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广东工业大学专业英语1 1专专 业业 英英 语语王玉洁王玉洁广东工业大学广东工业大学 环境科学与工程学院环境科学与工程学院2 2广东工业大学专业英语课程要求出席率课堂积极发言考试安排3 3广东工业大学专业英语对课程的理解用英文简单的介绍一下自己的专业4 4广东工业大学专业英语课程安排研究论文的结构研究论文的常用语法、词汇和句型研究论文的常见错误以杂志要求为例,介绍研究论文的修改按照专业方向讨论文献广东工业大学专业英语5 5第一部分第一部分研究论文的结构研究论文的结构 6 6广东工业大学专业英语研究论文的结构TitleAuthorsAffiliationAbstract Key wordsIntroductionMaterial and methodResult and discussionConclusionAcknowledgementReference7 7广东工业大学专业英语TITLE举例:Synthesis of PHAs from Waster under Various C:N RatiosCloning and Expression the PHA Synthase Gene PhaCI into BacilusSynthesis of Poly-hydroxyalkanoates from Activated Sludge under Various Oxidation-Reduction PotentialsStudy of microfiltration behaviour of oily wastewater1.Oily wastewater treatment by means of ceramic membrane8 8广东工业大学专业英语AUTHORS AND AFFILIATION作者:按照对论文的贡献排序作者顺序最重要的是第一作者和通讯作者单位:名称,地址,邮编等。(参照杂志要求)Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou,510006 China9 9广东工业大学专业英语ABSTRACT 摘要:一般都有字数要求内容上要写清楚,本研究的主要工作和结果。What the research questions in the manuscript was/wereHow the research was carried outWhat the main finding or conclusions wereWhat further research could arise from such findings1010广东工业大学专业英语KEY WORDS关键词:选取本研究的35个关键词1111广东工业大学专业英语INTRODUCTION介绍研究的背景,前人的研究成果和遇到的问题,从而引出本研究的主要内容和目的意义。1212广东工业大学专业英语INTRODUCTION练习:There are many situations in which you may have to explain that your research is about:for example:in a research proposal,in a thesis abstract or introduction,in meetings with your supervisor,at seminars or conferences,when talking to friends,and so on.Can you think of other situations in which you have had to explain your research?1313广东工业大学专业英语INTRODUCTION练习Explain your research to other studentsOne of the biggest difficulties when you are explaining your research(written or spoken)is to anticipate what the listener/reader will know and what they wont know.You must adjust your language depending on the level of knowledge of your listener/reader and modify your language in terms of:How much background information you need to give the listener/reader so that they can understand your specific topicHow much depth you go into when you are explaining your specific topicHow much complex terminology you will useWhether you need to define this terminology for the listener/reader1414广东工业大学专业英语INTRODUCTIONTake a few moments to think about this and how you would explain your research to the students sitting next to you.Here are some questions to guide you:What is the general field of your research?What is the particular topic within this field that you are interested in?What specific questions or problems are you interested in?Why are these questions/problems important?1515广东工业大学专业英语INTRODUCTIONWhen you are listening to other students,pay close attention to anything you do not understand.Help each other by asking for further explanation:“can you explain.?”“what exactly do you mean by?1616广东工业大学专业英语INTRODUCTION练习write an introduction to your researchWrite a brief introduction to your proposed research.The description should be written for someone interested in your topic but does not know much about it.Explain the research area.Explain your specific research gap.If you can,you can talk about your methodology and research question as well.Use whatever structure you need for your research,but the style should be a formal,academic written style.1717广东工业大学专业英语MATERIAL AND METHOD介绍实验中的材料和方法1818广东工业大学专业英语RESULT AND DISCUSSION研究论文的核心部分结果:主要阐述本研究的结果,创新点,首次取得了那些成果讨论:针对结果展开讨论,可以引用别人的论述来证明自己的结果1919广东工业大学专业英语WRITING ABOUT DATAThe concept of dataData is a keyword in postgraduate research.A paper without data is not really a paper.However,there are different kinds of that is collected:in some kinds of research,data is gathered or collected,using experimental methods,surveys and interviews,observations, is found or selected:in other kinds of research the data is found.Sometimes,the data is constructed.2020广东工业大学专业英语WRITING ABOUT DATAResults,findings and discussionData rarely comes in a form that can be directly transferred to the printed page and be understood by other people.You have to write about it.This often involves three steps:1.reporting results2.summarizing findings3.discussing result and findings.2121广东工业大学专业英语WRITING ABOUT DATAreporting resultsThe concept of results may apply more readily to research where the data are processed in order to produce numerical or statistical outcomes.In this kind of research,the results are often reported in the form of tables or graphs.The important point to remember here is that tables and graphs do not speak for themselves.You usually have to summarize the key information in words.Failing to do this is a common weakness in postgraduate paper.2222广东工业大学专业英语WRITING ABOUT DATAsummarizing findings If your data have“results”,your“finding”are generalization about the phenomenon based on those results.Imagine you have administered a test to100 boys and 100 girls.Your result may be that:The average scores were 67 marks