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Methods of Education-Time to be changed?Methods of Education Methods of Education Performed by the following persons Zero王恺王恺韦惠玲韦惠玲殷娇殷娇Methods of Education ContentsBackground and DiscussionThe Movie Three Idiots”Talk ShowConclusion1234Methods of Education Part 1 background and Discussionsv Education in ChinanChina is a country with a history of over 5000 yearsnEducation plays an important role in Chinese history and culturenSchool have been the center in Chinese education system since ancient TimeSuining Education Commission“百年大计,教育为本百年大计,教育为本”Methods of Education Part 1 background and Discussionsv General RemarksnIn the last 20 years,China has great developed in social and economic.But,after all,still a developing country nChina is running the biggest education system which enrolls 20%of the whole worldnChinas educational funding is only 2%EnrollFunding20%2%How to balance?Methods of Education v Equity(公平公平)and Quality of Educationn800 million of the 1.3 billion people live in the rural areasn70%of Schools in China cant have suitable conditionn25%of those school havent install electric lightsEquity and Quality of EducationSpecial funds is in urgent need!methods of Education v Performance of Teachersnstudents are not born to be interested in learning Instead,they should be led to acquire itnFlexible(灵活的灵活的)teaching method should be improved according to teaching content to help students get interested in learningDelivery of knowledge Or foster interestMechanical teaching is only suitable for“Machine”,Not for StudentMethods of Education v Students Attitudendevelop their enthusiasm and interest for learningnNot just study mechanically,or pursue a diplomaAcquire knowledge Or obtain the diplomaKnowledge lead you to successNot diplomaMethods of Education v Oriented of education nThe drawback of Traditional exam-oriented educationnquality-oriented education is our right wayDont lost our way!Orientation of EducationSet free!Methods of Education v Some common solutionsnMore educational fundingnstructural reform of educationnChange the teaching/learning modenWhere is our future?How to deal with this problemsWhere is the key?Methods of Education Part2 The Film Three Idiots”Methods of Education v Discussion arose from“3 idiots”nThe movie focuses on college Education nRaise a heated discussion on current Education methods and ideas3 Idiots Good Idea!Maybe we can try!methods of Education Part2 The Film Three Idiots”nv Synopsis(梗概梗概)of”3 Idiots”n3 Idiots is a 2009 Bollywood comedy film directed by Rajkumar HiraninRancho is a smart student who have passion for knowledge and take apart in building machines,not just care about exam ranks.nLead audience review(反思)of current educational systemwhether?how?Methods of Education Part2 The Film Three Idiots”the idiot Ranchochallenge the convention pursue his own idealshe is differentMethods of Education Part2 The Film Three Idiots”This is Chatur A faithful defender of traditional education!he is a nice studentMethods of Education Part2 The Film Three Idiots”successbeautiful wife luxury villassuper sports car his own companyAfter 10 yearsMethods of Education Part2 The Film Three Idiots”a famous scientistmore than 400 patentsHis own shool A lifestyle he like successMethods of Education Part 3 talk showShould Teaching methods be changed like the 3 idiots way?A well-known anchorman A noted scholars A famous expertsMethods of Education Part4 Conclusionv The outstanding features of good education systemnOffering more choices and opportunities for students nDeveloping students critic(批判)thinking ability and creativitynSocial sectors and communities strong involvementnNo one left behind philosophy(哲学)and actionMethods of Education Part4 Conclusionv Making changes of teaching/learning pedagogyCommonalityIndividuality Top learnersAverage learnersTeacher-centredStudent-centredMethods of Education Part4 Conclusionv Making changes of teaching/learning pedagogynFrom the delivery of knowledge to foster the students creative competence(能力)creativityMethods of Education Part4 Conclusionv Making changes of teaching/learning pedagogynFrom a rigid and examinative-oriented type of assessment to a formative(规范化规范化)and value-added assessment system Methods of Education ConclusionInquiry LearningMechanical repetition spoon-feeding Better way


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