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硬度换算公式:1. 肖氏硬度(HS)=勃式硬度(BHN)/10+122. 肖式硬度(HS)=洛式硬度(HRC)+153勃式硬度(BHN)=洛克式硬度(HV)4洛式硬度(HRC)=勃式硬度(BHN)/10-3一、硬度简介:硬度表示材料抵抗硬物体压入其表面的能力。它是金属材料的重要性能指标之一。一般硬度越高,耐 磨性越好。常用的硬度指标有布氏硬度、洛氏硬度和维氏硬度。1布氏硬度(HB)(Brinell)以一定的载荷(一般3000kg)把一定大小(直径一般为10m m)的淬硬钢球压入材料表面,保持一段时间, 去载后,负荷与其压痕面积之比值,即为布氏硬度值(HB),单位为公斤力/mm2 (N/mm2)。2洛氏硬度(HR)当HB450或者试样过小时,不能采用布氏硬度试验而改用洛氏硬度计量。它是用一个顶角120的金 刚石圆锥体或直径为 1.59、3.18mm 的钢球,在一定载荷下压入被测材料表面,由压痕的深度求出材 料的硬度。根据试验材料硬度的不同,分三种不同的标度来表示: HRA:是采用60kg载荷和钻石锥压入器求得的硬度,用于硬度极高的材料(如硬质合金等)。 HRB:是采用100kg载荷和直径1.58mm淬硬的钢球,求得的硬度,用于硬度较低的材料(如退火 钢、铸铁等 ) 。 HRC:是采用150kg载荷和钻石锥压入器求得的硬度,用于硬度很高的材料(如淬火钢等)。3维氏硬度(HV)以 120kg 以内的载荷和顶角为 136的金刚石方形锥压入器压入材料表面,用材料压痕凹坑的表面积除 以载荷值,即为维氏硬度HV值(kgf/mm2)。注:洛氏硬度中HRA、HRB、HRC等中的A、B、C为三种不同的标准,称为标尺A、标尺B、标尺C。洛氏硬度试验是现今所使用的几种普通压痕硬度试验之一,三种标尺的初始压力均为98.07N(合 10kgf),最后根据压痕深度计算硬度值。标尺A使用的是球锥菱形压头,然后加压至588.4N(合 60kgf); 标尺B使用的是直径为1.588mm(1/16英寸)的钢球作为压头,然后加压至980.7N(合 100kgf);而标尺 C使用与标尺A相同的球锥菱形作为压头,但加压后的力是1471N(合150kgf)。因此标尺B适用相对 较软的材料,而标尺C适用较硬的材料。实践证明,金属材料的各种硬度值之间,硬度值与强度值之间具有近似的相应关系。因为硬度值是 由起始塑性变形抗力和继续塑性变形抗力决定的,材料的强度越高,塑性变形抗力越高,硬度值也就 越高。但各种材料的换算关系并不一致。本站硬度对照表一文对钢的不同硬度值的换算给出了表 格,请查阅。二、硬度对照表:根据德国标准DIN50150,以下是常用范围的钢材抗拉强度与维氏硬度、布氏硬度、洛氏硬度的对照表。 抗拉强度RmN/mm2 维氏硬度HV布氏硬度HB洛氏硬度HRC硬度知识硬度试验是机械性能试验中最简单易行的一种试验方法。为了能用硬度试验代替某些机械性能试验,生产上需要一个比较准确的硬 度和强度的换算关系。实践证明,金属材料的各种硬度值之间,硬度值与强度值之间具有近似的相应关系。因为硬度值是由起始塑性变形抗力和继续塑性 变形抗力决定的,材料的强度越高,塑性变形抗力越高,硬度值也就越高。下面是本站根据由实验得到的经验公式制作的快速计算器,有一定的实用价值,但在要求数据比较精确时,仍需要通过试验测得。三、硬度換算公式1. 肖氏硬度(HS)=勃式硬度(BHN)/10+122. 肖式硬度(HS)=洛式硬度(HRC)+153勃式硬度(BHN)=洛克式硬度(HV)4洛式硬度(HRC)=)=勃式硬度(BHN)/10-3HBS (Hardness, Brinell, Steel) or the HBW (Hardness, Brinell, Tungsten )肖氏硬度 Shore Hardness(邵氏硬度)布氏硬度 Brinell Hardness(勃氏硬度)摩氏硬度表 Mohs Hardness Scale莫氏硬度表 Mohs Hardness Scale奥地利矿物学家莫氏(Frederich Mohs)建立的硬度表,作为矿物硬度的标准。最软者为滑石talc,最 硬者为钻石diamond,共十种分十级。(1) 滑石(Talc)(2) 石膏(Gypsum)(3) 方解石(Calcite)(4) 萤石(Fluorite)(5) 磷灰石(Apatite)(6) 正长石(Orthoclase)(7) 石英(Quartz)(8) 黄玉(Topaz)(9) 刚玉(Coru ndum)(10) 钻石(Diamo nd)The Rockwell scale is a hardness scale based on indentation hardness of a material. The Rockwell test determines the hard ness by measur ing the depth of pen etrati on of an inden ter un der a large load compared to the pen etrati on made by a preload. There are differe nt scales, deno ted by a sin gle le tter, that use differe nt loads or inden ters. The result is a dime nsionl ess nu mber no ted as HRA, where A is the scale lett er.When testing metals, indentation hardness correlates linearly with tensile strength. This important relation permits economically importa nt non destructive testi ng of bulk metal deliveries with lightweight, eve n portable equipme nt, such as han d-held Rockwell hard ness testers.OperationForce diagram of Rockwell testThe determ in ati on of the Rockwell hard ness of a material in volves the applicati on of a minor load followed by a major load, and the n no ti ng