for the boys and 89 marks for the girls out of 100 marks.Your finding would be that:The girls performed better on this test than the boys.2323广东工业大学专业英语Two common failings are:1.skipping over the results to go directly to the findings 2.reporting only the results.Note that when you have both results and findings,it is usual to report the results first and then summarize the findings that are relevant to them,before you move on to the next set of results.2424广东工业大学专业英语In qualitative and text based research,there are often no obvious result and your finding often consist of statements that emerge from or describe the data.Imagine you have interview 20 boys and 20 girls on their experience of taking a test.Your finding here may be that the boys report greater anxiety than the girls.In this kind of research,writers often report findings and then provide evidence for them from their data.2525广东工业大学专业英语WRITING ABOUT DATAdiscussing result and findings Discussion is an important concept in postgraduate research and many theses have a section with this title.Discussion means stepping back from your results and findings and attempting to explain them in the context of:1.the results and finding in other studies2.the conditions in which the research took place.2626广东工业大学专业英语CONCLUSIONS总结:对自己的研究工作的一个总结,可以提出后续的研究方向以及准备解决哪些问题。Summarize your researchSpell out your contributionState the limitations of your studySuggest potential areas of future research2727广东工业大学专业英语CONCLUSION-PURPOSE OF THE CONCLUSIONFor more papers,the conclusion section should:Show how the research gap has been filledState to what extent the research has been successfully conductedIn doing so,youAnswer the“so what”?QuestionJustify the importance of your study and its contribution to the field.2828广东工业大学专业英语CONCLUSION-MOVES OF THE CONCLUSIONTo achieve the above purposes,the conclusion usually contains five elements in the following order :2929广东工业大学专业英语1.Restatement of the studys purposeRecapitulate the main points b stating again(i)the situation in the field before your study was carried out,i.e.the problems and gaps(ii)the studys purpose;and(iii)your research questionCONCLUSION-MOVES OF THE CONCLUSION3030广东工业大学专业英语2.summary of the major findingsPresent succinctly your answers to each of your research questionsState your prove hypotheses,if anyCONCLUSION-MOVES OF THE CONCLUSION3131广东工业大学专业英语CONCLUSION-MOVES OF THE CONCLUSION3.Significance and implications of your studyStress how your findings have improved the situation by addressing the gaps and dealing with the problems.Make it cleat to what extent you have filled the gaps or alleviated the problems.Refer to previous research for comparison or support.Explain any unexpected outcomes and results which contradict previous finding.Articulate the contributions of your findings to your field.Discuss the applicability of your methodology and finding to other contexts,and the generalisability of your results.Do not over exaggerate your achievements.3232广东工业大学专业英语4.Limitations of your studyBe critical of your studyState the weaknesses of all aspects of your study,e.g.methodology and generalisability.Acknowledge any mistakes made,and the problem and weaknesses that remain.Show that you are a reflective researcher.It is better that you point our your limitations than have the examiners point them out for you.CONCLUSION-MOVES OF THE CONCLUSION3333广东工业大学专业英语5.Recommendations for further researchState the need for further researchMake concrete and constructive suggestions about further lines of investigationProvide brief justifications CONCLUSION-MOVES OF THE CONCLUSION广东工业大学专业英语3434第二部分第二部分研究论文的常用语法、词汇和句型研究论文的常用语法、词汇和句型 3535广东工业大学专业英语时态的用法The past simple must be used to refer to the processes or findings of a single completed study or a series of studies.Woods(2001)conducted a survey of 200 HK residents.100 were males and 100 were female.Lee(1)analyzed and compared the DNA structure of.3636广东工业大学专业英语时态的用法Both the past simple and the present simple can be used when referring to what was written in a paper rather than describing the process or findings of the research.Legg(2004)described the effect of drug addiction on the learning ability of adolescents.Smith and Jones(23)point out that Shakespeare was not an atheist,rather a religious man.3737广东工业大学专业英语时态的用法The present simple is generally used to indicate a current debate.However,at the moment there is no agreement on this matter.Chan(2005)contends that Disneyland will bring economic benefit to HK,while Lee(2005)believes that it will not.3838广东工业大学专业英语时态的用法The present perfect is used to refer to a whole area of study.Studies into second language acquisition have tended to focus on adults and adolescents rather than children(24).A number of studies have demonstrated the need for more research into the area of economic growth on the Mainland(Leung 2003).3939广东工业大学专业英语时态的用法The present perfect is used to show the currently accepted state of affairs when it is contrasted