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fastfasterthe fastestThe white dog is very happy.The first pig is quite fat.The second pig is much fatter.The third pig is the fattest of all.A.Comparatives(比较级比较级)We use them to compare _ things/people and add _ after them.B.Superlatives(最高级最高级)We use them to compare _ things/people andadd _ or _ before them.twothanthree or morethe ones A.Comparatives(比较级比较级)比较级用于比较比较级用于比较两个两个人人/事物事物;比较比较级后通常出现级后通常出现”than”.B.Superlatives(最高级最高级)最高级通常用语比较最高级通常用语比较三个或三个三个或三个以上以上人人/事物事物;最高级前要用最高级前要用the或或ones连接连接¥1.50¥1.00¥0.80cheapcheaper cheapestRule 1:_ 单音节词或部分双音节词单音节词或部分双音节词一般在词尾加一般在词尾加-erer或或-estestnicenicernicestRule 2:_以以e e结尾的词直接加结尾的词直接加-r-r或或-ststheavy heavierheaviest50kg100kg200kgRule 3:_ 以辅音字母以辅音字母+y+y结尾的双音结尾的双音节词节词,变变y y为为i,i,再再+erer或或+estestbigbiggerbiggest50kgRule 4:_ 一般情况下一般情况下,以辅元辅结尾以辅元辅结尾的形容词的形容词,要双写最后一个字母要双写最后一个字母,再再+erer或或+estestbeautifulmore beautifulmost beautifulRule 5:_ 多音节词和部分双音节词多音节词和部分双音节词,在该形容词原形前加在该形容词原形前加moremore或或mostmost*一般情况下,以一般情况下,以-ly或或-ed结尾的结尾的adj.以形容词以形容词+lyly结尾的副词结尾的副词 比较级用比较级用more more 最高级用最高级用mostmost slowly-more slowly-most slowly quickly-more quickly-most quickly carefully-more carefully most nicely more nicely most nicely quietly-more quietly most quietlyRule 6:AdjectiveComparative Superlative1.funny2.good3.happy4.interesting5.large6.smart7.thinfunnierfunniestbetterbesthappierhappiestmore interesting most interestinglargerlargestsmartersmartestthinnerthinnestP12 Aadj./adv.比较级用法比较级用法 eg.1)越高越坏。越高越坏。2)越晚越危险。越晚越危险。The higher,the worse.The later,the more dangerous.adj./adv.比较级用法比较级用法3.表本身程度变化表本身程度变化(越来越越来越):比较级比较级+and+比较级比较级eg.1)他的鞋子越来越脏。他的鞋子越来越脏。2)衣服越来越贵。衣服越来越贵。3)她们跳得越来越美。她们跳得越来越美。more+and more+原级原级 只用于以只用于以“moremore”构成比较级的词构成比较级的词adj./adv.比较级用法比较级用法4.“the+比较级比较级+of 两者两者”表示表示“在两者中较在两者中较”eg.Lily is _ (short)of the two girls.the shorter5.为免重复为免重复,在在than后常用后常用one(s),that,those等词来替代前面提到过的名词等词来替代前面提到过的名词。eg.The weather there is better than _ in Nanjing.A.one B.it C.that D.thoseadj./adv.比较级用法比较级用法6.在比较级前可用在比较级前可用 much,even,a little,a lot等来修饰等来修饰eg.Now the air in our hometown is _ than it was before.A.much better B.more worse C.more better D.much worsteg.He ran even _ (happy)at that time.more happilyadj./adv.比较级用法比较级用法7.同义句:同义句:比较级比较级+than any other+单数名词单数名词 =比较级比较级+than the other+复数名词复数名词 =最高级最高级+范围范围eg.Spring is the best season of the year.=Spring is better _ _ _ season of the year.=Spring is better _ _ _ seasons of the year.thananyotherthantheother最高级最高级/比较级比较级/同级比较的相互转换:同级比较的相互转换:Shanghai is the biggest city in China.=Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.=Shanghai is bigger than the other cities in China.Lucy is the most interesting student in our class.=Lucy is more interesting than any other student in our class.=Lucy is more interesting than the other students in our class.adj./adv.最高级用法最高级用法1.三者或以上相比三者或以上相比,表示最高程度用表示最高程度用“the +最高级最高级”adv.