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特殊句式祈使句【考点精讲】祈使句主要用以表达命令、劝告、建议等,谓语动词用原形。常有以下几种句式:1) Lets 开头的祈使句。 Lets give you a hand. 2) 动词原形开头的祈使句。 Shut up your mouth! 3) Shall I 开头的祈使句 。 Shall Iopen the box for you ? 4) Will you 开头的祈使句。 Will you lend me some money? 5) 以 Please 开头的祈使句。 Please come to my party. 6)带呼语的祈使句。 Mary, come here ! 1.祈使句的否定在句首原谓语录动词前加dont或never。 Dont touch me! Never come late.2.祈使句的反义疑问句不表示反义,而表示一种语气,常有下面形式: A.表达不同的感情色彩,可灵活使用 “wont you/will you/would you/can you/could you”? Sit down, wont you? (表邀请) Get me some stamps, can (or could) you?(表请求) Be quiet, cant you?(表不耐烦) B.以Lets或Let us开头的祈使句的反义疑问句。 Lets start early, shall we? Let us have a rest,will you? 3.祈使句前加助动词do用来加强语气,表达“务必、一定”的意义。 Do be a man of courage!4.祈使句的主语常为第二人称you,常被省略,但有下列情况需要加上主语。 A为了强调命令或要求的对象时,需加上you,有时还可以同时加上称呼语。 Peter,you clean the desks. B. 命令几个人分头做几件事时,需带主语you。 You,boys,play the football,you,girs,do some running. C.表示“厌烦、不高兴”等情绪时,可带主语you。 You mind your own business! D. 祈使句的主语还可以用someone,everybody,nobody或第三人称。 Someone answer the door! Be quiet,everyone! Let him be here by ten oclock.5.祈使句的常用句式:祈使句 + and / or + 简单句,相当于if/ifnot,+主句。 Use your head,and you will find a way. Be quick,or well be late again. Two more books,and everyone can have one.【真题演练】 1. Help others whenever you can _ you will make the world a nicer place to live in. 2007 辽宁卷Aand Bor Cunless Dbut【解析】:答案为A。本句结构为:祈使句 + and + 简单句,其中祈使句相当于一个if条件句,and连接的简单句则表示结果。2. You have failed two tests.Youd better start working harder,_you wont pass the course. 2007 北京卷A.and B. so C. but D. or【解析】:答案为D。本句结构为:祈使句 + or + 简单句,其中祈使句相当于一个if条件句,or连接的简单句则表示结果。3. When youve finished with that book,dont forget to put it back on the shelf,_? 2007 北京卷A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. wont you【解析】:答案为C。dont forget to put it back on the shelf表达的是一个请求或征求对方意见,所以它的反义疑问句用will you这种形式。4Stand over there _ youll be able to see the oil painting better. (08全国卷II 13)A. but B. till C. and D. or【解析】:答案为C。本句结构为:祈使句 + and + 简单句,其中祈使句相当于一个if条件句,and连接的简单句则表示结果。强调句型【考点精讲】一、 常见句型结构:It is/was + 强调部分 + that + 其他成分It is/was not + 强调部分 + that + 其他成分二、 使用说明:1 that是万能词,但强调部分为“人”时,还可以用who。 It was him that/who we met in the park. 2.一般可以强调除谓语以外的任何成分。但不能强调让步状语从句和while引导的表示对比关系的分句。强调的原因状语也只能用because引导的。 It was although it was raining that he went out. () It is while Tom is an English that Xiao Li is a Chinese. () It was because he was late for work that the boss fired him. ()3.用It is 还是It was,取决于原句时态。 He teaches English. It is English that he teaches. Peter lost his way in the woods. it was in the woods that Peter lost his way.4.这种强调句的句型转变都是在强调部分上进行。 1)一般疑问句只需把is/was提前。 It was in the street that I saw her.Was it in the street that I saw her? 2)否定句则是在is/was 后加not。 It was in the street that I saw her. It was not in the street that I saw her. 3)它的特殊疑问句只需在一般疑问句前加上特殊疑问词。 It was in the street that I saw her. Where was it that you saw her? 4)带有情态动词的强调句型及句型转换。 It may/might/must be .that.It may/might/must have been . that .It cant/couldnt.be .that . Can/could it be.that.? You must have seen his sister.(对划线部分强调) It must have been his sister that you saw. You may have put your shoes under the bed. (对划线部分强调) It may be under the bed that you have put your shoes.(将此句变成一般疑问句) Can it be under the bed that you have put your shoes? It may be under the bed that you have put your shoes.(将此句变成否定句) It cant be under the bed that you have put your shoes. It may be under the bed that you have put your shoes.(对划线部分提问) Where can it be that you have put your shoes? 5.not.until.句型的强调句:(注意否定的转移) 其结构为: It is /was not until +被强调部分 + that + 其他成分。 