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-.z.1.A person I love The person I love is my mother.She is kind and caring.The mothers love is warm and great.She gave birth to me and brought me up.She is always standing behind me in all that I do.I grew up lean on my mother,she is my first teacher,she taught how to read,how to write,how to get along with other people,how to be a positive and honest person.She does everything she can to make me happy and never asks for anything in return.Mother is abest friend as well.When we stay together,we just like my sister.If I have some problems,Ill ask her for help.And she will give me manyadvices.She is always there to encourage me to do the things I want to do.She is a good listener.She taught me the meaning of love.She will comfort when Im sad,love me when Im mad,pick me up when Im down,encourage me when I need a shove.2.The differences between motherly love and fatherly love if there are any According to my personal e*periences,mother loves the newborn infant.Both their love are unconditional and unselfish.But I can feel motherly love is direct,she may talk about some trifleagain and again.Most is about the weather the food.And she always nag at me.In the mothers eyes,we are always is a group of children.Let us feel warm-.z.Fatherly love is deep but indirect.Father may not good at showing their loves or cares.They are annoyed,angry and disappointed because they are too worried about our life and future.Let us feel safe,at ease.I think it maybe because female are perceptual while male are rational.3.What do you think makes a good heart To be kind thoughtful forgiving caring and generous honest Control ones temper esay to get get along with other and be a good listener Keep a calm attitude A person with a good heart should be able to treat others equally no matter what she or he is,how she or he looks or what they are doing.And always be brave to face the difficult in life and love life.4.The different attitudes of people towards disabled people.whats your attitude Some people look down upon disabled people,thinking they bring many troubles.Some people they are poor,felt much sympathy for them The social attitudes towards disabled people are often too protection,thinking they are granted unconditionally protection.My attitude is that we cant look down upon disabled people,just treat them with the attitude towards ordinary people.we also need to fight for our-.z.right when conflictwith them.We must face the problem 5.What are the benefits of keeping pets And what are the troubles P23 Good:in your lonely time it will accompany you.It will always be with you.It will always stay by your side(e*cept dead).It is a good listener.bad:ifpets are not often bathed,they may become dirty and smelled.Pets can be infected easily.Pets mess is another trouble.Sometimes it is too noisy to keep a dog.6.Make a short summary of the article Speaking Different Languages.P45 Man and women languages had the same words but different meaning depending on the way they were used.Woman would tend to e*aggerate the factors and men react in an unsupportive manner,because they mistakenly take these e*pressions literally.It is important to rethink or translate what people have heard.7.Find as many differences as you can between men and women.Give some e*amples.Man and women seldom mean the same thing even when they use the same words.Gender difference(性别差异)Man and women languages had the same words but different meaning depending on the way they were used.There e*pressions-.z.were similar,but they had different connotations(含义)or emotional emphasis.E*ample:I feel like you never listen.Using the word never is just a way of e*pressing the frustration.Woman would tend to e*aggerate the factor,men mistakenly take these e*pressions literally,react in an unsupportive manner.Men use speech as a means of conveying only facts and information.E*ample:woman:we never go out.Men respond we went out last week.8.What are the causes of misunderstandings in human communication Give some e*amples.Reasons:pronunciation Cultural difference Character(outgoing introvert)性格差异 Gender difference Emotion(nervous e*cited)Communication Skill(gesture)Situation1 英国人对家人的帮助会说谢谢;而中国人认为帮助家里人是一种义务,所以无需言谢。Interactions:help between family members Conventions:politeness Chinese Conventions:ones own obligation,no need to thank or be-.z.thanked British and American Conventions:E*pect polite e*pressions like please,thank you,etc.Situation2 外国人觉得中国人对待他们是十分友好的,但是有时候会问出一些令他们感到为难的问题,比方问他们的年龄和工资。Interactions:conversation between people meeting for the first time Conventions:conversational topics,privacy,taboo,openness,directness Chinese Conventions:Many Chinese people tend to ask about age,marital status,and even salary when first meeting one another.To them,these are open conversational topics.Knowing a persons age helps them use appropriate terms of address,such as Lao Wang,*iao Li,or kin terms such as uncle or aunt,etc.And Chinese people pay a lot of attention to family life,so naturally talk of family members features as a common topic.As to salary,since there is a national system of salaries,people usually dont consider it a secret and they talk about it openly.British and American Conventions:In Britain,weather and sports are common topics.Some taboo questions:age,marriage and salary.These are considered too private or too personal to talk about when first meeting someone.