最高级可最高级可省略省略the*最高级后常有介词短语最高级后常有介词短语(of/among/in)来表示范围。来表示范围。adj.最高级也可最高级也可用用ones替代替代theadj./adv.最高级用法最高级用法2.one of+the+最高级最高级+复数名词复数名词表示表示“最最之一之一”eg.The hair clip is one of _(pretty)among those ones.He was one of _(fast)_(swim)of all.the prettiestthe fastestswimmerseg.Changjiang is shorter than Huanghe,but longer than the other rivers in China.=Changjiang is _ _ _ river in China.adj./adv.最高级用法最高级用法4.the second/third/fourth+最高级最高级表示表示“第几第几”eg.Millie is the _(tall)in her class.tallestthesecondlongest 1.最高级用于三者及三者以上。最高级用于三者及三者以上。2.形容词的最高级前要用形容词的最高级前要用定冠词定冠词the。3.in+范围、范围、of/among+同范畴的词同范畴的词 in my school,in the world,of the three.among all the boysHe is the tallest in the class.She is the best of all the students.1.Simon is _(tall)Kitty.2.Peter is _(tall)student of the six students.3.Sandy is _(heavy)Millie.4.Peter is _(heavy)student of the six students.5.Among the six students,Millie is _(slow)swimmer.taller thanthe tallestheavier thanthe heaviestthe slowest6.Amy is _(fast)swimmer of the six students.7.Millies drawing is _(beautiful)Peters.8.Sandys drawing is _(beautiful)in her class.9.Millies English is _(good)Simons.Millies English is _(good)in her class.more beautiful thanthe most beautifulthe fastestbetter thanthe best()1.My mother is _ in our family.A.busiest B.the busiest C.busier D.busy()2.This apple is _ of all.A.redder B.the redest C.the reddest D.reddest()3.Which pen is _,this one or that one?A.dear B.dearest C.the dearest D.dearer()4.Kate is _ than all the other girls.She is _ of all.A.taller,tallest B.taller,the tallest C.the tallest,tallest D.tallest,the tallest()5._ of the two men is my uncle.A.The older B.Old C.The oldest D.Oldest BCDBAMultiple Choice1.格林先生是这四个人当中最高最胖的。格林先生是这四个人当中最高最胖的。Mr Green is _ and _.2.小香蕉往往比大香蕉好。小香蕉往往比大香蕉好。Small bananas are often _.3.我的铅笔比你的短得多。我的铅笔比你的短得多。My pencil is _.4.在中国,哪一条河流最长?在中国,哪一条河流最长?Which river is _ in China?5.他的观点比我的新。他的观点比我的新。His idea is _.the tallestfattest of the fourbetter than big onesmuch shorter than yoursthe longestnewer than mineTranslation Good,better,best,Never let it rest,And till good is better,Better is best.!Revise the use of adjectives,Revise the use of adjectives,comparatives and paratives and superlatives.Complete the exercises in the Complete the exercises in the workbook.workbook.改错改错cleaner cleanesteasier easiesttidier tidiestcloser closestwider widest healthier healthiesthotter hottestsadder saddestmore most more most more most bigger biggest er est more most better bestfarther farthest1.We use comparatives to compare two people or things when we see in the sentence2.We use superlatives to compare three or more people or things when we see than,much,even,still,a little,of the two,Which/Who is,A or B?etc.the,of,in,Which/Who is,A,B or C?etc.We add the before the superlatives.引导学生回归课本,通过对例句引导学生回归课本,通过对例句的学习和研究,探究出一定的规的学习和研究,探究出一定的规律,培养自主学习的意识。律,培养自主学习的意识。


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