8A Unit1---牛津8B Unit6重点词组及译句

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重点词组及译句(一) 8A Unit 1一、重点词组:1. keep secrets/ a secret保守秘密2. have problems with在方面有问题3. an honest boy一个诚实的男孩4. make me happy / make him look smart 使我高兴/使他看起来聪明5. be willing/ready to do sth愿意做某事6. have good/poor eyesight视力好/不好7. because of too much computer work因为太多的电脑工作8. have a good sense of humour有很强的幽默感9. feel bored感到无聊10. walk past the desks走过桌子11. knock over the books撞翻书12. knock it/them over 撞翻它/它们13. know sb./sth. very well非常了解某人 /某事14. think of my true friend想起我的真诚的朋友15. worry me (主语sth) /worry about me(主语sb)使我担心/担心我,为我担心16. say a bad word about sb说某人的坏话17. be kind/nice/friendly to sb.对某人友好18. help people solve problems帮人解决问题19. try/do ones best to do sth=try(hard) to do sth尽力做某事(4)20. be happy/glad to do sth高兴做某事21. hope to do sth希望去做某事22. agree with sb./what sb. said同意某人的意见/话23. one of the nicest boys一个最好的男孩24. give sb some advice给某人一些建议25. wear/have a smile on ones face脸上带着微笑二、重点句翻译:A1. Can I have something to drink?我可以喝点儿什么吗?2. Shes willing to share things with her friends.她乐意和朋友分享东西。3. She is very helpful and is ready to help people any time. 她乐于助人,随时乐意帮助人。4. His small, round glasses make him smart. 他小小的圆圆的眼镜使他聪明。5. I can tell him anything because she can keep a secret. 因为她能保守秘密,我什么都告诉他。B1. Millies English is better than Amys. 米莉的英语比艾米好。2. Peter is the heaviest student of the six students. 彼得是六个同学中最重的。3. Swimming is not as interesting as hiking. 游泳没有远足有趣。4. She always wears a smile on her face. 她总是面带微笑。5. She would like to be a teacher when she grows up. 她长大了想当教师。重点词组及译句(二) 8A Unit 2一、重点词组:1. British/American English英式/美式英语2. in Year 8/Grade 8 /in 8th grade 在8年级3. a mixed school 一所男女混合的学校4. my favourite subject 我最喜爱的学科5. cook healthy and tasty meals 煮健康而又可口的饭6. near the end of sth /at the end of sth 在-将要/-结束的时候7. drive sb to sp 开车送某人去某地8. once/twice a month 一月一次/两次9. spend a lot of time practicing 花大量时间实践与-谈论10. talk to sb. about sth 跟某人谈论某事11. enjoy sth a lot 很喜欢12. many heroes 许多英雄/偶像13. have a great time talking to each other 彼此交谈得愉快14. at age 16 在16岁时15. an unimportant language 一种不重要的语言16. have the least money 有最少的钱17. score the most / fewest points 得最高/低分18. be the same as / be different from 与相同/与不同19. be the same size/price/length as 与有同样的尺寸/价格/长度20. have seven weeks off 有7天的假期21. live four kilometers (away) from 住在离四千米的地方22. a piece of news in the newspaper 报纸上的一则消息23. go on a school trip to someplace 去某地举行一次学校旅行24. finish reading the book 读完这本书25. a bridge 100 meters in length 一座长100米的桥二、重点句翻译:A1. What is school like? 学校是什么样子?2. I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals. 我知道怎样烧煮健康美味的饭菜。3. I spend a lot of time practicing playing softball. 我花许多时间练习打垒球。4. During lunchtime, we always have a great time talking to each other. 在午饭时间,我们彼此交谈得愉快5. Amy scored the most points. 艾米获得了最高分。B1. Amys sweater is like Millies./Amys and Millies sweaters are alike. 艾米和米莉的羊毛衫很相象2. My uniform is the same as Simons. 我的校服和西蒙的是一样的。3. School life in the USA is different from that in Britain. 彼此交谈得愉快4. British students spend less time doing their homework than Chinese students. 