-.z.Situation3 中国人结伴出游的时候,如果买什么东西,去买的人一般都会按照人头购置,即便有人客气地说不要;和外国人结伴出游,如果你客气地推说不需要*样东西,则对方真的就不会给你买。Interactions:offering refreshments or drinks Conventions:politeness,individual decision Chinese Conventions:When a Chinese offers refreshments or drinks to his colleague,his colleague often declines the offer politely,because he doesnt want to trouble the person who offers and it also shows his politeness.Normally the person who offers still prepares or buys refreshments or drinks,and this will be e*pected by his colleague.Sharing food and drink when going out together is common among colleagues and friends.British and American Conventions:Respect ones own decision,yes means one wants it,no means one doesnt,politeness is usually shown by the e*pression thank you or please.9.What are the important factors for successful communications Speak clearly Be confident Organize well and put more focus on main idea Pay attention to the different speaking habit of different se*,education,and cultural background.10.What are the ways to avoid misunderstandings P66-.z.do not use words with different meanings.E*press and pronounce clearly.Put focus on main point of your view Do not pretend to understand Ask when not sure about something.Understand the se*,education and cultural background difference during communication.It is important to rethink or translate what people have heard.11.How do people define winning?What does winning mean to you The wealthy man Got the achievement Make big contribution Achieveones goals in life Overcome some problems or weakness Career,wealth,fame or post,and power Enjoy oneself Enjoy my life,live happily and to realizemy dream 12.Who do you think is a winner in your eye Why Some one can overcome his weakness and restart after e.g:Disabled athletes 张海迪 Cruel fate has challenge in front,he did not depressed and-.z.destruction,but the life is full of confidence,with great tenacity and perseverance combating disease,suffered severe tests.Self-study university English and Japanese and German,many English translation 13.Do you regard yourself as a winner or loser Why Its hard to say,I think we are all on the way to be a winner.we are not prefect in our quality,but we are attempting 14.What characteristics of winners or losers have Preparedness,promptness 及时,perseverance 锲而不舍,politeness Squash:gossip,criticism,indifference Love one another,be faithful,be loyal,be unselfish,be truthful Turn up a new idea,turn up with the determination to do a better job Sb is intelligence,independent,have good capability to do sth Sb is fle*ibility 15.Say something about Sir Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln.p91 16.The psychology in our daily life by giving e*amples Psychology plays an important role in our daily life.If we master some basic rules of it,we can more deeply understand and better our life.For instance,1.the psychology of money.some guys would rather spend than save,while some tend to parsimony-.z.2.the psychology in ads.Companies use psychology to increase business.3.The psychology of shopping.As long as the prices of some goods come down,an increasing number of people will buy it.4.The psychology in hospital.A patient will feel better after taking placebo.17.should we tall the truth to a cancer patient Give your reasons.An optimistic attitude may have something to do with ones health.A sound mind in a sound body.The truth may break down the patient.As the psychology of patient,think less of his disease may leave longer.18.mak a summary of the te*t the psychology of money Our individual money habits not only show our beliefs and values,but also stem from past problems.For many people,money is an important symbol of strength and influence.Thus some people can be addicted to money.These people can be divided into two groups,that is compulsive spenders and compulsive bargain hunters.To solve these problems,psychologists often use a method called behavior therapy.19.John often gets angry with his son who does poorly in school even though he works hard.Give John some advice.Maybe Johns son is not a learning material,but he had worked hard.