the depth of pen etrati on from a dial, on which a harder material gives a higher nu mber. The chief adva ntage of Rockwell hardness is its ability to display hardness values directly, thus obviating tedious calculations involved in other hard ness measureme nt tech niq ues.It is typically used in engineering and metallurgy. Its commercial popularity arises from its speed, reliability, robustness, resoluti on and small area of inden tati on.In order to get a reliable reading the thickness of the test-piece should be at least 10 times the depth of the indentation. Also, read ings should be take n from a flat perpe ndicular surface, because con vex surfaces give lower read in gs. A correcti on factor can be used if the hard ness of a con vex surface is to be measured.Scales and valuesThere are several alter native scales, the most com mon ly used being the B and C scales. Both express hard ness as an arbitrary dimensionless number.Various Rockwell scalesScaleAbbreviate nLoadIndenterUseAHRA60 kgf120diam ond conetTun gste n carbideBHRB100 kgf116-i nch-diameter (1.588 mm) steel sphereAluminium, brass, and soft steelsCHRC150 kgf120diam ond coneHarder steels B100DHRD100 kgf120diam ond coneEHRE100 kgf1 -in ch-diameter (3.175 mm) steel sphereFHRF60 kgf11 -i nch-diameter (1.588 mm) steel sphereGHRG150 kgf11 -i nch-diameter (1.588 mm) steel spheretAlso called a brale indenter Except for testi ng thin materials in accorda nee with A623 the steel inden ter balls have bee n replaced by tun gste n carbide balls of the vary ing diameters. Whe n a ball inden ter is used, the letter W is used to in dicate a tun gste n/carbide ball was used, and the le tter S in dicates the use of a steel ball. E.g.: 70 HRCW in dicates the read ing was 70 in the Rockwell C scale using a Tun gste n/Carbide inden ter.The superficial Rockwell scales use lower loads and shallower impressions on brittle and very thin materials. The 45N scale employs a 45-kgf load on a diam ond con e-shaped Brale inden ter, and can be used on dense ceramics. The 15T scale employs a 15-kgf load on a 116-inch-diameter (1.588 mm) hardened steel ball, and can be used on sheet metal.Read ings below HRC 20 are gen erally con sidered un reliable, as are read ings much above HRB 100.Typical values Very hard steel (e.g. chisels, quality k nife blades): HRC 55-66 ( Harde ned High Speed Carb on and Tool Steels such as M2, W2, 01, CPM-M4, and D2, as well as many of the newer powder metallurgy Stai nless Steels such as S30V, 154CM, ZDP-189, etc.) Axes: about HRC 45-55 Brass: HRB 55 (Low brass, UNS C24000, H01 Temper) to HRB 93 (Cartridge Brass, UNS C26000 (260 Brass), H10 Temper)Several other scales, including the extensive A-scale, are used for specialized applications. There are special scales for measuring case-hardened specimens.


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