英国学生花在做作业上的时间比中国学生少。5. My ideal school has a park on one side and a shopping mall on the other. 我理想中的学校一侧有一个花园,另一侧一个商场。重点词组及译句(三) 8A Unit 3一、重点词组:1. need to exercise to keep fit / stay healthy 需要锻炼以保持健康2. watch the sunset / sunrise 看日落/日出3. take some photos 拍照片4. take care / be careful (not ) to do sth 当心(别)做某事5. play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏6. keep ones secret to oneself 将秘密藏在某人心里7. win the basketball final 赢得篮球决赛8. a beautiful building with a big garden 有着大花园的漂亮建筑物 9. take place 举行10. cheer for sb 为喝彩11. six square metres 六平方米12. at the beginning/ end of sth 在-开始/结束时13. look better than the real one 比真的看起来好多了14. get on/off the coach 上/下长途汽车15. on the city roads/ the highway 在城市道路/高速公路上16. take the bus all the way to 一路乘汽车去17. be made of metal 由金属制成18. make it a really fun day 让它成为真正有趣的一天19. many places of world interest 许多世界名胜20. do sth as soon as possible 尽快做某事21. an amazing day 大开眼界的一天22. teach himself how to make a home page 自学如何制作主页23. go and see for yourself 亲自去看24. feel the beauty of the park 感受公园的美丽25. learn a lot/ a little/ more about sth 对-了解许多/一点儿/更多二、重点句翻译:A1. Mr Wu invited me to join in their school trip to the World Park.吴老师邀请我参加他们去世界公园的旅行。2. The trip from my school took about two hours by coach. 从我们学校出发的旅行乘长途汽车要花约两个小时。3. There are over a hundred places of interest from all over the world. 有一百多个世界各地的名胜。4. Its very cold in winter but skiing is great fun. 冬天很冷但滑雪很有趣。5. Millie decided to stay at home. 米莉决定呆在家里。B1. I want to sit at the front of the bus. 我想坐在汽车的前面。2. Please dont tell anybody about this. OK, I wont. 请不要告诉别人这件事。好的,我不会的。3. Why dont we /Why not go to Beijing Park ? 为什么不去北京公园?4. If you want to come, please let me know as soon as possible. 如果你想来,请尽快让我知道。5. Thanks for keeping the secret for me. 谢谢你为我保守秘密。重点词组及译句(四) 8A Unit 4一、重点词组:1 look after sb. well照料好某人2 at four years 在四岁时3 a report /talk on一个关于的报告4 start to do sth.开始做某事5 grow into长成 6 at the very beginning在一开始 7 eat bamboo shoots and leaves吃竹笋和叶子 8 cut down trees and forests砍树伐林 9 have nowhere to live没有生存的地方10 leave sb. on ones own/alon把某人单独留下11 take it away把它拿走12 do something to help采取措施来帮助13 encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事14 take the following actions采取下列行动15 walk through a rainforest步行穿越雨林16 be good at hunting other animals善于猎取其他的动物17 loss of living areas居住区的丧失18 make medicine from their bones用他们的骨头制药19 clothes made of animal fur动物皮毛制的衣服20 look lovely on me穿在我身上看上去很漂亮21 lose ones life/lives失去生命22 continue to build roads继续修路23 sell elephants tusks卖象牙24 keep taking the land不断占领土地25 move around in the daytime白天转悠 二、重点句翻译: A 1 Their number is getting smaller because their living areas are becoming farmlands.因为他们的生活区变成了耕地,他们的数量变得越来越少。2 If farmers keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.如果农民继续占据土地,大熊猫将没有地方生活。3 If we do not take any action, there will be no bears in the world. 如果我们不采取行动,世界上将没有熊了。 4 We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas.我们可以采取下列行动来保护大熊猫。5 If a bear is in danger, it attacks people. 如果熊在危险中,它就攻击人。 B6 If tigers live in the wild, they hunt for their own food. 如果老虎生活在野外,他们就寻找自己的食物。