I didnt leave until he came back. It was not until he came back that I left. 6.解题说明: 1)强调句型与that从句作主语,it作形式主语的区别:关键是看把it is/was.that.去掉后,剩余的成分能否组成一个完整的句子。能就是强调句式,否则就不是。 It is surprising that he didnt come. (主语从句) It was he that didnt come. (强调句式) 2)强调句型与定语从句的区别:关键也是看去掉标志后能否还原成一个完整的句子。 It is the first time that_. It was for the first time that _. A. I have heard the song B. I heard the song 解析:第一句是现在完成时的惯用句型,实际上是一个定语从句,that是一关系副词,相当于when,代指先行词the first time。所以第一句选A。 第二句是强调句型,强调时间状语for the first time(首次,第一次),常用于一般过去时。所以第二句B。 It is _that he has been to London.Yes,he doesnt travel abroad a lot.A. the second time B.many times C.twice D. for the first time 解析:根据下文答语,原句应为:he has been to London twice.是在对twice进行强调。此句不同与It is the second time that he has been to London。所以选C。 3)根据具体语境情况,而不是单独的一个句子来处理. -Where did you meet Mr. Smith? -It was in the hotle_he stayed. A. that B. where C.which D. for which 解析: 此题很容易被看成是一个强调句式,而实际上是在回答where,答语中的it代指地点.这是一个定语从句,所以应选B 项。 4)强调句型在宾语从句时,要注意语序的变化。 Who was it that swept the floor? We dont know. We dont know who it was that swept the floor. 5)与时间相关的几个句型: It was + 时间名词 + when. (时间状语从句) It was +介词 + 时间名词 + that. (强调句型) It was +时间段(过去时间)+ that. (强调句型) It was 2 oclock B I came home. It was at 2 oclock_A_ I came home. It was morning _B_ I came home. It was this morning _A_ I came home. It was 3 days ago _A_ I came home. A. that B.when It is /has been + 时段 + since从句(一般过去时) It was + 时段 + before从句(一般过去时) It +将来时 + 时段 + before从句(一般现在时) It is /has been three years since I began to learn English.It was three years ago that I began to learn English. (强调) It was three months before she came back from Beijing.It was three months later that she came back from Beijing. (强调) 6)谓语动词的强调不用此结构,而是在谓语动词前加助动词do,does或did。 She did write a letter to her mother last week. Do come to my party! 【真题演练】 1It was in New Zealand _ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith. (08全国卷II 20)A. that B. how C. which D. when 【解析】:A此题是对地点in New Zealand的强调,为强调句的基本句式。2It was along the Mississippi River _ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood. (08天津卷 08) A. how B. which C. that D. where 【解析】: C此题是对地点along the Mississippi River的强调,为强调句的基本句式。3It was not until midnight they reached the camp site. (08重庆卷 22) A. that B. when C. while D. as 【解析】:A此题是对not until句型中的时间midnight的强调,为强调句的基本句式。4. It is not who is right but what is right _ is of importance. 2007 重庆卷A. which B. it C. that D. this【解析】:C此题是对notbut连接的两个主语从句的强调,为强调句的基本句式。倒装句知识精讲在英语中,正常语序是主语在前,谓语在后,在口头和书面交际中,人们常通过倒装语序来达到强调的目的。倒装语序分为:完全倒装,即整个谓语在主语前面和部分倒装,即谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)在主语前。可从三个方面来学习掌握倒装的用法。一、 不倒装:有宾语的句子若将宾语、宾补式状语置于句首,主谓不倒装。例如:l They kept the milk for themselves.The milk they kept for themselves. For themselves they kept the milk.The milk did they keep for themselves.(错)l Out of the package _ a paper and gave it to my father.A. he drew B. did he drew C. drew he D. he has drawn答案:A。因为有宾语的句子不能主谓倒装。二、 完全倒装当句中没有宾语而且主语又不是代词时,若将状语或表语置于句首,就把谓语(包括实义动词)移到主语前面。常见的有以下情况:1). 出于修辞需要,表示方向的副词:out, down, in ,up, away, on或表示地点的介词短语置于句首时。如:l Out rushed the students as soon as the bell rang.l Up went the plane.l In the north of China lies Beijing.l In the front sit some experts.2)出于习惯用法:here, there, now, then置于句首时。如:l Now is your turn. l There goes the bell.l Here is a ticket for you .l There existed a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of work3)有时在主系表结构中,主语较长,为了使句子平衡,避免头重脚轻,可将表语提前,主语置于谓语后面。如:l Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life.l Among them are some famous singers who have come to help people in need.