with what was previously accepted.Ngs(2004)study found that trainee nurses do not cope well with being confronted with death for the first time.However,Lee(2005),in a study of 50 HK trainee nurses,has found that a number do in fact cope well.4040广东工业大学专业英语常用词表明观点的动词:SupportOpposeAmendComplicateQualify4141广东工业大学专业英语常用词动词的选择:Smith statesSmith claimsSmith has demonstratedSmith observesSmith insistsSmith assumes4242广东工业大学专业英语动词用法Verbs that reports others views1.making a claimassert,argue,believe,claim,contend,emphasis,insist,maintain,state,suggest2.expressing agreementAcknowledge,agree with,confirm,endorse,reaffirm,support,verify3.expressing disagreement of doubeChallenge,deny,question,reject4.making recommendationsAdvocate,call for,encourage,implore,recommend,suggest,urge4343广东工业大学专业英语动词用法Verbs that report the methods others used:Analyze,survey,examine,explore,investigate,study,measure,attempt,try to determinebyVerbs that report others finding:Smith found,discover,observe,note,demonstrateSmiths finding show,indicate,establish4444广东工业大学专业英语词组和动词Clamp down onClamp down oncurbcurbGet rid of eradicateLook forseekSend in(e.g.a proposal)submitCome to(e.g.a conclusion)draw/reachAsk forrequest/solicitLook up(e.g.A web article)retrieveKeep an eye on( activity)monitorHold back(e.g.A progress)hamperMeet with(e.g.difficulty)encounter4545广东工业大学专业英语词组和动词Not take/not follow( advice)Not take/not follow( advice)disregarddisregardPut in actionimplementCome up with( alternative)proposeMake something(e.g.anxiety)lighteralleviateTurn down(e.g.a possible idea)rejectSettle for(e.g.a research approach)adoptDeal with(e.g.a problem)handlePut forward( issue)raiseArrive at(e.g.a consensus)reachSet up(e.g.the scope of research)establish4646广东工业大学专业英语DESCRIBING DATA 数据的描述A basic task of research students is to describe their main data clearly and accurately.Note that the description of data collected is often written in the past tense and in a factual tone.4747广东工业大学专业英语REFERRING TO TABLES AND FIGURESWhen describing your findings,you should bear in mind that your reader can see the graph either on the same page or the following page(or in the appendix).Start your description by referring to the graph(which you can call Figure 4 or Table 2,etc).The following expressions are often used to refer to graphics:(i)It can be seen from)It can be seen from Table X that(ii)As is shown in)As is shown in Figure Y,(iii)As the findings in As the findings in Figure W reveal/show/indicatereveal/show/indicate(iv)The effects of on are shown in Figure 3.(v)According to According to Table Z,4848广东工业大学专业英语REFERRING TO TABLES AND FIGURESNote that the verbs in clauses(i)-(iv)are in the present tense.This means that sentences that refer to charts and describe the results therein can contain two tenses,for example:Table 2 showsshows that catalytic amidation(酰胺化)of unactivated sp3 C-H bonds was achievedwas achieved.It is shownshown in Fig.3 that OVX alteredaltered the trabecular architecture in rat tibia.4949广东工业大学专业英语连词The position of some connectivesIf you really wish to signal the addition of further information by using connectives such as furthermore,moreover and besides,you do not have to put them mechanically at the beginning of a sentence.You can put them in other sentential position.5050广东工业大学专业英语连词AlternativesInstead of using one-or two-word connectives such as moreover and furthermore,you may use longer but clearer alternatives,such as-another point is that-a further consideration is that -a further point is that5151广东工业大学专业英语连词Look at the two sets of examples below.1a.Chinas industrial base is rapidly growing in strength.Her money markets are also attracting large amounts of investment capital.FurthermoreFurthermore,tourism is being promoted once more as a way of earning foreign currency.1b.Chinas industrial base is rapidly growing in strength.Her money markets are also attracting large amounts of investment capital.A further important pointA further important point is that tourism is being promoted once more as a way of earning foreign currency.5252广东工业大学专业英语连词2a.There are a number of differences between the English language in America and that in Britain.One such difference is the vowel sound in words like fast,cant and dance.Furthermore,the treatment of the r Furthermore,the treatment of the r after vowels is also different.after vowels is also different.2bThere are a number of differences between the English language in America and that in Britain.One such difference is the vowel sound in words like fast,cant and dance.A second divergence is in the A second divergence is in the treatment of the r after vowels.treatment of the r after vowels.5353广东工业大学专业英语连词The use of in additionIn addition can be used when adding another fact to what has already been mentioned,a fact being something more objective rather than some idea or concept which is quite abstract or subjective.It is often used within a sentence rather than between sentences.For example:This room has powerpoint facilities and in addition there is internet connection.If you use“in addition”in between sentences,you should try to refer back to the previous sentence.The university offers over fifty courses to all undergraduate students.In addition to catering to undergraduate students,the university also runs three English courses for postgraduate research students.5454广东工业大学专业英语In/By contrast In/By contrast are used to express a situation that is very different from on just presented.e.g.Students from local cities study perhaps ten hours a week.In contrastIn contrast,immigrant students work extremely hard,averaging twenty to thirty hours of study a week.