7 If no one buys animal fur, then people wont kill animals any more.如果没人买动物毛皮,那么人们就不会再杀动物了 8 Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild. 令人伤心的是,大熊猫在野外很难活下来。 9 We are writing to you about protecting wild animals. 我们写信给你是关于保护野生动物的事。 10 If more people know about these problems, then maybe they will do something to help. 如果更多的人知道了这些问题,也许他们会采取措施来帮助。重点词组及译句(五) 8A Unit 5一、重点词组:1 at the market在市场上 2 fly to northern countries飞往北国3 in northeast China/in the northeast of China在中国的东北 4 provide sb. with sth. / provide sth for sb.给某人提供某物 5 all year round常年/一年到 6 the Chinese government中国政府 7 protect the endangered swans保护濒临灭绝的天鹅 8 less and less space/water / energy越来越小的空间/少的水/能量9 fewer and fewer friends / squirrels越来越少的朋友/松鼠 10 more and more money / swallows越来越多的钱/燕子 11 make them take actions to protect wild animals让他们采取行动来保护野生动物12 understand the importance of learning/ studying English 明白学习英语的重要性 13 look at sb. angrily很生气地看着某人 14 leave / drop litter丢废弃物15 join us at the entrance在进口处加入我们的行列16 speak / sing softly轻轻地说话 / 唱歌17 a noisy market / street一个喧闹的市场/街道 18. a protected area一个受保护的地区 19 an incorrect answer / incorrect answers不正确的答案 20 write the report clearly将报告写清楚 21 frighten sb. / the birds吓唬某人/鸟 22 prevent sb. from doing sth.防止某人干某事 23 an honest / a dishonest waiter一个(不)诚实的服务员 24 speak fluent French/ speak French fluently说流利的法语(两种) 25 Dont drop litter carelessly.不要随便丢垃圾。二、重点句翻译:A 1 Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for wildlife. 湿地非常重要,因为它们为野生动物提供食物和住所。 2 More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough space. 越来越多的鸟处境危险,因为它们没有足够的生存空间。3 We need more people to help us count and do something for the birds.我们需要更多的人来协助我们统计鸟并为鸟儿做些事情。 4 Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhanglong to watch birds.每年有许多游客去扎龙观鸟。 5 Our plane leaves at ten oclock tonight.我们的飞机今晚十点起飞。 B 6 They simply cant wait for the party next week.他们简直等不及下周的聚会了。 7 If someone does not show good manners to others, he is impolite (not polite).如果有人对他人表示不礼貌的行为,那他就没礼貌。 8 He also told us to walk slowly and not to frighten he birds.他还叫我们走路慢点,不要吓着鸟儿。9 The reserve has an area of more than 210,000 hectares.这个保护区的面积是二十一万多公顷。10 I think it is important for me to do something to protect birds.我认为对我来说采取措施保护鸟是很重要的。重点词组及译句(六) 8A Unit 6一、重点词组:1 natural disasters自然灾害 2 crash into a tree撞到一棵树3 wash the village away冲走村庄4 fall (down)from a tree/ fall off a tree从树上摔下来5 feel a slight shaking through my body感觉体内轻微的震动6 look at each other in fear害怕地相互看看7 sound like bombs below the ground听起来像地下的爆炸声8 run in all directions向四处跑去9 try ones best to do sth.尽某人最大的努力干某事10 calm down镇静下来 11 be trapped被陷入困境12 say to oneself自言自语 13 go through ones mind掠过某人的大脑14 shout / scream for help喊救命 15 stay / be alive活着16 be in a great hurry to do sth.匆匆忙忙地干某事17 move away the bricks and stones搬走砖块和石头18 see the bright daylight看到明亮的日光19 Dont make excuses.不要找借口 20 forget to bring my keys忘了带钥匙 21 advise sb.(not) to do建议某人(不要)干某事22 warn sb.(not) to do警告某人(不要)干某事23 walk out of the classroom one by one 一个接一个地走出教室24 send them to hospital把他们送到医院25 a heavy storm with thunder and lightning一场雷鸣电闪交加的大风暴二、重点句翻译:A 1 People ran wildly as pieces of glass and bricks fell down.