注意:a.在完全倒装结构里主语一般为名词,如果是人称代词则不需要倒装l “where is the cup?” “Here it is!”l There he comes.l Out they rushed when the bell rang.b. 在完全倒装结构里,确定谓语的单复数要注意主语在谓语的后面。试比较:l There come two buses at the same time.l There comes your bus.c. 全部倒装也可用于定语从句中。 He suddenly found himself standing at the foot of a hill, on top of which stood an old temple. 三、部分倒装部分倒装即词汇倒装,就是将规定的词或短语置于句首,然后把句子谓语的一部分(主要是助动词或系动词)放到句子主语前,构成倒装。下列情况要部分倒装:1一些表示否定意义的副词,连词或介词词组作状语,若置于句首,句子的主谓要部分倒装,如:never, no, neither, scarcely, little, few, seldom, rarely, not until, nowhere, at no time, on no account, in no respect, in no case, by no means等。l Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he has always dreamt aboutl Not until recently did I have any idea what market economy is.l At no time can the baby be left alone.l Seldom do my parents go to cinema.2not onlybut also , hardlywhen , no soonerthan引导的复合句中,前一个分句要倒装,后一个分句不倒装,即“前倒后不倒”。 Not only does he have a good knowledge of English but he also has a good command of Italian.注意:a. hardlywhen , no soonerthan中主句要求使用过去完成式。如: NosoonerhadhearrivedinLondonthanhewenttotheconference b. not only but also 连接两个并列主语时不倒装。例:Not only men but also women and children are affected by the new law.3.以only修饰状语(副词,介词短语,状语从句)开头的句子,句子的主谓要部分倒装:only then, only at that time, only once, only in this way, only with, only through, only by, only when, only after, only because。如:l Onlybyshoutingwasheabletomakehimselfheard.l Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school.4. so+adj./adv.that 句型中,so+adj./adv置于句首时,从句倒装,主句不倒装。 Soquicklydidtheworkmencompletethetaskthattheywerepraisedbythemanager. 5.以下列副词或短语开头的句子,句子的主谓要部分倒装:often, well, always, to such a degree, to such an extent, to such a point, many a time. 6.用于前面所说的情况也适用于另一人(物)的肯定句或否定句中的倒装1)肯定重复倒装用so。 They have got up, and so has their son.2) 否定重复倒装用nor, neither。 If you dont agree to our plan, neither will they.7.在if 引导的虚拟条件从句中含有助动词had, were, 或 should 时,如将if省略,则要将had, were, 或should等移到主语前.Should it rain tomorrow, we would put off the picnic.四形式倒装1.as引导让步状语从句,将被强调的内容(状语或表语有时是动词原形)置于句首。如:Much as I have traveled, I have never seen a more beautiful place than Jiuzai.Child as he is ,he cares much about the environment.2.在the morethe more句式中,常把the more放在句首. The more you say to him, the less he will listen to. 注意:广义理解“句首”的概念,从句的句首和并列分句的句首均为句首。如:l We found in front of the farm house sat a little boy.l They waited for a long time and at last there came the train.真题演练1. _ homework did we have to do that we had no time to have a rest. (06 福建) A. So much B. Too much C. Too little D. So little 【解析】根据下文“did we have to do”可以确定需选一个可倒装的结构。因此选A。2. Never in my wildest dreams _ these people are living in such poor conditions. (08 安徽)A. I could imagine B. could I imagine C. I couldnt imagine D. couldnt I imagine【解析】Never放在句首要部分倒装,而且已经是否定了,后面用肯定。因此选B。3.They have a good knowledge of English but little _ they know about German (08 天津)A. have B. did C. had D. do 【解析】little放在句首要部分倒装(并列句句首也要部分倒装),而且have表明时态为一般现在时,因此选D。4. Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _ with my progress. (08重庆卷)A. the teacher is not satisfied B. is the teacher not satisfiedC. the teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfied【解析】by no means放在句首要部分倒装(并列句句首也要部分倒装),因此选D。英语中的省略知识精讲在英语中,有时为了避免结构或内容上的重复,或者因为语法的客观要求,将句子中的一个或几个成分不直接表达出来,这种现象称为省略。英语中的省略要求不破坏语法结构,要保持句子意义的准确无误。省略有词法上的省略,也有句法上的省略,还有一种替代省略。省略部分的成分和含义可从上下文或具体语言环境中找到。英语的省略大致有以下几种情况:一、简单句中的省略1. 名词所有格之后的省略。例如:lHe is going to his uncles (house). 2. 含there be结构中的省略。例如:l(Is there) Anything wrong?3. 独立主格结构中的分词如为being或having been时的省略。例如:lThe examination (being) over, we all left the school. 