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III.介词短语作状语 课件制作者 1. 用介词填空 1. A reception was held _ New Years Eve. 2. He swims every day _the summer. 3. She stayed with me _my illness. 4. We sat down _the grass. 5. English is being spoken_ the world. 6. She had pains _ her back all the time. 7. I live _ 403, Brook Street. 8. Im going there_ taxi. 9. He stared at me _ astonishment. on during throughout on all over in at by in 10. She spoke _ calmness. 11. He looked at me_ expression. 12. Her farther died_ cancer. 13. Hes angry_ that account. 14. She was pleased_ the result. 15. I think you are prejudiced _Jack. 16. He quarreled _ everyone. 17. The 8:15 train started _ time. 18. I arrived at the concert hall_ good time. 19. _ the beginning of the book there is often a table of contents. 20 Most people work_ nine_ five. with without of on with against with on in At from to 21. I have been here _Monday. 22. He travelled in the desert _six months. 23. She was ill for a week, and_ that week she ate nothing. 24. How much did you pay _it? 25. We didnt get home_ 2 a.m. 26. Dont bathe immediately_ a meal. 27. They drove from Paris_ Rome. 28. When are you coming back _ England? 29. I want to get to Berlin_ dark. 30. Its difficult to get_ a university. since for during for till after to to/from before into 31. Go on _the post office. 32. Get out of the bus_ the tube station. 33. He put his hand _his pocket. 34. People climbed_ the roof. 35. The helicopter hovered _us. 36. There is a bridge_ the river. 37. We had a chat_ a cup of tea. 38. She put the letter_ her pillow. 39. Luxembourg lies _Belgium, Germany and France. 40. He cut it _a knife. 41. Nobody_ Tom knew the way. past at into onto above over over under between but with 汉译英练习( 23.3.2) 1.她喜欢画画。 She _painting. 2.她酷爱艺术。 She _art. 3.他什么也不怕。 He_ nothing. 4.他对研究工作没有兴趣。 Hes _ research. 5.她生我的气。 She _ me. 6.他对我说的话感到很生气。 He _ what I said. 7.我为我的行为感到羞愧。 Im _what I did. was fond of was very keen on was afraid of not interested in was annoyed with was angry at ashamed of 8.我们为你的行为感到骄傲。 Were _what youve done. 9.他对她的态度感到惊讶。 He was_ her attitude. 10.对这个话题我已感到厌倦。 Im_ the subject. 11.你在忙些什么? What are you_? 12.她对她的新工作很满意。 Shes very _her new job. 13.他很喜欢这个孩子。 He was _ the child. proud of amazed at bored with busy about happy about delighted with 14.听到这消息她很高兴。 She was _ the news. 15.他为她的离去感到难过。 He was _ her departure. 16.她善于照顾人。 She was_ looking after people. 17.他们还未意识到形势的严峻。 They were not_ the gravity of the situation. 18.他专心致志于他的工作。 He was completely_ his work. 19.我们充满希望。 We are_ hope. delighted with sorry about good at aware of absorbed in full of 20.她嫉妒你。 She was _you. 21.她对他们的回答感到满意。 She was_ their answer. 22.他渴望成功。 He was_ success. 23.对此她很兴奋。 She was_ it 24.听到这消息她很兴奋。 She was_ hearing the news. 25.人应当满足于他已有的东西。 One should be_ what one has. 26.莉莉一直盼望你回来。 Lily has been _your return. jealous of satisfied with eager for excited about excited at content with anxious for 27.你工作还要再仔细一点。 Be more_ your work. 28.他不太注重外表形象。 Hes_ his appearance. 29.我对此是很有把握的。 Im quite _ it. 30.她习惯于做这种工作。 Shes_ doing this kind of work. 31.司机对这次事故负有责任。 The driver is_ the accident. 32.我非常感激你。 Im most_ you. careful with careless about responsible for used to sure (certain) about grateful to 33.他忠于他的原则。 Hes _his principles. 34.他已习惯上夜班。 Hes _working on the night shift 35. 她忠于党。 Shes_ the Party. 36.她害怕黑夜。 She was _the dark. faithful to accustomed to loyal to scared of 用介词填空 1) Your system is different _ours. 2) France is famous _wines. 3) Wheat is similar _barley. 4) Is the book suitable_ publication? 5) Vegetables are good_ you. 6) Its ready_ use immediately. 7) His death is due_ negligence. 8) Not many imports are free_ all duty. 9) This was contrary_ her usual habit. 10) Her eyes were full_ tears. from for to for for for to of to of 11. The room was almost bare _furniture. 12) The streets were empty_ traffic at night. of of IV.