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Unit4Wheresmy schoolbag?第一课时Section(1a-2c)教师:周小绢 LanguageGoal:Talk abou thingsaround thehouse本单元主要内容是谈论物品的所在位置,通过这一话题,训练学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些物品的单词,及方位介词 on , in , under ,behind 等的用法;使学生学会基本句型 “Wheres +物品名词(单数)? Its ”及“Wherere+物品名词(复数)? Theyre ”,进一步体会“Where? YesNo”疑问句的用法;学会运用方位介词oninunderbehindnext to表达物品的位置。理解连词and在句子中的用法。教学目标知识与能力(1)学习和掌握有关询问物品位置的句型:Wheresmyschoolbag?Itsoninunderthe dest(2)学习和掌握有关家具类的单词:table,bed,schoolbag,sofa,chair,schoolba.(3)学会三个方位介词的用法:on,in,under过程与方法利用教学图片来展开课堂Pair work 问答式的口语交际活动,使学生学会基本句型“Wheresmyschoolbag?”Its under the chair.及方位介词情感态度价值观这部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是学生最关心的问题,促使学生了解自己的家居环境,热爱自己的家。教学重点(1)方位介词:in, on,under的用法;(2)Where的特殊疑问句(3)新单词:chair,bed,table,bookcase,radio,sofa,head.教学难点1)能够准确运用方位介词描述物品所在的位置;2)能够运用Where问句找到物品的位置。教学方法Practicing,listeningandspeaking教学准备收集本课中所涉及的或学生常见的学习、生活用品、家具或有关的图片,将听力部分的内容插入,通过询问“物品的位置”,以及回答来引入新课。教学步骤:Step One :Warming up and revision 1. (Prepare some school things.) T: Whats this? (There is a watch in the teachers hand.)S1: Its a watch. Yes, you are right. Here you are. T: Is this a notebook? (holding up a notebook .)S2: Yes, it is.T: How do you spell notebook?S2: N-O-T-B-O-O-K, notebook. T: Good.(Hold up a pen, an erase, some pencils and so on. Ask the questions in the same way.)T: Whats this?S3: Its a schoolbag.T: I have a schoolbag for you as a present, (Looking for it in the desk, under the chair . . . ) but I cant find it . Wheres it? Do you know?S3: I dont know.S4: I think its in your desk.T: (Look into the desk.) No, it isnt. Now, lets look for the backpack together, OK? (Write down the title on the blackboard.)2. Work on 1a. Now lets look at the picture in 1a. Match the words with the things in the picture. Check the answers with the class. Step Two: Learn the new words1. Show the new words to students (1a)Now, Lets practice them .Open your English book turn to P19 pay more attention to the activity1a.Match the words with the things in the pictures.2. Pretend to look for your backpack here and thereT: I cant find my back backpack? Where is it?S1:I think its on the desk.T: Where are your backpack?S1:They are in the desk.T: Where is my pen?S2: Its under the desk.Step Three: Listening1. Let Ss listen to the tape and finish 1b. 2. Ss listen to the tape and number the things 1-4in the picture. 3. Check the answers with the class. Step Four: Pair work (1c)Make your own conversations. Use the words in the box. Try to use the direction preposition. Pay more attention to the direction preposition in your conversation.Eg: S: Where are your backpack?S1: hey are in the desk.S: Where is my pen?S2: Its under the desk.S: Where is my ruler?S3: It is on your bed.Step Five: Role-play1. Jack is a forgetful boy. He always doesnt know where his things are. Lets help him find his things.Match the things with the right places below. (Let Ss look at the screen. There are some things and some places) bag on her headmap on the sofahat on the bed in his grandparents room 2. Ss read the conversation and match the things with the right places.3. Check the answers.4. Now practice the conversation with your partner. Then let some pairs act out the conversation. Step Six: SummaryIts a new lesson of unit4.In this lesson, We mainly learned how to talk about where things are and we can according to the yes/no question give the short and right answer.Step Seven :Homework参照教室里的东西用介词in,on,under写3个句子。教学反思:教材中有许多听力练习、句型教学、词汇教学,对于七年级刚接触听力不久的学生需要运用听关键词的技巧(所谓关键词即听力材料中最关键的信息)。本课时中通过操练句型“Wheres my schoolbag?” “Its in/on/under”,帮助对关键词“in/on”,及“Wheres?”句型的理解。这种技巧的运用有利于培养学生的注意力。教师通过对不同事物位置在那个置的提问,将学生的注意力集中在不同的方位上,老师在提问之后,自己回答并有意识的加重方位词“in,on,under,behind,nest to”的读音。同是要求学生重复自己的回答。听关键词不仅仅 利于培养学生对听力的把握,还能激发学生对听力的兴趣,有利于学生在今后听力学习中找到学习听力的技巧和方法。板书设计Unit4Wheresmyschoolbag?Section(1a-2c)Word:table bed bookcase sofa chair desk hat radio tape clock tape player Drills:Where is/are ?1)It is in/on/under/behind/next to2)They are in/on/under/behind/next toGrammar:Where is/are? In/on/under/behind/next to


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