当玻璃和砖块倒塌的时候人们发疯一样的跑。 2 They didnt know where to go. 他们不知道他们在哪里。 3 I could not see at all and I did not know if anyone was around me. 我根本看不见也不知道是否有人在我周围。4 A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.瞬间的恐惧席卷我的全身,但我告诫自己要冷静,既然我还活着。5 People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.人们匆匆忙忙的搬走砖块和石头。B6 I could not go home because I forgot to bring my keys.我不能回家因为我忘记带钥匙了。7 Mr Wu warned us not to run down the stairs. 吴老师警告我们不要跑下楼梯。8 Bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters. 坏天气有时会导致自然灾害。9 Snow continued to fall around us. 雪不停地降落在我们身边10 We could do nothing but walk slowly in the storm. 除了慢慢走,我们什么也不能做.重点词组及译句 8B Unit 1 一、重点词组:1.in fact 实际上2.get married to sb./ marry sb 与结婚/ 嫁给(娶)某人3.move to / into / out of 搬到/进/出4.in the past (two years) 在过去(的两年中)5.turn into a park 变成一个公园6.miss my old friends / miss the train 怀念我的老朋友/错过火车7.play cards and Chinese chess 玩牌和下中国象棋8.the closing of the old airport 旧机场的关闭9.take off / land safely 安全地起飞/降落10.in some ways / in a way 从某种意义上/程度上讲11.feel a bit lonely from time to time 时不时地觉得有点孤独12.change a lot 改变许多13.have an interview with sb./interview sb. 访谈某人14.hear about / of 听说15.in service/ in use 投入使用16.changes to Lantau Island 大屿山的变化17.go on holiday 去度假18.be surprised by the tall buildings 惊讶于周围的高楼19.over the years 几年来20.on ones own 独自21.agree with sb./agree to do sth. 同意某人 /同意做某事22.bring many benefits 带来许多利益23.cause many problems 导致许多问题24.win many awards 获许多奖25. have the same feeling 有同感二、重点句翻译: A1. I have known the place for many years. 我已经知道这地方许多年了。2. Has the place changed a lot? 这个地方变化大吗?3. There was once an old airport near the Kowloon Walled City. 九龙城附近曾经有个旧机场。4. It has become difficult to see my old friends.要见老朋友已变得很困难。5. We havent seen that film yet. 我还没看过那场电影。B6. Eddie has lived with Millie since she he was born. 自从米莉出生以来,埃迪就和她住在一起了。7. John has been to the USA a few times. 约翰去过美国好几次了。8. I have never read this story. 我从没看过这个故事。9. There have been many changes in Hong Kong. 香港发生了巨变。10. Things have changed a lot over the years. 这些年来情况发生了巨变。重点词组及译句(八) 8B Unit 2一、重点词组: 1. go on a trip 进行一次旅行2. It must be fun 一定有趣3. take sb. out for a few days 把带出几天4. see/enjoy the beautiful view 欣赏美丽的风景5. even though /even if 即使6. buy some stationary as souvenirs for my cousin 买文具给我的堂姐作为纪念品7. spend in doing/on sth 花做8. be sure of sth/ be sure to do/ be sure that 确信9. the whole day 整天10. match well with the bow on her left ear 与左耳上的蝴蝶结很相配11. jump out of the gift box 从礼品盒里跳出来12. get very excited 因而激动13. That sounds great. 那听起来很好.14. seem (to be) hopeless 感到绝望15. try to get inside 设法进去16. those performers clothes 那些表演者的衣服17. find out 发现,查明18. forget to do/doing sth. 忘记去做某事/做了某事19. get lost/lose ones way 迷路(2)20. go sailing/sightseeing/hiking 进行帆船运动/去观光/去远足21. all year round 全年22. state clearly 清楚地说明/陈述23. the package tour to Singapore 去新加坡的包价旅游24. check sth. for sb. 为某人查某事25. have a delightful time 玩得高兴 二、重点句翻译: A 1. Mum and I went into Hello Kittys house as soon as we arrived. 我和妈妈一到那儿,就去了凯蒂猫之家。 2. Their clothes were so colourful that I could not stop taking photos. 