-.z.1.encourage him to keep on studying in stead of getting angry.2.praise him for every little progress 3.tell him his father is always proud of him,and no matter what happen,father may stand behind him.4.develop his other interest.20.what can dream tell according to what you have learned in this unit Which do you agree with predict the future warn you of health dangers provide an answer to a problemstimulate powerful physical response in the body present a work of art to a creative mind make you feel good make you feel bad point out personality flaws show you real feeling of something I side with the last one.If you meet something scared you or e*citing you,you may dream about it at night.21.why do people dream according to the te*t a simple physical cause inner fears that are instantlyrecognized 22.share with your classmates any of your dreams which is happy,sad,horrible,weird,or funny Once I went travelling with my parents,we settled down in a hotel.That night I have a horrible dream that when we crossed a narrow bridge I tripped over a stone and fell into the lake.I woke up and-.z.broke out in a sweat.The ne*t day,we went to the park.I was so e*citing that I forgot what happened last night.I didnt remember the dream until I really fell into a lake.Luckily,the water was only to my waist.But its so weird that I still remember today.23.What do you like/dislike to eat and drink Give your reasons.Vegetable:I like potato,onion,cucumber,pumpkin,celery,I dont like carrot,though I know its healthy.And I dont like parsley because I cant bear the smell.I even hate eating broccoli because when I was a little child,I was forced to drink the soup made of the broccoli.Fruit:I like almost every kind of fruit(get a lot of vitamins from it)Meat:pork,beef,chicken,especially the sea-food because I lived near the sea.(help to build our body)Cereal:rice and noodles(give us a lot of energy rapidly)Drink:when I was a child,I like coke,juice,sprite.Gradually I grew up,Ive learn about that these soft drinks is disadvantageous.So I change to drink mineral water,milk,yoghourt.24.What(are the factors that)help to develop ones eating habit Give some e*amples.The taste(many people dont like eating vegetables)The differences of region(students from north like noodles and dumplings while south people like rice;people brought up near the-.z.sea enjoy seafood,while people from the west like beef and lamb)The figure(some girl are on a diet to keep a slim figure)The conception of health(some foods are bad to eat,the nutrition,)The family(poor rich)The culture(the taboo,different religions)25.What are your reactions when you see somebody eat things that you dont like Give some e*ample People from one culture often think the food s that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating.It seems stranger to me I may become sick when I see somebody eat things that you dont like,for e*ample the insects,spider,mouse,the brain of monkey.26.Where do you prefer to eat to celebrate your birthday In a campus cafeteria,a fast-food restaurant,an e*pensive restaurant,or at home Why At home.It is the place where I live many years.My mom and dad are also there.I think it is the most comfortable and sweet place.I will invite my grandparents and my best friends to come to my home.27.Make a summary of Cooking and cuisine P211 28.E*plain the(Italian)proverb When in Rome,do as Romans-.z.do Talk about the importance of knowing different cultural by give some e*amples.引文When in Rome,do as the Romans do means that when you are visiting a new place,you should try to do as the people do who are from the place.It is a very good advice to tourists and visitors.People from different places have different ways of acting,so it is important to try to do things the way local people do.Because this will make the local people feel more comfortable with you around,also you will feel closer to their culture.So,imitating the local ways,you will learn more about their culture and tradition,also,you will be able to make many new friends.Also,it could be fun.The traditions of the place you are visiting might be different and interesting at the same time.If you do as the Romans do,you will do a lot of things that you wouldnt normally do.Who knows Maybe you will discover some new talents in you.29.What characteristics come to mind when you think about Chinese,American and British people British is traditional,introverted,cautious,British people is not easy for a personal relationship with each other not easily trusting,depend on others,once established friendship with the British,they will cherish what,long-term trust you.Business is also very harmonious.Chinese conservative,introverted,modesty,tolerate,Lack of creativity-.z.Americans treat the enthusiasm,optimistic and easy,easy to approach,when you first make an American,he will be to you,and make you even talking freely feeling,Practical,they like everything yourself,the size of the things can solve,E*tra value of success,the important value of my talent and ability 30.Talk about the dining customs in America and China.p237 China:Be a little time earlier.The Chinese eat food with chopsticks.America:Be on time.When a prayer is being offered,keep silent with bowed head.Use one hand whenever possible and keep the other one on the lap.Between bites,put the fork on the plate while drinking coffee or buttering bread.Put a spoon where it will lie flat.Do not use silverware for eating bread.If you want to leave the table during the meal,say to the host would you please e*cuse me for a while.Stay for two or three hours after the meal.31.Find some taboos in China concerning gift-giving,dressing,eating,language,gestures,etc.