连词5555广东工业大学专业英语连词In/By contrast In/By contrast indicates how different one thing or person is from another thing or person mentioned earlier.(as an adv)By/In contrast,the use of public transport has been increased.(as an adj)This is in contrast to the decrease in use of private cars.5656广东工业大学专业英语On the contraryOn the contraryMany students think that“in/by contrast”and“on the contrary”are the same,but they are not.On the On the contrary contrary is usually used to state that a preceding idea is false.They are not rude.On the contraryOn the contrary,they are extremely well mannered.The first sentence stats that X(they are rude)is not true.The second sentence,introduced by on the contrary,expresses an entirely opposite opinion, implies that X is entirely false.连词5757广东工业大学专业英语连词On the contraryOn the contraryYou use this expression when you have just said that X is not true and are going to explain how the opposite of X is true.e.g.I am not rejecting the theory;on the contraryon the contrary,I am suggesting a hypothesis that calls for more substantial research for further exploration of the theory.5858广东工业大学专业英语On the other hand On the other hand is mostly used to introduce the second of tow conflicting points of view from the same person/people/community.e.g.Harry is hesitant about his research procedure.He wants to analyze the secondary data before the primary data because he has experience in this approach;on the other handon the other hand,he is aware that it is more appropriate to start with primary data for this research.连词5959广东工业大学专业英语连词On the other hand On the other hand can be used to introduce the second of two contrasting points,facts or ways of looking at something.He might have got caught in a traffic jam.On the On the other handother hand,he might still be asleep.It may rain tomorrow,on the other hand on the other hand it may be sunny so we can all go hill climbing.6060广东工业大学专业英语连词The use of However/Nevertheless/NonethelessMany students think these are interchangeable but they are not.“Nevertheless”/“Nonetheless”tells you that the following information is surprising in view of the previous information.“However”does not have this connotation of unexpectedness.6161广东工业大学专业英语连词Look at the example below.I lost my wallet today.However there wasnt much money in it.Here you cannot use“Nevertheless”/“Nonetheless”.There is nothing in the first sentence that makes the following sentence surprising or unexpected.This difference in meaning is very useful both because it helps the listener/reader predict and also because it conveys the speakers attitude to what he is saying.6262广东工业大学专业英语连词Look at the following examples:(a)he failed all his exams.However he is trying again.(b)he failed all his exams.Nevertheless/Nonetheless he is trying again.In(b)the speaker finds it surprising that the candidate,have failed all his exams,should try again.In(a)there is no such feeling of surprise.6363广东工业大学专业英语连词The point is that:i)You can write“However”instead of“Nevertheless”/“Nonetheless”but may lose some meaning.ii)You cannot always write“Nevertheless”/“Nonetheless”instead of“However”.The result could be nonsense.6464广东工业大学专业英语连词HoweverIntroduces a comment which is contradictory to what has just been said.e.g.He did not collect sufficient data;however,his arguments sound convincing.6565广东工业大学专业英语NeverthelessIntroduces a comment which is surprisingly contradictory to what has just been said.e.g.He thought he has not performed well in his assignment;nevertheless,he was awarded an A grade.连词6666广东工业大学专业英语FurthermoreIs used to introduce a piece of information or opinion that adds to or supports the previous one.e.g.Computer chess games are still a bit expensive,but they are getting cheaper all the time.Furthermore their chess-playing strength is rising.连词6767广东工业大学专业英语MoreoverIs used to introduce a piece of information or opinion that adds to or support the previous one;this information is usually more important than the previous one.e.g.The democrats have accused the opposition parties of corruption.Moreover,they have named names.连词6868广东工业大学专业英语EXPRESSING SIMILARITIES 表达相似:The two sentences below are examples of how you could express similarity in your writing.BothBoth academic andand research staff members were fa


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