他们的服装如此绚丽多彩以致于我不能停止拍照。 3. Hello Kitty danced so beautifully that everyone screamed. 凯蒂猫跳得如此漂亮以至于每个人都尖叫起来。 4. Spring is the best time for visiting Chinese gardens. 春季是参观中国园林的最佳时候。 5. There may be some rain. 可能会有些雨。 B6. What were you doing at that time? 那个时候你正在干什么?7. We were clapping our hands while the performers were marching across the park. 当表演者们行进穿过公园时,我们一直在鼓掌。8. Is there anything I can do for you? 我能为你做什么?9.I did not feel cold at all. 我一点儿也不感到冷。10.I hope to visit this country again very soon. 我希望不久再参观这个国家。重点词组及译句(九) 8B Unit 3一、重点词组:1. I have no idea. 我不知道2. write the computer programs编写电脑程序3. the main character of this game这个游戏的主要人物4. play the role of. 扮演的角5. test your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary测试你的英语语法和词汇知识6. for example例如7. mark in bright purple把做上亮紫色的标记8. best wishes / best regards最好的祝愿9. restart the computer重新启动电脑10.store e-dictionary on the hard disk将你的电子词典保存到硬盘上11.earn a point/ enough points得一分/得足够的分12.be caught by an evil witch被一个邪恶的巫婆抓住13.include travel and hotel包括旅游和旅馆14.cover many topics涉及许多的话题15.listen to an interview on the radio听收音机的一段采访16.connect the keyboard to the computer properly将电脑正确地连接到键盘上17.the goal of the game游戏的目标18.mind my /me smoking介意我抽烟19.answer this question incorrectly错误地回答这个问题20.a total of ten questions总共十个问题21.be set on Mars背景设置在火星上22.sound exciting听起来令人激动23.use the knowledge to open the treasure box用知识来开启宝藏盒24.appear on the screen出现在屏幕上25.want me to order one package online想让我在线订一套二、 重点句翻译: A1. What will computer be like in the future? 将来的电脑是什么样子?2. It sounds interesting, doesnt it? 这听起来令人兴奋,不是吗?3. Every time you pass a level, you will see a world map. 每次你通过一关,你就会看到一张世界地图。4. Get it now before its sold out. 在它被卖出之前,现在就去买它。5.It still doesnt work. 它还是不起作用。 B6. That CD-ROM was designed by Nancy Jackson. 那个光盘是由南希.杰克逊设计的。7. What type of questions are asked? 问了什么种类的问题的?8. -Do you mind telling me how to use this function? - No, not at all. 你介意告诉我怎样使用这个功能吗?不,我一点儿也不介意。9. The goal of the game is to travel around the world. 这游戏的目的是周游世界。10. What is used for moving /to move the cursor around the screen? 什么被用来移动屏幕上的光标?重点词组及译句(十) 8B Unit 4一、重点词组:1. raise money for charities.为慈善机构募集资金2. donate sth to people in poor areas/ countries捐款给贫困地区/国家的人3. set up the stage / tent 搭建舞台/ 帐篷4. musical performance 音乐表演5. g ive out souvenirs to the guests 给来宾分发纪念品6. the night before the big event 大型活动的前一天晚上7. pay attention to the exit of the theatre 注意剧院的出口8. decide to do sth. 决定干某事9. on duty / have many other duties 值班(日)/ 有许多其它职责10. want the audience to hear him 想要观众听得见他的话11. introduce oneself / make an introduction of oneself 自我介绍(两种)12. worry (about) / be worried (about) 担心(.)13. volunteer to do some voluntary work for the show 志愿为演出做些自愿的工作 14. clap and shout in excitement / excitedly 兴奋地鼓掌大叫15. lots of practice / practice a lot / practice doing sth 许多练习/多练习/练习做某事16. choose me to be the host / actor 选我当主持人/(男)演员17. be sorry for sb.(sth.) / be sorry that +句子 因-而抱歉18. do a very important job / do very important work 做重要的工作19. become a little angry = get a bit angry


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