副词小品词作状语 汉译英 1.Im used to going about alone. 我习惯于独来独往。 2.Stars glittered above. 星星在天空闪耀。 3.He came across slowly. 他慢步走了过来。 4.He whistled softly as he walked along. 他一面走一面轻轻地吹着口哨。 5.He looked around but could see nobody.他 四处张望但未看到一个人。 6.He had never been in love before. 他从未谈过恋爱。 7.Look behind. 向后看。 8.The rose garden lay below. 玫瑰园就在下方。 9.Besides, I want you to promise me one thing. 此外,我要求你答应我一件事。 10.Theres only the tree and the rock. I can see nothing between 只有一颗树和一块岩石,在它们之间我什么也 没看见。 11.Mr. Brown came by and saw us. 布朗先生从旁边经过看到了我们。 12.The little girl has fallen down. 小女孩跌倒了。 13.A taxi came along and I got in. 一辆出租车开了过来,我就坐了上去。 14.Stay inside till the rain stops. 留在家里,直到雨停了再出去。 15.The bird flew off. 鸟飞走了。 16.They walked on a little way without speaking. 他们往前走了一会,没有讲话。 17.Are you going out tonight? 你今晚要出去吗? 18.He heard steps outside. 他听见外面有脚步声。 19.Hes seen us. Hes coming over. 他已经看到我们,正朝我们走过来。 20.He walked past without noticing me. 他走过去,没有看到我。 21.Shall I show you round? 要不要我带你到处看看? 22.What have you been doing since? 之后,你一直干什么工作? 23.Let us walk through. 咱们步行穿过去。 24.He got up and looked out. 他站起来,向外望了望。 汉译英 1.他常常在晚上邀她出去。 he often asked her out in the evenings 2. 他们紧张地往后退。 They backed away nervously. 3.我们得支持他。 Weve got to back him up. 4.这证实了我的理论。 This bears out my theory. 5.风把蜡烛吹灭了 The wind blew the candle out. 6.牛奶煮得溢出来了。 The milk boiled over. 7.多年的过度操劳把他身体给压垮了。 After years of overwork his health broke down. 8.在我们开车去机场时,汽车坏了。 The car broke down when we were driving to the airport. 9.小偷潜入室内偷走了首饰。 Thieves broke in and stole the jewels. 10.战争于 12月 8日爆发。 The war broke out on December 8. 11.你为什么提出那个问题? Why did you bring up that question? 12.他们取消了这场球赛。 Theyve called the game off. 13.好的,我回头再打电话来。 .All right, Ill call up later. 14.我们最好把那个房间打扫干净。 Wed better clean out that room. 15.太阳出来时雾气就消散了。 The mist cleared away as the sun came out. 16.天放晴了。 The weather has cleared up. 17.许多小商店倒闭了。 Many small shops have closed down. 18.你的工作进展如何? How is your work coming along? 19.肉价下跌了。 The price of meat has come down. 20.他患上了流感。 He has come down with influenza. 21.上次选举工党上台了。 The Labour Party came in at the last election. 22.他的计划还没有成功。 His plans havent come off. 23.这本书是什么时候出版的? When did the book come out? 24.她考了第一名。 She came out first in the exam. 25.哪天晚上你一定要过来。 You must come over some evening. 26.我们正谈话时一个男子走了过来。 While we were talking, a man came up. 27.他提出了一个新的建议。 He came up with a new suggestion. 28.声音逐渐消失了。 The sounds died away. 29.风小了一点。 The wind has died down a bit. 30.这种鸟在濒临灭绝。 This kind of bird is dying out. 31.冬天正在来临。 Winter is drawing on. 32.什么时候你进城就顺便过来坐坐。 Drop by any time youre in town. 33.他常常进去喝咖啡。 He often dropped in for coffee. 34.进来销售量有所下降。 Sales have been dropping off lately. 35.他不希望学习落后。 He didnt want to fall behind in his studies. 36.计划失败了。 The scheme fell through. 37.申请书大批涌来。 Applications flooded in. 38.灾害的消息迅速传开了。 The news of the disaster soon got about. 39.他设法使他的意思讲清楚。 He tried to get his meaning across. 40.你工作进展如何? How are you getting along with your work? 41.它们相处的很好。 They got along nicely. 42.我 6点中回来。 Ill get back at 6 oclock. 43.工作进展很顺利。 The work is getting on splendidly. 44.最后他让步了。 In the end he gave in. 45.这些花散发一种清香。 The flowers gave off a sweet fragrance. 46.老师分发试卷。 The teacher gave out the exam papers. 47.你先走,我随后就来。 You go ahead and Ill follow. 48.她的烧退了。 Her temperature has gone down. 49.他匆匆走掉了。 He went off in a great hurry. 50.他心里正进行着一场斗争。 A struggle was going on within him. 51.一切进展顺利。 Everything is going on all right. 52.有足够的酒够大家喝吗? Will there be enough wine to go round? 53.气温正在上升。 The temperature is going up. 54.他是在一家农场长大的 He grew up on a farm. 。 55.公共汽车把一个小孩撞到了。 A bus knocked a child down. 56.你什么时候下班? What time do you knock off? 57.工厂已经解雇了许多工人。 The factory has laid off a number of workers. 58.我绝不会让你失望的。 I wont let you down in any way.


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