surplus year after year,年年有余,wish you prosperity,恭喜发财,wish your entire family to be happy,阖家幸福,May all your wishes come true,心想事成,wish you good fortune and every success.,大吉大利,may you start safe and sound all year round,always come first in examinations,have a bright future,timely wind and rain bring good harvest,wish our country flourish and people live in peace,be as energetic as a dragon and a horse,may there be surplus year after year,wish you prosperity,wish your entire family to be happy,may all your wishes come true,wish you good fortune and every success.,wish you get higher promotion,步步高升,everything takes on a completely new look,万象更新,wish you become more prosperous every day,蒸蒸日上,good health,身体健康,Wish you safety wherever you go,出入平安,wear a smile often,笑口常开,make progress in your study,学习进步,wish you a booming business,生意兴隆,everything goes well with your work,工作顺利,get rapid promotion,鲤鱼跃龙门,wish you get promotion,everything takes on a completely new look,wish you become more prosperous every day,good health,wish you safety wherever you go,wear a smile often,make progress in your study,wish you a booming business,everything goes well with your work,get rapid promotion,Chinese Spring Festival,also,_,(,call),Lunar New Year,has,more than 4,000 years of history.,_(,be,),one of the traditional Chinese festivals,it is the,_,(,grand,),and the most important festival,for,Chinese people.It is also the time for the whole families,_,(get),together,which is similar,with,Christmas Day to the westerners.Spring Festival,_,celebrates family reunion,is full of rich and colorful activities,and,_,(,hope,),with the,coming,of spring and flowers blossoming.People from different regions and different ethnic groups celebrate it,_,their unique ways.,Every family does,_,thorough house cleaning and purchases enough food,_(,includ,e,),fish,meat,roasted nuts and seeds,all kinds of candies and fruits,etc,for the festival period.Also,new clothes must,_,(buy,),especially for children.Food during this happy event has its characteristics,which is the representative of Chinese festival food culture.Dumplings and the reunion dinner are indispensable at this time.,


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