-.z.Do not say the words die or the words with the same or similar pronunciation to others.Do not send a friends an umbrella,since it has a same pronunciation to the word 散 which means separation.Do not divide a pair into pieces.It has a similar pronunciation to the word 别离,which means parting.Do not pat on others head,it is impolite.Do not write to your friend in a red pen.Which has a connotation of breaking up the relationship.32.do you agree that money is the root of all evil why or why not-I want to be evil if it means I can have all the money!No,actually,I agree that the love of money is the root of all evil.Money is neither good nor bad,it is just a tool for us to use.However,the love of money may cause people to do many awful things.Money is the cause of all sorts of evil-lying,stealing,cheating,robbery,and even murder.Money is not evil in of itself.Only how do you get it and how do you spend it could be.33.do you agree that money is the source of happiness why or why not Even rich people complain that they are unhappy.They have no aim and they feel confused and hopeless.-.z.Happiness is not a commodity.You cannt be happy all the time just because you owe money.It seems that a majority of the rich cities suffer a high criminal rate.Only if you can plow your money back into some investments,you may feel happy.34.what do you think are the most important 3 things in life Why Family.My family may always stand behind me when things tend to go wrong.Everyone may abandon you but never your family.Friends.My friends may comfort me when Im sad,love me when Im mad,pick me up when Im down and encourage me when I need a shove.We share happiness and sorrow together.Rivals.We all need rivals though sometimes we may hate them.A near rival makes me work hard and make more progresses.Without a rival,I may become proud and stop to work on.35.should children be paid for doing housework Why or why not No.As one of the family members,its childrens duty to do housework as well.Children may form an attitude that the housework is not their business,and no money,no housework.-.z.Children should learn to do housework since they may live on themselves one day.36.retell briefly the story a letter to god.A famer called Lencho send a letter to God for help after the farm damaged by the hail.Lencho hope God can give him 100 pesos to resow the field.Seeing this letter the postmaster was moved.He tried his best and gathered together 70 pesos.A letter with the money was sent back to lencho.When lencho got the money,he got angry.He thought the post-office employee are a bunch of crooks and asked God for the other 30 pesos.37.do you agree or disagree that money is merely a raw material give your reasons.Absolutely yes!Money is just a tool for us to change for goods.If you plow your money back into other investments,you may make more money.Money is made to make our life more colorful.If we only store our money,it may become worthless.38.what would you do if you are awarding 5000 Yuan now give your reasons.I will bank the money.Cause we are still students,we get money from our parents.Our parents work hard to support us.If I use money aimlessly,I will feel ashamed.So its better to budget the money-.z.before using.I used to save my pocket money in the bank.The money can be used after my graduation.39.what aspects do you consider when you are making a buying decision Give your reasons.can I afford it what can I do with it is it worthy is there enough money left if I buy it do I like it pretty much 40.some people buy few but e*pensive clothes while others buy many but ine*pensive clothes.Which group do you belong to Give your reasons.I belong to the first group.The e*pensive clothes is made of good material.It can be kept for a long time.It wont go out of fashion in several years It is more comfortable dressing in e*pensive clothes 41.how are men and women,young people and old people different in shopping habit What is your shopping habits.Women tend to spend far more time in shopping and bargaining than men.Women spend the most on cosmetics,clothes and jewelry.-.z.Seldom do a man bargain with a salesman and they spend most on sporting goods,shoes and electronic games.Young people like to spend hours shopping for themselves.They pay more attentions on ads and brand than the old.They are never afraid of trying new products.Old people are always shopping for the whole family.They would like keep everything the same and seldom try the new brand.As a young lady,I may be different from other girls.I only go shopping when I really need something.I usually make a shopping list and buy host of things for the ne*t quarter.42.whats your opinion about bargain Seldom do I bargain over the price of something,sinceI am not good at barg


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