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be distinguished from 不同于不同于be distinct from be distinguished for 因因而著称而著称 distinguish oneself 显扬自己;使自己扬名显扬自己;使自己扬名 3.seize阅读下列句子,观察阅读下列句子,观察 seize 在句中的在句中的意意思。思。1)Seize the day,seize the hour._2)He seized me by the hand and dragged me from the window._抓住(时间、机会等)抓住(时间、机会等)抓住,捉住抓住,捉住3)The soldiers seized the city after a hard fight._夺取,攻占夺取,攻占用用seize的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1)The host _ my hand and shook it heartily.2)We must _ every chance to practice speaking English.seizedseize2(every)now and then/again 时而;偶尔;有时时而;偶尔;有时拓展:拓展:from time to time now(that)in that just now from now on since then by now right now 有时有时;不时不时 由于由于;既然既然从现在开始从现在开始,今后今后刚才刚才从那时以来从那时以来到目前为止到目前为止此刻;现在此刻;现在set aside set out to do sth.set out(for)set off(for)=leave for set down set up set an example to/for sb(set sb an example)为为节省或保留(钱或时间);节省或保留(钱或时间);将将放在一边放在一边:留出留出,对对.不予以考虑不予以考虑 开始做某事开始做某事出发出发,启程启程出发出发,动身动身;使爆炸使爆炸 记下记下,写下写下;登记登记建立,创立建立,创立为某人树立了为某人树立了榜样榜样1.I am writing to you in connection with your job _(apply).2.What are the _(criterion)of being an emergency nurse?I.用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。applicationcriteria3.If you would give me another chance,I believe I can come up to your _(expect).4.Will it be _(convenience)for you to start working tomorrow?convenientexpectationII.每空填一词每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的使该句与所给句子的意思相同或相近。意思相同或相近。1.Not receiving any letter from him,I gave him a call.Not receiving any letter from him,I _ _ _.called him up2.The shepherd set out to look for the sheep that had wandered away.The shepherd _ _ _ _ the sheep that had wandered away.3.It seems that he has read this book.He seems to _ _ this book.set about looking forhave read4.He went to see his grandmother sometimes.He went to see his grandmother _ _ _.5.He was able to walk without sticks only one day after the operation._ _ _ _ _ _ _ he able to walk without sticks.nowandthenoperationOnly one day after thewas6.He will not agree to this plan,and he will not support anyone who does either.He will not agree to this plan,_ _ _ support anyone who does.norwill heIII.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空。用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空。a matter of get down to in case call up in addition to get rid of1.How can you _ a bad habit?2.He had his camera ready,just _ he saw something that would make a good picture.get rid ofin case3._ your car payment,you will have to pay for annual insurance.4.Im sure we will succeed in time if we keep on trying.Its just _ time.5.I must _ study tonight,as Im going to take an exam tomorrow.6.She _ a friend just for a chat.In addition toa matter ofget down tocalled upIV.根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。成英语。1.他开始说服我接受他的想法。他开始说服我接受他的想法。(set about)He set about persuading me to accept his ideas.2.可能会下雨,你最好把伞带上以防可能会下雨,你最好把伞带上以防万一。万一。(in case)3.我今天不方便去逛街。我今天不方便去逛街。(convenient)Youd better take an umbrella in case of the rain.Its not convenient for me to go shopping today.二、基础写作:二、基础写作:1 1对那些希望在学业上表现出众的人,专家有一些对那些希望在学业上表现出众的人,专家有一些建议。建议。(distinguish oneselfdistinguish oneself)2 2首先,自己要选定一个属于自己的目标,同时,首先,自己要选定一个属于自己的目标,同时,还要制订一个计划。还要制订一个计划。(decide ondecide on)3 3计划一旦制订,自己就要着手执行。计划一旦制订,自己就要着手执行。(set aboutset about)4 4与此同时,自己还得作好准备去应付各种挑战。与此同时,自己还得作好准备去应付各种挑战。(be prepared forbe prepared for)5 5第二,自己要摆脱一些不良习惯,因为它们会阻第二,自己要摆脱一些不良习惯,因为它们会阻碍自己。碍自己。(get rid ofget rid of)6 6第三,要尽力把握每一个机会来发展自己的综合第三,要尽力把握每一个机会来发展自己的综合素质。素质。(seize every opportunity toseize every opportunity to)7 7尽管自己可能会经历许多困难,只要自己尽力去尽管自己可能会经历许多困难,只要自己尽力去克服它们,还是可以获得成功的。克服它们,还是可以获得成功的。(go through,go through,overcomeovercome)


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