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国家开放大学电大本科高级英语(1)2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:1351)Information for the examinees: This examination consists of 4 parts. They are:Part I : Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)Part H : Reading comprehension (30 points)Part fl : Cloze (10 points)Part IV : Writing (30 points) The total marks for this examination are 100 points . Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore , you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.1 . Vocabulary and Grammar(2 points each ,30 points in total)Choose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. They women in the Carshalton Club.B. arent wantD. dont wantA. arent wantingC. doesnt want2. This year, the number of club membersvery quickly.B. growsD. growingA. is growingC. are growing3. Colin the bass guitarist since Brian left.B. isD. wasB. Does . . rehearsingD. Has . . been rehearsed the night before.B. sleptD. sleepA. has beenC. has been being4. the band a lot?A. Is . . rehearseC. Has . . been rehearsing5. The police asked me where IA. was sleepingC. had sleptup.6. When the judge returned to the courtroom, everyone immediatelyA. stoodC. standsB. was standingD. had stood7. Ill be on holiday in the mountains at Christmas so I meet you in town.A. wont be able toB. mustntC. couldntD. ought to8. Lets not take the children to the science museumI think they probablyenjoy it.A. wontB. willC. arent going toD. can9. Scientists are certain that the sea level rise in the next 200 years.A. is going toB.mayC. willD.should10. Today, the motel by members of the same family.A. is managedB.was managedC. will be managedD.has been managed11. The wigwamsfrom cloth or animal skins.A. arent beingmadeB.hadnt been madeC. isnt madeD.arent made12. She told me that shea car since 1990.A. hadnt drivenB.wasnt drivingC. didnt driveD.wouldntdrive13. Hebe hungryhes just had lunch.A. cantB.mustC. ought toD.might14. Alien Control 3 and Drive Hard can be played with another player.A. AllB.MostC. BothD.Neither15. We to invite you for dinner next weekend.A. loveB.think aboutC. offerDwould like11. Reading comprehension (30 points)Passage A(4 points each,20 points in total)Read the article and then judge whether the statements followed arc true (T) or false (F)? Write “T” or F at the corresponding place on the answer sheet.Its a typical Saturday afternoon on Cathedral Square in Peterborough in the east of England. Two noisy gangs of young people are sitting in the centre of the square. One group are wearing tracksuits and baseball caps and brand-new white trainers. A lot of them are4 F q cwearing jewellery like gold chains and earrings. Theyre the Chavs. Opposite them are the Goths. Theyre wearing black Doctor Marten boots, long black coats and black T-shirts with the names of their favorite bands on them. Some of them are wearing lipstick and eyeliner and a few of them have piercings. Nervous shoppers hurry past them, trying not to make eye contact. It seems to be quiet but you feel that at any moment a fight could start. The police say these young people are probably harmlessperhaps they just hang around the square because theres nothing better to do. But older people say they are tired of putting up with the noise and litter. These kinds of problems certainly arent unique to Peterborough. But after trying several different methods, Peterborough City Council has a radical plan to change things.The councils controversial plan to bring peace to the city starts on a Tuesday morning during the half-term holiday. A group of fourteen Chavs and Goths of both sexes are travelling by bus to a secret location in the countryside, ten miles out of town. There are more Chavs than Gothsmaybe its hard for some Goths to get up in the mornings! When they finally arrive, supervisors ask them to put on camouflage clothing. And then the two gangs spend the rest of the morning pretending to shoot at each other.Dont worrythe guns are not real (they fire plastic balls filled with paint) and its all for fun. But isnt it dangerous to fight aggression with aggression? Is a game of paintball really the best way to bring young people together? Steve Mayes, the organizer of the event, feels that it is. He thinks these controversial games give the two groups something to do and can start them talking. It gets rid of a lot of energy tooits much better than playing games on Playstations and Xboxes, he says. Meanwhile, the Chavs and Goths are fooling around: theres a lot of shouting and laughter and everyone appears to be having fun.At the end of the day Steve Mayes believes the event was a successthe two groups are already talking to each other. Its like football, says Denise, another organizer. You choose which team you belong to. But at the encl of the day. Chavs and Goths are the same sort of people.16. The scenes that are described in the first paragraph dont happen very often.17. The shoppers in Peterborough are afraid to look at the young people in the square.18. The police dont think the young people are dangerous.19. Peterborough isnt the only place where you can find such problems.20. Only boys are taking part in the councils events.Passage B(2 points each, 10 points in total)Read the article and match paragraph AE with what the writer tries to tell the readers (21 25) in each paragraph.囚 Edinburgh is a beautiful historic city which is situated on the river Forth on the eastcoast of Scotland. Although its the capital city, it isnt very big: it has only about half amillion inhabitants.回 1 really love the old town which goes from the Castle to Holy rood Palace. There arelots of amazing old buildings there. But my favourite place is the Royal Park. Its a hugepark with an ancient volcano called Arthurs Seat. From the top there is an incredible viewof the river and the surrounding countryside.c The only thing I dont like is the weather. Its always windy here even when itssunny. There are some really nice beaches nearby but its too cold to go swimming.d You cant get bored in Edinburgh. There are lots of things to do especially inAugust. That s when the international arts festival takes place. There are some veryinteresting museums and galleries, and you can also go on some great historical tours aboutghosts and so on. Another thing I like about Edinburgh is its great for shopping. It,s gotall the major chain stores and some interesting little shops.e| Edinburgh is my favourite city. There are lots of things to see and do and ity s nottoo big, so you can get to most places on foot.21. Good points22. Bad points23. Background information24. Things you can see and do25. ConclusionDI. ClozeChoose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given and write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (2 points each, 10 points in total)Influenza is a viral infection. The flu 26 which caused the 191827 was 25 timesmore deadly than normal and it caused more deaths than the First World War.The consequences of a massive 28 could be disastrous for 29 . For example, a cloud of ash could 30 the sun and the molten lava would destroy everything in its path.26. A.virusB.chemicalc.epidemicD.wave27. A.impactB.disasterc.pandemicD.eruption28. A.forest fireB.tsunamic.greenhouse gasD.volcanic eruption29. A.terroristsB.scientistsc.humanityD.mass migration30. A. block out B. head for C. put outD wipe outIV . Writing(30 points)31. Write an essay giving arguments for and against the statement, 4There is too much testing in our schools9, and state your own opinion.Remember to Start with a statement that most people will agree with. Explain why the issue is controversial. Present the arguments in favour (for) the statement. Present the arguments against the statement End with a conclusion that pulls together both sides of the argument.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)I Vocabulary and Gramniar(2 points each,30 points in total)1. D2. A3. A4. C5.C6. A7. A8. A9. C10. A11. D12. A13. A14. C15. DII Reading comprehension (30 points)Passage A(4 points each,20 points in total)16. F17. T18. T19. T20. FPassage B(2 points each, 10 points in total)21. B22.C23. A24.D25.EDI. Cloze(2 points each,10 points intotal)26. A27.C28. D29.C30.AIV. Writing。points)31.写作题评分标准26一30 分内容切题,完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当,句式用 词富有变化,有“闪光点”,基本无语言错误。2125 分内容切题,完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当,少量语 法错误。1620 分内容基本切题,完整,条理基本清楚,文章结构基本严谨,语法基本正确,语 言基本通顺恰当,少量严重错误,一些词使用不当。1115 分内容基本切题,完整,条理不够清楚,较明显的母语痕迹,较多语言错误,许 多词使用不当。610 分内容偏题,不完整,思路混乱,语句不完整,只有少数句子可以理解,词汇拼 写严重错误。


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