RE2000 RE2000 v2 and RE4000W 设置教程(软件设置双频同时转发)

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RE2000 RE2000 v2 and RE4000W 设置教程(软件设置双频同时转发)_第1页
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RE2000 RE2000 v2 and RE4000W 设置教程(软件设置双频同时转发)_第3页
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RE200O, RE2000 v2 and RE4OO0W 设置指南The Linksys Dual-Band Wireless-N Range Extenders (RE2000, RE2000 v2 and RE4000W) can be set up either through manualconfiguration or using the Setup Wizard. This article will guide you on how to set up your range extender using the Setup Wizard.Linksys双宽带无线信号扩展器(RE2000, RE2000 v2 and RE4000W)可以同时通过手动配置或使 用设置向导这篇文章可以指导你如何通过设置向导来设置。Before you start the setup process, make sure that you have the following:在开始设置之前,确保你完成下面几点The Setup CD that came along with your range extender. If you dont have an optical drive (CD/DVD ROM) in your computer, download the Setup Wizard from the Linksys Support Site.扩展设备附带的CD盘,如果你的电脑没有CD驱动器,从这里下载设置向导Linksys Support SiteActive 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz wireless network connectionThe RE2000 can detect and work on either a 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz network.The RE2000 v2 and RE4000W can detect and work on 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks simultaneously.开启2.4GHZ或5Ghz无线连接RE2000可以检测和工作在2.4 GHz或5 GHzRE2000 v2 and RE4000W可以同时检测和工作在2.4 GHz和5 GHzWireless Network Name (SSID)If you have a dual-band router, make sure that the network name of your 2.4 GHz network is different from that of the 5 GHz network.无线网络名称如果有一个双带宽路由器,确保2.4GHz网络和5GHz网络的SSID是不同的。Password or Security KeyFor better connection and performance, it is recommended to use the following security types: Wi-Fi ProtectedAccess (WPA)2/WPA Mixed Mode, WPA2 Personal and WPA Personal.密码或安全密匙为了更好的连接和性能,推荐使用的加密方式为:WiFi接入保护:(WPA)2/WPAMixed Mode, WPA2 Personal and WPA Personal.QUICK TIP: The SSID and Security Key are your wireless networks settings If you do not have these settings, contact your routers manu facturer for assista nee in get ting them. If you are using a Linksys router, click here to learn how to check your wireless settings through its web-based setup page. If youre using the Linksys Connect software to check the settings, click here.快捷提示:SSID和安全密匙属于你的无线网络设置。如果你没有设置,联系你的路由器制 造商来帮助设置他们。如果你使用的是Linksys的路由器,点击here来学习通过网页设置 页面来设置你的无线。如果你准备使用Linksys连接软件设置,点击here。NOTE: If you already tried installing the range extender and encountered an error, you can download the latest setupsoftware here. You may also need to reset the range extender before you proceed with the steps below. To learn more about resetting your range extender, click here.注意:如果你已经厌倦了安装扩展器期间出现的连接错误,你可以下载最新的设置软件 here。在进行这些设置之前,你可能需要重置你的扩展器到出厂状态。学习如何重置扩展器 点击here。Step 1:Insert the Setup CD into your optical (CD/DVD ROM) drive. When the AutoPlay window appears, click the Setup yourLinksys Range Extender option.第一步:(注意:你需要一台有无线网卡的电脑来运行此软件)放入设置CD到光驱。当出现AutoPlay的窗口,点击Setup your Linksys Range Extender 选项骨 AutoPlayInstall or run program frem your mediaSet up your Linksys Range ExtenderGeneral optionsOpen folder to view filesI . using Windows ExplorerView mur亡 AutuPI日y uptiuns in 匚untrul P日门已INOTE: If you have downloaded the Setup Wizard or do not see the AutoPlay window, go to your computers local drive anddouble-click the icon to proceed.注意:如果你下载的是设置向导或者没有看到AutoPlay的窗口,到你的电脑的本地 驱动器中双击下面的图标继续。Linksys F-ange Extender (D:)Step 2:When the End-User License Agreement window appears, check the I have read and accept the License Terms for usingthis software box, and then click Next to continue.第二步:当 End-User License Agreement 窗口 出现,点击 I have read and accept the License Terms for using this software 小框,然后点击继续。Step 3:Wait while the software is preparing to set up the wireless connection with your router and range extender.第三步:(注意:你需要一台有无线网卡的电脑来运行此软件)出现preparing to set up,等待一会,软件将你的路由器和扩展器通过无线方式来连 接。Preparing setup.Step 4:Once your wireless connection has been detected, plug your range extender into an electrical outlet and then click Next.第四步:当你的无线网络被检测到时,将你的扩展器连接到电源插座,然后点击Nex t。Plug your Extender into an eiectrical outletPlug your Extender irrto an outlet near your compjter and within range of your wine less router Its best 怕 set up the Extender 亡 Jo&e to the com put er and router to ensure a strong wifeless signal You can rnove w to a diffiererit location laterNeed help?Click Next.Learn moreThe software will search for your range extender and will attempt to connect to your wireless network.软件将搜索你的扩展器并且试图连接到到你的无线网络中。Searching for your Extend Er寻找你的扩展器QUICK TIP: To make sure that your range extender is easily detected, ensure that it is within close range to the router at this point of installation.QUICK TIP:为确保你的扩展器是很容易检测到的,确保扩展器在路由器无线的范围内。Connecting to your Extender.连接到你的扩展器Once the software connects to your range extender, it will search for available wireless networks.当软件连接到你的扩展器,它会寻找存在的无线网络。Getting available networks.获取到存在的网络Step 5:Select the wireless network name (SSID) of your router and then, click Next.第五步:选择你路由器的 wireless network name (SSID),点 Next。(RE2000 V2 版本会继续 有一个同样的选择)network name(SSID).Click Next.QUICK TIP: If your wireless network is hidden, click My network is hidden then manually enter your wireless network settings. Click OK then proceed to Step 7.QUICK TIP:如果你的无线网络是隐藏的,点击My net word is hidden然后手动输入 你的无线网络设置。点击OK然后到步骤7。Step 6:Enter the wireless networks password if there is any theQKL ick第六部:如果有,输入无线网络的密码,点击ok.NOTE: WPA keys are case sensitive (abc is different from ABC). WEP keys are hexadecimal (0-9 and a-f) characters andare not case sensitive.注意:WPA密码是很敏感的(abc和ABC是不同的).WEP密码是十六进制(0-9和a-f) 字符并且不敏感的。The screen will display that your range extender is being set up.屏幕会显示你的扩展器在设置中Setting up your E::tender.设置你的扩展器中Step 7:You will be given an opportunity to transfer your range extender to your desired location. Follow the on-screen instructions and then, click Next.第七部:你可以将你的扩展器转移到你希望的地点。根据屏幕上的指示,然后点Nex t.The software will check your range extenders connection to the wireless network.软件会检测你的扩展器连接到无线网络。 *Checking your Extenders connection to the network.检测你的扩展器到网络。Step 8:A window should appear to inform you that your range extender has been set up successfully. Click Close to end the setup process.第八步:会出现一个你扩展器的窗口,显示设置已经完成。点Close来完成设置过程。NOTE: When you check your wireless network connection, you will no longer see the range extenders name. Instead, it will show that you are connected to your router.注意:当你检测你的无线连接时,你将不会再看到扩展器的名称,代替的,它将显示你 连接到了你的路由器。


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