4. 不定式的省略(1)有些动词,如:believe, find, think, feel, consider, imagine, prove等后作宾补的结构to be + n. / adj. 中的to be可以省略。例如:lI consider him (to be) stupid.lHis mother found him (to be) a clever boy.(2)感官动词see, hear, feel, watch, notice 等以及使役动词let, make, have后作宾补的动词不定式中的不定式符号to要省略,但变为被动结构时,to必须保留。例如:lThey made the boy (to) go to bed early.lThe boy was made to go to bed early. (3)在can not.but., can not choose.but., do nothing.but., cant help.but., prefer to do. rather than do., would do. rather than. 之后的动词不定式一般不带to;but之前有实义动词do的某个形式do, does, did, done 而且其宾语是something,nothing,anything和everything等不定代词时,也不带to, 否则要带to。例如: lWe have nothing to do now but wait. lI can not but admire his courage. lHe has no choice but to accept the fact. (4)在并列结构中为了避免重复,后一个to省略。例如:lIm really puzzled what to think or (to) say. 【注意】但两个不定式有对照或对比的意义时,则后一个to不能省略。例如:lI came not to scold but to praise you. (5)在why, why not 引导的特殊问句中后跟省略to的动词不定式。例如: lWhy talk so much about it? lWhy not try it again?(6) 动词不定式在ask, warn, tell, advise, allow, permit, invite, order, would like, forbid, like, love, care,want,hope,wish,expect,prefer,refuse,decide, mean, intend, try, promise; be able to, be going to,have to,ought to,used to; happy,glad,eager, anxious,willing,ready等构成复合谓语时,不定式结构常可省略,但要保留不定式符号to。例如:lI have asked her to come,but she does not want to (come)l-Are you and Jane getting married? -We hope to (get married)I dont want to wait for him, but l have to (wait for him)lHe doesnt like fish, but he used to (like it)l- Why didnt you come to our party?- I was going to (go),but l had a report to writel- Will you join me in a walk?- Ill be happy tolI think he should get a job,but you cant force him to if hes not ready to.【注意】want, like用在 when,if ,what,as 引导的从句中,其后的to也常可省略。例如:lIve decided to do what I like (to)lIll teach you if you like (to)lI would do it for you, but I dont know how (to).【注意】承前省略的动词不定式如果有助动词have或be,则要保留be或have。例如:l- Are you a doctor? - No, but I used to be .5. 同源宾语的省略同源宾语的修饰语是形容词最高级或含有最高级意义时可以省去该同源宾语。例如:lDuring the football match, the fans all shouted their loudest (shout). lShe sang her sweetest (song). 6. 英语中惯用的省略句型在What/How about后只跟名词、代词或动名词(短语),以及感叹句中的省略现象。例如:lHow about the two of us taking a walk down the garden?lWhat a beautiful view (it is)!(1)感叹句中常省略主语和谓语,例如: lWhat a hot day ! (What a hot day it is!)lHow wonderful!(How wonderful it is!)lOh, how awful!(Oh, how awful it is!)(2)在日常口语中省略现象十分普遍,有时省略部分在上下文或句子本身中很容易找出。例如:lAnything else ?(Is there anything else?)- Are you feeling better now ? - Much better . (Im feeling much better now.) lThis way, please.(You go this way, please)lSorry to trouble you.(Im sorry to trouble you.)lAnything I can do for you?(Is there anything I can do for you?)lHope to see the Brians.(I hope to see the Brians.)Theyve gone. Gone? Gone where?(Have they gone? Theyve gone where?) On a journey.(Theyve gone on a journey.)lWhenll they be back? In a month, they said.(Theyll be back in a month.)(3)有些省略结构已成为习惯上的固定用语, 人们习以为常,不用考虑哪里省略了什么。例如:lHes as silly as an ass.lMy arguments are as follows.lCome as soon as possible.lOut of sight, out of mind.二、 并列句中的省略1. 如果主语不同,而谓语动词中的一部分相同,则省略谓语动词中相同的部分。例如:lMy room is on the fifth floor, and hers (is) on the eighth (floor).lPeter was playing a waltz and his friends (were) dancing to the music.lJohn must have been playing basketball and Mary (must have been) doing her homework.2. 如果主语相同,谓语动词也相同,则二者都可以省略,例如: lYou should have phoned or telegraphed, and (you should) not just have sent an air-letter, since it was something urgent.lHis advice made John happy, but (his advice made) Mary angry.3. 