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西南石油大学试卷 第1页共10页数据库原理(双语)考试试卷(第一套)课程号5807605040考试时间 100分钟适用专业年级(方向): 计算机科学与技术2007级考试方式及要求:闭卷笔试期日试考 -QRU5QQXU8O 号程课题号二三四五总分得分阅卷人、单项选择题(每题2分,共40分,将答案填在下表内)题号12345678910答案题号11121314151617181920答案封1。Physical data independence(物理数据独立性)()A. Allows us to access (访问)the physical data independently (独立地)from all语双理原库据数称名程课applications(应用程序)B. Allows us to rewrite (重写)the queries (查询)on the database without affecting (影 响) the physical dataC. Allows us to physically reorganize (重新组织)the data in the database without affecting the applications running on the databaseD. All of the above2。Which of the following is NOT an advantage (优点)of database systems ?()A. Redundant data (冗余的数据)B. Program-data independence (应用程序与数据相互独立)C. Better data quality (更好的数据质量)D. Reduced program maintenance(减少应用程序维护)3。Which of the following is an example of a database integrity constraint (完整 性约束条件)?()A. The grade assigned (分配) to a student for a course must be either an A B, C, D or FB. Every course must have a unique (唯一的)value for its course numberC. The name of any student must be less than 30 characters (字母)in length|D. All of the aboveI4。Customers (顾客),cars, and parts (零件)are examples of ( )|A. entities(实体)B. attributes (属性) C. relations D. relationships (联系)j5。A(n)is the relationship between a weak entity type and its owner。 ( )|A. weak relationshipB. identifying (识另relationship ;C. non-identifying (非识别)relationshipD. owner relationshipi6。The relational data model(关系数据模型)consists of (由组成)which jcomponents (组件)?().A. Data structure (数据结构)IB. Data manipulation (数据操作)|C. Data integrity (完整性约束)D. All of the aboveIi7。A primary key that consists of more than one attribute is called a()A. foreign key (外键B. composite key (复合键)C. multivalued key (多值键)jD. candidate key (候选键)i8。A rule that states that each foreign key value must match a primary key value in the j other relation is called the ()A. referential integrity constraint(参 照完整性约束)IB. entity integrity constraint (实体完整性约束)|C. domain integrity constraint (域完整性约束)D. null constraint (空值约束)严i9。Which of the following are anomalies(异常)that can be caused by redundancies (冗余)in tables?()A. insertion (插入)|B. deletion(删除jC. modification (修改).D. all of the above|I10。A candidate key(候选键) must satisfy (满足)all of the following conditions !EXCEPT (除了)()A. the key must uniquely (唯一地)identify (识别)the rowB. the key must indicate the rows position in the table (表明行在表中的位置)C. the key must be nonredundant (非冗余的)D. each nonprime attribute(非主属性)is functionally dependent upon (函数依赖于) it。期日试考 -QRU5QQXU8O名姓 号学11. The intersection(交集)of two relations R(A, B, C) and S (A, B,C)canbe computed by()A. RFSB. R-(R-S)C. RUSD. all of the above12。This operation is commutative (可交换的)()A. Union(并B. Intersection (交)C. Cartesian product (笛卡尔积)D. all of the above班学教 XUO2 级年号程课 语双理原库据数业 专 称名程课13. What does the following SQL statement do?()Alter Table Customer_T Add (Type Varchar (2);A. Alters the Customer_T table to accept Type 2 VarcharsB. Alters the Customer_T table to be a Type 2 VarcharC. Alters the Customer_T table, and adds a field called TypeD. Alters the Customer_T table by adding a 2-byte field called Varchar14. What does the following SQL statement do?