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Unit 1 Module 4Home AloneI can look after myself,although it wont be easy for me.Lets enjoy a piece of video about it.以本模块话题为契机,导入单元内容,同时观看以本模块话题为契机,导入单元内容,同时观看视频激发学生学习英语的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛视频激发学生学习英语的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛 Discussion What are the advantages and disadvantages of being at home alone?围绕话题,围绕话题,引入引入although 引导的让步状语从句,引导的让步状语从句,培养学生学会从正反两方面论述问题的学习策略。培养学生学会从正反两方面论述问题的学习策略。Work in pairs.Talk about the picture.1Guess:Is Betty travelling with her parents?通过谈论图片激活学生已有知识,为下通过谈论图片激活学生已有知识,为下面听说活动的开展做好铺垫,同时解决面听说活动的开展做好铺垫,同时解决部分新词,并进行听前预测活动。部分新词,并进行听前预测活动。2(1)Where are Betty and her parents?(2)Is Betty travelling with her parents?检查听前猜测及描述是否准确。检查听前猜测及描述是否准确。Listen and answer the question.3(1)Will you be OK at home _ _?(2)Ill _ you too,and Ill call you every day.(3)Ill keep it tidy so that youll _ _ me when you get home.Listen again and complete the sentences.培养学生听细节信息的能力。培养学生听细节信息的能力。Listen and answer the questions.(1)Where are Bettys parents going?A.Shanghai.B.Lhasa.C.Beijing.(2)How long will Bettys parents be away?A.A week.B.Two days.C.A couple of weeks.4整体感知听力内容,培养学生获整体感知听力内容,培养学生获取关键信息的能力。取关键信息的能力。(1)Bettys mum tells her to *be _ with the door.*eat plenty of _.*shut the door when she is _.*lock the door when she goes _.careful fresh fruit and vegetables in out(2)Betty can *_.*_.look after herself cook simple meals Give advice to Betty_ although you _.4深入理解对话内容。提深入理解对话内容。提建议帮助学生强化本建议帮助学生强化本课重点知识课重点知识。挖掘对话中的隐含信息,引导。挖掘对话中的隐含信息,引导学生思考,巩固让步状语从句的用法。学生思考,巩固让步状语从句的用法。Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.(3)Bettys parents usually _.(4)Bettys mum has not _.wake her upgiven their address in LhasaRead and find them and then guess the meanings.Now,.Im sorry So am I.Have a good trip!1._,what kind of tea do you like,green tea or black tea?Id like to have black tea.2.Thank you for the message about the meeting,but _ I wont be there next week,because I will be away then.3.Im really afraid of the snake._.4.I am going to visit the Great Wall next week._!Have a good trip So am I Now I m sorryNowIm sorrySo am IHave a good trip在情境中运用在情境中运用Everyday English。5Choose the correct answer.1.“I havent given you our address in Lhasa!”This means you do not know where we are staying/what we are doing.2.You see passengers travelling by train/staying at home.3.When your clock rings,it is quiet/makes a loud noise.词汇运用。在语境中巩固词汇。词汇运用。在语境中巩固词汇。4.You receive a text message on your phone/by email.5.When the door is shut,it is open/closed.6.When you lock the door,you keep people out/let people in.7.At a meeting,you meet people for work/fun.1 Be especially careful with the door.Shut it when youre in and lock it when you go out.2 I can look after myself,although it wont be easy for me.3 My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up.重温本课重点句型并渗透语音教学。重温本课重点句型并渗透语音教学。Listen and mark the words which the speaker links,then read them aloud.Work in pairs.Imagine you are staying at home by yourself.Ask and answer.A:Can you look after yourself?B:Yes.I can look after myself,although it wont be easy for me.A:How will you make sure you wake up in the morning?B:My clock rings so loudly that it will wake me up.A:What will you eat?B:半开放式对话操练,巩固重点语言知半开放式对话操练,巩固重点语言知识,同时培养学生通过交谈了解他人识,同时培养学生通过交谈了解他人独立生活的能力,进行合作学习。独立生活的能力,进行合作学习。Report We have different ideas about how to stay at home by ourselves.My friend thinks he/she can look after himself/herself,although it wont be easy for him/herAs for me,I can wake up on time although I cannot make breakfast立足实际,运用语言立足实际,运用语言Homework1.Read the dialogue after the tape.2.Remember the new words,expressions and important sentences.3.Try to write down the report.


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