如果主语相同,而谓语不同,则可以省略主语,例如: lTo some life is pleasure, and to others (life is) suffering.lJohn raised his hat and (he) was about to speak to her.lHe gave up drinking for several days, but (he) soon returned to his old ways. 4. 如果宾语相同,宾语也可省略,但是,宾语的省略一般出现在前面的分句中。例如:lMost children like (fancy birds), but they dont know how to keep fancy birds.lJones likes (swimming in winter), and Jane hates, swimming in winter.5. 如果是省略主语不足语,则省略既可能出现在前面的分句,也可以出现在后面的分句,但是注意句尾需用动词be的适当形式,而不能用其他动词。例如:lBob was (surprised at the news), and his wife seemed, sruprised at the news.lMary looks healthy, but in fact he isnt (healthy).lThe Jones were in this hotel, but the Johnsons werent (in this hotel).6. 如果状语相同,则省略既可能出现在前面的分句,也可以出现在后面的分句。例如:lMy sister sings (beautifully), and also dances beautifully.lPeter drives (skillfully), but he never cycles, skillfully.7. 在并列复合句中,如果that从句的第二个并列分句的谓语动词和宾语等其它一些成分与第一个并列分句相同, that从句通常可以省略这些相同的部分。例如:lJack will dance at the party, but I know Tom wont (dance at the party).三、复合句中的省略1. 名词性从句中的省略 (1)作宾语的what从句中的谓语动词与主句的相同,则what从句可以省略谓语,甚至主语。例如:lSomeone has used my bike, but I dont know who (has used my bike).lHe has gone, but no one knows where (he has gone). (2)引导宾语从句的连词that在口语中常常省略,或并列的宾语从句中的第一个连词that也能省略。例如:lHe said (that) he had arrived here two days before and that he had lived in a hotel. (3)在某些表虚拟语气的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中,从句谓语动词中的助动词should可以省略。这些句子一般包含如下动词一及其派生词:一个坚持(insist),二个命令(order, command),三建议(suggest, propose, advise ),四要求(demand, require, request, ask) 。例如:lIts important that we (should) speak to the old politely.lJanes pale face suggested that she was ill and her parents suggested that she (should) have a medical examination. (4) It is necessary(important, impossible, strange, natural, a pity, no wonder) that.主语从句中,从句谓语动词中的助动词should可以省略。例如: lIt is necessary that the problem (should)be solved at once.(5)有时也可以根据说话的情景来省略主句中的一些成分,例如:l(Im) Sorry Ive kept you waiting so long.2. 定语从句中的省略 (1)在限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词that, which, who (whom)常可以省略。例如: lThe man (who/that/whom) I saw is called Tom. lWhere is the pen (that/which) I bought this morning? (2)关系副词when, where, why及that在the time when, the place where, the reason why, the way that结构中引导限制性定语从句时,在非正式场合下,可以省略关系副词when, where, why和that等。例如:lI shall never forget the day (when) we first met.lThe reason (why) he came so early is his own affair. lI dont like the way (in which/that) you speak to yourmother.3. 状语从句中的省略 (1)当状语从句中的主语和主句的主语一致,或状语从句中的主语是it,并且又含有be动词时,常可以省略从句中的主语和be动词。例如:lHe did as (he was) told. lThough (they were) tired, they went on working. lYou shouldnt come to his party unless (you are) invited.lHe paused as if (he was) expecting her to speak. (2)虚拟条件句中含had, should, were等时,若将它们提到句首,则需省略if。例如: l(If it should rain tomorrow) Should it rain tomorrow , we would have to put off the visit till next week. (3)在as(so). as., than引导的比较状语从句中。例如: lI know you can do better than Peter (can do).lThis car doesnt run as fast as that one (runs). (4)在as引导的让步状语从句中,当作表语的单数名词提前时,不定冠词要省略。例如:lChild as he is, he knows a lot.二、替代性省略1.在一些交际用语中的某些动词,如 think, suppose, expect, believe,guess等后常常和so, not等连用,以替代上文出现的内容,例如:l- Do you suppose he is going to attend the meeting? - I suppose not.2. So / Nor(Neither)+谓语+主语这种句型是用来替代前面提到的情况,表明它也适用于后者,例如:l- I dont think I can walk any further. - Neither can I . Lets stop here for a rest.【真题演练】1- Who should be responsible for the accident? - The boss, not the workers. They just arried out the order _. (08福建)A. as told B. As are told C


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