()Update Product_T Set Unit_Price = 775 Where Product_ID = 7A. Changes the price of a unit called Product_T to 7B. Changes the unit price of Product 7 to 775C. Changes the length of the Unit_Price field to 775D. Updates the Product_T table to have a unit price of 77515. Assume (假设) we have executed (执行)the following CREATE TABLE statement:CREATE TABLE Emp (Ssn CHAR(9) Primary Key;SuperSsn CHAR (9) REFERENCES EMP(Ssn);Which of the following could be used to insert (插入)the first row into the Emp table?()A. INSERT INTO Emp (Ssn) VALUES (T23456789)B. INSERT INTO Emp(Ssn, SuperSsn) VALUES (T23456789,987654321)C. INSERT INTO Emp(SuperSsn) VALUES (987654321)D. all of the above|I16。is a set of commands (命令)used to update and query a database. ( ) IA. DMLB. DDL-C. DCLID. DPL|17。In an SQL statement, which of the following finds all groups meeting stated conditions(符合条件的组)?()A. SelectB. WhereC. Having|D. Findj18。To eliminate duplicate rows (消除重复行)in a query, thequalifier I邙限定符) is used in the SQL Select commando ( )|A. alterB. distinctIIC. check|D. specificj19。takes a value of true if a subquery (子查询)returns an intermediate |results(中间结果)table which contains(包含)one or more rows.()A. InB. HavingIC. Exists|D. ExtentsI20 o Ais a temporary table(临时表)used in the FROM clause(子句)|of an SQL query。()A. correlated subquery (相关子查询)!B. derived table (导出表)C. view table(视图表)jD. None of the above二、判断题(每题1分,共10分,正确的填T,错误的填F,将答案填在下表内)题号12345678910答案1. We can define (定义)a relation schema(关系模式)R(A1, A2, A3) whereA1 is the primary key (主键)and A3 is a foreign key(夕卜键)that refers to(参考) Ro ()2. A constraint(约束)is a rule in a database system that can be violated(违反)by users.期日试考-QRU5QQXU8O班学教 XUO2 级年号程课 语双理原库据数3. The E-R model is used to construct 构建)a conceptual model(概念模型)。()4. The entity integrity rule (实体完整性规则)states that a primary key attribute can be null.()5. The attribute value in a tuple (元组)that makes up (组成)a foreign key(夕卜 键)can be nullo ()6oA composite key (复合键)consists of only one attributeo ()7 oOne property(特征)of a relation is that each attribute within a relation has aunique (唯一的)name。()8 oThe columns of a relation can be interchanged( 交换)without changing themeaning or use of the relation o ()9oThe DELETE SQL command is used to remove (去掉)a table from thedatabase.()10oSubqueries(子查询) can only be used in the WHERE clause。 ()I线三、操作题(每题3分,共15分)现有关系数据库模式如下:业称名程学生(学号,姓名,性别,专业,年龄) 课程(课程号,名称,学分) 学习(学号,课程号,分数)用关系代数表达式实现12小题,用TSQL语言实现35小题.1o查询“学生关系学生中都有哪些专业。2. 检索“数据库原理”课程成绩高于90分的所有学生的学号、姓名、专业和分I 数3。检索没有选修课程号为“C135”课程的学生信息,包括学号,姓名和专业4。从“学生关系中删除成绩出现过0分的所有学生信息5。定义“英语”专业学生所学课程的信息视图English_View,包括学号、姓j名、课程号和分数。四、T-SQL编程题(10分)请用TSQL编写程序计算1+2+3 +98+99+100的值.期日试考 -QRU5QQXU8O名姓 号学班学教 XUO2 级年号程课 语双理原库据数車业称名程五、数据库设计题(第1题15分,第2题10分,共25分)1.某医院病房计算机管理系统中需要如下信息: 科室:科室名,科室地址,科室电话 病房:病房号,床位数,所属科室名 医生:姓名,职称,所属科室名,年龄,工作证号 病人:病历号,姓名,性别,主管医生,病房号 假设一个科室可有多个病房和多个医生,一个病房只能属于一个科室,一个医生只能属于一个科室,但可负责多个病人的诊治,一个病人的主管医生只有一个. 个病房可住多个病人。(1)设计满足上述业务需求的E-R图,并写出你在确定E-R模型约束条件时所做的| 其他假设(注意:实体、属性和联系名称均用中文表示)。;号班i程学1课教i封语双理原库据数业 专称名程课7UO2 级 年将该ER图转换为等价的符合第3范式(3NF)的关系模式,分别指出每个关 系的主键和外键,并画出各关系间的主键、外键参照(注意:关系模式的表示规范 请参照下图;关系和属性名称均用中文表示)。PROJECTPNUM6ER*tuthuXlQ)Utt iniWORKS ONESSNHOURSini2。假设为自学考试成绩管理系统设计了一个关系R(S#, SN,C#, CN, G, IU),其属性的含义依次为考生号、姓名、课程号、课程名、分数和主考学校名称。j 规定每个学生学习一门课程只有一个分数;一个主考学校主管多门课程的考试,且- 一门课程只能属于一个主考学校管理;每名考生有唯一的考生号,每门课程有唯一的I 课程号。(1)写出关系模式R基本的函数依赖集(即找出R中所有存在的函数依赖)。:(2)写出关系模式R的候选键.将R规范化为3NF.


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